You are one of three characters: Samson, a spoiled bard, Dyrus, an axe-wielding rebel's son, or Rene...

>You are one of three characters: Samson, a spoiled bard, Dyrus, an axe-wielding rebel's son, or Rene, an orphan adopted by a high-ranking Director of an ominous empire, now a prepromoted archer-lancer. POV will rotate between them on a thread-by-thread basis, with an off-chance that someone else might occasionally take a chapter.

>These protagonists' motivations and goals will very likely come into conflict with one another's.

>Character Death is always a possibility and sometimes an inevitability (this is Fire Emblem after all), but your actions can very easily influence who lives and who dies.

>Voting periods will last an average of ten to fifteen minutes, but this may be increased, decreased, or generally changed at any given moment based on voter turnout.

>Write-ins are encouraged.

>The previous threads are archived on suptg under "Silver Scales of the Past," and a pastebin summarizing each one's events will be provided at the start of the next, like so:

>A list of all current summaries and threads:

>Our update Twitter is qmgrandflocto, and we have an also under

>Preempting any memesters in the audience tonight. /qst/ is a trial board, and I am not currently under any obligation to migrate there.

Other urls found in this thread:

can you at least put it in the title

Weird, I KNOW I put in a title. Anyway, it's FE Quest: Silver Scales of the Past #28. My bad, I guess.

Remember not to engage antiquesters.

As he and his men sail Northwest to aid Adelais Dory, Samson sits in his cabin, hands buried in face. God, this whole "kidnapped dad" thing has put a damper on his mood. He can't show his face to the crew when he's this down. He's their motivator for a reason, dammit! Showing how much anguish and worry is currently overwhelming him will just bring everyone else down. The only person who he'll let see at his weakest like this is Millicent.

Half the continent away, in the valley of Garou, the Wolfskin region's capital city of Velouria prepares for invasion. The folks at the nearby Fort Velour await their chance to avenge Director Chiffon, Donnegan, and Saye. Speaking of the latter, Rene is currently paying her family's home a bittersweet visit, dropping off the rabbit's foot that her thought-to-be-fallen friend asked her to give to her brother. They're a very pleasant bunch, Saye's family, though the mood is ABSOLUTELY dampered by the circumstances.

The forces of the resistance and the Tarvosian Nomads, meanwhile, also continue toward Fort Velour, Director Chiffon dropped off in a safe place and Saye having abandoned them as soon as his safety was ensured. Dyrus keeps training for as long as he can until the inevitable battle with Acting-Director Cashmere. Doubtless Flees, and likely her as well, have riled up the forces of the already-famously-human-intolerant Wolfskin capital, so talking things out won't be as easy as it was with Saye.

>A. Be Samson
>B. Be Rene
>C. Be Dyrus

>B. Be Rene

You... Really feel like shit, hanging around Saye's little brother. He can't be more than ten, you figure, and he speaks with such enthusiasm about his elder siblings and the good times the lot of them have had... Gods, you could've done more for her.

She's dead, it could absolutely be the fault of someone who Saye trusted beyond all measure and CERTAINLY has something to do with her sole surviving friend...

Eventually, your guilt reaches the point where you show yourself out, despite their insistence that you stay, meeting with Cicero to discuss his observations of Flees.

"He's... not done anything odd yet, at least that I could witness. I didn't think it prudent to cause an incident by following him into that underground temple in the center of town, though," he admits. Only followers of a particular deity whose name can't even be spoken to humans are apparently allowed in, so you get why even your beloved sneakmaster didn't risk it. "If he's meeting with someone in there, however, that would be it... Not that we can expose Flees for what he is with mere conjecture."

>A. Can he try to sneak in there?
>B. Not much else we can do, then...
>C. Write-in response

>A. Can he try to sneak in there?

"Then... Perhaps you should try to follow him in there sometime," you say. "Entry to the temple is already restricted to followers of this spirit, so if whoever he's meeting with is also a follower... How is the security?"

"Nothing I haven't been trained to evade," Cicero says, "at least from the outside... Regardless, with just a bit of homework and forethought, I should be able to scope the place's interior out by the time the resistance arrives in this city."

"I'll be counting on you, then," you say, giving the butler-assassin a quick peck on the lips. "Be safe."

