CYOA Thread

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Can somebody post some CYOAs where you get cucked?

Technically, but it NSFW. Not on a blue board.

With this board I can't tell if serious or not.



How many options should a waifu cyoa usually include?

Can't wait until this meme dies.

Divine Resilience 20
Regeneration 50
Godly Mind 60
Sixth Sense 70
Ancient Mysteries 95

Having powers that can grant you more points eventually is a neat alternative to straight drawbacks. I went with Ancient Mysteries since an eternal scavenger hunt sounds like a fine way to spend my divinity. Sixth Sense makes actually finding the cube fairly trivial with some triangulation, Godly Mind helps me uncover the secrets more quickly, and my survivability traits make sure I last long enough to unlock more powers.

Shapeshifter then Ascended will be my first pick ups, and with those I've filled out my general basics of what I want from a powers CYOA. Living forever and being able to mix things up by changing who I am. After that I'll probably need to pick up a few gifts to make it easier to secure the more well defended cubes, Divine Speed is likely a good choice and then maybe one of the more magical gifts like Creator and Elementalist. Rewind and Seer of the Infinite are probably good ideas for extra survivability as well. After that I'll just be picking up abilities to help me enjoy the rest of infinity. Creator, Giver of Life, and Portals Maker are sort of the end goals there.

Neat CYOA, though the formatting could be improved by just putting all the entries on the same line.



Aw, man. Because Overwatch, I totally missed:
I really like my (slime) entry, though. Good job.

thanks bruv.
Now, the important question is, what's your build?
I need to know for no particular reason.

Gonna go resurrect an ancient project now.
Can't stop, never stopping, can't stop making cyoa.
But i can't drink while making it, god damned.

Regeneration (70)
Divine Resilience (50)
Giver Of Life (20)
Godly Mind (10)
Divine Beauty (0)

Ancient Mysteries (+25)
Divine Engineer

Seems fun

Hey Beri, I was looking through Royal Revival and I was wondering some stuff:

Since the Power Seekers are the male equivalent of Reaper Witches, what are their power levels like? About the same as reaper witches?

Also, what would happen if you tried to put a Binding Band on Teresa, would there be no change? Would she be oblivious to it even though she's the one who bought it for you?

Lastly, wouldn't it cause mental conflict to start gaining female memories if you were male before (oh god I'm remembering what periods are like)? Is there a way to prevent yourself from getting any of your old memories back if you don't want weird gender / identity issues?

Great CYOA btw, I'm having fun thinking of builds for it.

I was called in to play Overwatch before I could finish reading it. I'll get back to you on that, anonymously.

Many thanks to the autist that managed to upload Wanderer's Story 0.2 onto the archive.

>Power Seekers power level
Yeah, all combat classes are roughly equivalent in strength. There's just the issue of specializations and other abilities. Power Seekers can't burn souls or anything, but they have strong wills and good organization, making them an effective fighting force, even when in dire straights.

>Binding Band on Teresa
Yeah, she'd still try to support you however she can. The ring has a supernatural ability to make someone unaware that it was influencing them, so she wouldn't know about it. To her, it would just be a precious gift from her darling little brother/sister. It would boost her desire to tend for you somewhat, but there isn't really much more she could do.

>mental conflict
well, that would be something you might have to deal with... My advise is just "don't worry about it." But if you want a real answer... Your memories will return to you regardless. However, if you accept them, they will become more of a part of you. You might adopt some old mannerisms or whathaveyou. On the other hand, if you try your best to mentally reject them, they'll be less like personal experiences and more like mundane knowledge. Like, instead of your life, it might feel similar to a tv show you watched once & won't really influence you outside of knowing things. But if you're that worried about it, there's some esoteric divination magic to erase memories completely.

>Great CYOA

Ilias did nothing wrong. Monstergirls are scum and should be eradicated.

llias did everything wrong.

On one hand,so many of the monsters are tremendous pricks and/or disgusting abominations. On the other hand, illias herself and many angels are also tremendous pricks and/or disgusting abominations.

They're all monsters, regardless. Why else would Illias and her ilk be in the Monster Encyclopedia?

It's the same shit like Strange Journey, when Mastema argued that they were "angels" not demons.

>not helping your waifu achieve omnipotence and eliminate all inferior creatures
You are literally a Nazi.

I hardly even remember the "plot" past game 2 anymore to be honest, all I remember is the ending was pretty much "all according to keikaku".

Also, I just remembered there was a thing in the works where you get sent back in time with all your powers and end retrace all your steps but with powers and the knowledge you're traveling with the monster lord. I wonder if it ever got finished.

