>"We're playing Pathfinder because it's all I know, but I want it to be balanced, so we're using only the core rulebook."
"We're playing Pathfinder because it's all I know, but I want it to be balanced, so we're using only the core rulebook."
Other urls found in this thread:
Okay. I'll roll a Conjuration Wizard.
>come in thinking it's a mind control thread
>it isn't
>"Sure, but we're keeping track of spell components. All your pouch does is carry whatever you find. We're starting at level 1."
>We're starting at level 1
>tfw playing a game with my buddies
>level 1
>"we're totally gonna be going through the whole adventure path guys "
>tfw know my friends
>tfw know we aren't getting to level 3
>make orc 22 str Barbarian and enjoy martial superiority for a little while
Is there a system that plays like Pathfinder but has better class balance and less/no bloat?
3e, with just the core book?
Even worse.
They asked for Pathfinder but better class balance and less bloat. Whether you like D&D 5e or not it *does* meet their specifications.
Fantasycraft, kinda?
It's pathfinder but doesn't *suprisingly* SUCK
Like, holy shit, the martials ACTUALLY are viable in it
Do you have a source link to this kirkfinder thing? Google isn't helping.
Stop shilling Strike!
Why does Veeky Forums keep shilling Strike!?
>Someone asks for a recommendation
>Someone gives a recommendation
Have you tried maybe being less autistic?
Strike! gets shilled only on Veeky Forums, nowhere else. It's a meme.
>being such an insufferable faggot that this would ever be an issue
That guy detected
>plays like Pathfinder
You mean 3e with just extended psionics and weeaboo fightan magic, right?
Fucking this.
They don't think it be like it is, but it do.
Not him, but Strike is a system that tries to bill itself as a "generic" system but uses fucking classes. That alone is a red flag for "this game is shit."
Strike classes are for combat only. It's classless out of combat.
That doesn't change anything.
>play with a bunch of people that just want to have fun
>I dont know how to have fun
>roll orc 22 str barbarian
>have fun for a second but on the inside I am still dying
>everyone else has a good time anyway
me too.
Yes it does. The classes are reflavorable (says so right in the book and gives lots of examples) templates for fighting styles.
"Archer" is the guy who specializes in fighting from a distance with pinpoint shots. Book says it could be an archer, a javelin thrower, a gunman, a telekinetic, a telepath, etc. etc.
The classes are pretty generic save for the necromancer, so that's not really a problem
The problem is that it's not a generic system due to the wild separation of combat and non-combat.
Which makes it perfect for giant mecha games, tokusatsu games, or magical girl games. But if you aren't a weaboo, it doesn't really fit well with anything else
The necromancer makes a good telepath/mind-controller, says the book.
Heck, only one necromancer build involves raising undead. The rest don't.
Go play something OSR, it's an enlightening experience.
All the fun of DnD but with the benifits of:
Actual worldbuilding
Tight rulesets
Massive system customisation
Player freedom
Genuinely good adventure modules that aren't, you know, creatively bankrupt.
>The problem is that it's not a generic system due to the wild separation of combat and non-combat.
Combat is only as separated from non-combat as you make it.
You can use skills in combat, and indeed you can (and in most cases, should) have skills or equipment that justify your combat abilities, unless you have some other justification (such as the genres you mentioned).
>in the same boat
>thought up a character idea I really want to play
>realize she'll be lucky to play more than 3 sessions
>afraid to waste the idea
I actually fully refluffed it into a science fiction psion for a Star Trek inspired game (that never got off the ground in the end).
>Try an OSR game
>Lamentations of the Flame Prince seems a good choice.
>Check the modules.
>"Fuck for Satan!" "Better than any man"
Fuck this, its like a wormhole opened and got suck again into the shitty 90s.
Reuse it. I've played the same character in three different games and nobody cared. (Or if they did, they never told me.)
Pathfinder with non Veeky Forums players
Why would they? Your character is clearly the same character from different alternate universe. You're making your own mythos.
So are you venting about a conversation you had with someone or are you just starting a thread to start a thread?
So try a different OSR game. Labyrinth Lord, for instance.
Also, books, covers, etc cetera.
That's what you get for going near anything made by Zak Smith. He's a anarchist edgelord who is fucking terrible at game design, but has industry connections so his opinions keep getting taken seriously.
Hes also just an asshole in general
Cant you see he is trying to pick a fight?
I think you misspelled Curzefag, dawg. Unless you meant Ted Cruz, but isn't relevant to Veeky Forums
Swords and Wizardry
Basic Fantasy RPG. Similar to S&W/LL but keeps ascending AC and seperates race from class. Also you can buy physical copies of the rules for less than $5 each, making it very easy to supply your table with the book.
Is this going to be the new dank meme general where you say "ITS 3E BUT TOTALLY BALANCED THIS TIME GAIZE! IT DOES ALL THIS SHIT THAT 4E DID BETTER!"
Yeah, started drinking about 5 hours ago to kick off 8 weeks of no work.
No where to go but up from here
I thought Zak just made modules. The actual game was made by Raggi the third or something stupid like that.
Also, can I have some more details on Zak's assholery? Everyone seems to hate him and I don't know why.