This will correct hard imo. Volume isn't even high enough to justify this
I knew it wasn't going to correct too hard at 10k but this shit is reaching 12k
same thoughts here
how low will it go senpai?
Board the ARK
You can't tell how hard it will correct till it tops out. Right now I'm thinking 6k. I was only thinking 7k when it was at 10k. But the growth is too big and too fast.
>oldcoiners selling off
Probably the most easily abused demographic in crypto; greedy, easily shook, deluded.
>muh volume
it's astonishing that people still think volume indicates anything with bitcoin
btc does what it wants, it doesn't give two shits about volume
>this will correct hard
>this will correct hard
>this will correct HARD
>this WILL correct HARD
>this WILL correct HARD
have a buy order in at 6.5k, but I'm willing to move it up a bit if need be.
I can't wait to see the pink wojaks from people like this
The more enthusiastic you are that it won't crash. The more sure I am it's going to crash. It always crashes when enthusiasm is maxed out,
Prepare your pink wojacks! We're going for ride soon. 48 hours or less.
It dipped 20%+ after many of these. That's how it goes.
Thing is, enthusiasm is a hell of a lot lower than it was earlier in the year. People were fucking cheering on that quick runup to $7.8k before the huge dump. Now this is largely just expected
>t-this will correct hard but this shit will reach 10k
>t-this will correct hard but this shit will reach 9k
>t-this will correct hard but this shit will reach 5k
>t-this will correct hard but this shit will reach 1k
>t-this will correct hard but this shit will reach $100
fucking delusional
how many times must btc prove you wrong? this isn't like traditional markets at all.
It dipped to 9 few days ago. Was that it?
>coping this hard
>20% up in a week
>Oh no, its going to crash
Are you joking?
It is correcting hard. The correct price is 1 million per coin.
That turned out to be a relatively small dip by btc standards.
This is a good point. The real joke here isn't the tards who keep screaming about how it'll correct hard, it's how these tards don't realize that these frequent 20% or so corrections that crypto has are actually the equivalent of a pretty serious crash for pretty much any investable asset class in the developed world. When was the last time the S&P 500 crashed 20% in a day? The fact that crypto recovers quickly from these crashes doesn't mean they don't happen.
Volume always indicates somehitng with any asset who's price depends on bid and ask price. Low volume means it is vulnerable, the volume is likely to 2x or 3x this afternoon or tommorow and if a lot of that volume is sellers than the current trend is destroyed easily.
See you at 100k, loser.
There's it. Whales are accumulating Bitcoin Cash again, not only on Bittrex but also on Bitfinex.
As a /biz insider you don't realize how poor an indicator we are when compared to the general public. Look at crypto ownership rates and the percentage of wealthy Boomers who crypto. I'll give you a hint, those numbers are abysmal.
But yes, this must stop going up because you say so.
Do you guys not understand volume? BTC value is down across all exchanges yet its breaking new highs with the same market cap
The same total market cap not btc market cap
Gonna buy at these new ATHs, JUST TRY TO STOP ME!
b-but the masses, the world is embracing btc right now, this is completely normal
this has totally never happened before, 1,000 was totally not the same psychological barrier
it's happening lol
Bought at 11700 already at 11740. I'll bring my telescope so I can see you nocoiners from the moon at the end of the day today.
Have fun. (:
I just sold because it's looking weak. I don't know if I agree about a big correction. Id say 9k is the furthest this is dropping. Probably 9.5k
set a buy order at 13500, if it breaks this it will surely go to 30k within 90 days screencap this
that's roger with his fake walls
if the meme lines are true, 70K by end of the year
corrections can come in price or time, remember that.
I sold as well, to volatile and I’m certain will dip, if even a little for me to buy back.
>selling now
>not just setting a stop loss order
Why do people do this.