Thank you user I am to please.

>I wonder if it ever got finished.
Unfortunately not, and with the utterly glacial pace of development, it probably won't finish for many years. If at all.

There was a whole bunch of drama behind the scenes that I didn't pay attention to.

I found some typos:
wouldn't dare insultING you
teach Kit how to get good AND cooking

Hunter Gal
She'S can be very creative

I said "Anonymously," but it occurred to me that I'd pretty obviously be the only build linking to the last thread, so that's out.
I don't know if I should pick three from the pool of everyone excluding myself or if I myself need spent as a choice or what. I'll just act on the assumption that it's me + 2 chosen being sent to live with random user, because I don't want to have to wrap my head around the concept of other selves. The other self wouldn't want to have to think about that either. It probably isn't worth adding in a line for what authors should do as that's just a small handful of people. I think I wouldn't mind living with Imaginos & Pallas. Imaginos can't stand unclean floors & that's exactly what slimes can fix. Plus, there's the opportunity of getting baked goods in exchange for cleaning things up. Pallas is good because she is easily uplifted by words. Plus the whole "new and exciting" frame of mind, even if it might die down, is neat. It's hard to say which authors mesh well with the "living with them is absolutely bonkers" line, though. There's no telling who the favorites are. I have too much of a Hakuna Matata attitude to really do much with the more high-strung authors. In my experience, it isn't uncommon for a high-strung person to just become more high-strung by being around lackadaisical people. For instance, Italics is worrisome in that regard & I wouldn't want to interrupt someone like Highlander, even though I'm prone to "always stop everything I'm doing because someone else entered the room so that I may give them my full attention," too. A lot of it depends on unknown variables about the authors, but Imaginos & Pallas seem like the safest bets.


Apparently I wrote this last night. Honestly all I remember from last night was playing overwatch and watching some Mongolian flip books. But anyways here's some OC

>tfw Berri doesn't want me
I'm gonna go have fun with Box Wine and Bliss, and you can just go suck some floors.
See? Before I even finish this post my alcoholic friendpls? posts OC

My interpretation was that the Point-Awarding Gifts still cost you points, you gain points over time after the character creation by doing what they say.

Sort of like an epilogue to the character creation part.

how drunk were you?

>7-11 whisky is a bad idea
That drunk.

Gonna go with the box.

Mystery box.
This is interesting, in a flailing drunkard sort of way.

> >tfw Berri doesn't want me
Well, I was picking solely on the descriptions & trying to pick what would make everyone else the happiest. There's not much I can do for busybodies, but there's good synergy with what I chose, I think. Did I do poorly?

And here's the box

There is no greater power then that of friendship.

Very meta. I like it.

Pretty much this

It's already dead, we just need to shove it in the grave to decompose away from all the folks still using the poor thing like a puppet.

Best option. Drink run when?

>Did I do poorly?
That depends.
If your purpose was breaking my heart, then no.

I'm sorry... That's the opposite of what I wanted.

There's no image there. Is it an empty box? Because I think having an empty box would be much better than being a retarded pelican or a three-legged lizard.

>tfw can't get drunk
>tfw can't have sugar
>tfw need to take a break from making short cyoas so I can get more headpats
>tfw Berri breaks my heart when he tries not to
This isn't fair. I just want to finish exams and these multipaged, serious cyoas.

sempai will never notice you

>tfw failure to make everyone happy.

Take it easy user, there's no deadline for finishing cyoas or any headpat penalties for finishing OC late.

has a point. Rushing will only lead to shitty CYOAs.

>not getting the joke

Well, I guess I choose the lizard. Is my mind control good enough I could make a team of engineers design me a prosthetic lizard limb? Or get people to carry me around and buy me lettuce?

Ah, well. I've not been on top of my game today.

Never ever.
but I need to make cyoa.
I'm sitting here, restless, because exams are gonna fuck me up soon and I'm not focused enough to finish those big ones.

if by people you mean alligators sure, and the most you could do in humans is reinforce certain behaviors

I have the day off and a shit ton of beer, I'm already drinking.

