I don't care if it's fluff, your 40K army, a homebrew regiment from Only War, or just something in the background of another RPG game, what are your Imperial Guard like? I'd like to hear what other people came up with.
Tell me about your Imperial Guard regiment
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Lead by example, senpai.
My Imperial Guard are reasonably well equipped with xenos equipment and work for the Tau.
Get a load of my autism user
this is the IG i play on a normal 40k game
Its a rogue trader private army with base troops and coinscripts from his native world (still waiting to get the right bits) and some soldiers from the steel legion as veterans.
for now i just made the rogue trader as commander for the company command squad.
Alright, so my guys, I don't have a name for their planet yet, as they're kinda new, but the planet they're from has a culture that revolves around aestheticism. Their PDF learn equipment maintenance and ordered marching before they're taught even the basics of how to use their equipment. The culture is also just a tad dandy-ish in general.
They're also from a planet where there's a nobility, and nobles who enlist are automatically made at least corporals, and so get a nice special weapon/vox caster/medkit, and many end up being sergeants or lieutenants. The planet maintains a PDF, and recruits primarily by giving some rather large tax breaks to families who have children enlisted in the military (Nobles especially get taxed more if their children aren't in the PDF).
Before and after battle they're typically almost religiously cleaning and maintaining their equipment. But in battle, they show why a bunch of dandies can still be a force to be reckoned with.
I don't actually know what those are, must be some fluff I missed.
Are they similar to my guys?
I didn't know how much more of Guevesa infantry I realized I needed
I think they were introduced in OW, as a premade nobleborn regiment.
They sound very similar to your guys, except they are also colossal dicks. Case in point - the premise of the "12 hours" premade adventure is that Scintillan artillery regiment is going to glass a whole sector on a planet surface from orbit, disregarding the Catachan forces that did not evacuate (because they weren't informed) from the sector in time.
I was inspired by a picture in that new Inspirations or whatever publication GW ran or may still run in place of white dwarf of a sentinel in thick woodland with a rough and bearded operator.
Well before that I wanted to make IG Beastmen with my old Beastman models (that old snowflake). After seeing that pic tho it started fleshing out in my mind I pictured a company of Guardsman that had through out-of-atmo mishaps outside their knowledge ended up crashed stranded and forgotten on a dense forest world. The forests of their surroundings are habitated by primitive but not utterly anarchic beastmen who the Guard ofcourse massacre them but actual day to day survival came first and as the years go by discipline and structure gives way to them becoming more of settlement than company through infighting and disillusionment and the influence of chaos or just madness starts to set in and their culture starts to merge with that of the other forest tribes until they become a single coherent if undisciplined force.
I like forest imagery and converting vehicles to be really lived in domestic spaces with washing lines and improvised shelters and things and I was going to go a bit Mad Max on everything run it as a traitor guard army with Beastmen with Cadian and Catachan parts mixed in with similarly converted infantry and a winged Dragon Ogre shaggoth I made a few years ago as a Daemon Prince center piece. Heavy autumn and forest colours and everything weathered to the hilt.
Bought some catachan bitz and looked into traitor guard rules and dropped it all wheni learned how unsupported that whole thing is (new to 40k) went back to RPGs.
I just got Only War though so might run something with the setting.
>Planet has two continents
>orks crash on one continent
>continent gets wreckt
>mass migration of refugees escaping from never ending war
>migrants becomes a non citizen class, the métoikoi, most of them are sent back in the old homland to fight with some citizen volunteers and officers to keep the ork infestation at bay
>survivors from this war forms regiments for the IG with well armed soldiers from the citizen class and shit equipped non citizens (look at some penal regiment or the chemdogs to get an idea)
That actually sounds like a really cool idea. I like it when people take into account the effects of fuckhueg wars going on
My tabletop Imperial Guard started out with each squad being named after some Mythical Beast. I figured it would tie in nicely with all of our Basilisk chassis arty pieces. To denote a Platoon I used alliteration across the names. My first platoon had A-names, 2nd platoon B-names, 3rd platoon C-names, and so on.
Using a Wikipedia article on various Mythical creatures it was easy to come up with a lot of names. I've starter to freehand a rough sketch of each beast on the relevant squad's Chimera. It's coming together nicely and people get a kick out of it when they figure out the scheme.