"It would hardly be appropriate of me to defy a direct order like that," Cicero responds before showing himself off.

You've got awhile to kill until the impending attack, and Cicero is now officially busy, but the other members of your group are up to assorted things.

By your order, Alfred is accompanying Veiz everywhere she goes in this city, Omar and Hal are scoping things out in Fort Velour, and Marduk is flying around the perimeter of the city, on watch for the sight of rebels.

Director Cashmere, too, is on the outskirts of Velouria alone, watching for quite the same thing Marduk is.

>A. Spend time with someone (specify)
>B. Skip ahead

A. Spend time with Cashmere

You, in the meantime, decide to check up on Cashmere.

"Oh... Hrm... Wha?" As you approach Director Cashmere, she shakes her head and springs out of a little bit of a nap. "Oh, hey, Rene..."

"Director," you say. "I understand your... Condition, but is now really a good time to doze off?"

"Better now than... Mmmh," Cashmere scratches her side, yawning again, "when the rebels show up... Gotta be well-rested to rip that Dyrus jr. guy to shreds..."

"It would appear that we both have plenty of reason to loathe that boy," you point out, admittedly not all too certain that Flees' story of finding Donnegan dead and then Chiffon with the Royal Axe through him adds up. Still, though, fuck Dyrus.

"Hmmn?" Cashmere tilts her head to one side. "Oh, right... Waldrick..."

"And Saye," you correct Cashmere. "She was my friend as much as she was your student."

"Mmh..." Cashmere gets uncomfortably close before patting your back comfortingly with both hands. "The revolution... *yawn* ends here..."

"Uh huh," you say, backing out of the less-than-wanted pillowing before saying. "Jr, though? I've never heard him referred to as Dyrus Jr..."

"Huh, yeah... I guess I just sort of assumed since..." Her tilted head tilts to the opposite shoulder, "that was his father's name and all..."

>A. Did she know him?
>B. An easy mistake, then
>C. Write-in response
>D. ...

>A. Did she know him?

>A. Did she know him?

"Did you know him?" You ask out of curiosity. "This older Dyrus, I mean."

"Yeah, back when, uh... Director Braid, I think was in power at the time... He was the most recent outside investigator. Very determined fellow, nicer to wolves than a lot of humans were..."

"And what happened to him?" You ask.

"Well, a little while after he showed up in Velouria, that nomad chief assassinated Director Braid, and... Humankind sort of tanked in popularity around the valley, and... He just sort of disappeared. I think he ran away, myself."

"I see..." Given what you've been TOLD always happens to outside investigators in the Wolfskin region, and even what the younger Dyrus HIMSELF has said quite loudly about his father's fate, that 'who knows' attitude does strike you as odd...

>A. Mention this to Cashmere
>B. Hold your tongue
>C. Well, you'd best be off
>D. Write-in response

>A. Mention this to Cashmere

>A. Mention this to Cashmere

"That is somewhat odd," you say. "I've never heard of investigators RUNNING AWAY in the Wolfskin region..."

"What do you mean?" Cashmere asks.

"I mean... It's fairly widely-known that the man-eating sect leaves their bones out for the Tarvosians to find..."

"...huh? I mean, most of them, I'm told, but Dyrus couldn't have..." Cashmere mumbles to herself.

"And why is that?" You ask.

"The same reason I assumed he ran away and got caught," Cashmere says, "he's become the Deadlord Bovis. If he was just bones, presumably in his family's possession..."

"Wait... Come again? How did you know that?" You ask.

"Methodius and I *yawn* keep in touch," Cashmere answers dismissively. "If 'his' bones were found, they couldn't have really been his... You'd be surprised what you can counterfeit, though..."

"I mean," you ask, "what does a body need to be reduced to before Necromancy can no longer affect it? COULD Dyrus Sr.'s body have been raised from a stolen skeleton?"

"You're asking the wrong girl," Cashmere says, "I have... No clue how all that works, just that a deserter was turned into an undead warrior for the Empire..."

>A. Alright, fine
>B. You think she DOES know more
>C. Who should you ask, then?
>D. Write-in response

>C. Who should you ask, then?

>C. Who should you ask, then?