I know what to do here, but it's going to be long.
Phase One:
Ascended (65)
Godly Mind (55)
Divine Speed (35)
God's Eyes (25)
Ancient Mysteries (0)
With Divine Speed, I will go around the world, searching for the stone cubes (starting on land, then working my way to the ocean.) It is my hope to at least find three, but finding five of them would be better. Sure there would be divine guardians, but who said I couldn't outsmart them rather than fighting them. My plan is to find the cubes then meditating to extract the divine essence, rather than wasting time gaining their power and letting others get them. Once I have five (+50), the next phase will commence.
Phase Two:
Demonic Pact (25)
Healing hands (5)
With the power to heal at my disposal, I shall provide healing to those that need it, for a price of course (preferably their souls). Again, with Divine Speed I can travel great distances, allowing me to be one of the first at a scene of disaster. At the same time, I will keep looking for the cubes, taking their divine essence. Once I gain 1000 souls, 10 more cubes, or a mixture of both, (+100 at least) the final phase will begin.
Phase Three:
Regeneration (75)
Devourer (0)
Now is the time for me to find another demigod, preferably one of a lower moral constitution and without Immortality or Reincarnation, and gain his trust. Once he trusts me enough, I will take a chance when he is unaware and cut out his heart, going somewhere nice and quiet, and devouring it. Soon after, I will get the hell out of there, and focus on my other plans.

Thoughts? There might be more.

So is Shadow + Teresa basically co-op battle mode? I thought it was kind of funny that the supersoldier describes your duties as her assistant as "I'll take you out for smoothies and teach you about stranger danger."

...Wait, come to think of it, how old was princess-you when she died? Did I just build myself into a magical battle-loli?

And does magic run off of physical stamina or like, "mana"? I was thinking of taking Healing for a combat build that fights along Teresa, but if it's physically exhausting that's probably a bad idea.

I am not getting the joke ethier, is it nothingness or something or the wine box?

It's just a joke about his tripcode.

So do you get a box of wine, or Box Wine himself?

Will it unbreak your heart if I tell you that I believe in you & to do your best?

Teresa doesn't seem to actively fight much anymore, seems to focus on protecting the castle and killing all spies and assassins. Plus judging by what she says, she'd be prone to go really easy on you as far as what she'd ask you to do.

>but I need to make cyoa.
A short CYOA where you're cursed into being a trap (i.e. you're still male, but everyone will mistake you for a girl unless corrected, or maybe they simply won't believe you're not a girl no matter what), but someone takes pity on you and offers you some items/boons to make your life easier, or to ease you into a life of being mistaken for a girl?

Well then what about the reptilians? May I assert myself as their new leader and assume my rightful role as the man behind the curtain?

Phase one seems solid, but there's always the need to prepare for the worse case scenario of being unable to outspeed or outwit the guardians.

Phase two is okay, but 10 souls per 1 point does make it somewhat inefficient. You'd also have to be careful of rumors spreading of your deals, else the populace mmight go out of their way to hunt or expel you.

Phase three is not very solid, considering the multiple things you have to check in order to find the ideal Demigod. By now, if rumors hadn't started about your actions, they probably will start, making trust a very fragile topic. Patience and subtlety will probably be your chances.

That's what I think, at any rate.


Hmm, I () had hoped to use my longevity and wanderlust to slowly explore the world and unlock the secrets of the Ancient Mysteries. I hadn't counted on a speedster rounding them up before I got there. Not to mention the fact that you plan to eventually start eating demigods. I guess my hope is that you slip up and die to a guardian before I really get going, but your Divine Speed is pretty helpful in that regard.

I was also planning on eventually meeting up with other demigods, but I hadn't quite considered the risk of Devourers. I might need to make finding a Defender of the Innocent one of my priorities.

Still, I like the thought put into your build. Pretty good idea you give yourself a very high point ceiling with all those different way to increase your points but your overall power level does seem kind of low. Your only real means to achieve your goals are Divine Speed and Godly Mind. That will certainly get you through a lot of challenges but it's hard to say if it's enough. I would point out the risks of a limited lifespan but assuming you're around 20 ish now then you've got about 500 years before old age starts becoming an issue I'd guess. That could be long enough to find 15 cubes.

It'll help mend the wound.
>tfw need to take a break from making short cyoas so I can get more headpats
You're the guy from two/one days ago who wanted a cyoa about getting powers AND becoming a girl, right?

Phase two will require careful subtlety, but I think I could manage.
I will admit, phase three is really only there in order to increase my power even further. With that said, I might have a small amendment to it. The description says nothing about eating the heart of a long dead demigod, and by this point I'd have waited over then years. There is no way a non immortality demigod would have not died by now. Just have to find their grave and eat there heart. Sure it is stupid and probably even worse than the first idea, but I think it will work.
Besides, the power is worth it.

more cyoas

>You're the guy from two/one days ago who wanted a cyoa about getting powers AND becoming a girl, right?
I can't remember, and sorry for suggesting a short one, memory went goldfish or something. What big(ger) ones were you working on again? Need any help with those?

