A thread for posting of CYOAs.
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CYOA general
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Gluttony is best choice (at least to me)
Hi. This should be
Consider enjoying it.
You're supposed to post a picture, not a thumbnail.
Also, you forgot the pastebin: pastebin.com
CYOAs for ants, perhaps
> Me
I demand to be dirty as I am in real life.
Imaginos, Box Wine, and Sockminster
posting the updated version again
Thank god am not on this cyoa.
Who are you? I'm working on a new version.
>Anyone on the last row
Who the hell are Box Wine and Imaginos?
Ber(r)i, Imaginos, and Pallas. First two for the cooking and cleaning and such, the last one for ability to function in society.
Bliss, Kit and Imaginos
has the right idea.
How do you not know who Photoshop-user and Alcoholic-guy is?
Imaginos made the Coins PDF, Bath CYOA and Dream Prince.
Box Wine made Dere waifu CYOA, and is currently working on a Superhero School CYOA
I would be okay with changing [any from row 4] to Imaginos. Kit definitely doesn't need Box Wine around to make her think alcoholism is okay, and she could definitely use Imaginos' cooking + graphics advice
Delete this failure of an OP.
I can't get hard to most of these babbyfaced images.
Do they namefag here? If not then it's unlikely for them to be well known
>still not AliceAnon
I don't care the guy's shit, he's a meme. I don't even know some of the guys in that pic existed.
I know those CYOAs, but never heard those authors to be reffered by those names.
>Superhero School
It's a fantasy hero thing, actually.
I'm waiting for Harem Creator. A girl who always tries her best, but has such a skewed vision of how reality works she can only cause massive destruction.
>I'll never be on one of these
I'll just have to try harder then.
And Beri is easily the best girl.
So Beri, Pallas, and Box Wine.
Nice one
One day Symbro. One day.
Memeness does not equal quality. There's nothing good about being famous for enlightened autism/shitstorm powers.
Imaginos literally writes his name on his CYOAs
Liminal Phrenic should be in as someone implied to actually be a cosmic horror from beyond time who'll eventually up and kidnap you to a dark realm someday.
Is it the tongue?
It's the tongue, isn't it?
>this whole thread so far
I guess summer's here for real. Good to know, I'll save my OC until shit settles a bit.
No kidding. Joke going around was that Alice user ascended after writing that Waifunomicon of his. The secrets of the universal manifold lotus are among its walls of text.
Just post it.
Guess I'll save mine, too. When is it safe to post, allmighty sage?
>implying i ever read authors names on the CYOAs
I learn authors names only when they are mentioned in the discussions
It will never be safe
I made the muscle wizard cyoa
For some reason although my cyoa isn't that popular I can see its design elements being used and referenced in alot of new fantasy cyoas we're getting lately.
It must be a coincidence though.
Best girl.
C'mon guys, just post it. The thread just started.
I'm starting to think people don't actually have OC and are just lying to get attention.
I read that in his voice.
It has good ideas, the main issue is formatting/graphical design.
How's the update/remake coming along?
>I'm starting to think people don't actually have OC and are just lying to get attention.
>It must be a coincidence though.
It must be. There's maybe five people who've read it.
slow and painful
I probably scrapped a couple dozen different designs already.
Is that a magic Buddhist monk?
a magic robotic Buddhist monk
Rarely do I post with a name unless it's directly to answer a question or posting a new cyoa or dlc. Most questions I usually don't bother.
Yeah I have all my coyas with my name and version number of the cyoa so people know what is the latest one as filenames get changed often.
As mentioned i've also been called Photoshop-user for helping people out with photoshop problems or doing something for them in photoshop, though I'm not the only one who helps people with PS issues.
SymbioteAnon/Symbro would be a cool addition to that cyoa, Would need 2 more for another row though.
>There's maybe five people who've read it.
Fuck that's brutal
Come on mate, it's a decent CYOA. It could use work but it's readable.
Everything is good besides the pictures. I just feel nothing looking at them. Other then that it looks good.
Mate, there's already been posted one piece of OC. How greedy can you get?
Wouldn't you rather have one OC in each thread than them all dumped at once?
Unlikely, but are either of you guys that Arabian Nights user by chance?
>mfw even if I am included in a cyoa author waifu cyoa
>I'll be that meek quiet girl that sits in the corner and gets ignored by everybody
Like tears in the rain.
i need anything heaven or hell related, someone dump please
>Would need 2 more for another row though
Well, there's always Furrean. Who else has made a CYOA recently but him and that Symbiote guy?