"Who would I ask about something like that, then?" You ask.

"Your sister's learning from him, right?" Cashmere asks. "Asking her about Deadlords would be smarter..."

"I'll do that tonight, I suppose," you say, figuring that it would be a hassle to track Veiz down at a point before you knew exactly where to meet her anyway.

"Alright, then... Listen, I'm gonna go get a full 14 hours bedrest in now so I'm rested tomorrow, so... Since you said you'll do that thing just now tonight, could you take my place until Ms. Cott arrives for night shift?" She stretches a bit. "I would... really hate to fall asleep in the middle of THIS battle, and you saw how fast it can happen if I don't get a ton of rest..."

>A. Sure
>B. Can't she put that off a couple hours?
>C. You, uh, have some other engagements to get to
>D. Write-in response

>A. Sure
>D. Dream of crushing our enemies.

>A. Sure

"Certainly, Director," you say with a slight smile. "Dream of crushing our enemies, won't you?"

"And then I'll wake up and make it come true..." Cashmere says sentimentally. "Seeya..."

From there, you spend awhile just... Sitting around, waiting for nothing to continue to happen.

Just as you predicted, in fact, a whole lot of nothing does, and soon enough you find yourself back in your company's lodgings for your stay in Velouria after being relieved of the watch duty thrust upon you.

Speaking with Veiz in your shared quarters, you ask her about the limits of the creation of Deadlords, specifically if skeletons can be given flesh and blood.

"Apparently," Veiz answers, "so long as the person's remains can be recovered by the necromancer wishing to create a Deadlord, the spirit can be imbued into anything, with the side-effect of healing their mortal wounds, even including such things as a severed limb, or in this case... A complete loss of flesh and muscle." She looks down, sadly. "Making that poor bard's actions even more futile..."

"I see," you say, wanting to quickly direct the conversation away from her experience at Fort Dalshin. "Pardon the suddenness of the question, by the way. I was simply curious about something I'd discussed with Director Cashmere earlier today."

"You read my mind," Veiz responds. "I... Apologize for bringing the mood down with my sulking. I shouldn't be sympathizing with that bard."

"Why the turnaround?" You ask.

"You... weren't informed?" Veiz asks. "Methodius claims he's effectively become the face of anti-Gerxel resistance in the coastal region, and between his forces and the Dory company, the Briggid island region has become the only territory in the Southern islands legitimately under Imperial control."

"And... Hera?" You ask.

"Fine, last Methodius checked," Veiz asks. "But... Even she can't fight on forever."

>A. Just... focus on here
>B. We need to request to return
>C. ...
>D. She can!
>E. Write-in response

>A. Just... focus on here

>A. Just... focus on here

"I think it would be wise for us to... Put home out of mind for awhile," you say. "It'll be extremely painful to linger on thoughts of it."

"I know, but..." Veiz balls up her fists. "I need to be less... Compassionate, towards our foes. If I keep showing weakness like this, someone is going to die."

"You can handle it, I'm certain," you say, "and I'll always be there to support you."

"I... I know," Veiz says, shaking her head. "Forgive me for getting so distraught."

And so begins an overall-uneventful night, bar Cicero briefly arriving to report that he'd heard rumor of a secret entrance to the Temple of Velouria existing somewhere in the Northern outskirts of the city... If he can find that, he says, he'll be able to get in with the utmost of ease!

>character limit, continued next post

The next late morning, several scouts report something you were all expecting anyway: the resistance is approaching from the Southwest, and Tarvosian raiding parties are trying to converge on the city from the East. Chief Tien has been spotted among the rebels, also throwing "suspicion" on his involvement in the death of your fallen garou friends, at least for those who don't suspect conspiracy.

Cashmere, actually having bothered to button up her clothes all the way for the occasion, addresses your group and the beaststone-wielding wolves with uncharacteristic seriousness, never once stumbling into a yawn. "Now, the rebels are a hideously dangerous group. On top of our beloved Director Chiffon, they've taken the lives of Directors Cato and Waldrick. I need not share with you all the horrific actions of Chief Tien, and the rebels' leader, Lady Hauteclere, on top of being a dangerous warrior in her own right, carries with her a staff capable of healing any wound. The only reliable counter to this is to kill every opponent before they have any hope of being healed." She pounds her fist into her opposite hand. "We must be swift and decisive, show them just why the hell the Wolfskin are the most feared warriors in the Empire! Just because these rebels outnumber us doesn't mean we can't tear them to shreds right here and now!"