Ten, not then, my bad.Thanks, I like your build as well.

Here is a real life waifu CYOA!

Part 2

Usually I don't play waifu games, but I'll look into this one.
Ashley Kim.
Gain more muscle through "curse" that cannot be removed, allowing me to gather more power than any of the other options.
The food is also nice.

>Death Knight

>Vampiric Weapon

> Necromancy (2, +1 for Death Knight), Chaotic.
> Friend to Animals, Serpent's Reflexes, Smouldering Gaze, Unholy Strength.

> Monstrous Mount (Shambling mound of rotted plants)

> Deep Cave residence

Necromantic not!Druid Paladin, go.

>Someone thought it was a good idea to try and remake this with actual serious, horrifying curses

you seem very interested in becoming a girl, and none of them are on that subject, so unfortunately I don't think you can be of much assistance.
I think your idea is possible, even if it doesn't interest me in the slightest. You should do it.

Damn, Should have waited for part two.
In this case, Tawny Monteith. Being able to complete any task I deem important will lead to great power.


For some reason the box didn't upload my bad

Forgot to mention a few things.
Firstly, while it may take a while for me to find the cubes, to to my Ascended power I do not need food or sleep, allowing for longer searching sessions. Just wanted to put that out there.
Secondly, I was considering of a Phase Four, but I didn't want to bore people to death. If you wanted to hear it, feel free to ask.
Have a nice day.

go for it

Glad I chose the mystery box.

Ok time to take my laxatives

>you seem very interested in becoming a girl
Not really, I like having a dick. Wouldn't necessarily mind looking like a pretty girl, though.
>none of them are on that subject, so unfortunately I don't think you can be of much assistance.
Even if I couldn't, someone else might be able to. The important thing is that you let us know if you need help, so we might try and give it to you. And getting help with your CYOAs will get you your precious headpats sooner, will it not?

>I think your idea is possible, even if it doesn't interest me in the slightest. You should do it.
Only if I'm stuck with INSPIRATION. No promises, highly likely that I'll just do continue on my path of consumption without contribution.
Also, (part of) the reason why I suggested what I did might've been _because_ of your previously mentioned lack of interest on the subject, sorry again if it bothered you.

Depending on how expensive laxatives are, that might actually be a net loss.

> (part of) the reason why I suggested what I did might've been _because_ of your previously mentioned lack of interest on the subject
what. how and or why?
I'm confused.
I have zero interest in space or sci fi cyoas. Suggesting/asking I do a cyoa about space won't give me the drive to make it.

I've learnt talking of my cyoas, even posting a single option from it, greatly removes all desire I have to make it. I could use someone to run builds for me since I can't do that, but that is all in the future.

You seem like a fun person to drink with

Everything went better than expected. Too bad they're gonna smell like ass.

Well my finals are finally over. Now I can check to see if I have a job, wait to see if I have good enough grades to graduate, do my masters project over summer, and work on cyoa stuffs.

v3 Fixed the points

No thank you,
I'll keep the version with 200 points :)

Political Party cyoa's rough draft is almost done, though I have stumbled upon a problem; I might not completely know how to properly word the benefits from the choices.

I think the waifu option shoud require less points or the option to give them the points you want.

Alpha-Class Psyker
Extraordinary Luck.

Bring it the fuck on. I know it makes no sense. But you cunts can't stop me anyway.

Good point. Maybe I'll change that

I read that as political panties and was really confused as to how that would work.

> you're wearing a g-string, the underwear of COMMUNISTS

>Death Knight

Disgraced and tossed aside by my former god, all because of the actions of an apprentice necromancer who knew not the spell he was casting. Abandoned by my former allies, I turn now to wandering.

>Mace of Chaos

My old warhammer, corrupted by the same ritual that twisted me into the rotting corpse you see before you.

>Necromancer Level 4 (Level 1 Free)
>Unholy Strength
>Serpent's Reflexes
>Master of Arms
>Smouldering Gaze

Where once I healed and protected, now I am... this.


I know not why this little elf engineer brings me on board, nor where this hellish contraption comes from...

But so long as I wander, trying to find a new purpose, it works well enough for a place to rest.

Bastard. You got me to listen to Undertale songs.
Fuck you, New Home.

I can't even replay it, user. Can't erase his memories.

I cannot believe they forgot to list that you can't be a blank and a psyker at the same time.