Welcome back, Kestrels, to the twenty-fourth installment of Mecha Space Pirate Quest! By popular demand (as in, three of you plus myself wanted to do it), today we have something a little different.
Today is a sneaking mission.
Previous Threads: suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com
Master Pastebin: pastebin.com
Upgrade Menu: pastebin.com
List of Moves: pastebin.com
Rogues' Gallery: pastebin.com
YOU ARE: Mohammed al Tabir (Age 16)
Attractiveness: 8
Body Type: 7
Cool: 8
Empathy: 10 (Human Perception +1)
Intelligence: 8
[Education]: +3
Luck: 7
Movement Allowance: 6
Reflexes: 10 (Dodge & Escape 5, Mecha Gunnery +5 Mecha Melee +6, Mecha Pilot +6, Melee +5, Rifle +2, Stealth +2, Zero-G +1)
Technical Ability: 7
Rookie Bonus: Anime Hero
Luck Points 7 (refreshes at end of session), Maneuver Pool 1 (refreshes at end of combat, otherwise identical to Luck)
Unlike Caesar, you have some existing IP that has boosted your skills, and your Mecha Pilot and Mecha Melee have been bumped up to 16 from observing the King Swordfish Mk. II during your duel...when you weren't busy being mad at it for destroying your arms with a stupidly big drill.