The crowd cheers for Cashmere as she orders them forward. Beaststones glow and men and women shift into monstrous forms before pouring South and East, faster than you and your men (minus Cicero, absent from battle for his investigative reasons) can register what's going on. Marduk, flying, is the only one able to keep up with the pack.

Cashmere wipes her brow, exhales loudly, and approaches you slowly with a slouch and a tired tone. "How'd I do?"

>A. You almost thought she'd really become super serious
>B. Bit over-the-top
>C. Very inspiring!
>D. Eh.
>E. Write-in response
>F. Let's just go!

>A. You almost thought she'd really become super serious

>>C. Very inspiring!
Good choice of music

"For a moment, I thought you'd truly become a no-nonsense leader," you say, sharing a chuckle with the acting-Director. "It was very inspirational, though.

"I am taking it seriously..." Cashmere says. "Public speaking is just exhausting, but historic moments warrant grand speeches..."

That being said, you and your crew rides out, you and a transformed Cashmere leading the charge before your lot fans out to aid various allies.

Marduk, for example, can be seen off in the distance, already squaring off against Hauteclere and two of her cavaliers while backed up by about ten wolves. Some... six wyvern riders seem to be flying in to support the resistance-leader, but you're sure Marduk can at least SURVIVE that.

Veiz, surrounded by Alfred and a half-dozen bonewalkers, fends off a bunch of mercenaries under the Lords of Chance banner.

Hal, meanwhile, seems to be challenging himself by staring down and trading magical blows with a young-looking Light Mage and a blue-haired girl, backed up also by a pair of wolfskin.

Omar stays back, currently the closest to your position.

Cashmere, meanwhile, has already sought out the big target, who you recognize as Chief Tien. He and his horse swerve past their every strike, but she also seems to be avoiding being slaughtered quite handily.

>A. Back someone up (specify who)
>B. Go see how the front defending from Tarvosians is faring
>C. Stay back here for now...
>D. Write-in action

>B. Go see how the front defending from Tarvosians is faring

>B. Go see how the front defending from Tarvosians is faring

Putting faith in your men to challenge Hauteclere's fine and dandy, you ride off to the Eastern end of the city, towards Fort Velour, to hopefully stop it from being stormed by nomads.

To put it lightly, you do manage to do so, arriving on the scene and putting arrows into the attackers from afar. Since they're all so busy fighting the close-range wolfskin to notice your actions, and even those you don't manage to pick off are able to be stopped. Omar, in the meantime, stays close, opting to heal up the wounded Wolfskin.

"Hey, you!" A young man's voice calls out. The voice belongs to a familiar blue-haired boy sitting on the back of a pegasus with its purple-haired rider, he says, "hey, remember me?"

"You... You're very bold to approach me like this," You say, readying your Brave Bow.

"Hey, hey, it's just that we need to talk about something!" Dyrus responds. "Dismount, Belle, just in case..."

"This is a terrible idea, Sir," the pegasus knight responds as she dismounts, staying between you and the axe-lord.

"'re lucky I haven't shot you both dead already," you say. "Now, tell me why you're here."

"You weren't expecting me? Saye said she would talk to you about this..." Dyrus responds, tilting his head to one side. "She was supposed to be days ahead of the rest of us!"

>A. What's this about Saye?!
>B. Stop trying to confuse you!
>C. No time for listening, only shooting
>D. ...
>E. Oh, right, that (dice+1d20 for pointless bluffing, greater than 10 succeeds)
>F. Write-in response

Rolled 6 (1d20)

>E. Oh, right, that (dice+1d20 for pointless bluffing, greater than 10 succeeds)

Rolled 13 (1d20)

>E. Oh, right, that (dice+1d20 for pointless bluffing, greater than 10 succeeds)

also this
>A. What's this about Saye?!

"Oh, right... Now I remember Saye talking to me," you say, coming off FAR more sarcastic than your attempt to lull his little bit of trickery into a false sense of security would have implied. "When she showed up in Velouria, which she ever did... Because she's alive."

