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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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A reminder that if you support the rebellion you are supporting a terrorist group. The Galactic Empire is the true path to balance if the Sith weren't in control.
What kind of treasure would you leave in your dungeon/fortress specifically for adventures to find?
Fancy clothes!
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter and all that jazz.
1. Terrorism is the voice of the politically voiceless
2. How do you intend to get the Sith out of power if you don't fight them?
but really traps, traps and mimics pretending to be traps. If they pass it all I'll give gold and one piece of advance tech. They can only pick one.
Vote them out. You voted them in.
worthless but hard to counterfeit tokens redeemable in the dungeon towns for out of context loot like engineering and science textbooks, chocolate, cocaine, penicillin etc.
Reminder that if you are supporting the Galactic Empire you are supporting an illegitimate government which unlawfully supplanted the Galactic Republic.
Friendship written in Draconic
Also, will thread last 4/4:30 hours for me to get back and post Generic Dungeon Builder 0.2 WIP?
All kinds of stuff. Interesting adventurers get the better, personally crafted stuff of course.
...Okay, I'm gonna be honest. There's going to be a whole lot of fancy magic hats. And probably corsets for female adventurers.
Any adventurers leaving my dungeon-fortress is going to look fucking awesome. I have a reputation to uphold.
The republic created the empire by voting palpatine legal emperor.
Technology and magical devices and knowledge that I wanted disseminated to the world. I'll make them think they stole the knowledge from me, and that using it will be the only way to gain advantage over me. By the time they've developed a utopia it will already be too late.
do you seriously think the Empire is still a actual democracy and not at best a false democracy perpetuated by total rat scum cancer fucks?
Does Rank up in Bartimaeus Sequence just make you the rank above Djinn? When you're a spirit that is.
It might, it might not.
I woundn't count on it as we will prolly have the next thread up by then.
Good... Goood.
The Senate was dissolved around the time of a New Hope.
It is far better than whatever your diseased mind could come up with.
so the idea of a universal direct democracy is really that hated?
Since Im just getting started on dungeon keeper I was planning on making the backgrounds be drop in, hero, keeper, and disembodied voice.
Drop in will likely be a call out to another dingeon series that is about dungeoneering unless I get a better idea though.
Voice have a physical body unless in a host body in which case host is their body.
Anything anyone wants to see in it?
Because it's not a violation of the Galactic Constitution if a politician does it, right?
I think its fair to say any thing you like is hated.
And if not what does it do?
which other dungeon series?
I don't think they did vote him in, I thoght he was given emergency powers during the Clone Wars, and at the end he was all, " Fuck you all I'm the Emperor now."
Granted it's been awhile so I could be mistaken,
Blame jarjar user. Palps got legally elected on his vote.
Was thinking lazy dungeon master. Not everything just a few things for drop in since they usually get more meta powers.
What would Disembodied Voice even do? I guess it could serve as an advisor?
Anyway, I'd say make a Keeper background, a Monster/Hero background, an Imp/Worker background, and an Avatar background. Keeper and Avatar can be summoned for this purpose, or established in the setting.
If you can't make a dungeon keeper jump based only on that game, don't make it because we're already getting a generic jump and don't need another jump based on multiple of the games in the genre.
You can be meta without putting in other games.
I think I found Jumpchan.
He created New 52 universe as an experiment.
Greetings brave adventurers and welcome to Aperture Dungeons. You all got to know each other on the quest over so let me introduce myself. I am Jumper, the Dungeon King and you are here because the old sage of the caves told you how to find your destiny. Now lets light up our torches, and find spelunk for some science.
This is pathetic Many. Even you can put more effort in then that.
Voice is the advisor, lets say he plays a big part in the new dungeon keeper game. The dirty bastard.
Aside from tears and pain?
Whacky, fanciful, magic food.
Toriko still makes me homesick.
Sexy clothes and silly hats.
