How do you feel about skimpy outfits in RPGs? Scourge, not an issue, or totally fine?
For me personally as long as there's some motivation behind it and isn't just "BECAUSE" then it works.
How do you feel about skimpy outfits in RPGs? Scourge, not an issue, or totally fine?
For me personally as long as there's some motivation behind it and isn't just "BECAUSE" then it works.
Depends on the setting and the tone of the game.
This. Also, it should be something everyone at the table is comfortable with.
In RPG's they're as skimpy as the person describing them makes them. It should not really be a problem unless it thematically makes sense or your GM is jerking off to someone's character
Pretty much this.
Normally, its only a issue to women; manchilds that think this will get then pussy or autists.
Woman because they hate everything that can be seen as more atractive then her own.. Everything above this is something that can not exist in the universe. Its just something that happens with then. They are jealous of art because its more cool.
The rest is just the trash of society and you can safely ignore.
Reminder: Every single form of man hobbie will get criticized by females when it turns ´´mainstream´´, from videogames, hunting, wrestling, etc
They actually lampshade this in the game with Annah if I remember right. Some guy tells her that "some man" probably designed her outfit
I agree with But I also tend to go with your line of thinking: as long as there is a reason behind it, it's fine.
On that note, how do your princesses dress, Veeky Forums?
I feel like they shouldn't be the default, and shouldn't be conspicuously common among women and not men.
I also feel like there's a conscious and large-scale effort to silence anyone who complains about them.
>they are half naked.
>yeah sure whatever
>never bought up again
>other players just imagine them as not half naked
problem solved
Our latest princess is, due to the court wizard doing court wizard things and dice tables doing dice table things, half-slime, and thus wears technically wears nothing.
>How do you feel about skimpy outfits in RPGs? Scourge, not an issue, or totally fine?
You're deluded if you think anyone at the table so much as even remembers your character description.
Nobody gives a fuck; they'll imagine whatever version of your character they prefer, and you do the same to them.
>half-slime, and thus wears technically wears nothing.
Magical realm detected
Although if you want to have mundane armour protection, it has to actually cover your body.
>How do you feel about skimpy outfits in RPGs
Absolutely one hundred percent fine to the point that anybody who complains about it is probably insane.
In Planescape everyone dresses outrageous. Anything goes.
In a historical setting, everyone dresses according to that era's habits, unless there's a good reason not to.
In your homebrew fantasy/sci-fi setting, you do whatever the hell you want, so long as the GM is ok with it.
Also, I fucking love skimpy outfits.
I really dislike it. Looks ridiculous in most cases.
I'm a probably a giant deviant pervert but I for one feel that there's too little nudity and skimpyness overall in games and game art. It's a fantasy, let the artists have some fun with it.
What can bother me however is the contrast between men and women.
Also before
Idk give a fuck about feminism and I'm not really into ze cock.
What I'm into however is the whole Conan aesthetics, I simply don't get why that kind of look should be limited to barbarians and the like.
I'd love to see more cultures where self righteous Templars and Paladins love their own bodily perfection and purity so much that they'd show it of wherever possible instead of hiding it behind layer of tempered plate armor.
I am a firm believer in the Martian Dress Code as espoused by Frazetta, Burroughs, Moorcock, Andersen, Tanith Lee, and other pulp sci-fi/fantsy writers.
Jewelry and silk is the way to do it, men and women alike.
You have a skewed view on nudity, not healthy man.
Amen brother
Honestly, I find the little faggots that get buttblasted over shit not being 100% 'realistic' to be far more annoying.
these threads are proof that noone here actually plays tabletop.
Just tuck it, dude. God gave boxers waistbands for a reason.
honestly im surprised such a pious christian like you permits the SATANIC GAME at your table
lewd display of fornication, summoning demons, acceptance of witchcraft etc
>just tuck it
So tell me, what's it like having a small penis?
Yeah, I bet you're packing a ten incher over there, pal.
Not an issue
Remove yourself, provocateur
It depends on the setting, but I'm okay with it in the same way I'm okay with shooting two pistols at once or overly flashy kung fu moves. It's just putting style over practicality, and sometimes that's what makes something good.
Honestly, I prefer the justification of 'just because it's cool/sexy' over 'BUT SEE GUYS IT'S ACTUALLY SUPER PRACTICAL'.
I would like to remember the descriptions of other characters, but it's usually rushed in the beginning of the game so that we can play. It's far easier to remember the player's faces than a halfhearted description of a fairly average elf, and despite myself that's usually what I tend to imagine their characters to look like unless it's clearly different.
