Have you ever been personally responsible for getting someone into tabletop that otherwise would have never gone near it?
Have you ever been personally responsible for getting someone into tabletop that otherwise would have never gone near...
Nah, and you'll probably find nobody ever has.
People get into hobbies because of innate or acquired proclivities, which are usually developmental in nature.
Storytelling and boardgaming habits help, nobody without a fair bit of whimsy will even give it the time of day though.
And if somebody plays with you just because you're there then they're into you, not the hobby.
Nearly everyone in my current group would have never played were it not for me.
They must have been amenable to the idea in the first place or they would never have tried it.
Introducing the.hobby to someone who would otherwise have not had exposure to it satisfies OPs criteria.
Same. A friend of mine is also responsible for getting me into the hobby, I wouldn't have touched it otherwise. Funny how he quit playing a year afterwards and I'm now forever GM for my current group.
Just putting it out there that those bikini's are my fetish
I got 10-15 people from my school into it. Half of them had no interest prior to playing in anything even remotely close to tabletop rpg or any kind of rpg. But they found that they really enjoyed it and often play without me
I can't get over how cute the girl on the right is
"What are you guys doing?"
"Smoking & playing DnD"
"Fuck it, can I try it?"
I had a friend who I got into RPGs because I let him borrow Final Fantasy 1 back in the day.
I later met up with him at Electronics Boutique where I found out he eventually got into table top gaming. He told me that if I never let him borrow FF1, he wouldn't be into half the stuff he was.
Then he got married and that was the last i heard or saw of him.
Why don't you uh, contact him again?
He moved.
Phone number is different.
Not on facebook.
>Then he got married and that was the last I heard or saw of him.
I wish I was an attractive young woman
I'd still be a miserable loner shut-in with dork hobbies of course, but at least I would be pretty
Just dye your hair and cut off your wiener. If people don't call you pretty then, just tell them to go check their privilege!
Wrong Veeky Forums, dude
Need a wing man? I'll take the one on the left.
one of the reasons I like Veeky Forums so much is of how much an escape it is from the other Veeky Forums
I can immerse myself in painting, converting, stupid 40k lore, amateur writing, d&d, whatever... and not think about myself, who I am, what I am, or how I have no friends.
I'm working on it. A friend of mine enjoyed just about everything that makes up tabletop roleplaying, from the freedom of choice you get in what you play to the varied settings, but for some reason he had absolutely zero interest in playing any kind of tabletop to the point of actively resisting my attempts to get him to try it.
He's still a little shaky on the subject, but it's early days and I *have* convinced him to play a few games and he seems to be enjoying it. So who knows, maybe soon.
Just chop your dong off already, sheesh.
Underrated post. In my experience anybody I 'got into the hobby' would have found it eventually. Predisposition to or affinity for is what determines most people's interests, and if people only play when they're with you, it's cause you like it, and they like you. Friendship is a strange and fickle beast that way.
Your opinion is dumb, you deterministic chucklefuck
I know I would've never gone into magic if my friend hasn't made me try.
Card games in general are not my jam.
You're replying to two different people there, champ. Also it's not so much determinism as neuropsychology.
Not me specifically, but I met our GM when I first started going to the gym, and at one point we had the four strongest lifters playing D&D together.
After going to Veeky Forums, it kind of makes sense
user I transitioned years ago. Just do it if you have to or don't if you're fine.
My life was rocky for a while but now everything's normal again. Except, you know, I'm happy now.
When I was much younger, I confided in the people I trusted most who made it clear to me I would lose everything if I wanted to go through with it, and that they would do everything within their power to keep me from transitioning. I was afraid, and decided not to act out of fear. Not a day goes by that I don't regret that, but at the same time I don't think it is even possible for me to turn things around. I think I know what lies down this road I am on, and it isn't happiness, that's for sure, but whether I like it or not, this is the path I have chosen.
...I hope things go well for you, I really do. I wouldn't wish this on anyone else, and if even one person can treat this pain than that's better than nothing
It's never too late to change
Pic source? Please tell me this is part of a set.
ITT: Neckbeard fatgots claim divine birthright to tabletop and ignore any evidence to the contrary posted be non-neckearded heretics.