Well I was more going for that only officers/specialists would be noble, whereas poor people would typically start as grunts (there's a fair bit of wealth disparity going on there), and while nobles /can/ be financially wrecked if they don't put their children in the army and the governor decides they need more soldiers, it's pretty much essential for poor families to have a child in the army for every child at home to make ends meet.
Does that sound any less like Scintillians? As I know obviously there's going to be overlap as there's a shitload of canon, but I wouldn't mind differentiating a bit
I'm a Chinaboo faggot, so my regiment is basically based on the KMT's military. I've managed to get some Armageddon models to use as the best equipped troops, while most of the rest are conscripts with Cadian gear that I've worked to look shoddy.
My guard regiment is actually the armed force of a Inquisitorial Conclave based upon turn of the millennium Byzantines (my main for is Space Wolves based on the Varangians).
It mainly consists of large amounts of conscripts with decent amounts of training, supported by lots of armour. I've further themed them on tabletop by giving them mostly purple, white and silver colouring, with the armour being ostentatiously themed after Orthodox church decor, so lots and lots and lots of gold, gems, and religious icons.
They're hopped up, inbred medieval peasants from a Feudal world that define mass infantry. The world itself is a shithole but is famous for having one of the highest birthrates in all the imperium, with the average man having somewhere between 8-10 children, of whom maybe half are legitimate. They die in droves and can barely fire a lasgun, but when you have a force that can potentially outnumber Orcs than its pretty damn effective.
Oh, and I have a second regiment that are essentially Sikhs in Space. I'm probably going to use the sector eventually for either an Only War or Dark Heresy game.
That colour scheme actually sounds sweet, and I like the Byzantine theme
So sounds like it's a fairly conscript heavy army?
I am trying to make a regiment based on cold war switzerland
their homeplanet is covered in mountains, the population mostly lives in the enormous valleys of the planet. some citys are carved into mountains as they are former mine shafts. because of that they have some smaller manufactorums on the planet (which aren't bigger than a modern day factory thanks to the constraints of the valleys)
In lore yes, but I have to make concessions in order to make them viable in an actual game of course, made their tanks look shoddy and rusted to fit the aesthetic. I basically just took Bretonnian peasent and gave them lasguns and flak armor. I'm not the best painter or modeler so they look like shit, but it fits their theme imo.
An imperial guard regiment that specialized in biological warfare via the use of poisonus spores from their home world.
It was originally a prison planet of sorts used to harvest these spores because of the various medical uses they had and people sentenced there were essentially condemned for life and made to have implanted rebreathers in the form of a mask that could slide up and away.
After a few centuries this just became the norm and they became came into their own when they resisted the governments of the other planets that went rogue under the influence of chaos cults. Them holding out gave the Empire enough time to scramble forces in the area and deal with them.
The overall theme is that they are organized based on what work groups they belonged to with exiled nobles from way back when asserting power and becoming work bosses essentially who would then in turn form the officer ranks of their guard army.
Being as they are used to biological warfare they have a strong immune system which would be helpful for fighting off a Nurgle Champion that would fall on them in short order.
The Neo-Slav PDF of Bel Arynn. Noted for their cheap equipment, drinking, and bitter hatred of the 12th Volk Insurgency. Everyone is either a fanatical zealot who volunteered for the Golden Throne or an unwilling conscript who just wants to get the job done and go home to his vodka and family.
>basically just an excuse to use my Bolt Action Soviets in 40K
DKoK 459th regiment
Early on in the formation of the 459th regiment they were re-routed mid transit to assist an inquisitor in their persecution of a traitor warband. They were intended to simply be cannon fodder to buy the Inquisitor time but instead prevailed against a meatgrinder series of short offensive missions that ended up being what lead to the success of the entire mission. In recognition of their tireless advance in face of what should have broken them the inquisitor awarded their general with his personal sword and nicknamed them "Death Breakers" shortly before succumbing to wounds from the fighting. From that day onward the regiment carried out a custom of having their weapons painted the same ice white.
33rd Asgard Jomsviking
Hive fleet Jormungandr ate their planet, paint their armor and vehicles in the hives fleet's colors because muh never forget
>48th Grimbandan Commando
Well, i usually have more regiment ideas than time to paint them.