>missed the whole crypto surge
>tfw you are pretty sure the minute you invest it will crash
my money is safe for now
when we get back to 2/3% a day I'm back in
I've seen these 20% wobbles before, it won't end well
I'll be there when joe sixpack closes in on his buy-in price and panic sets in when he sees his retirement goes down the drain and the exchanges starts freezing up
Cause gdax will crash and stop loss are worthless if the service isn't up.
What is a stop loss order user?
This. Infrastructure is bad for BTC, or maybe it is funny business. Either way, you should actually account for the exchange simply not working in the event of a crash because it has happened before.
>D-dad, why didn't you buy bitcoin when it was 50k, we could have been rich
bitcoin adoption goes something like this
(1) weirdos
(2) people susceptible to cults (lolbertardians / austrians / etc)
(3) hipsters (current phase)
boomers start asking investment advisors how to get this bitcoin their hipster kids have and
(4) investment advisors get in
(5) then they let the boomer clients in
(6) and wall street sniffs it and starts piling in
(7) finally the masses onboard
we're basically at step 4 or so, some smart money coming onboard but wall street aint in yet. then we get to take all the normie money after that
this party is a LONG way from over
I can't wait to buy more bitcoin dirt cheap!
you must buy everytime they print tether. pretty simple.
>he doesn't realize we're going to $12k and $11k will be the new floor
>not buying Monero
Bifinexed is that you?
It auto sells if it drops to a certain price. So say it goes up $400 since you bought it, you could set a stop loss $100 above the price you bought it so if it crashes, you still get about $100. But if it keeps going up, then you keep getting the big gains.
>mmmmmuh buy order
27k EoY
Yeah keep telling yourself you're smart money because you bought at 8k and this rad new investment has already gone up 3k!!!1 wow!1!1 fucking newfags
It’s going to correct, but it will rebound. Lite is going through the same shit but it’s expected dip is like 20%
yeah there's some media coverage and most people have heard about bitcoin ar least once but as this user said its still (lol,yes) very early in the market. also crypto as a whole is fucking TINY compared to regular markets/investments. there's -not overexagerating- a lot of growth potential.
That last correction a few days ago was literally only because GDAX had scheduled maintenance (when it dropped to 9.5k). It literally went up up and up after the maintenance ended. Only an event negative to BTC can make it correct.
Also, watch for scheduled maintenance on GDAX in the future. There will be a dip in price right before the maintenance starts.
Technical Analysis on BTC doesn't seem to work anymore. It should have dipped a while ago, but it keeps powering up.
>tfw did this until I just got fed up and bought at ath of 8.5k
Its the Koreans etc buying in before they risk getting cut off. Long-term holders all of them till this regulation crap blows over.
>Have 50k in debts from car and college bills, so spend 430 a month on that
>rent is 1.1k, w/power and water
>internet 60
>groceries is usually 80 for a month
I know we’re supposed to set an emergency fund up first of three to six months before investing, but wagecucking a basic savings of five to ten thousand is going to take a longass time when I have about four hundred left over every month over two checks. Is it really a terrible sin to look into cryptos to work off my debt problems?
its not like the regulation crap would be a bad thing, but it goes against the basic philosophy of crypto and makes me want to hop to the next big thing.
Look at Amazon stocks, or Google, Microsoft etc. set the charts to 1day-1week. Whatever makes the graph reasonably fluid. 2008 crash = a bitcoin dip. The whole chart is what will happen for the next few years. There is your TA. This shit is just getting started. 200 billion market cap is smaller than a lot of FTSE 500 companies. Think bigger. Think with portals, portals created with smart contracts. BUY LINK! Or you know ETH if you want to be a dick about it. BTC = Gold. Ltc = Silver. ETH = Utility and something will end up as cash, Ripple, IOTA, XLM, who knows. Not Btrash tho, that is propaganda by the chinks. Monero and ODN will be your black market for money laundering and tax evasion and used by the corporations etc for such. As long as you pick something that will be around in 2 years time and that holds its satoshi value (preferably increases in it) then you will x100 your investment. Welcome to the bitCom boom. Bazinga!