"Not sure why you have to point it out so much," Dyrus says, apparently believing you despite your terribly sarcastic-sounding bluff, "but... Yeah."

"Dyrus," Belle says, before shaking her head and sighing. "Ugh, never mind..."

"What I want to know is why she'd be associating with you, since she neglected to explain that."

"Are you kidding?" Dyrus asks, "that's pretty much the most important part! Flees and Methodius were partnered up to backstab her, Donnegan, and Director Chiffon, but she and the Director survived, and-"

"Dyrus, she clearly doesn't ACTUALLY believe you," Belle says, no longer able to hold her tongue after her earlier interruption.

"...oh." Dyrus says. You laugh internally, at least knowing that you were able to make him feel like a complete idiot.

"Wait... Now you're trying to say Director Chiffon is alive? Why isn't he resolving this mess, then?"

"Because he was left in a coma by the Deadlords. Saye was only traveling with us until she could get him somewhere safe, and then she immediately broke away to tell you guys all of this! And if you weren't serious about believing me about Saye like Belle says... That means someone has to have captured her on the way!"

>A. Why should you believe ANY of this?
>B. You did suspect something was up...
>C. You believe them, but you still need to capture them
>D. Write-in response
>E. ...

>>B. You did suspect something was up...
>>C. You believe them, but you still need to capture them
Duty first.

>B. You did suspect something was up...
>I will need to capture you for further information.

"Honestly," you admit, "I've been looking into suspicions of foul play since we first arrived in the valley, and what you've told me has done nothing but move these beliefs forward."

"Really? Great! Then let's put aside our differences for awhile to clear this all up, and..."

You fire an arrow into Belle as she stands in front of her boss. "As thanks, I'll merely CAPTURE the two of you before reporting this... And for further information."

"H-hey!" Dyrus shouts as Belle draws her Silver Sword. "You ungrateful-"

"You can't be so naive to think I would let you just... Escape after running into my clutches, anyway."

"You..." Dyrus shuts his eyes, fists clenched. "I hate to disappoint mother, but that was just uncalled for!"

Belle downs a vulnerary as the arrow drops out of her rapidly-restoring wound, and Dyrus clutches that ornate-looking axe of his as he stands by her.

"L-Lady Rene!" Omar shouts from a distance, noting your outnumberedness even from the sight of his skirmish and starting forward in case you require some sort of healing.

>A. Don't stop him
>B. Stop him


>C. Attack Belle first (specify if not with Brave Bow)
>D. Attack Dyrus first (specify if not with Brave Bow)
>E. Get whoever comes close first with your lance!
>F. Write-in action

>>B. Stop him
Probably get in the way.
>>C. Attack Belle first (lance)
Take out support

>A. Don't stop him
>C. Attack Belle first (specify if not with Brave Bow)

Rolled 2 (1d2)

"I've got this, Omar," you say, readying your lance. "Please, stay back until the fight ends. When they're good and knocked out, someone's going to need to stop them from bleeding out." With that, you rush forward towards Belle, Steel Lance raised. While she's better-versed in mounted combat than you are, she's not the one on a horse right now, a fact which you employ quite well by skewering the rider in a single thrust of your weapon.

"Grh... Forget about me, Dyrus..." Belle grumbles, teeth grit, before passing out as you pull the weapon out of her open wound. It's... Nastier than you'd expected, but as soon as you've dealt with Dyrus Omar can save her just the same-

"Augh-!" Reeling in pain, you find yourself knocked off of your horse. That kid... Can't really be THAT strong, can he?

No, no, it's that axe he wields! You've read about weapons that can strike down horse-mounted warriors with ease, but that didn't look like any you'd ever heard of...

"Hey, you!" Dyrus shouts in Omar's general direction. "Change of change of plans! Get over here and save Belle! It's what your boss would want anyway, right?"

"I... Hrn..." Omar starts closer. "Forgive me, Lady Rene, but I will not leave you to bleed out..."

