Talk about Eternal Masters (EMA) and every spoiler that pops up during the day.
>Cabal Therapy
>at uncommon
It's amazing, guys. And it even confirms we have the Flashback mechanic in this set. What should we wish for next?
Talk about Eternal Masters (EMA) and every spoiler that pops up during the day.
>Cabal Therapy
>at uncommon
It's amazing, guys. And it even confirms we have the Flashback mechanic in this set. What should we wish for next?
>Rorix bladewing
>nev's disk
What great and powerful rares, I'm sure glad they put cards in the set worth less than the uncommons into the set for me to open from my horribly overpriced booster packs.
>b-but m-muh draft!
Fuck draft, limited print run sets shouldn't need to cator to limited autists.
Did you get:
Big Jace?
Chase rare?
IFF NO: Loss 90% of the value you spent on your packs. Oh How wonderful I cracked the fifth fucking Worldgorger.
So why is it $10 a pack for reprints of old cards?
So far it's similar to MMA and that set rocked. Good rares and uncommons go up in value.
Look at Kitchen Finks.
>beep boop I am a wizard shillbot, please remain calm goys
I'm just buying singles, never touching a "masters" sealed product ever again after them filling the set with shit like ryusei and now we've got fucking rorix and giant tortoise! How amazing is that?
>WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH The cards should be cheaper than what's in them at all times, t-that's sustainable r-right guys?
High hopes for a Pox reprint. Been needing a new art for years
chances of Entomb getting a reprint?
No one is saying that, but a premium sealed product that is 3 times more expensive than regular packs, with just reprints and intended to breathe some life into eternal formats should not include such a high number of $1 and $.50 rares, and it definitely should not have $1 mythics.
>fill set with dollar bin rares
>drones will still defend it because "you're just being greedy!"
If they're going to make it a limited print run premium set then they better at least reprint cheaper rares that see actual fucking play in vintage/legacy ect, not Rorix bladewing.
Already got it
Confirmed already. Rare, too.
For all Veeky Forums complains about jews it sure is full of them
>oh no I actually have to spend money
>what if I don't get more value than what I what I laid from every single thing I buy
>I don't play this hobby for fun, just to watch the prices on these little pieces of cardboard I own go up
All Veeky Forums does is complain, they said this set wasn't going to have anything good in it, now that it's shaping up so far to be amazing they find something else to complain about
>if you like magic and plan on buying packs or a box then your definitely a wizard "shill"
What if I just like to support the hobby that I enjoy playing, it's like you sour fucking grapes don't enjoy anything or realize that if wizards goes under all the cards will tank hard then become absolutelyrics impossible to find within a few years
TL:DR I want /pol/ to go, they call everyone a jew when in reality theyre the money grubbing, Penny pinching assholes
Limited player here. Maro might use us as an excuse but we like high powered and valuable cards as much as anyone else.
Nff. That art. Want.
>you don't like cheap as fuck cards in your $10 booster packs? NO YOU ARE THE JEWS!
Nice logic, you braindead fucking morons are the reason why they keep doing this shit time and time again.
>muh /pol/ boogey man
It's like you think only people from /pol/ call greedy people jews, how cute.
Go back to MTGS, you little spineless cretin.
I'm just gonna buy the singles I want.
Reminds me more of MM2. More and More jank rares being revealed until there are only 5-6 good rares out of 30+ jank rares.
At least they won't fuck up the packaging agian (hopefully)
They're are like 3 Rares and mythics that are under a $1 so far
>control magic
The rest are at least around $5 or more
On top of that they just spoiled a $10 uncommon and a $1 common, what more do you fucking want
You fucking morons due realize that if the EV of a pack was even or above MSRP the we would never fucking see it for that
As it stands most shops are probably still going to be selling it for $12-15 a pack if they don't just crack the vast majority and sell the singles
It's like you guys don't even know how this works
What do you consider a junk rare? MMA had a few rares not worth much initially, but they climbed in price over time.
>The rest are at least around $5 or more
None of them are staying at that price once the packs are opened, use your fucking brain.
So what you are saying is basically we as consumers should just continue to let WOTC and stores fuck is in the ass because it's what we're used to?