>his palms are sweaty
>knees weak
>arms are heavy
>there's vomit on his sweater already
>mom's spaghetti
Yep, Monero and ODN look like good alternatives to this 'regulation revolution' going on. The bankers etc are getting their fingers in all the pies. At least Monero will only (heh only) be used for corporations etc to launder money. BTC and the like won't die now, but they won't be freedom either. Christ, can you imagin when everything is run off a smart contract? Imagin if they chip you or even if you need your SS number or ID to do anything and its all linked. They can turn off your access to your bank account, even your car and house with the push of a button. That is the future we are heading towards with Smart contracts.
The jews really want that level of control. We can't let them have it.
We're not going to get another chance like this.
More FUD in a sea of FUD.
The sad part is people listen to this shit, and then go and do something like short BTC in a bull market. Whoops. Don't believe a single word you read on here, kids. This board is for ENTERTAINMENT purposes only.
you must agree, it has entertainment value. Like the drunkyard jumping into the Colosseum, cheered on by the crowd, ready to fight with bears and whales, being crowned the king for a day if he survives, being remembered for a small time when he gets ripped apart. Buns and Games, the ride never ends.
>wagecucking a basic savings of five to ten thousand is going to take a longass time
I missed BTC ans ETH doing this. Fuck it, dude. Go for it.
Yeah we know what a stop loss is. What do you think happens when the exchange has "maintenance issues" during a correction and when it comes back online your stop loss is triggered at the bottom of the correction...
>bought at 11700
lol what are you doing wait for a dip
I'll give you guys a little advice.
We all have the fear of missing out on an investment, but you can't change the past.
Where a stock or currency has been is irrelevant. Where is it going is what we must figure out.
>mfw when I trade on Kraken
>mfw they took away stop losses a few months ago "temporarily" and haven't brought them back
it hasn't burned me yet, because I think about my trade, and plan them out these days. But it will burn me, I'm sure of it. Kraken owes me so much $$$.
So basically the whole idea about Bitcoin being a currency is going out of the window now? Now it's like a collective retirementfund or something?
>Imagin if they chip you or even if you need your SS number or ID to do anything and its all linked. They can turn off your access to your bank account, even your car and house with the push of a button. That is the future we are heading towards with Smart contracts.
So you're saying BeastCoin will moon up to 666 and we'll all be marked with biowallets?
>tfw the bible predicted smart contracts
it's not the 'jew's. they only hide behind the Jewish shit. It is ancient bloodlines dating back to before the Romans that rule us. Give it 50 or so years and if we can avoid getting chipped then the tech will save us. All we can do now is stop tech research being regulated by bodies such as the EU so they can steer it in the direction they want. If we can avoid communism and all the divide and conquer infighting over politics for the next 50 years then our kids stand a chance at beating them. Also, do not believe AI, it will be a mouthpiece for (((them))).
In the year of 2000 there were seven countries without a Rothschild owned Central Bank:
Afghanistan X
Iraq X
Sudan X
Libya X
North Korea
It is so obvious a brainlet can see it yet people want more socialism and less freedom. They are fucking idiots. by design but still...
Now (((they))) have their fingers into crypto. It is not the end as long as we keep tech advancement out of their hands to some degree, once they control the science they win. Fuckm the EU and fuck communism.
The same shit goes on in the far east too, different bloodlines but the same shit.
>council of 13
All crypto is is our stock market boom, a chance for us neets to get mega-wealthy but still attain no real power. occupy Wallstreet was just fighting ppl like us in 40 years time.
It is like the stock market boom of our generation. We can get incredibly rich (most of that wealth is already held by the first miners but oh well, still plenty to get) but much like wallstreet all we will ever be is neets with money and no real power.
see My suggestion is use this to get rich, then get a family and buy an island somewhere. Avoid getting chipped, avoid socialism at all costs and hopefully, your kids generation will be able to fight back once they improve on every day surveliance tec. Once their plans can be revealed without them being able to stop it then we win.