In short, i could tell you about:
1.) The Blood Angels world PDF who revere the sanguinary cult and 'the right of pure blood'. At young age they are tested for purity by a sanguinary priest and if they pass they are implanted with a special gland. They can gland Stimm, Rainbow and Detox. Making them especailly tough and resistant to desease. Despite their high level of organisation, they actually come from scattered tribes which have been given legal charters by the blood angels to raise small groups of purebloods to recive training at the capital. The planet is marked out by vast tracts of tundra and bog (like Scotland), resources are usually moved around by great trains of rolligons, which are protected from raiders by a transport core of Pureblood soldiers. They are also unusual because they equip a mag lock belt in some cases, instead of normal pouches and webbing, which vary between originating tribe.
2.) The Vendoland 44th System Militant. The world of Vendoland is a captial planet of some prosperity. Their leaders are a military junta called 'The Council of Generals', led by General Castellern Grover Carnum. In order to keep their prosperity the planet fullfills its entire tithe to the imperium in military manpower. This manpower is usually gathered from other worlds in the system that are feral or feudal worlds. The feral worlders are first captured or traded for as slaves, and taken to Vendoland to undergo military training. The planet itself is made of vast rolling grasslands covered in hills and peaks. The ferals are then referred to as Vendoland recruits, they are taught the basics of a backbone line infantry regiment. They are taken to one of the vast grasslands, taught by drillsergeants how to set up tents, taken on forced marches up hills and basic shooting drills. After this vast camping settlement is used up and the ground chewed up from continuouse footfall, they simply move on to another. It is what happens next that shows the shrewdness of the Vendo doctrine. The Vendoland troops are then loaded on to voidships and used to patrol the entire system, including the many agriworlds and promethium planets. They are often involved in putting down rebellion. The troops themselves are given all the same standard equipment that a Cadian has, indeed many of the equipment is manufactured on Vendoland by its citizens is to Cadian patterns, or as near as they can get them. The only thing different from the Cadians is the training. A Vendoland Trooper is particularly effective in close combat due to feral worlders natural aptitude, they can also pass difficult terrain and survive in the wilderness, though their shooting is passable at best and expected to improve with veterancy.
They're a regiment that heavily utilises aircraft to support infantry.
They're from a desert planet rich with fuel under the ground.
The planet was warring for the fuel and there were 2 main factions in this war, the organized army and the raghead guerillas. The guerillas lost so hard but kept alive for many years with insurgency tactics. They were trying to hold on to life as long as possible but they were dead anyway.
The planet is now a horrible mess. Caches of WMDs litter the landscape unclaimed and the sky rains oil sometimes because of the aftermath of a tactic by the guerillas to stall the army's air support and recon capabilities.
The regiment is obviously the organized army
>Their PDF learn equipment maintenance and ordered marching before they're taught even the basics of how to use their equipment.
This is no different than most modern militaries.
3.) My Rogue Traders HouseCarl regiment is drawn from the great numbers of professional soldiers that reach veterancy and thus earn themselves a mercinary licence. These veterans are taken from only one planet, a war world that has produced many destinguished regiments for the emperor. These veterans, despite lacking the training of the Stormtroopers are nontheless equipped the same with pressure sealed light carapace and hellguns. Essentially making best use of the high ballistic skill, but ignoring the average weapon skill. The hellgun is equipped with a backup underbarrel shotgun of the blackhammer veriety. Single shot, and only used at close range if the enemy is too numerouse, it can deal an impressive 2d10+3I damage. Their armour is black and emits no heat or reflection. Their uniform is emerald green, inkeeping with the Rogue Traders noble house colours.
Those HouseCarl that are eminant from the rest are given further enhancements. Given helmet mounted goggles that combine motion predictor, preysense and hightened senses sight into one, to maximise their shooting. They are also given two arm mounted shields that contain twin linked boltguns. In order to carry this weight they are also given bionic synthmuscle. The addition of the shields gives them +3 ap to each arm and the body. Resulting in ap8 arms, body and ap5 legs.
Thats all for now.
The Ruvian Drop Troops when there not fighting in cqc urban combat there partying
Adding to all that. The Elos Guard Regiments are heavyly mechanized, and even switched out the leman russ (at least to some degree) in favor for a more mobile tank with long range gun to shoot across their massive valleys since the battle cannon of the leman russ proved inefficient at that range.
