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Cleanup/SburbAnon here, but sleepy. Should be asleep at this, so not sure how coherent this'll be. But here goes. Took too long to type last thread.
Anyway, both have about the same approach as they're both Heirs, and both of less physical aspects. They'll be powerful in their aspect through calling on it, receive it, be passively helped by it, and at their greatest /become/ it.
Light is Knowledge, Luck, Fortuitous outcomes, (and a tangenial connection to sight?), so the Heir of Light would find it easy to acquire relevant information. Imagine opening a random book at a random page, and the first sentence you read is exactly what you wanted to know. They'd receive luck, things just falling into place for them. They'd just receive the piece of information they need at exactly the right moment without even knowing it. They'd be able to manipulate the fortunes of those around them, through more in a general calling it up to do things, instead of a Witch's assuming direct control.
When they become Light... it's probably more in a metaphorical way. The Heir of Light at it's apex would be ridiculously lucky and a font of knowledge. Through I'm not precluding the ability to become literal light either, since the canon Seer of Light manages to use 'majick' to fight with blasts of light. But it'd probably be less a lightspeed-moving form (scale is really weird in Sburb), and more a shining avatar or way to become mostly intangible for a bit.
The Heir of Heart on the other hand... Identity, Souls, and Emotions. Mainly positive emotion, and some connections to relationships. They'd be able to call on emotion, evoking those to have people feel things or matchmaking if they like. Maybe allowing beings that don't usually have those to feel them. They'd probably also be able to affect personalities and souls somewhat, not to be point of rewriting them but they can certainly make an impact. Anyway... they'd receive Heart. Imagine the Heir would be the focus of quite a bit of positive emotions, not necessarily love (through it certainly can be), but you can expect them to be generally liked anywhere and almost never dislike. Their own soul and emotions would probably be empowered too.
Becoming Heart is an interesting thing that could go either of two ways, or perhaps both. There's the becoming in positive emotion, which would probably be some kind of positive psychic 'infection'. Or what seems more likely is that you become a literal Sburb-style soul without a body, which would basically just be you but intangible and a little transparent.
A reminder that Owls aren't birds.
Who would win a fight, Doomguy or the Grimace?
No problem. Happy to answer questions when they come up. But now I must sleep.
Trumpet lessons are MANDATORY for all skeletal undead.
If you go Oni in Touhou, does the weakness to fried beans go away after the Jump?
Reposting Doom questions.
How do you get the Argent energy to power the weapons and cybernetics you can learn to make in Doom 2016?
Powering cybernetics on hell energy sounds like it could have very bad effects on the host, does it?
Does the Ultra Nightmare drawback scale with you?
Does Empowered by the Well boost other forms of magic or just Doom magic?
All told this looks quite good QS, and it is nice to see you again.
Source motherfucker.
Have a Doot.
Tiny Yuugi a cute.
Anyway, it's not mentioned in the notes so probably not. Get No Sell from Tsukihime.
Rolled 215 (1d582)
A new thread, a new roll.
Also reposting:
Would Lord of Light from Young Justice help against 40K Chaos? I'm not expecting it to 'solve'it or anything, but if you ward a place against chaos would the forces of Chaos have to tear the ward down before they can get in?
If not, what ways are there to protect yourself, your companions, and your minions from Chaos?
I agree with the sentiment passed last thread, we should delete Nechronica. Retroactively, we should also delete the MGNQ jump, and all the Generics, including all the jumps like Career Model, Hollywood, Mod, ect. because OC is terrible and unacceptable in jump chain.
What are you rolling on?
user, leave the previous thread's drama in the previous thread.
I think you missed where I said no action should be taken unless user could find proof.
To late, it's this thread's drama.
I don't agree with you anymore than, because I still say we should delete all OC.
How about you fuck off.
Look, that guy was retarded, but don't drag things between threads.
gr8 b8 m8, i r8 8/8, super ir8
Sooo, what'dya get?
You know, rather than start the drama from last thread, let's discuss the new DOOM jump instead! Like, now we can turn people into demons with the Lazarus thing! ...actually, speaking of which what's the range on that thing? Could we, with satellites and what not, turn the entire world population into demons?
I think the idea of throwing a tantrum about another user's opinion is just, ridiculous and childish. We both know you don't actually feel that way and it's just mockery and hyperbole of my opinion, but do you really think that's how an adult acts?
Yeah yeah, we get it.
Community driven content is on the grey line. Now fuck off.
>Turn the entire world's population into demons
I don't like DOOM.
Extra double heresy.
That's ok.
There is no gray, user. Only varying shades of black and white, and I don't know about you, but I'm not black.
If you haven't noticed, absolutely nobody agrees with you either. So drop it, or prepare to have your opinion disgarded as shitposting.