Seriously Prodigal Sorcerer? Maelstrom Wanderer? Rorix Bladewing?
fucking dropped
But they're aren't that many cheap cards revealed right now you dumb fuckhead, like 3
And yes the vast majority of jew bashers on this site are stormfags who get super pissy when someone calls them out on their shit on their super special huge box, also im not going anywhere so fucking deal with it, I hope it triggers you
Great card for Commander. Worth like 25 USD and needs more foil printings.
this plus ever after could be pretty crazy
>calls /pol/ a hugbox
>got pissy at the word jew
Lel, irony is lost on you.
>Support the hobby
Wizards is not a NGO, it is not a charity. You are not a supporter of the hobby. You are a customer. Don't be naive.
>if wizards goes under all the cards will tank hard then become absolutelyrics impossible to find within a few years
Not really. Games that were this popular, even if they go under, never disappear. Vs System, for example, was popular for a while. Not MtG popular, but popular nonetheless. And it is trivial to find cards online for it. You are always going to be able to find cards, provided there wasn't a ridiculous low number of them printed to begin with.
Eh, not every uncommon needs to be a chase uncommon or a limited bomb.
Rorix Bladewing
Dualcaster Mage
Control Magic
Worldgorger Dragon
Diminishing Returns
>B-b-but muh limited!
And that's why the sets being printed you fucking retard, because 5 dollars for some of those cards is ridiculous, and if they don't get printed now they'll keep climbing
It's like you only want certain cards you don't own to decrease in value just so you can buy them and wait for them to increase again
Day 1 and 2 are when all the bombs are spoiled. If we are already in control magic and bladewing territory, there is barely anything left. Since you are such a fucking Rosewater bitch, you should know how spoilers work.
My big problem with sets like this is that it's a limited print run. This means that the supply is already small. To me this means that I'll never be able to buy it at MSRP (not to mention I'm in Canada and suffer from a weak ass Dollar).
On top of that, this will build demand for eternal staples without a corresponding increase in supply.None at all for the reserved list cards. So we end up with a jump in prices for singles too.
Uh yes it does need to be.
fuck yeah
>dat obvious self flagging
Go ger dredged
>It's like you only want certain cards you don't own to decrease in value just so you can buy them and wait for them to increase again
No, I just want decent reprints from a reprint set, not rorix bladewing and nev's disk.
Then they shpuld not cry about proxies.
Free. Market.
Oooh I can't wait for my prodigal sorcerer + Rorix bladewing pack IT'S JUST DRIPPING WITH VALUE AND MONEY WELL SPENT.
Good one, Rosie. I actually play "proxies". I love me some Chinaman Eternal Masters.
Then don't buy it, or just buy singles. Magic has always had shit rares and always will. The Masters sets cost more because the best cards are worth more. The worst cards are still shit. This is news to you?
Shame that it was nerfed.
Still fun to play though. Makes you an instant target in multiplayer.
For wotc? Yes. They don't exactly sell singles.
Nerfed how
>Shame that it was nerfed.
Thumbs up alt arts inbound.
You guys know that if every rare in the set was worth 20+, the price of packs would just go even higher, right?
Not with an unlimited print run.
>Just buy the products, despite the company's shitty behavior
No, faggot. No.
Commander nerf.
MW relies on a good ramping hand in order to start off.
Paris mulligans were removed, so MW decks can no longer dig a few extra cards to get the perfect ramp hand.
Not a big nerf but it changes the deck and makes MW less likely to cascade into value.
And everyone who plays pauper decks other than MBC rejoiced.
Oh god, its real, this is gonna be a rough environment
Fucking perfect.
Should I sell my play set of Tempest wastelands? They're all near mint condition, but I don't know if they're gonna pull a Goyf and go up in price, or take a nosedive.
To bad its not an unlimited print run...
Good reprint, hymms are hard to find in my playgroup and every fucker with a black french deck needs one.