Explain your logic, happy anime girl poster.
What if I want to play in a Frazzetta world?
I do hate it when people just try to justify things. Why can't people ever just go 'I find it cool,' instead of making some fragmentary argument about reasons behind it? I know a guy who likes to use stupid weapons, and if he'd just say that he does it because he likes it, I would prefer that far more than to trying to explain how a shovel can be both a hammer, axe, shovel, saw, knife, and fucking throwing axe, and it's totally more useful at that than any of the actual tools and weapons its imitating.
I wouldn't be as happy with no explanation with skimpy armor, but I can't really argue with 'because I find it cool' because that's just an opinion. If you try to justify your choice, that leaves an opening for me to seriously argue against your claim.
Hey, isn't that the nymph portrait from Neverwinter Nights?
Depends on how hot it is. Tropical jungle? Bring out the codpieces. Wintery wasteland? Put on a coat.
Honestly, yeah. What more do you need?
Won't you need protection from the sun or bugs or stuff like that, even in the tropics?
To be fair its just as nonsensical to sit there and explain in detail why their character should die because they decide to wear bikini armor. Just assume they already know and don't care.
I honestly don't give a shit.
There's just something that angers me when people try to justify it - like, we all know it's stupid, but they're somehow trying to tell me that the ocean is bright purple. I would be able to live with a purple ocean if they weren't trying to convince me that a purple ocean makes just as much sense as the normal blue one.
>body of 18yo
>face of a 9yo
Why is this allowed
Agreed! Defacing a dfc with those grotesque mammaries is an insult to everyone involved.
Why not user? SHe might just be a nubile alien princess.
Thick coatings of olive oil.
>disproportionally large head and eyes
i can see that
Not with good enough Save Vs. Disease
Remember, whether it's skin cancer or the flu, Save Vs. Disease is what you roll against.
>paladins get immune to disease after a certain level
So paladins would be really good at crusading in the tropics...
I like it.
I'm a big fan of stylised shit in general. I like skimpy sexy shit, and I like tons of layers where the character looks like a laundry basket, and I like armour that makes no sense. I find all these things aesthetically GOOD and also arousing.
>Tropical explorer paladins
Here you go.
You got the non censored version? That scratchy white is triggering my autism.
I know for sure that its from NWN, but don't remember which character.
Form before function activates levels of autism within me I never before though possible.
Because the other way around would be far more terrifying.
Please never come near Apple store.
>how do your princesses dress, Veeky Forums?
However the fuck they want. They're royalty.
I can see clothes of silk, if materials that do not hide the body, nor even one’s decency, can be called clothes … Wretched flocks of maids labour so that the adulteress may be visible through her thin dress, so that her husband has no more acquaintance than any outsider or foreigner with his wife’s body.
>exploring new lands for the God of Traveling
>smiting evil savages and bringing the word of the Goddess to the locals
If I hear a description of a skimpy costume, as a player, I roll my eyes.
If I hear a description of a skimpy costume, as a GM, I ask. Stylized shit is fine most of the time, but as a GM, I HATE fetishbait over everything else. I don't wish to be a tool to give my players boners or wet panties. I GM because I want people to invest in their characters and have a grand old time in this adventure I churn out with my crippling depression, and someone wasting my game for their own boners is not my definition of grand old time.
Thankfully I play with relatively sane people so this isn't a problem.
This is not how royalty works, user.
>How do you feel about skimpy outfits in RPGs?
Many of those skimpy outfits are a lot more modest than what real women wear, so I don't see the problem.
Correction, this is context-relevant. If someone charges to fight in something we're seeing in this thread... *breaks into laughter*
But in context were sex appeal has a place, sure. But in the soil of battleground, it has no place. Well, okay, maybe in the soil, on a dead person, who was stabbed dead in the stomach for showing off some midriff.
>Many of those skimpy outfits are a lot more modest than what real women wear,
to battle?
Lmao at failed bait
>real women
>to battle
come again?
this. that's it.
The only place I *truly* have a problem with it is in videogames.
Look at this. Nevermind the stupid and fuck-ugly design of the female armor; how the fuck does it magically change like that? It highlights the basic issue I have with skimpy armor: it's basically sex for the sake of sex, without rhyme or reason other than... wow, metal tits. It's mong shit.
Anyways, properly justified I don't have a problem with it, but when has it ever been properly justified?
some of these characters don't even wear armor, so yeah, to battle. why not?
Depends on the context.
In general, however, I bend towards more realistic stuff. Regardless of what that is. A belly dancer, as an example should be skimpily dressed. Someone fighting? Get some goddamn armor.