"You know, you seem like a really alright guy!" Dyrus says, turning to face the curate as he approaches. "It's really a shame you're wasting your time with the Empire when-"

Dyrus is interrupted by a lance through his chest, again just barely avoiding anything that would cause instant death. He should feel lucky that you're still willing to be so kind after what he did to your father, and stupid for leaving his back turned to you just because you fell off your horse.
>character limit, continued next post

"L-Lady Rene!" Omar says, looking you over first. "That wound..."

"It's alright, Omar. The... Iron Rune prevented it from hitting anything critical," you say, wincing. "Just... Close it up quickly, alright?"

You're naturally your ally's first target, and on your order the bleeding and unconscious Belle and Dyrus are saved from the brink of death as well.

You flag down a wolfskin who doesn't seem terribly busy, telling him to take the duo to the city's detention center, and looking relieved as Hauteclere continues to be preoccupied by your men.

Since Fort Velouria seems to be holding nicely for the moment, you and Omar ride back towards the main event, seeing that Cashmere and Chief Tien continue to be locked in an intense stalemate, nobody being so bold as to dare interfere.

"You cannot keep this up," Tien taunts, "you are not an endurant fighter!"

"Then I'll just kill you in one hit!" She shouts back through her monstrous maw, barely avoiding another arrow and leaping forward.

Tien dodges out of the way. "You see, though, 'one hit' is something no Wolfskin has ever gotten on me."

>A. Be so bold as to interrupt
>B. Go check on other parts of the battle
>C. Write-in action

>A. Be so bold as to interrupt
with an arrow

>A. Be so bold as to interrupt with an arrow

You fire a pair of arrows from your Brave Bow, one of which he catches in his fist before the other cuts through his hand. "I've been... wounded?"

The momentary distraction is more than enough for the mighty Tarvosian chief to have his arm torn off by Cashmere.

"Augh-!" He cries in anguish, dropping his Silver Longbow and attempting to focus himself despite what must be unbearable pain. He manages to, even in this delirious state, avoid any further attacks from Cashmere, though his horse fares far worse.

With his mount slain and arm lost, it's only a manner of seconds before Cashmere is upon the great warrior, silencing him before reverting to her human form. As you approach, you also make sure to say, "by the way, I've... apprehended Dyrus as well."

"Thank you, Rene..." Cashmere says, sighing deeply and clutching her chest in pain, wheezing from overexertion. "Saye, Braid, Chiffon, Donnegan... They've all been avenged."

"I mean... Dyrus and his bodyguard were taken alive," Omar says.

"No matter," Cashmere says, "they'll face justice soon enough anyway..."

>A. Also, Saye and Chiffon may be alive
>B. Right...
>C. Write-in response
>D. ...
I am aware, user. This was the first time in this quest that I missed the title, and it was even pointed out in the thread's first two posts!

>A. Also, Saye and Chiffon may be alive

>A. Also, Saye and Chiffon may be alive

"There's a... Possibility that Saye and Chiffon are still alive," you say to Cashmere. "Before he lost consciousness, Dyrus claimed that Chiffon was comatose in a village Southwest of here, and that Saye should've arrived awhile ago."

"Saye..?" Cashmere's eyes widen a moment, before she shakes her head. "No, I... haven't heard anything about Saye arriving anywhere close to town. I hope nomads didn't get her... Er, say, where did this rumor come from? Who knows about it?"

Before you can answer, Omar blurts out a lie, "pretty much the entirety of Fort Velour heard about it when Dyrus said it!"

"I see... We'll need to capture interrogate some nomads about her whereabouts if she and Chiffon survived, I guess that means that Hauteclere's men really had nothing to do with it... But just to confirm, I'll pay this town you mention a visit after the battle."

"We are fighting under false pretenses if Chiffon's assault was not at rebel hands, let alone if he's alive!" Omar responds.

"Um," Cashmere says, "we're the ones being invaded here... They came up to our town and started attacking, even in the unlikely situation they... Weren't lying about Chiffon. A-anyway, that fight took... a lot out of me, so I'll fall back for now..."

After Cashmere leaves, you quietly ask Omar, "why did you lie about who knew?"

"Someone does not ask a question like that without intent to end the trail of information," Omar whispers back. "Do not trust this Director Cashmere, Rene..."

Marduk breaks away from the fight with Hauteclere, being chased by two of those rebel wyvern riders as he approaches you and Omar.