>Oh, I did, OP, and it was just fine.
Also, my group is two legitimate nerds and their goody-two-shoes wives. The wives would never have played were it not for my explanation of how the fun happens in a ttrpg.
I know this isn't Veeky Forums conversation really, but I'll just say this.
I was in the same position as you were, and I said damn it all and did it anyway. It was a very good decision, I can't imagine where I'd be now. However, just because you aren't 16 or 20 or whatever doesn't mean that bridge has burnt.
Look at timelines on /lgbt/, see a therapist. I've talked to I don't know how many people just like you and it's the same thing every time. "It's too late, I'm too manly, I'd never pass, my parents won't let me, I'll lose my job". Valid concerns, occasionally, but look at suicide statistics and realize what your options really are. Of those people I've talked to, a handful have listened and come back and thanked me.
I can tell you that I live 100% as a girl now. It took two and a half years of rough transitioning, socially and physically, but I'm here now. And dammit, I'm pretty cute. It's a shitty hand you've been dealt but dealt it you have been, now work for your happiness or roll over and accept misery.
That's all.
Pic belong to a pre-shoot set but I didn't manage to find it.
If you just want the actual movie: MIMK-039
I got some friends into it and my little brothers. Well, my little brothers are a special case because they look up to their big sister (which I like. It's a great ego boost) so they pretty much do what I do... but yeah
Fucking hell you people are spoiled and self-obsessed. Like changing your gender would imrpove your social skills. You suck at minmaxing fags.
The thing I find most sad though is that there is an overabundance of sociopatic autist psychos on tg that I can quite easily relate to/share interests with and would probably be on very good terms IRL, but as fate would have it they are on the other side of the fucking planet and I will never get to meet them and play games with them...sigh :/
Yes, several people in fact.
Basically I started a Dungeons & Dragons game and dragged my room mate, brother, brother's friend and brother's friend's girlfriend to play.
They all still play some sort of tabletop to this day.
>Anri Okita retired from doing JAV
>This is pretty much the worst thing to happen in 2016
>Like changing your gender would imrpove your social skills
I have no idea where you read that in my post. But okay, I'll humour it I guess. Transitioning is an incredibly strenuous process that builds up a lot of mental strength if you manage to get through to the other end of the proverbial tunnel. It can lead to heightened anxiety, but that's pretty natural when you're doing something most of society condemns.
As far as social skills go, I suppose this mental resilience could lead to improved confidence. I mean if you can deal with that you can deal with most things. Not guaranteed though.
>Spoiled and self-obsessed
I mean sure, ignoring the rate of homelessness and suicide attempts. Ignoring how many trans people are forced into sex work to make ends meet and how inadequate, not to mention often discriminatory, medical care is for trans people, we're spoilt and self obsessed. Oh, there's the assault and murder statistics too, whoops.
Oh, I just read the rest of your post. Now I feel silly for replying.
Wow, this is kind of unexpected to find on Veeky Forums... but uhm... well, I'm transitioning right now.
For me, it was an easy decision to make. Like, as soon as I realized that there was no way I could be happy living as a man, I decided to go through with it, because I was never a man. I was a woman all along, only that my body did not represent that very well. Of course I was concerned. I feared loosing my friends, being rejected by my family and all the good stuff everyone goes through, of course, but in the end nothing really bad ever happened. The worst it got was my cousin and a friend talking shit. It was a tough road regardless and there are still some rocks ahead... but I'm much happier now. By now, I'm seen as a woman by pretty much everyone and I get girlier on a day by day basis. I'm pretty cute already and I get reasured that I am all the time and that feels good. To bring this back to Veeky Forums, Gaming helped me a lot. I started playing shadowrun shortly after I realized what was going on with me. In the game, I could be a woman and nobody would question it. I could be who I wanted to be and escape a little. Of course, only escaping is bad, but I think Shadowrun was at least a part in my decision. I found a lot of new friends through this hobby and everyone is super nice to me and accept me for who I am. Playing RPGs also helped me with my bad self-esteem and anxiety, at least a little bit. So yeah, I love this hobby a fucking lot
Why do people find it so hard to accept what they are and instead insist that they would feel better if they were something else?