>baleful strix at rare
Why tho, it doesnt feel like a rare and it was an uncommon in planechase , this rarity bump makes no sense, its a 2 mana 1/1 so it cant be for limited reasons
In addition to I don't play competitive legacy much, there's none in my local meta
2 mana 1/1 that replaces itself and trades with anything is pretty good and is most likely the reason it's a rare.
It's a horseshit reason, because these sets should just say fuck it to a balanced limited enviroment.
>its a 2 mana 1/1 so it cant be for limited reasons
Except that its a 2 mana 1/1 with evasion and removal, that also replaces itself.
Shits bonkers for limited
It originally an uncommon so it didn't took a rare slot on a precon
This set is a joke.
>can't have too many of these floating around or the vendors will throw a tantrum at us, better let them dick over the players by protecting the secondary market.
Limited strikes again.
>$20 card is a rare
>abloo bloo bloo
This set is Commander Masters.
>$20 uncommon that was printed once
>bump it up to rare for no reason at all
>retards defend this
Bullshit, it's legacy lite
>Bloodbraid Elf is uncommon
>There's no way that Shardless would be rare
>Right guise?
> : ^)
sick pulls confirmed
Someone doesn't understand how precon rarities work. It's not like it was a booster set uncommon.
>bloodbraid is uncommon and a better card overall
>so lets make shardless agent a rare
If you can't see this as obvious protection of the secondary market then you're nothing more than a useful idiot consuming whatever wizards fires out of it's anus this time.
>better than shardless
Nigga you wut? Do you play this game? You definitely don't play legacy
So many people are crying right now
>muh legacy
I was talking from a limited standpoint, which is the only thing that has a bearing on rarities.
Its should be an uncommon, but you dense twats will defend anything Pissards of the coast do.
Suprised this isn't a rare like shardless, thank fuck it isn't.
>Patrick Sullivan previews it
Everything is right.
>Reserved List hurts Legacy and the format's power level is too high for a lot of these cards
>not Modern-legal despite most of them being very cool additions
It's a matter of time until Eternal becomes a format of its own. People want to play with these cards.
>limited standpoint
>the only thing that has a bearing on rarities
So, I guess Wasteland is rare because of all the nonbasics you are going to be able to blow up in limited.
How's that extra chromosome working out for you?
You're talking in ciricle now user, why are you defending them making a card like shardless rare?
2017 - Eternal is created
A bunch of memedern players buy in and start playing
Legacy players don't care and continue to play real legacy and laugh at the new format shitters
For a nostalgia set they sure are fucking up all my fond memories of these cards by giving them shitty art.
Prodigial Sorcerer is pretty bad but holy fuck I am god damned FURIOUS that Werebear was bastardized. Wizards had ONE JOB and they fucked it up.
I am, however, saying that thinking that limited is the only thing that has a bearing on rarities is retarded. Shardless is rare in order to protect its secondary market value. Within the confines of a limited set designed to alliviate certain supply issues, a card that was severely under-printed and in high demand should not be rare.
Limited viability factors probably less than 10% in WotC rarity policies.
Prodigial sorcerer is pretty fuckin good m8 for limited.
It's completely retarded to print this at rare. I'd write Wizards if I thought it would actually have any effect.
>they print important staples into uncommon and rare slots
>they print strong and relevant things and shit on limited themes
>Veeky Forums is still complaining
you fuckbums just can't be pleased
with Cabal, Bloodbraid, Chain Lightning, Hymn at fucking uncommon and the commons being stuff like Counterspell and Mongoose this set is exactly what it should be and what MM1 was
the non-chaff rares are still in the majority and there is only one fucking shit mythic - they went so fucking much out of their way with mythics like Jace, DACK, Karakas or Crypt - and yet you people cry about you being the one person on earth pulling multiple Worldgorgers
>but Duals are still reserved, no one can play Eternal without them
yeah no shut your cuntmouth
Yes. I love PSulli and he's the only one that could have gotten this card in my eyes, and now my buddy can finish his Legacy Burn much easier so that's cool
the new sneak attack art triggered me hard
>shitting on limited themes
>shifting uncommons to rares
You're not thinking properly, dude. There are things called Animate Dead, Reanimate, Exhume and Dread Return. All those do what you want much better AND those are ages old interactions.