tfw there will never be a sequel to one of the best IG books.
Tfw there will never be a sequel to one of the best IG books
Fucking imperial weaboos.
Missing the correct picture.
tfw no Double Eagle sequel. It's fucking top gun in 40k.
it's literally the battle of Britain.
The only problem being that you couldn't really make a sequel to 15 Hours.
They could always continue to push the story they built up around the squad. I'd like to know why the one guy just ran in, shouted some gibberish and then the old mechanicus dude who'd lived in the sewers for years obeyed him no problem (I don't remember any of their names but I know there was one guy descrbied like a dwarf because he's small, one tall dude who was the smart one and the one dude who wasn't all that smart but pretty fucking strong). That and their sergeant who essentially became the fucking leader of their regiment is a badass and needs his own story.
>there will never be more Deff Skwadron
I suppose so, but I feel 15 Hours sits very well with the ending it has, we join this group of people with Larn, and leave them with him, we don't get any answers because he never lived to see them, probably my favourite thing about the book.
Oh no, I agree, the whole thing with Larn and how he pretty much beat the odds (almost) is a good story of the fucked up situation of war in the imperium from the perspective of a rookie through literally into the meat grinder and the worst part was it wasn't even the correct one
Tfw Larn's family will literally never know
Wrong picture
I think one of the hard hitting parts was having Larn's worldview broken when he explains how his grandfather won a lotto to get out of the Guard and settle the planet he came from only for the others to basically say "Yeah it sounds like he killed the dude and took his ticket"
And? You think the Imperium makes a routine habit of wasting Astrotelepathic capacity with "We regret to inform you..."?
That's why it's the best IG book.
You could make a few other books around similar premisses. Each time a new squad thrown into a different kind of horrible hell.
You can't reiterate the same book over and over of course, you will have to find new angles, but still.
Absolutely not, just dwelling on the fact that they'll pray for his safety for decades after he died.
I guess they may or may not communicate regiment losses to their homeworld and automatically assume all their men are dead.
For whatever bureaucratic reasons.
Also I could see special exceptions for propaganda.
And it doesn't have to waste astrotelepath time, you can take the long way and just give the message to whatever ship that have to go there anyway (to embark the next regiment maybe?) if you're not in a hurry (you're not).
>couldn't really make a sequel
"15hrs - Fifteen Years Later"
"For Fifteen Hours More"
"Another 15hrs"
"A Further Fifteen"
"The Sixteenth Hour"
"A Fistful of Hours"
"Son of Fifteen Hours -
this time it's personnel, kid"
If Hollywood can do it, anyone can.
For shame. Gaunt's Ghosts is to Warhammer as Moby Dick was to literature. Most modern terms used today came from this series and is one of the best peices of literature in 40k.
> Fifteen centuries
This time it's about a young eldar and the cost of inaction. All the time you could have change things for the better, all the time you could have lend a hand and didn't, all the missed opportunities... And it's just as horrific.
>The Warmaster will never come out
>We'll never see the end of the Crusade
>We'll never see the few Tanith survivors find a new place to call home
Fucking hurts brehs...
> Fifteen minute
It's the average time of a tau engagement: everything has been planned, so you go on playing your part, follow the plan with precision and fifteen minutes later you're retreating for the next engagement... unless everything go wrong...