>Trading crypto is for white only
Trading crypto is for white only
and koreans
remember the xmr pump in august
Yes pajeet, white only, no poopoo colored people
Crypto is White privelege because niggers are not intelligent enough to steal it
JFC, these people are hilarious:
where's the down arrow on his scanner
WTF you are talking about? Niggers love BTC.
I'm black and have a 30k portfolio.
Also currently mooning on Iota and will expect some more mooning in ODN tomorrow.
Suck my dick
"Bitcoin is naught but a toy for rich white libertarian men, says Annie-Rose Strasser at Think Progress, as she thinks about the ways she doesn't like progress if she doesn't like the type of people she associates with it, or the ideas she thinks are behind it, no matter what its actual uses are or might be, for rich, poor, or in-between."
Black guy here.
Most liberals you people are annoyed with are white liberals who overthink and way overdo liberal ideas.
They annoy a lot of black people too. White rightwingers in turn take it out on black people when its mostly your white liberals who stir the most shit and get you angry.
Handle your people please.
We gonna make it
Only whites and asians should be allowed to trade crypto. Unfortunately the Jews are trying to weasel their way in and if they succeed we're all fucked.
We'll handle them the right way, my melanin enriched friend.
Jews are not white?
What color would you describe their skin?
Arab here.
Making thousands with this shit
My man. Racism and race means nothing in comparison to the only color that matters: Green.
Arab's are white too.
Get fucked shekelberg. No you're not white.
reptilian light blue
>advanced knowledge of computer science, wealth—are also markings of the young, white male.
Sorry, but according to the left your skin precludes you from understanding computers. At least they aren't racist though
Nope we have nothing to do with hedonistic degenerates like white people. We are completely different.
>Need sousous because You're too retarded to save money on your own
>black guy owns IOTA
No fucking surprises there
Please send the memo to your brethen living in France
this picture needs some red candles in the scouter screen
Just send them back.
What about this guy. What color is his skin?
Your argument is like saying people from papa new guinea are black because they have black skin, even though austroloids and negroids are 2 distinct races.
>all this fucking cross contamination from /pol/
Go back.
People of color are the first ones to buy into the shittiest shitcoins like ark, link, etc. Also most of them find investing in bitconnect profitable. Pic related.
Ark team is white though
>le containment board meme
Every board is a containment board you fucking autist, that's why they are boards
90% of Veeky Forums is /pol/ you dumb nigger
So they clearly appear white, just have some distinguishing facial characteristics, correct?
So why is it wrong to call Jews a white race? If you didn't know that a person with white skin is Jewish, would you not describe them as white? What are they recorded as on the census?
>buy iota at .40
>almost 2 dollars.
I’m such a dumb nigger. I’ll make sure to put that in the memo line of my next deposit.
This is a /g/ colony which has always been /pol/