Just rolling my jump order. Am doing it here so I don't pussy out for whatever reason. I am also the poor sod from a couple days ago who rolled FF 13-3 as second jump.
Might starting posting the builds when I reach the 10th jump.
...Geneforge. Huh, I never got that one before.
"I didn't get nothin', I had to pay fifty dollars and pick up the garbage."
What's Doom? Can I eat it?
Man, I was the guy in the last thread, and I just don't consider magic Nechronica to be OC.
This new guy's a douche.
user I just hope you don't get sent to another world as horrible as FF13-3.
Oh, that sounds pretty cool
Hey, I was there for that! Oh, you poor sod, that was hilarious!
Well, it DOES have HUGE GUTS, which you RIP AND TEAR, so maybe...
Do you think OC is acceptable? If not, then you agree with me on the sentiment it should be deleted. End of story. This isn't shitposting, it's enforcement of /jc/'s own standards. OC is not allowed, and shouldn't be tolerated.
Well, then it's probably our local shitposter. I think I'm just going to go make dinner.
Oh, some other guy is using our debate to falseflag and stir drama? That's kind of depressing.
I pretty much threw all my support at Nechronica, expressed enthusiasm when the idea was brought up, convinced Toriko it was a good idea, gave him advice and ideas whenever he asked, celebrated it when it came out, and have since suggested it every single time I was around and something in Nechronica could help someone. I'm pretty much the jump's biggest fan. It's just that precedent hasn't allowed OC, ever.
I do think it is, actually. In fact I think the premise of the generic jumps, MGNQ and Light of Terra to a certain extent are all proof that it is not impermissable, just difficult to do right and not exempt from critique.
And surprisingly enough, you don't get to dictate other peoples' standards or whether I agree with you or not.
Well... at the least, Geneforge is a lot simpler than FF13-3, even if you take drawbacks?
Bugger off, you uncultured marsupial.
Other people do agree with me however, so your opinion doesn't matter. These are the rules.
Exactly how do you, personally, intend to enforce jack shit when nobody wants to listen to you?
Anons please accept the truth that Rowlet isn't a bird.
Whether or not OC is acceptable depends on the circumstances, the generics and others mentioned by are good examples of why.
I don't see any of 'em replying to me, so wow-sure is scary to be disagreed with by all your imaginary friends.
Whine about "rules" all you like, considering how the majority has soundly rejected certain previous rules about how powers stack your rules hold no weight if there isn't a consensus backing them.
Clearly I'm not alone on this, because anytime OC is suggested, everyone jumps on its back and shits all over it.
So, clearly, majority are in favor of just being rid of OC entirely.
I don't think it'd be 100 % effective (unless you took other measures to make it so) given the Lazarus Wave didn't turn everyone exposed into demon, just the vast majority. At least I think that's how it worked, I'm fuzzy on whether or not the Lazarus Wave was used before or after all the holograms of demons murdering humans were recorded.
I'm not seeing anyone who agrees with you.
And those same rules also say you can't remove a jump once it's on the drive without the Jumpmaker's permission.
Well, according to the last thread, my 6th and 7th jumps are RWBY and FF Crystal Chronicles, so there's not-shounen escalation and I'll... have to... fight the moon?
...silver lining: I get to steal that fuckawesome dragon from Cinder. That counts as a win in my book.
To extend upon that, literally no one defends OC when it's suggested, showcasing how many people actually support this position.
You guys know he's shitposting and the people involved in the original argument have said they are not him (here and here ) so why are you replying?
Speaking of Generic jumps, the Generic Children's Television jump's Timeline with Happy History option says you can alter history as long as it's not too drastic. Would liberating the captives of Auschwitz and stopping Josef Mengele's experiments be considered too drastic?
Can you guys not talk to the shitposter that be great kthxbye.
Arrowverse potentially retconned thanks to Flash S2 Season Finale.
Ho boy. What happened?
As much as I would want to say no. I have to say yes to the first one is pretty drastic.
Gee, it's almost like there aren't as many clearcut rules as you'd like to think and everything is ultimately decided by community consensus,
Also, you'd have a point if more people were disagreeing with me but since so far nobody's speaking out on your behalf you're wrong, this doesn't "clearly' show what the majority thinks at all.
Yeah, it's just a matter of differing assumptions.
I don't really consider something as stable and well founded as this or the trope jumps to be OC, so I can't really argue for whether or not it should go.
I love it, too...
And yeah, the other matter is quite depressing. made me hungry, so Imma go eat.
>user supporting the enforcement of our rules
What the fuck, calling this shitposting is like if you fucks defended anti-red.
Rules are rules, if anything, the rest of you fucks are shitposters and cancer for fucking defending the existence of OC on the goddamn drive.
Twice-baked potato casserole anyone?