I'd put Voice as just a disembodied voice confined to the dungeon, but if you think it works better with hosts...
Not all that familiar with Dungeon Keeper specifically, through the ability to get minions into other jumps...
Perk to be a decent boss, for Keeper?
Something with converting heroes to work for you?
>I'd put Voice as just a disembodied voice confined to the dungeon, but if you think it works better with hosts...
>Not all that familiar with Dungeon Keeper specifically, through the ability to get minions into other jumps...
>Perk to be a decent boss, for Keeper?
>Something with converting heroes to work for you?
You're including the hand as an alternate form right?
I was talking something inspired by it not flat out copies of something else besides I was only going to use a couple spells the mc uses like create golems. Something that doesnt exist in DK.
Really? Or are you trolling? If that is true then what the fuck DC.
Ok. Well, maybe then Keeper, Voice, Monster, and Imp and/or Hero? I dunno, I don't see any reason to do a separate Drop-In when the player starts the game as a brand new Keeper.
Again, you are making a jump about Dungeon Keeper. You shouldn't be inspired by other settings, you should be using the setting you have. If you're making a jump about more then Dungeon Keeper, stop, because we already have someone doing it.
Come on man, you have 2 games to draw from. Jumps have been made from a single movie or some pen and paper rpg that's only got 10% translated. You don't need to rely on other settings.
Drawback: Dungeon Kepper Mobile.
Toys and trinkets.
Tiny animated people and animals, amulets and rings that bestow some small ability (stronger senses, light healing, etc.), Harry Potter style chessboards, storybooks that read themselves to you, wooden swords for children that will actually defend the child in real emergencies.
Holy shit I'm Santa Claus.
Fucking hell how did I miss that!
Is your dungeon a dungeon for kids?
Santa Claus jump is calling your name, user.
A dungeon for ants.
I might get shit for this, but there's a really good Dungeon Keeper CYOA that exists that you could draw a lot of inspiration from.
From all these posts im getting the vibe i should add a loot customization section.
Sugestión appreciated as always.
I want to be coy, and post a picture of poop.
But I'm lazy, and that would be a shitty joke.
>tfw I went to Supreme Commander first, and joined in the Clone Wars as a third faction, forcing both the Separatists and Republic to unite against me
Came in from the edge of the galaxy. Assassinated Palpatine to stop any keikaku-ing. Separatists were on the Rim, closer to the front lines, and were forced to rejoin the republic, but the war lasted long enough to strengthen the overall unity of the Republic.
Wasn't pretty, but it stopped the Clone Wars.
And in the end, don't the results justify the means?
I guess it's a dungeon that's also a Toys R Us?
I don't even know, man, that's just the stuff that was off the top of my head.
That's the shit I would really leave in a dungeon.
I guess I could leave some pistols lying around or something, but I don't really feel like it.
I just like making toys and trinkets.
>I just like making toys and trinkets.
Santa Claus would be proud user.
Does breaking the Dungeon Heart kill you? If so that is a really horrible weakness to have.
Maybe something to send a specific piece of loot to adventurers? Like, I'm watching an adventurer go through, and want to drop a particulary ironic piece of equipment because they're annoying, or something really awesome because I like them?
Which is why you have a champion, with a horde of monsters and a shitload of traps to defend it.
Yeah, going to be skipping this one if that is true.
It is more than 2 games, it has 3 and a mobile abortion and I know what you are saying but nobody is going to want to play as an imp.
Only if it's core.
Adventurers dont destroy the heart, they steal power from it.
okay ability to import a technology /magic system for enchanting and have things you can make as loot but you and your allies cannot use it themselves/your self?
Chest full of generic gold and gems that respawn regularly?
The advanced version would be thematically appropriate loot for the section of dungeon the chest is on wouldn't it?
A perk that automatically scales the amount/quality of loot to the floor you find it on?
You definitely need a way to customize loot to the theme of the dungeon, like have symbionts with acid glands or hard shells that latch onto your arm for the flesh dungeon and such.
