Does Veeky Forums play Guild Ball?
Does Veeky Forums play Guild Ball?
I play hunters
Just starting to get into it over here. I've picked up Masons, with Captain Hammer, and Chisel and Flint as my starters. I'm considering Marbles, Decimate, Minx, Brick, and Mallet as the rest of the team.
Mallet is extremely competent, I have trouble imagining a Mason's team without him.
Brick is cool too. Even when you're not putting influence on him, he's useful against many teams just to sit there and threaten a counter charge.
Marbles is mandatory (well, until Wrecker comes out) so you should definitely grab him. He's a pretty useful mascot anyways. Tooled Up is a great buff, Goad is situationally useufl, and "Loved Creature" makes the opponent pay for taking him out (unless they're clever and do it at the end of the turn).
Not sure about the Union Mercs. Been thinking of getting Decimate myself.
As someone who played in a tournament last Saturday, and played against the French pain a lot, she's either the mvp or sits there being lackluster
I assume you mean Decimate? Do you play Masons or another team?
She looks very versatile, capable of decent damage output. She also seems capable of being squirrely and using all those dodges on her playbook to get around someone for a quick goal, possibly before second winding herself away to some degree of safety (especially if you pay for a 4" dodge as well).
Plus Second wind on other minis brings up other potential uses, like putting it on Mallet, Honour, or Chisel and having the move in, KO an enemy then, then retreat back towards support. (Or Flint after a goal)
I don't see Thousand Cuts getting used often though, 3 influence is too expensive to use it often I'd think, meaning you're relying on that Double-GB playbook result.
Hunters guy from earlier, and ages very good on the counter attack, as if they can't b2b you they typically just lose an activation. Thousand cuts is bleh, she's mostly for seCond wind repositioning and being an elusive threat, like a mix between mist and minx
How are hunters for someone just starting out?
Mallet seems like another beater in a team already full of them, though...
Brick, I agree with. Hammer is an Influence hog, so the extra INF is great, too.
I'm sort of disappointed by how important Marbles is to my playstyle. Wrecker seems cool as shit, but Tooled Up plus Iron Fist is just too good to pass up.
Mallet is very important due to large threat range and smashed shins is just a giant fuck you to any goal scoring attempt
Warmahordes mk3 announcement brought all the guys away from guildball in my area. Its still a pain to get in the states.
Would it be a good idea to combine Wrecker, Mallet and Hammer and try to push the opposing team out of bounds for easy points? Sure, they can just run back in, but they're within their Jog of the line, and you can just shove them back out again. If the plan doesn't work, you still have three very competent players on the field.
Funny a lot of people in my area have put warmahordes on hold till mk3 actually comes out and have been playing guild ball in the mean time.
As for general mason stuff a good tactic to learn is the mallet missile or the chisel missile. Essentially if you get the kick off you give the ball to either chisel or mallet so they can get up the field a bit. Make sure to keep them out of threat range of the enemy though. Load them up and put 4 inf on honor and 1 on marbles. Hand out the rest as you like. Then wait till the end of the round put tooled up on your beater, have honor throw superior strat on them. They then charge with 5 inf, murder whatever they want (generally a captain), and then walk back to your team with the extra activation. Mallet can do quite a bit of damage, but chisel can walk back further due to mov 6. I still prefer mallet most of the time because chisel is really squishy.
Guild ball is a shitty game.
also is that ben?
On what grounds do you claim it's a shitty game?
Yea they were packing up warmahordes for GB until the announcement, now they're hyped again.
it's gonna depend heavily on the opponent. GB is a game where 3player combos are relatively difficult to pull off
Funny I was looking into getting a team until the mk3 dust settles and all the threads and my store stops bitching.
Are fishermen any good? I like the sculpts, but don't really know much about the game other then I can have an otter on my team.
Are you playing the game to wreck face? Then, no.
Are you playing to kick goals? Then yes.
So this game gives me the same worry that Bloodbowl always gave me. Namely that it'd end up being less about scoring goals and more about just beating the shit out of your opponent. Always hated that with Bloodbowl, and this game seems even more geared towards it.
Depends on who you play. Some teams focus on beating up the other team, like butchers. Where as other teams could care less about trying to kill and really only care about scoring, like fisherman. Everything else really ranges in between those two. Like alchemists, they can beat people up but they prefer to control with status effects so they can score. The other big thing to consider is that scoring a goal nets you 4 points and killing a guy gets you 2. When the point is to get to 12 scoring three goals is a lot easier than killing six guys generally. The other thing about scoring a goal is that it gives you an extra influence each turn.
I just rememver looking through the book and it seemed like each team had one person who was good for scoring and everyone else was just "beat the other guys to shit."
You don't have to be a dedicated striker to have decent goal scoring potential.
Take the Masons, sure Flint is practically the Lionel Messi of Guild Ball (as a friend of mine calls him, though I'm not sure I agree), but he isn't the only Mason capable of scoring goals.
Honour is pretty good at scoring the ball herself thanks to her double activation tricks, a good kick stat, and a double dodge on a two. Harmony can combo off Honor for a potential goal (not a big fan of Hamony though exactly because of this, she's far too reliant on Honour).
Mallet's Football Legend aura makes himself 3/7 on the kick which is respectable, and can be positioned to set up someone else for a bit of extra insurance.
Alternatively Hammer is a rite bastard. He can be passed the ball, then attack an enemy between him and the goal and use a combination of his knockback ability and the pushes he has low on his playbook to basically surf an enemy towards the net through multiple attacks (use the playbook push to orient the opponent in the direction you want to go, then knockback to move you both an inch that way), then smash the enemy away with another push/knockback to clear himself to shoot (with Ballhog activated, no doubt).
Also tower is a respectable 3/6". Managed to score me the winning goal tonight.
So is season 2 fully released yet? I know some of the mascots are weaker then others and I was hoping that part of the game would be balanced.
Cards are I think, but some minis haven't been released or even revealed. The one I can think of off the top of my head is Veteran Harmony.
I hope Vet Harmony's mini is good. Cause vanilla Harmony is a shitty mini whose head with its ugly face pretty much has to be pinned. I don't use Harmony a lot (and am unsure about Vet Harmony) anyways, but I'd totally use a decent Vet Harmony mini even for vanilla Harmony.
Harmony is also a shit because she uses a stupid sword instead of a hammer or sledge like a proper Mason. I mean shit, if you wanna stab a bitch, use a chisel. A sword just ain't right.