They are currently only in posession of a single Baneblade super heavy tank (it was salvaged from a battlefield and not built for them)
Yeah, but in 40k most PDF a shit.
Why not just use the Leman Russ Vanquisher?
My guardsmen are on the other side of this link:
Because of it's non exsistent suspension
Cadian 666th Nuclear Demolitions Regiment. Pretty much every squad gets a demo charge (ie. a man portable tactical nuclear warhead) and I have three deathstrike missile launchers. At 2000 points if my opponent is willing I field double FoC so I can have six deathstrikes.
Fluffwise the regiment has widespread problems with cancer due to their line of service their goals are nuclear demolition (eg. plant a nuke in the planetary governor's palace so when the enemy captures it we can blow them all up), infiltration nuclear demolitions (eg. sneak behind enemy lines, plant a nuke near the enemy headquarters and blow it up), and nuclear saturation bombardments (several nuclear artillery batteries rain death over a massive swathe of land so other regiments can advanced unopposed). The regiment was fielded during the Second and Third Wars for Armageddon among other wars where they used nuclear saturation bombardments in the Ash Wastes of Armageddon allowing Orks to be herded into individual hives where they could be defeated in detail.
Probably not grim dark enough but here goes
They were heavily based off The Harakoni Warhawks, with alot of heavily equipped Carapace armour Drop troops from a (material) rich Hive World. They are taken from the best 20% of the PDF who as their last test before becoming a Drop Certified Guardsmen would be to jump from the near top of the Hive Spire into the lower decks where they apply all that they learned against the mutant, heretic and the poor. After 20-30 years of service (warp fuckery not included) they can return home and have a nice cushy job as an officer/snco overseeing training. Its a promise they are able to keep due to the few who make it back alive and it keeps training somewhat relevant to the galaxy at large at least as far as PDF go.
Look at Praetoria or Mordian. They're canon worlds with nearly identical fluff. No sense reinventing the wheel unless you want to do something different with it. Maybe you could make your world 1800s Space Prussia to go with 1800s Space England and Space France.
That's actually nobledark.
Yeah they'll have to go through some crazy fuckery, but there is a reward for them for all this bullshit.
Is that Green stuff old Storm trooper helmets? How hard is it to do?
A penal regiment thats made up from imperial navy men that attempted to mutiny. Called the Argo void fighters they specialize in fighting in boarding missions on ships or in dense hive cities
Need some modelling motivation. Tell me about the time your guardsmen held the line Veeky Forums
Well, the 1st Shock Infantry of Alnin is mostly Death Korps of Krieg with brittish helmets that heavily rely on their grenadier veterans.
They are the oldest regiment on the homebrewed sector that i made with a friend, so they tend to be the jack of all trades of all the regiments in there.
Most notably when Love wasn't on time.
"Sepheris Secundus Assault Sappers" are a Siege Regiment that emerged after my acolytes (running DH obv) successfully foiled a coup d'etat on calixis mine world sepheris secundus. In the aftermath of the thwarted rebellion all the nobles private house armies were pressed into the imperial guard, since they were decreed free of corruption but mislead by their leaders.
There they serve now on the spinward front (which I incorporated to some degree in the campain) as "Forlorn Hope" Regiments/Siegebreakers. And some serve also as deniable assets for the Inquisition.
They are outfitted as a siege regiment with high numbers in manpower and such. The main different that they can employ the Hades Breaching Drill. So coming from a mining world, subterranean warfare/mining wars are kind of their speciality. There are 5 regiments so far totaling about a quarter million men (not to fuck up the "ow-canon" numbers).
I'm The most glorious moment of the Brewster 25th Infantry regiment was when they held the line on an important Forge world against a horde of Chaos Daemons of Slaanesh lead by marines of the Emperors Children. The filthy Brewstein peasants fought valiently, being helped that they seasoned with regular fucking back on their home world, making them resistant to the temptations of Slaanesh. They sacrificed many men, but managed to kill almost all the Marines via numerous krak grenades to the face. They forced Chaos to retreat from the world and were credited with saving the sector from further corruption. The Commissar assigned to the company would later state that it was the most shocking battle he'd ever participated in, both in how unexpected the victory was and because the smell of rotting unwashed peasents after the fact made him vomit inside his rebreather.
My dream regiment is basically pic related.
