Continuing from where we left off yesterday. We finished rolling the chapter now we must name it. heres the info we have so far
> Dank Angles sucessor
> Thinks the flesh is weak
> pure geneseed
> loves lion 'el
> Specializes in thunderhawk fighting
>is bros with soritas
>hates the nids
>chapta master is know for slaying orks
>fleet based
>was established because they wanted guys in the area
> Has one gaint warship and several small ones
>small ones dock at soritas convents to re supply
>also stops because soritas help them look for spess hulks on radar or some shit
>once a space hulk is found, chapta gathers at gaint flagship
> marines are dispersed to spess hulk
> flagships acts as an aircraft carrier.
>thunderhawks launch from flag ship
>thunderhawks bust open the hulk with dakka
>marines jump from the thunderhawk, into the spess hulk.
we need chapta master name, chapter name, and other shit.
chapta colors?
chapta name?
Disciples of Perdition
i just got a boner.
chapta master name? Once we are done this shall be worthy of a 1d4chan page.
Valdez the Scourge.
IDEA. since chapta masta hates them nids and orks, what if he had a flamer installed into his right hand, and claws for the left. Mob armies beware
Chapta Masta is now a dreadnaught. Fuck flamers, he has a melta and its powered by his own fusion flame heart.
Other hand is a power claw.
Unlike most dreads who sleep the eons away he has remained awake for the thirty years of his living death. He just doesn't feel sleepy.
can that fit in a thunderhawk? anyways, wouldn't a flamer make more since against nids and orks because of the template.
The ancestral enemy of this chapter is nids. To fuck up biotitans you got to have anti-tank weapons.
The Scourge can cut their fucking feet off and upper cut them when they fall over.
Orks are just his personal white whale. They put him in that tin can and he will take his own blood price.
mh... yes. idea
read the following in the dawn of war dark crusade narrator voice:
the planet (insert sci-fi name) was besiged by a great ork WAAAGGHH. The (insert chapter name) was called to aid. They made haste to the planet, but by the time they got there, only one city remained. A ragtag citizens militia lead by a small contingency of soritas what they thought would be there final stand. Just as all hope seemed lost, the *insert chapta name* arrived. Thunderhawks flew above the ork WAAAGH, taking out many with strafing runs. These runs were followed by marines diving out, controlling their descent with jet packs.They unleashed hell upon the waaagh with, raining fire and steel upon them. Suddenly, through the ranks of orks stood a lone, majestic figure. He was carving his way through the ranks to the warboss. The warboss saw this and charged him. An epic duel insued. Valdez came out as the victor, but just barely. He was maimed, and his sword was shattered. The warboss had fled. Valdez was so injured he had to be put in a dreadnaught. He ordered the shards of his broken sword to be forged into his claws.
how bad is it?
Pretty fucking good.
What type of warship is it?
emperor class, or some shit. It fucking hueg. But they only have 1, so they must be careful. Space hulk cleaning isn''t easy ya know
I'm going to suggest that they obtained it from cutting it out of a Hulk. Or cutting the rest of the hulk from off of it as the case may be.
not bad. Chapta colors?
Is there anything about chapta culture yet?
ummm.. every sanguinala they go and bro (and by bro i mean burn heretics) with the sisters? They are extremely spread out because they are all searching for spess hulks. Ummm... they have a good relationship with the sister. NOT WAIFU
they are know to cut off meaty bits in substitute for mechanicy bits
Is the love of machinery due to a withering of the flesh or just because they have been hanging around the Iron Hands too much?
Utilitarian. They cut of meaty bits and replace them with shit that aids them spess and khambat. So i guess to much Forgettable hands.
is it just me or has this thread not been getting much action?
Are their sisters of battle allies an actual military order or a non military one?
If a non-military one then I can see them having a presence on the huge ship as specialists.
Also What is the ship called.
My vote is for Clockwork Crusader.
is there any SoB order that specializes in radar or exploration or logistics?
i guess non military
their ship could be called the iron angel