>"fuck it, can I try?"
I feel like this would be me. I always go on to Veeky Forums and seem interested but never know what it really is.
I think trans people tend to lean towards Veeky Forums hobbies because we lean towards escapism.
Playing DnD got me over my fear of speaking in my girl voice, and I made a lot of good friends through it.
I'm still a little weird about playing online without a face to match the voice because it's still a little androgynous, but hey, I'm getting there. I don't normally meet trans people who are transitioned or on the latter half of transitioning. I'm happy you're so happy user. Sometimes I look in the mirror in the morning and I'm dumbfounded by the girl staring back at me. Sometimes I cry and ruin my makeup and have to do it over again.
It'd be cool to meet more trans people who are into tabletop, from my experience, trans people who have transitioned are really chill and polite people.
You might not understand it, but you don't identify with your genitals. You are a guy I assume?
Imagine you somehow lose your dick. Would you feel like you are a women now because you don't have a dick anymore? Probably not. You would miss it for sure, right? That's because you don't identify with your dick. You are mentaly a guy, thats why you identify as a guy. Likewise, women identify as women because they are mentaly a women. Usually, this works out because UUUUUSUALLY you are born into the gender you identify as... but sometimes nature fucks up and you identify as something else then you are born as. It is the same thing as you loosing your dick. You feel like somethings wrong, somethings missing... and that shit fucks you up. Some people might be able to accept it, others (like me) can't. I was supposed to be a woman from the start and I want to be a fucking woman.
Does this clear things up, user?
Yeah, there's a LOT of us. It's kind of ridiculous, honestly, and I think a lot of that is just that we're socialized male and this is A Thing Males Do (in the eyes of a lot of society; to be clear I'm more than down for inclusive gaming lol) so you get higher representation of trans girls in things like TTRPG.
That's my hairbrained 4 am theory at least so who the fuck knows if there's anything to it.
>The on the right
And here I thought I was too far gone to be aroused by 3D anymore...
I'm not convinced that thinking you're a guy when you're born with a different set of instruments or the other way around is result of "nature fucking up", but whatever. It's your body, if you feel you need to have it cut up to feel better about it, I guess it's your own business.
>Like changing your gender would improve your social skills
You know, damnedest thing? It has. I'm cheerier and more self-confident, which, weirdly enough, is like 80% of charisma. I have more pride in my appearance, so I'm better groomed, and I dress better, because it matters to me.
A huge part of deciding to transition was about building that self-confidence and the sense of ownership over my body and identity that let me be social.
>Usually surrounded by /pol/ shit
>The positivity in this thread
>All these happy trans girls
I love you guys.
Why it happens is a heavily debated point, but the end result is that a person feels uncomfortable with the way they are and feel trapped by it, and they have every right to change it, since it does no harm to anyone else to take that step.
>Ignoring how many trans people are forced into sex work to make ends meet
Like I said, you might not understand.
That shit is automatic. You identify not as what you are born as but what you Identify as. It is weird and illogical but thats how this shit works, otherwise you wouldn't have trans-people. You know, there are more than one case where a little kid expressed it's desire to transition and went through with it later. I had my first signs at like an age of 5 or 6. I didn't knew what was going on at the time but I am aware now.
And damn right it's my own business. To give you some credits, you don't understand why or how people are trans, but you don't tell me what to do and that is something, you you get a pat on the back for that.
Homeless trans people often turn to sex work because they're unemployed and nobody will hire them.
You gotta' eat somehow, user.
Not that guy, but thanks user.
Welcome to Veeky Forums.
You don't even need the other boards.
Thanks, user.
This is why I love Veeky Forums.
Veeky Forums probably has the nicest anons on Veeky Forums.
I love you Veeky Forums, you are the best board.
>all this degenerates in my forum
Also trans and into tabletop here. Living 100% as a woman.
Today was a good day for Veeky Forums
>tfw this thread has made me feel nice but also reminded me of that horrible moment where I accidentally mentioned to a post transition friend who was really into me that I wanted children when talking about characters and how we had injected parts of ourselves into them.
