Terrain Thread GENERAL /ttg/

Old bread
Play nice, post pictures of terrain

>Where to get started building terrain

>Tools: PVA, Box cutters, Tester pots of house paint, large bottles of craft acrylic
>Bases: Cereal Box Cardboard (cardstock), Cake Bases, MDF or Hardboard, PVC Foamboard
>Terrain: Literally anything but your bread and butter is: Insulation foam, foamboard (not pvc), cardboard, cardstock, spackle (filler)

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N-scale Battletech table

Here's what I meant to post under
>where to get started


The Terrain Tutor has good videos about making terrain and realistic overviews of the various price points you should be looking at for making terrain.

also here's a tutorial for making boxy buildings for skirmish games


nice table, looks like papercraft buildings



Wire hand rungs + cotton bud rings for detail, iceblock stick used as a guage for cutting the rings.

10mm chicken wire as the top handrail, 5mm of the wire is pushed into the foam with a bit of PVA glue.

I have a crimper from the local craft shop that is used to turn ali cans into 'corrigated iron'






This is the kinda detailing work where I'd give up and just buy some bits to stick on, what's your method for getting the cutting so neat?


late to the party, but this was fucking great
Awesome tuts as well!

Wow, this is just amazing.
I'd love to see it painted.

craft knife, doesn't have to be perfect, just look at how is fucked up a little bit

btw here's the finished barrels

change the resolution to 1000dpi and edit the images so they would print out at 5mm, painted the edges black.

more info on detailing

Angled edges - the main walls are 5mm foam board, the trim is 3mm foamboard, the angled edge is only on the 3mm bit, I cut through the first layer of paper 3mm from the edge, pull of the paper and shave the foam at 45 degrees, very sharp blade required. When its close I use my fingernail to smooth it off, covered with breakfast cereal box card and PVA wood glue to make it knock proof.


next level ladder tech for skirmish games


scale infinity cars

1/41 lambos by MAISTO

the finale to the dvd case ladder hooks



This just screams LotR for me.
People always underestimate how terrain can shape your perception of the game you are playing.

Mind blown








Terrain Tip #316

Use a 1:9 ratio of PVA:water for pva sealing rock&flock with your spray bottle, don't overspray! Hit each area once then move on.

if your gaming lair is in the basement, consider using floor joists to store your terrain


What game is that? Are all those boats floating above the water?

they're zepplins bro

I havent done modeling before. But lets say there is a game I like how would you suggest I go about making a scale model of one of the cities?

Get multiple reference angles, sketch out floor plans for you miniature.

This is a really good overview honestly stormthecastle.com/diorama/stormthecastle-diorama/index.htm

Yeah. I just saw the plane, in the lower right, too. The two boats opposite of each other look like they're floating and threw me off.

Thank you.


oh I meant to say, no problem dude, it's my job, as op, I do it for free

instead I only posted the pic


What's the game, we could probably offer you some tips in depth.

Do you want it for wargaming or a diorama?


very nice

Not a big fan of the digital texture card stuff, but do photocomposites look good or what? A lot of railway modellers are going back to brick paper from embossed plastic sheet.

depends on what you want, embossed drybrushes up nicely

I want to make San d'Oria from ffxi for the stupid reason of I just want a model of it.

A lot of it comes down to composition, the printed textures stuff only really works if every building you are using looks like that otherwise it looks amazingly out of place. I find it doesn't quite work from all angles, but it is great for photos where you can control the viewpoint.

It's good when you can blend it in well though by just throwing shit down on the board for debris and hedges, and you still have to paint all the exposed edges of whatever you're sticking it to. Plus it limits modification in certain ways as matching textures are required.

Overall I'd say it is an option that gets good results in some ways whilst having a bunch of its own brand of problems I guess, but I'm not really for or against it.





>Oh, look, free spider minions!