Honestly, I didn't think it was salty enough when I had it. And I mean this in the most sincere way because I LOVE salty food.
The bait is real this thread.
Really? Damn. Would have been awesome, coming in Angel style, the look of shock and joy on the captive's faces while the Nazis and the "Angel of Death" himself shit their pants in terror of the righteous fury heading their way. Oh well, thanks user-
Oh fuck no. Why?
Argent energy-based products could be purified to a state where it is poisonous to demons and beneficial to humans.
Wow, already? They must have had no confidence in a longer run.
Then where the fuck are you when OC is suggested and shit on by the rest of the thread? It only happened just a couple of threads ago, there's never any defense for this crap. Agreement was unanimous that no one would tolerate it, that it shouldn't be done, outright.
The thing is, he's defining things like MGNQ and the generic jumps as OC when they were accepted onto the drive with thread consensus.
Well at the end of the day, it's a hypothetical really, unless somebody drops in with a translated pdf it's nothing to make a big to-do about. I really hope that user was wrong though, because the jump is one of my favorites.
That sounds delicious.
I'm just going to warm up a cup of that SWEET BURNING REVENG- I mean, chicken noodle soup I mentioned making a few threads ago.
They are. The only reason I don't raise hell about that is because you can't get that shit off the drive once its on, I wish I was there to be the voice of reason and say that shit isn't fucking allowed, but it got on anyway.
>a few threads ago
Damn son, you said you were going to go make that like two days ago. Did you get trapped in a time stop on your way to the kitchen?
1, Just because I support a thing in principle doesn't mean in practice, I'm just as if not more of a critique; being OC by itself doesn't make a jump any more immune to criticism and like I said-it's hard to pull off WELL so naturally I don't just give the thumbs up to everything.
2. Don't exaggerate, it's much less frequent than you make it out to be.
3. Also it's a tad unreasonable for you to expect me to be present in every thread ever. I'm not getting paid for this fampai
You guys do know he's just continuing to bait you right?
I am not a clever man.
I made enough soup for a few days.
Yeah, but you seem to not be alone on this. So there should be some contingent of defense in favor of OC jumps being attempted at all? There's none. They are dismissed outright. There is nothing beside resolute refusal from the thread.
Enough to share? I'll bring cereal.
Call it bait, you'll speak up for my side of the argument whenever the time comes and someone suggests doing it. You know I have a point about sticking to those rules.
Call me an idiot but I like to give folks the benefit of the doubt, just once; example would be anti-red guy who's proven he's just being a cunt for the sake of it.
Doesn't cost me much to justify myself, and if he can't muster a coherent comeback his logic would be fuzzier and he'd be easier to spot in the future.
Well, amazingly enough I am not in charge of coordinating every user on this site just to fit my opinion.
Unlike you, I don't labor under the delusion my opinion is the only valid one and must be obeyed as a categorical directive.
So don't come complaining to me if other people can't be arsed to speak up, or come complaining to me because the intial assumptions you tried to justify yourself aren't as sound as you'd like them to be. Because all I'm doing is expressing an opinion and my reasoning for it, nothing more and nothing less.
Tip for the future: You aren't doing yourself any favors by speaking on other peoples' behalf. You ever thought that if your "rule" was so absolute other people would start bringing it up without you bothering them?
>Doesn't cost me much
It costs the rest of us who have to inhabit the same thread.
*example of someone I know is baiting
feck, the sentence sounded more coherent in my head
So Jumpers, How do you feel about trolls? Nasty regenerating fuckers, I purge them with fire at every opportunity.
The one thing that is being missed here is why SPECIFIC OC settings are usually rejected:
You can't look up anything about them. A Generic jump for a genre (Wuxia, Western, horror) lets you look up genre conventions and know what to expect. A jump of a Veeky Forums homebrew setting lets you look up the threads it was created in, or a wiki if it has one - same for any other RPG setting.
A unique setting made ENTIRELY by the jump-maker has nothing you can look up outside of the Jump itself.
THAT is something both sides seem to be forgetting.
Let's do brisket sometime.
It's surprisingly cheap on my end.
Doomguy wouldn't be able to kill the Grimace, but I think Doomguy could whomp him hard enough that it would clearly be his victory.
I ate one once.
>not acid
I never knew Crabs could eat noodles.
Stop feeding him.
Crabs are scavengers, they can eat pretty much anything.
Just like nasty, disgusting humans.
>you ever thought that if your "rule" was so absolute other people would start bringing it up without you bothering them?
They do.
Every time the legitimate possibility of OC is brought up, the thread speaks up for my side of the argument, so its my right to feel vindicated.
I'm right.
I represent the thread on this issue, because whether I'm there or not, if someone wants to make an OC jump, people unanimously agree OC jumps should not be made.