Death Korps of Krieg Siege Snipers. Hard to make in the system though...
Alright, as my fluff is apparently quite similar to several already existing regiments (I suppose it's a fairly popular idea), I've had a go at tweaking some of it slightly.
So the whole aesthetic thing remains, but instead, there is a flat 'child tax' of 20% of a person's total fortune for every child they have that is not in the PDF by the age of sixteen. This, combined with most of the employment of the planet being dangerous and poorly paid industrial work, leads to many of the youth on the planet jumping at the first chance they have of joining the PDF, partly to ease the pressure on their family, and partly so they can actually earn some real wages, whereas even nobles typically have to choose at most two children to keep out of the PDF to avoid being ruined financially.If a child does not join the PDF, then the tax applies to their family until they have children of their own.
Does that work better?
I have two in the making. First one is the Soñandian Graveyard Stuffers, and the second one is the Varangian Burners. The former are guardsmen who come from a planet where everyone suffers psychic nightmares dating back from the Age of Strife. The latter are Saxons in space who worship a saint as an aspect of the Emperor.
There's 3 Soldiers.
They're all commissars.
Scattered groups of the finest Neo-Slav volunteers held a refinery from the pernicious and treacherous 12th Volk Insurgency. Surrounded on all sides by stahlhelm-wearing heretics and daemonic hordes, the 1st Guards (Honours of Olkograv Siege) stood firm against the horde. Casualties were fierce and brutal, as most battles on Bel Arynn tended to be, but the end result was a victory for the Neo-Slav volunteers after their Captain personally led a charge into the heart of the unholy traitors.
>What if Flak armour, comrade of Imperial Glory?
>Does not answer question, comrade.
The 1st Shock Troopers were pivotal during the assault of an Ork WAAAGH!!. Most of the system was composed of agri worlds and a hive world and a prison world.
The agri world had to be defended at all costs unless the segmentum command could get food for half of the systems. Wasn't a surprise were the shocktroopers were deployed as vanguard of the task force.
When the orks arrived the Imperial Navy managed to destroy some vessels, but the Ork Roks managed to breach through the fleet defenses into the planet.
Millions of orks were met by thousands of valiant and proud men that layed down their lifes in the name of the Emperor making the green skins pay with blood every single step, of course the orks loved it.
Things were looking bright for the Guardsmen, until the Orks managed to breach through one of the major cities of the planet. The 1st of Alnin was ordered to retake the city at all costs before the orks start destroying the supply lines.
Thanks to the coordinated effort of the Aeronautica recon pilots and the help of the local PDF to guide the 1st of Alnin to retake the city out of the green skins hands.
The planet was secured during the following years, but splinter ork fleets sacked some of the neighbouring worlds before fleeing outside of Imperial Space.
My regiment is the Messis 303rd, from an Agri-World. They are sometimes known as Hardons Harriers, after Inquisitor Brash Hardon, whom they work under. Hardon requisitioned the regiment, along with a spattering of just about every other imperial force he could get his hands on, and became a privateer when he got tired of all the politicking involved with getting a crusade going.
Pretty basic, but they're mine.
Little drunk when naming them lad?
So seeing as my army's kinda new, I've basically ended up using this thread to write down elements of their fluff as I think about it.
But I figure the reason most of the work available on the planet is poorly paid industrial work is because, in the past, it was a fairly prosperous planet (hence the not too small nobility), but was then hit in a big way by a Chaos attack, and while they managed to retake the planet, it blew out half of their infrastructure, so generations have been attempting to repair the damage, and it's still only half done.
Except possibly they have a time limit now, as they're uncomfortably close to a certain Hive Fleet coming up from the Galactic South
Basically the 7th Air Cavalry trained by retired Harakoni and Elysians, equipped like them, and from the planet Cascadia that's effectively the Pacific North-West in space. Cascadia has a few errant warlike tribes of orks and kroot, and each regiment's graduation ceremony includes an actual planned operation that wipes out a tribe of one or the other.
They're a bit Mary Sueish, but then so is everyone's My Dudes.
It started out as a play on Flash Gordon and ended in a horrible place- so I went with it.
Hard-on Carriers huh?
I'm boring so I went with the best in business of being Cadians: The 8th.
On a side note, I really wish we had a generic governor uniform similar to what's worn in Dark Crusade/Soulstorm for the generals. Main reason I run Creed outside of gameplay.