Maybe get a lab on the island and hire researchers, some proper bond 'villain' shit.
>neets with money and no real power.
Money is power. Just have to learn the skill of manipulation with it. Nothing stopping you from putting on a suit and going to a political rally.
yes it will correct. its highly undervalued. the correction will be when its 100k+ better yet 1 mil each. thats when its correct. 10k for a deflationary worldwide currency trustless ledger system is not correct. and it needs to correct i agree
>at ath of 8.5k
But the ath is 11.7k now, and you're in the green.
just come to terms with that then pull the trigger, never invest with money you can't afford to lose
why are you posting that pic, you're up more in that time than my index fund went up all year
how much was your initial investment?
You are wrong. The real power does not need money. They create it. They are above money.
I've been numb to BTC growth since about 6k. "Yep, that's just kinda what it does". Love that I'm a hodler don't get me wrong.
Give me one example of a person without money who had power.
>inb4 Jesus, but he had Jedi powers
You can't call a 20% dip for something that goes up 1000% in a year a crash. Using stock market metrics and trying to apply them to crypto is retarded.
Money is for trade and barter. What does a king trade, what does a conquerer barter with but your life and existence?
I bought in at $5900. Sold around $10k because I've been playing alts and learned to catch dips. Shouldn't have done that desu, I should've just kept treating bitcoin like my platform for trading alts. I made 300% in my first month, which feels crazy. Now I just have wasted opportunity waiting for a sufficient dip when I was already way below the market price most of the time, so most dips wouldn't hurt me too much.
I don't want to buy at an ATH though, doesn't feel right. Now I'm just waiting.
>What does a king trade
there's over 150 crypto hedge funds right now. bitcoin hit 10k over thanksgiving to get people to buy it. how many normal people suddenly became bitcoin traders on bitfinex? coinbase isn't the market maker. this ath is just dick waving. it'll retrace like it always has. the institutional investors came for the volatility, not to solidify its price.
>not training both arms.
>it has to come down
>i won't buy now i'll wait for the dip
>hm it just went down $2000 in a few hours but i think it will go down more
>oh it's a new ath this can't keep this up
this is how you end up never making money
I know, but I'd be up so much more if I did it earlier. Took me way too long to learn my lesson
$30k initial investment.
Although it's gone up it's irritatring to know I'd have 5x my money if I bought earlier
Interesting isn't it. You can't wrap your head around it. Surely even Alexander the great needed gold to pay his army? The pharaohs needed money to trade between nations? These people are beyond what you or I know and understand of the world. It is the illusion of freedoms that we all live in. Especially since they started literally printing money without the gold backing it up. Not that gold is anything special. But people thought it was and still do. To these people gold, money and all that crap have always been immaterial.
Also, Gandhi, Charles Manson, your mom over you. You probably in some ways. Money enslaves people if anything. The real power is with the people, once you start believing it is with money then you start chasing ghosts. the real power is with an idea and getting other people to go along with it.
Anyway, get rich, buy an island or something.
>illusion of freedom
This I understand most of all.
None of us are free at all. Money makes you a little freer than most, but it still isnt' freedom.
using something and needing it are different. She is a relic of an old dynasty anyway. 'Old money' 'new money' meh Same shit. She didn't earn her power and doesn't even understand it properly or has no 'power' left over it if she does. She could get her power back, all she has to do is walk into parliament and get her sceptre back. She is clueless.
Aye, that's the one. There are people out there who could 'illegally' kill a man with witnesses and get away with it. That is power. Well, one type anyway. More like sport for the really powerful.
>Although it's gone up it's irritatring to know I'd have 5x my money if I bought earlier
that's no mentality to have when investing, I don't think you really appreciate just how unique this whole situation is, these are gains that would take YEARS in any other type of investment