>how the fuck does it magically change like that?
I don't know, how do night elves and gnomes use the same armor in WoW? Does it just magically change size?
If you're too autistic to suspend your disbelief, vidya isn't for you.
>5e Sorcerers with Draconic Resilience get AC13+Dex
>no armor proficiencies
Damn, I just realized I have in-game reason to wear whatever I want.
Motherfucker, when I picked it up on off of the ground, it looked like the picture to the right- nice, well-made, protects the neck, enclosing, snug.
When I put it on my lady Altmer, it grew metal tits (that's not even a sexy concept) and left her neck as a big "stab here" sign.
>How do Night Elves and Gnomes use the same armor
Consider that, in WoW, you buy armor *waaaaaaay* more often than you find it on the ground. Presumably, you purchase a set that fits you from the armorer, rather than the suit magically changing.
>how the fuck does it magically change like that?
one-size-fits-all for armor is already bullshit, you know
>When I put it on my lady Altmer, it grew metal tits
If that shit triggers you so much, go download a fucking mod. We all know Bethesda doesn't so much produce games as it makes toolpacks for amateur programmers.
>Consider that, in WoW, you buy armor *waaaaaaay* more often than you find it on the ground.
Completely missing the point here. Armor and other equipment ignores size and only looks at the arbitrary "class" limitations. Learn to suspend your disbelief.
As long as the skimpy outfit isn't the only defining character trait, it's fine. They're not real anyway. Fucking loathe shit like pic related, but in tabletop it doesn't really affect me, as long as the player doesn't have a wankfest at the table.
They never were the elite of a fighting force, but why not ? You can double up your infantry, and in a medieval setting, they weren't really significantly weaker than man other than for obvious biological reasons.
Ironically enough the game you're posting is rather gender equal in its whore armor.
True, but munitions plate were made without regard to the wearer's exact specifications, and most 16th and 17th century soldiers wore the cheaper, less well-fitting armor.
Personally? I can only assume that, in a given RPG- tabletop or videogame, whatever, that if you find it in a dungeon or bandit lair, it doesn't fit you perfectly, but if you buy it at a store, it does. That's purely a thought though.
I did get a mod, thanks.
>Learn to suspend your disbelief
There's a difference between suspending your disbelief- I'm fine at that, thank you, I can sit through hours of Next Generation's technobabble and never raise an eyebrow- and "this suit of armor is now incredibly less protective thanks to the fact that my PC has a vagina".
Also, women in realistic armor are sexier. Strictly facts.
historically women only really ever fought in last ditch defence.
fantastically sure why not, women don't have stat differences, just make sure someone gets left behind to farm.
I'm fine with it, even down to straight up Red Sonja bikini armor, but there's a few conditions
First and foremost is it setting appropriate? Some fantasy settings do try to behave semi-realistically beyond their magical elements (Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, etc). If it's a more fantastical setting like Azeroth then it's cool, doesn't really bother me.
Next, please don't ever try to justify it. We know why Red Sonja is in a bikini. Please don't have her or someone else go on some spiel about "OH IT LETS HER MOVE FASTER AND DISTRACT PEOPLE". Conan never has to justify running around in just his loin cloth.
Sexy armor's a long running tradition. It has its place, it's not for every setting, but I hope it never dies off.
It's never come up and it might never come up in my group(s).
But, if I was the GM and someone wanted to quibble about it (unlikely as that prospect is), then my rule would be: It must be internally consistent.
If you want to wear just clothes, it can be as skimpy as you want. If you want to wear heavy, high DR armor then you're either going to have to go down a tier of armor or take the Ceremonial upgrade (which is more expensive and entails a -1 DR, but you get +1 Appearance) to make it somewhat skimpy.
They were never a big part of organized fighting forces, but it's not as though it never happened. There are historical records of women fighting in battle, very occasionally.
>"this suit of armor is now incredibly less protective thanks to the fact that my PC has a vagina".
But you're totally okay with your character being equally as effective as a male with equivalent stats despite being a head shorter and about half his weight?
Where you draw the line for your suspension of disbelief is a matter of personal opinion, I'm just saying your opinion is wrong.
>what real women wear
>your pic
You need to get out of the basement dude. That is not a normal dress.
>How do you feel about skimpy outfits in RPGs?
They are vital to my enjoyment. Anyone who disagrees is a eunuch, a cuck, or an autist.
>That is not a normal dress.
I know. It's clubwear, it's still clothing women wear in public. It's just limited to special occassions where they want to get railed. My point still stands: "sexy" fantasy clothing is often a lot more modest than modern day clothing.