Maybe make em count as SOlar Aux? Range 30" heavy 2 lasguns seem close enough
Well, for Only War I've my WWI America inspired regiment, with their equipment being mostly analogous to the weapons and gear of the tine period as well, they're known for using particularly devastating Combat Shotgun, Stub Rifle, and Autocannon variants from a nearby forgeworld, and excell at holding and assaulting fortified positions such as trenches and bunkers.
I have the regiment stats and things and such saved, I can post them if anyone wants to use then in an OW game or somesuch, I've not written mich fluff down except the Regiment's name and a little bit about the homeworld.
Wrong system. 40k RPG.
>playing 40k tabletop
The 16th Lemurian Special Operations Regiment are from a hive world loosely based on Indian culture. It's a relatively young planet of 30 billion inhabitants that hasn't yet polluted the planet enough to become toxic. As such, rather than a vertical hive city, most of the planet's inhabitants live in sprawling tent cities.
The Lemurian 16th is drawn from the elite of the PDF, which spends most of its time ghosting shit disturbers. Basically, if you start talking about how shitty things are and how they could be better, and too many people hear you, the PDF will come knock on your door (or wall, for that matter) with a meltagun and haul you and your family off to be servitorized or conscripted into one of the untrained, underequipped Lemurian regiments that are notoriously little better than small penal legions.
The Lemurian 16th's specialty is night operations, and breaching and clearing buildings and vehicles. They insert vertically from Valkyries, preferring rappelling from hovering flyers to using grav chutes, and bust their way through doors using a combination of melta guns, melta bombs, breaching charges, and shotguns. They don't have much in the way of ground vehicles since most are too large, loud, and slow to make their way stealthily through the sprawling cities, but they do occasionally make use of airdropped flamer Tauruses or Sentinels to fend off hordes of angry hive dwellers if the shit hits the fan.
but do they poo in the loo?
I'll start expanding on the Varangian Burners. The original Varangian Burners were originally an elite mercenary group who would fight for any force so long as they would get payed until the Great Crusade was drawing closer to their home sector. The Varangians would fight against the Imperials or fight for them depending on the day. Their home empire was a little iffy on joining the Imperium of Man while some would join the Imperium. The original VBs thought that fighting for the Imperium would pay better than normal clients, but over time they started to believe in the Emperor's dream of a unified humanity and became full Imperials.
After the Heresy and during the Beast's WAAAGGH their home world Verdian was freed of Ork presence by a man they would refer to as the Saint of Verdian. The Saint's efforts shifted the Varagians' loyalty to the Imperium, and the Varagian Burners would soon swell in numbers. Their sect of the Imperial Church teaches that the Saint was an aspect of the Emperor, and in their not!Bible says "And the Saint clawed the path to heaven with his keys to salvation for us, and gave us the greatest gifts of all. Knowledge of the Emperor and how to scorch the ground of all His foes."
As time progressed to the modern 41st Millenium the Varangians would be blind to the cancer within their sector. A Chaos cult was eating away at them, and would soon spell the doom to the sector.
Less than 0.1% of the population even has access to a loo, so no.
I'm no writer, but if anyone can be bothered to read this I hope you at least enjoy it a bit.
part 1/3
>0.033.944.M41, Segmentum Obscurus, Sub-Sector Somnium
>The 459th DKoK “Death Breakers” have been deployed on the Chariak system’s most far flung planet Chariak 11. Chariak 11 is a small and desolate world with a corrosive atmosphere. Short term exposure leads to rashes and blisters while sustained contact leads to necrosis.
>Sent to Chariak 11 on what was meant to be a quick mop up campaign turned into a three year (Terrain standard) struggle for the 459th. Barely two months into their operations the Imperial Navy found itself beset by a part of Ork WAAAGH taking place in other parts of Sub-Sector Somnium. Unable to stop the tide of the Ork fleet the Imperial Navy were forced deeper within the Chariak system leaving the 459th isolated, without supplies, and dead communications. A year into the defense of the Chariak system would see to the Departmento Munitorium officially declaring them wiped out.
>However, this was not to be the case. As the initial reports of the Ork fleet breaking from the warp reached the regiment they immediately prepared in pragmatic fashion. Having correctly guessed that they would be soon cut off from the fleet they used all available supplies to create lethal killing grounds with the intention to slow their enemies, using the atmosphere as their best weapon.