Really you include Angelanon when all she did was make one weird CYOA?
I recently made the Desert Soldier CYOA and the Crown Quest CYOA.
I made one and two joke ones, but it's all irrelevant shit.
Already started But I have more.
Pallas, Berri, Imaginos
Something like pick related perhaps?
Here's the virtue counterpart.
>Wouldn't you rather have one OC in each thread than them all dumped at once?
Next you'll be advocating that each CYOA gets its own thread, and we all know how that'll go.
I mean, I know he's hated, but I generally like harem creator's CYOAs.
Pick one
Not done just yet.
>Implying an AI might not jump on Buddhist principles.
>Is it the tongue?
I would actually be very okay with that
Not exactly Hell related, but close enough
I'm generally not okay with a hentai monster touching me in my special places, or making my tongue really long, or not respecting "consent".
Bad symbiote, bad!
Really, look at what you're doing to her. Does it look like she's enjoying it?
And you're invading her underwear too!
do you even praise Buddha meatbag?
We've exited WataMote levels of uncanny and uncomfortable but I'll fucking take it.
Box Wine, Bliss, and Imaginos
>Kit doesn't like Italics
Some of the stuff in this cyoa are true, but is this true?
Also no OrdionAnon. Come on senpai.
I didn't, actually. Sorry not sorry.
I know you made Toy Story CYOA, which doesn't interest me in the slightest, and Kaifu CYOA, which has absolutely zero interest given it's both a fetish + waifu CYOA.
What else did you make but the Symbiote CYOA?
How each of you guys deals with hunting for images? I just returned from the dark depths of deviantart and my eyes are bleeding from the things I saw. It seems that no matter what I'm searching for, half of the pictures will always be some poorly drawn furries, ponies or those weird things from Sonic.
Thankfully, I already got all the images I needed, so I won't have to return to this god forsaken place in a while.
Oridin did . There has been other new content but I'm not sure who made some of it.
Danbooru, Pixiv, and Gelbooru senpai.
Honestly I just use Google for most of it.
Takes some digging though for the real nice ones, and sometimes I have to reverse image search to find one of the right size.
Anyone have those medieval-themed kingdom CYOAS? Or skeleton gangrape? The classics. I know people bitch about them being in every thread, but lately threads end up being like 6 CYOAS total, usually the sin one, the slut one, WIP stuff, and then 200 replies of discussion. That's fine I guess, I prefer the older CYOAS personally, so anyone got 'em?
I liked it. I see builds for it now and then.
battle angel alita
Symbiobro made Kaifu? Slowly rising in my pantheon of authors. Mostly due to name recognition, tbqh.
>medieval-themed kingdom CYOA
don't ask for that, you'll start another gay marriage shitstorm that will eventually turn to NTR shitstorm.
Well I guess the pastebin isn't in the op so I won't bully you too hard but man it is not at all that hard to find a whole lot of CYOAs if you put in just a little bit effort of your own.
Be the change you wish to see, 'n all that.
Yeah he does good stuff
It's in the second reply to the OP, though, shouldn't be that hard to find.
you are a champion, keep em coming. especially if they have tiddies in them
>Not in the cyoa.
Eh, I'm not mad. Expected this since I only have one cyoa to my name (pic related.) Will get out more cyoas soon.
All I have left saved are a few older versions of . You want me to post them?
Oh I remember that one. He finished it and refused to post it because so many shitposters were, well, shitposting. Sad too it looked really nice from the wips and I love Arabian Nights content.
What did you make? Joke ones can be fun.
I thought his last one was good but he got flamed for his responses to people.
SymbiotAnon made Kaifu, Artificial Intelligence, Bionicle, Symboite, Toy Story and Second Skin from my folder for him...may have missed one.
Google. Sometimes google with deviantart or site:deviantart.com to help filter it. I change key words in the search a lot and usually add art or artwork to the end. That usually gets me an image i want or something close and if it's close and on DA then I use that page as a "search for similar". You can avoid some of the stuff you're running into that way.
Also artstation is good and a few others in the pastebin. Anime images dan/gelbooru are your go to sites i'd think.
this may be the latest pastebin pastebin.com
nah these are good, still want more of the genre though
My first one was the super simple second skin one, then I did the AI one, then I did the Bionicle one, and then the toy story, Kaifu, and Symbiote ones.
Aw shucks. You guys.
>Captcha, burgers aren't sandwiches