"Why is Marduk fleeing?" You ask Omar. "Is he wounded?"

"I will ready my staff," Omar says, Mend staff as readied as he just said it would be.

>A. Ride up to meet Marduk
>B. Fire arrows at the riders chasing him
>C. Send Omar up ahead
>D. Wait here to see what happens
>E. Write-in action

>A. Ride up to meet Marduk

>>A. Ride up to meet Marduk

As you ride up to approach Marduk, Omar cautiously walking behind you, the riders chasing him, both young women by the looks of things, halt, presumably wisely not wanting to get shot. Marduk, surprisingly, looks just fine and dandy!

"Marduk," you say, "you look... Well, actually." It's almost... weird how well he looks. Not just in a 'not physically pained' way, but in a 'happy to be alive' way like you've never once seen him.

"You look like you've got some cause for celebration, too," Marduk says, the girls at his sides both sprouting unfamiliar expressions. The slightly-older-than-the-other-looking one on his left carrying an odd-looking shield. "Your good news first."

"Alright," you say, still having your bow ready in case either of his pursuers get any closer. "We've captured Sir Dyrus and his pegasus knight bodyguard."

"You unhand Dyrus right now, you-" The shield-wielding one shouts, beginning to ride forward, before Marduk raises up his hand.

"Well, uh... Good on you, I guess. Now it's time for my good news."

"Marduk..." You start. "Why did that rebel girl listen to you?"

The one who didn't rush forward snickers. "She doesn't recognize us..."

"Now, now, it's rude to tease," Marduk says to her. "Anyway, Rene. You know how my sisters were viciously killed by King Augustus?"

"Oh..." You know what he means the moment he asks, recognizing the two girls. You suppose thinking they were dead made it harder to accept offhand that the two girls you haven't seen in years were who they were.

"Yeah, you're already acquainted." Marduk has a wide, GENUINE smile on his face, before it turns into a frown. "But, uh... There's a part I don't think you'll be as fond of."

>A. "Tell me you didn't..."
>B. Immediately attack! (specify who and what with)
>C. Retreat
>D. Write-in response
>E. ...

>A. "Tell me you didn't..."

>A. "Tell me you didn't..."

"Oh, Marduk, tell me you didn't..."

"I'm afraid so," the traitor answers. "And Lady Hauteclere REALLY wants to see you. Considering you just threw her son to the literal wolves, I think she could use some cheering up."

"Marduk..." Omar shakes, looking nearly as upset as you, keeping his distance from the fight. "Turning sides like this is... I understand why you have done this, but I am still disappointed."

That settled, you draw your Brave Bow, attempting to shoot Marduk, when Winona, with Iote's Shield, leaps in the way of the shots, looking only mildly fazed by them as a result of its magic. "Alright, everyone, into formation!"

Nia rides up to your side. "Oh, boy, it's been so long since we pulled this off!"

"Sorry about this, Rene, honestly!" Marduk says, flying around his sisters to the side opposite Nia. "I just can't let go of my sisters again."

At once, all three of them shout, "triangle attack!"

You hear your sister calling out your name in anguish before blacking out.

A mere moment later, your eyes open again. You've been healed up, and Veiz, Alfred, and Hal are all fighting off the wyvern-riding trio of siblings. A strong grip prevents you from breaking free and fighting more, and you turn your head to see Cashmere, transformed but recognizable in her tiredness, carrying you away from the battle as Omar follows. "Don't worry, Rene," she assures you. "They'll... Fall back if it gets too hairy, I ordered them to promise..."

You slip out again, and when you wake up you're being carried through an unfamiliar building.

Next you awaken, you're in some sort of cell, in a dark, labyrinthine place. Next to you, Belle, looking quite irritated. In a cell across from you, Dyrus alongside a bruised-up Omar.

Belle quickly tries to give you a shiner to match, only for you to catch her fist. "...this is your fault," She says.

>A. Where are we?
>B. You know
>C. Curse Cashmere
>D. Write-in response
>E. ...

>C. Curse Cashmere

>A. Where are we?
>C. Curse Cashmere

"Grh... Damn you, Cashmere..." You say, groaning. "Where are we, though?"