Her face just fell and I couldn't figure out at the time now 2 weeks on I feel like a prick. Fuck
Not that guy, but there's something I've always been curious about regarding trans people. Forgive me if this is offensive or anything, but then again this isn't Tumblr or /lgbt/ so you probably don't care.
If somebody were to theoretically invent a pill that cured gender dysphoria, and made you feel 100% comfortable with the biological sex you currently possess, would you rather take it than transition?
Apologise if you think it offended her. She'd appreciate it.
Oh, you can’t help that, we’re all faggots here.
I'm a faggot. You're a faggot...
You must be or you wouldn't have come here.
Hey, what did you think the Veeky Forums stood for?
Terrible Generals, actually, but it's up to interpretation
How old are you m8
Tactical Genius, of course
I'm a trans woman (another trans girl said we're apparently having a get-together in this thread) and I've run into this situation with my boyfriend. I can't give him the kids he wants, but we've talked about it and we think that adoption would be good for what both of us want.
Some asocial as fuck people who'd never be able to find a group themselves, other jock-types who'd never thougth they'd play anything other than CoD, Fifa or monopoly.
That's understandable. It's something a lot of trans people have conflict over - I know I personally always really wanted kids. Still do - adoption is probably going to be my best bet. Even that can be difficult - trans folks are discriminated against heavily when it comes to adoption, same as gay people or any other 'nonstandard' couple (even interracial couples can still face this)
If you think you bummed her out a bit, just apologize. She'd probably appreciate the thoughtfulness.
I would not. Gender dysphoria is... complicated, and some people don't perfectly niche into either role comfortably. Even if I was comfortable with my body physically, there are social aspects of my desire to transition, and aesthetic ones. It's a multifaceted process.
Well it's Anri Okita if you want to see her with dicks in her.
If you ask me now, I would not. Then again, this would probably go into the realm of psychoactive medication and I don't aprove of that... it often just makes things worse....
I know some people that would do it however, but probably just out of desperation.
I have to agree with .
This is very complex... I'm a trans-lesbian for example and find nothing really "beautiful" about the male body, so aesteticly speaking, I would still have a slight preference towards having a female body even if I wasn't trans.
Well I have a reason to kill myself now, at least.
I used to do that, but I came to the conclusion that after years of distractions it didn't make me any happier. Now I'm trying to be a better version of myself.
I'm not sure if you mean that you want to transition... because that is what most of the people here talk about... but even if not, go for it. Escapism can be healthy and nice, but like all things, too much is bad for you. Always try your best to be the person you want to be. Shoot for the fucking stars, kid.
Pretty much just passing time until the sweet embrace of death here.
whats the big deal, she was a porn star and she retired, right? That happens all the time.
Why are you so upset?
Because she had the body of a goddess and hadn't done any good bukkake scenes yet.
A retired porn star may never please their followers, that is why they are all upset about it.
Have enticed a few friends into RPGs that wouldn't have done so before, but mostly it's been getting people into board games that aren't Monopoly and similar. Even managed to entice gf into it, who initially got into Catan and has now proven to be pretty good leader of men/wookies. Which is nice, given that her starting position was "why are you playing with plastic spaceships."
Is this... a thing I don't really understand because I'm a woman...? I usually don't say that but this might the first instance where I think I found a "guy-thing".
But oh well, I guess it is the same thing as when one of your favorite authors dies or retires, right?
You won't have new stuff to read... or in her case, fap to...
Normally I'm a lurker, but even I have to post to say I'm really happy about all this niceness!
I'm trans (i guess? I have been told by so many people that I am not, since I haven't started transitioning due to money concerns)
It makes me feel safe that the community around my favorite hobby is so accepting.
The right amount of curvature in all the right places, perky breasts just the right size to compliment her figure, and a pretty face. Like damn son that scene of her being covered in oil in a red dress.
>But oh well, I guess it is the same thing as when one of your favorite authors dies or retires, right?
>You won't have new stuff to read... or in her case, fap to...
That's pretty much it.
Well we are playing pretend to begin with.
>I have been told by so many people that I am not, since I haven't started transitioning due to money concerns
Well, that's bullshit.
