Is anyone else nostalgic for the days in MtG where under-costed creatures actually had drawbacks, instead of just being printed at Mythic?
Is anyone else nostalgic for the days in MtG where under-costed creatures actually had drawbacks...
Show me the 4/5 for 3G at mythic.
I think this comparison proves the point. Way better than 4/5.
Throughout MtG's lifespan creature spells have gotten stronger and non-creature spells have gotten weaker. This is nothing new.
It costs double G though
oh wow truly that makes up for it
Or maybe creatures just stopped being shit?
It's also legendary numbnuts. In a set with lots of giant fucking monsters. Besides most creatures from the early years of Magic are shit.
Thing is, Ernham isn't exactly undercosted. All creatures were OVERcosted, and then some had drawbacks slapped on on top of that just because.
>ernham djinn
OP, you might find other people "nostalgic" about it, but you wont find many people who actually wish things would go back to the way they were
I do op. Fuck all these Savanah lions in all colors. And 3/1s for 2 and 3/3s for GG. I wish 1,2,3s will remain not as good, 3(are rare+),4,5,6,7 seem ok.
Yes. I'm so tired of sylvan advocate. A 1(G) 4/5 vigilance if the opponent is playing any kind of ramp or land draw should not be a legal card just because it's rare.
I still demand a 4/4 trample for GGG
they could even make it 1/G and have you pay 2 life for each G you didnt pay
Why not make it 1GGG and a 5/5 trampler with Convoke so it doesn't die to Abrupt Decay?
GGGG all phyrexian mana
6/6 Trample Haste
Pic related is one of my favorite cards flavor wise.
GGRR would be more appropriate
They need to do this when they return to Ravnica again.
Stompy thingy - RRGG
Creature - Beast
Trample, Haste
GGGRRR would be appropriate for common. GGR would be appropriate for mythic.
As GG at fucking 4 cmc means anything when today's mana fixing lets decks be more colorful than fucking rainbow brite without breaking a sweat.
A common with Trample AND Haste. That will just confuse new players remember the NWO.
This card is fucking fantastic.
Case in point. This fucking guy. You'd think the three fucking colors would inhibit your ability to cast him, but the fucker was routinely being played on curve due to how obscenely easy it was to mana fix.
My favorite part is how the survivors can't kill it no matter how many try.
Counter spells used to be two mana for a dead stop to a spell. Nowadays the cheapest hard counter for spells is 3 mana, 2 of that blue.
Nah, that's not something that'd get hit by NWO or design.
It's the kind of thing you'd see in the development column
A: New card - GGRR 4/4 trample haste common
B: I like it
C: Testing shows it's too good in limited, upping cost to 1GGRR
B: not as fun anymore
C: Gruul still too strong, bumping up to uncommon.
D: This would go good in my EDH deck
E: shut up nagle
C: Too many gruul uncommons, bumping up to rare, reducing cost to GGRR, upping to 5/5, adding death trigger
A: Removing death trigger
B: Changing to 6/4 to make it more rareworthy. Now an Elemental instead of an Ox (why was it an Ox?)
C: Gruul Mythic cut, bumping this as a placeholder for now.
D: Legendary Elemental Ox
E: fuck off nagle
B: Reducing cost to RRG so it's more mythicy. Ball Lightning that sticks around!
C: p/t upped to 6/6 after testing