Someone torture this imp he's hasn't been punished in a while.
Oh, alright then. Golden Heart or Prototype Heart here I come.
That's your prerogative. I don't.
No champion is going to be strong enough to justify putting your life in their hands.
I don't think he's the jumpmaker see
Well, there's the proof. So that means you've justified its removal from the drive for being an OC setting and not actually Nechronica at all. We should tell Toriko.
It's really depressing that the setting is something completely different now. Like they shot my puppy and tried to replace it with a hamster.
Also, the lore and justifications for it are far, far more retarded than I ever could have predicted. They ruined the setting in a desperate bid to not make it magic with fucking 'slime mold nanomachines'. Even worse than Metal Gear.
Someone is going to get mad at me too for bringing this up again, but I don't think someone trying to use our argument for drama means we should have to keep quiet about an important issue.
Then you are lost.
Who are you calling a troll, exactly?
I suggest you wait until next build. A certain ítem might change your mind.
Also, that's what True Final Boss is for.
There's absolutely nothing that could justify it. A jumper's life is more precious than the infinite jewels of the multiverse, because if you lose even once, you lose out on that multiverse forever. Putting something that precious in the hands of a mook is never an intelligent decision.
>I'm salty
>Let's get rid of it because I'm salty
Don't talk to him. Let it rot.
Congratulations. You've now convinced me that OC jumps are good ideas.
Because it's not actually Nechronica, apparently. Because it's a completely OC setting which everyone and their grandma hates (I know someone used hyperbole to inflate my view and shitpost with it, and I confronted him over it, but that doesn't render my position invalid by default). If it's not Nechronica, why should it even be called the Nechronica jump?
It's pretty upsetting to me that you're calling me a troll for presenting my reasoned position, not trying to be the voice of the thread, not insulting anyone. Just because someone used an anti-OC position to shitpost doesn't mean that everyone that feels that way is him.
If you can get wider support, then that'll mean something.
Yeah, you're right.
Some jumpers like to gamble.
See and
See I'll give you something that's not entirely relevant to this discussion but'll disprove, in one stroke, that I'm the shitposter you people were insulting.
For one, this is the post where I confronted him over using my opinion to shitpost For two, I'll tell you that if you people actually will support OC jumps being on the drive, then I'll retract my desire for it to be removed. I do not personally have an issue with OC, but everyone else seems to hate it, so what am I supposed to do? That I loved something doesn't mean it shouldn't have to follow the rules. It would still probably have to be renamed something from Nechronica though.
That kind of makes it not an intelligent decision
Better delete the DBZ jump.
It has content from TFS, and if something being vague in a way you don't like counts as OC, clearly that does too.
Cool your tits, the jump is fine.
See for my musings on it and OC.
Also thank you for believing in me enough to discuss this rather than dismissing and insulting me like those other anons, even if you don't agree with me.
Anyway, to address DBZ, it has a drawback for TFS stuff, the main jump is still in the DBZ canon and all. That's a bit different.
So Jumpers post your waifu(s) and/or husbando(s) who you got?
A life without risk is a life unlived.
>Because it's a completely OC setting which everyone and their grandma hates
>It's pretty upsetting to me that you're calling me a troll for presenting my reasoned position
Pick one. You don't get to hold both when people clearly like it. Even if you don't agree, they are part of "everyone and their grandma."
you can't fool me that easily
I guess, but there's a risky gamble and there's 'my entire life depends on this goblin defeating the heroes'.
Also, having a friendly conversation with someone should be another bit of proof to you guys that I'm not the dramahound. He NEVER talks to people like this.
user, he said he'll support OC if you guys do. He's being a lot more calm and a lot less arrogant. It's pretty obvious he's not the shitposter you're ranting like he is.
This kind of paranoia is bad for us.
Fuuuuck. Yeah.
You are still right. No matter how much he whines, he has no power over the drive.