You're still trans even if you haven't begun HRT or whatever. It's an identity, not a chemical or physical process. You're just fine.
She is pretty... but I'm not drewling all over just because I see a woman that I happen to find physically attractive. But good to know thart I understand
Worth noting is something I found out a little bit ago.
See, one of the reasons FPS games are entirely male dominated is because of disorientation. A lot of women have problems with the tunnel vision aspect of it - they require more input from their senses in other directions; even the feeling of the air can tell you where people are. By contrast, there's a much, much larger percentage of female gamers playing games that are consistently third person or have a third person option, Mass Effect being a good example, despite having many of the same aspects.
In my experience, trans women tend to have the same type of disorientation in first person games - I myself have it. this suggests that it is, in fact, a chemical and physical process. It suggests you literally have a female brain in a man's body.
Bear in mind this is anecdotal. regardless, yeah - you don't stop being trans just because you're not taking some kind of supplement. That's not how it works.
>Veeky Forums
>nicest anons
how dare you
No, I answered to the post before I realised what the thread discussion had turned into. I did however knowingly use escapism as an alternative to drugs and alcohol. Because I knew if I started abusing either of those I would not stop.
I don't think I wouldn't be much happier as women, though. My problem is that I'm not consistent. I always pick up new pet interest that I discard after a month and I never know what I want to do with my life in the future. So I never seem to know what kind of life I should live. I figure it's a combination of ADHD and Aspergers. I have read that the two personal disorders don't mingel with eachother. Instead they swing back and forth from another. This can result in inconsistent behavior and disturb the ability to focus on things from day to day. So even if I make well thought out plans I'm not very good at following them because I can't stay focused and consistently organised. Because of this I never meet people I can say that I relate to with the kind of problems I have.
I would probably be good as an artist, but I can't work efficently with a deadline and I only seem to do my best art when I'm experiencing strong angst.
So at this point I just want a simple life without a lot of complications and drama, but as things are looking now I don't think I can ever fully have that.
I have started taking a new medication that helps me focus better, but it seems to put the Asperger part of me into overdrive. I can't read peoples emotions or hints like I can off the medication, I can't seem to be selective with my focus - so that makes the medication pointless, I get very obsessed over things that either interest me or annoy me, I don't seem to want other peoples company and it makes me act mean rather then theynkind default personality I typically have. On the flipside it has allowed me to analyse my situation from a consistent perspective. So I have come to the conclusion that there is no easy way out of this for me and I that I will have to get some kind of cognetive therapy instead of trying to medicate the problem away. An absolute solution like switching gender probably wouldn't do much for my state of mind.
So that's my blog post. Thanks for letting me get that out of my system. I hope that you have an easier time figuring things out in your life than I have.
>I was supposed to be a woman from the start
Have you considered that it might have been your brain nature fucked up on?
There was a scientific study that more or less said exactly that... and from expierience I can say Yes. That is correct. I can say expierience the same problems with FPS games... the only FPS I'm half way good at is Payday 2 and only because I played the shit out of this game and because it is Co-Op. PvP is nearly impossible for me. The "tunnel vision" fucks me every time. On the other hand, I play splatoon and I'm quite good at it.
Well, that just preps the question of whether the brain or the body is the person, and that's a whole other philosophical debate.
Well, as science suggests that Trans people have brainstructures more akin to the gender they Identify as then the gender they are born with (because yes, there are destingtive differences between female and male brain structures), yes. Nature put my brain in the wrong fucking body.
Studies have shown Cognitive therapies are just as, if not more effective than medicinal. They just require lots of time and personal effort. Good luck though, I hope you can find happiness friend.
It's a hell of a lot harder to remove a brain safely, m8
Unless the person is blood related to you or you're in a relationship it's really unlikely you'll permanently change their interests or have a measurable impact
Stuff like that just takes too much time to happen all the time
>It's an identity
And here I was thinking that trans people identified as the opposite sex to their physical one, not their own weird thing.
Or nature gave your body the wrong brain. You know how it is, it's a busy day in the brain department and somebody misreads which box got ticked.
I can't remember which forms first in the fetus, the brain or the genitals.