>old school Cylon Basestar

brilliant use of an old model kit as the basis of the central shipyard


I'm super pleased that the last thread hit the image cap with about 60 posters and it would be pretty swell if this thread didn't die

my goals for the weekend:

>get a 3' by 3' base for the gaming table I want to build. Either MDF or some other kind of composite. Not sure if I can get this cut at the store or how I am going to do this
>get drill bits for cam screws
>sketch out a proper design for the building and decide on materials
>make another trip to the hardware store, buy wire mesh and other crap
>if I can get everything down, then I can texture the base.
>shitpost some wip pictures

I probably won't get to detailing the buildings. I'll probably want to buy some plastic kits, a paper cutter, other crap

Not sure how I am going to get all this stuff home from the hardware store

how do you guys go about making trenches? i need to make a few for bolt action but i am really not fond of the typical "above ground" rampart style. but obviously there are severe limitations and considerations building an entire table around a trench network.

is there a middleground i am yet to think of? or should i just bite the bullet and build a big ass defence of tobruk table?

you will have to do one of the following:

>above ground trenches
>shallow above ground trenches "to evoke the feeling of tranches" without sticking up so much
>build a table

the fourth option is giant hills with built in trenches

like a middle ground between entire table and above ground trenches

what kind of era is your table?

40k? infinity? mordheim? frostgrave? some other skirmish game?


going to build a table for combat patrol and/or small skirmishes (or clusterfucks I guess)

4' by 4' is more standard for that size, but my dining table is only 3 feet wide and I like the quick pace of a smaller table

My plan is to have the table be usable from any angle

kill team is dank




Snatched this from the KoW general

Something tells me that'll be like a Pinterest project. Looks simple enough in theory but in practice? Probably not.

This looks really nice, but also kinda small? Skirmish board for Infinity or something?

Looks like a 41st millennium Balmora.

Nice paintwork, but I'm convinced that no who makes "scale" 55-gallon drums has ever stood next to a real one. They're supposed to be only waist high.

kill teams, but yeah, I posted a couple skirmish game stuff because user is building a 3x3 skirmish board

And too big. Most cars are not as wide as a person is tall.

games are usually more finicky about what constitutes cover

feel free to post your ideas for scale cards for infinity or other tabletop games

>select all images with cars
thank you captcha

Oh, I know. I just stopped worrying about what the drums look like and call 'em 70 gallon drums instead. Hazmat overpack drums do get that size and larger, though they don't look like a steel drum.

The Pixar Cars line defaults to 1:55, and are "correct enough" for 28mm games. Just cover the eyes.

Now, if you took the wheels off that monster and put lift fans in their place, it stops being a street legal and becomes something else. Large Away.

I dunno man, got any pictures of them next to minis

Quick and dirty

And with an Infinity fig from above.

I think Komodo there (the green one) may be off-scale a bit. I think he's supposed to be a muscle car, not a sport coupe/small sedan.

pretty good actually, I wonder if any other company makes 1:55 scale toys

Same dude from street level.

The street base is an old CNC Workshop city tile.

Cars in appropriate scale look ridiculously tiny, even if you don't consider bases. It's sad. Meanwhile, aircraft are fucking huge.

As street clutter they work great. Hit the right store and even $30 gets you a pile of them. The brown one was part of an eBay lot,while Komodo was bought new for like $5. I've seen the plainer Cars go for $3.50 new. I have enough now that I don't haunt Wally World, Target, and Toy Saurus quite as often as I did, but all three are worth the walk through occasionally.

You will also find the occasional Matchbox in the right scale. The ATV, for example. Most are too small, though.

The material is easy enough to cut and you can get a lot of the material for dirt cheap. I just bought 2000 coffee stirrer sticks for like 12 bucks that I will be using for the building frames.

Stand next to a real car and realize how much taller you are than it.

Realistic scale cars make for more dynamic cover and concealment, while that big sportscar may as well be another building.

Also, the roads necessary for the larger toys like the first one are completely impractical for a table. Heck, even realistic sidewalks make a table too open.

And yes, aircraft are big. Even a tiny Cessna two-seater is pretty big in the context of a table.

>What game is that?
Dystopian Wars.

does anyone have pics of "filler" diorammas for warhammer fantasy units? Like three goblins climbing on a rock that occupies the space of six goblins.

>Stand next to a real car and realize how much taller you are than it.
Actually, the closest car to me is a Hilux.