"The... wolf spirit temple's name is misleading, a front for the headquarters of the flesh-eaters," Omar answers. "I refused to let Cashmere bring you anywhere alone, and my current battered state was the result. I'm honestly shocked she didn't simply kill me..." He puffs his cheeks out. "I mean, I'm glad and all, but am I too lean for her? ...wait, why am I getting offended?!"

"This is your fault," Belle repeats to you. "Obstinate imperial..."

"They'll find out about this place," Dyrus says. "It's... Super conspicuous and mysterious, and the wolves can't hold their siege of Velouria forever!"

"And as soon as rebels break through, it is... Likely we will be killed," Omar answers. "If not before even then."

The guard of the hall, who you recognize as Flees, taunts your lot. "Ahaha, this little guy gets it... No matter what happens, none of you are going to live to see the light of day again..."

"Wait... Why am I here, exactly?" You ask him.

"Cashmere saw through your friend's bluff," Flees answers. "Now, here's how it's gonna work. Every two hours, one of you's gonna be pulled out and... H-hey! How did you get in here?!"

Rather abruptly, a rapid array of throwing knives pierce Flees' neck.

Flees drops dead, and a familiarly bearded boyfriend (albeit far more cloaked than his usual attire), accompanied by what looks like Saye in prisoners' garb of some sort, approach, the latter already hoisting a bag full of equipment and swiping her former friend's beaststone, kicking his body for good measure.

"Cicero!" You whisper, smiling widely as he unlocks you and Omar's (by extension, Dyrus and Belle's) cells. "I thought we were all lost..."

"Hardly, Rene," he answers. "I found the place as quickly as I swore to, but needed to sneak awhile before finding Saye, and by then we'd found out you four were brought in..."

"I... Director Cashmere attacked me," Saye says, looking as though she's recently cried a lot. "I tried to tell her the truth, but then... I-I hadn't even considered that she could've been in on it..."

"It's alright, Saye..." You pat her shoulder as you and Omar take your equipment back, Saye proceeding to start towards Dyrus and Belle. "Are you... Certain it's wise to arm the rebels again, though?"

"It would be overly cruel not to, given the circumstances," Cicero answers, albeit still yet to GIVE them the weapons. Belle and Dyrus make grabby hands at Saye's bag.

"I'd prefer if we did too, honestly..." The wolf-girl says. "I mean, it's at least the smart thing to have extra hands down here."

>A. Fine, but they're finding their own way out
>B. You'll have to work together for now
>C. You're ordering them not to arm those two
>D. Write-in response

>>B. You'll have to work together for now

"Then..." You awkwardly look at the rebels you stabbed and got thrown in here not even two hours ago. "Looks like we're going to need to fight our way out of here. This alliance ends as soon as we're back on the surface, though," you say.

"Currently, we are on the third of four floors," Cicero says, "though the fourth and first are both much smaller than the rest, and the place is rather labyrinthine, and the fourth sublevel is technically hidden in the central room of the third... We will need to travel up onto the second floor to get back to the proper hall to the third to get us to the central fourth floor, since the security towards the top floor is MUCH tighter, but I'm told Director Cashmere is waiting towards the third floor, and... Oh, I'm taking too much time explaining! It will be easier to show you," Cicero says, all very rapidly and quietly.

Out of that, Dyrus merely gets, "alright, let's take out Cashmere!"

"Don't do anything reckless," Belle chastises.

"...I know. I'll get serious," Dyrus says. "Man, mom's gonna scream my head off and I'll deserve it."

"Less talking!" Saye whispers. "We wolves have excellent..."

"H-hey!" A pair of Wolfssegner rush forward. "Prison break?!"

"...hearing." Saye's face faults, before she transforms using Flees' beaststone and rushes towards them, backed by Cicero.

>To be continued next thread
I had to get it out of my system, I'm sorry.

Thanks for playing, everyone. As always, update twitter and are qmgrandflocto, and I'll be around in-thread to chat for awhile.

Thanks for running, Octo. Had fun.

Always a pleasure. This in particular has been a part I've been anticipating reaching for a little while. I was hoping it'd be "Rene for the battle, Dyrus for the escape" POV-wise, too, but getting that one's just good luck.