>For a year this plan worked. The 459th held their own on the desolate mining world, pulping the orks as they attempted to cross the lethal traps and minefields. The times they did make it close enough to bare their teeth at the guardsmen they were met with quick counter assaults through advantage of terrain.
part 2/3
>Millions of orks died during that first year while the 459th, though losing many thousands of their own, firmly held with gritted teeth and tested implacability and the Ork offensive efforts were gradually thinning. While victory wasn’t assured the 459th began to take solace in the fact that they were at least for the moment able to hold their ground. Then, the orks changed the game.
>Watching from within the inner Chariak system the Imperial Navy watched as Chariak 11 burned one year after the WAAAGH fleet appeared.
>The Orks having growing frustrated at their continued failure to kill the stubborn guardsmen brought out a payload of Virus bombs. Stolen from Imperial vessals earlier in the WAAAGH the nightmare weapons were unleashed with abandon upon Chariak 11 even while many hundred-thousands of Orks waged war upon its’ surface. Millions died. What was left of the civilian population was annihilated by the vicious weapon while Orks and Guardsmen died alike in the onslaught. However, but for the grace of a perpetual state of readiness for hazardous warfare and knowing what the weapons were the 459th managed to avoid the worst of the attack. Securing themselves in underground bunkers the 459th waited for the inferno that was to come but never did. Confused, the 459th soon realized that while the Orks may have the weapons they didn’t know how to fully utilize their destructive power. With this knowledge they formed a plan.
part 3/3
>With Virus bombs unleashed upon Chariak 11 the atmosphere was saturated, waiting for a potent enough ignition source to simply ignore the atmosphere. Two hours after the bombardment ended the Ork WAAAGH began again with renewed effort with thousands of ships coming in from orbit with hulls heavy with the blood thirsty animals. Three hours after the bombardment and the planet was once again crawling with the greenskins, doing their best to avoid the worst of the lingering virus. Four hours after the bombardment, the 459th simultaneously launch every remaining Deathstrike missile they had. the atmosphere took light.
>For several weeks the world burned before finally guttering out in the darkness at the edge of the system. Blackened and silent the Imperial fleet assumed it was now a dead world. The Ork fleet detachment orbiting the world even left to move to the inner system and join the others where the heart of the fight was taking place. Only a few stragglers remained behind.
>The 459th in the meantime returned to the surface. The burnt atmosphere greeted them & with the charred landscape an Ork horde that would have surely decimated them within months if not weeks. For the remaining two years of the Chariak campaign they dug in. Alone, cut off and presumed dead they held the line for two years.
>As the campaign drew to a close the Imperial Navy moved in to retake Chariak 11 for much needed fuel for the fleet. To their astonishment they found a defiant 459th DKoK. Scarred, tired, wounded, and malnourished but unbroken.
>Relieved of their duty upon Chariak 11 they returned to the fleet. It was then that they found themselves bolstered and restored beyond their previous fighting strength for when they were presumed dead the Departmento Munitorium ordered for the regiment to be replenished. With the discovery of the remaining 459th the new arrivals were ushered in under them. The Death Breakers once again lived up to their name.
Noone wants to play an abandoned penal regiment that survived and was later legitimized? Space aussies. Have them all carry machetes and have slouch hats.
Do you know how that would look with 8 wheels by any chance? It looks good on the front
My lot are the Gundagai Bushrangers - very much Space Aussies (and Kiwis, and New Guineans, and Solomon Islanders). Bush-hats and kukris, based on 2nd-edition Cadians who look vaguely WWII-ish to me. Painted jungle green and based loosely on the Australians in New Guinea and 14th Army in Burma, inspired by George MacDonald Fraser's Quartered Safe Out Here.
Gundagai was settled by an unusually victorious founding of the 24th Praetorian (which are based on the South Wales Borderers, and whaddya know, there's a New South Wales in Australia...). Praetorian is a hiveworld of vicious gangers; unleash them on Australia and you have larrikins and bushrangers...
i'd look odd. the guard railing on the back is set slightly higher than the front. you'd need to at least find some slightly larger wheels to pull it off.
Oh, and Gundagai? Is a deathworld. Exploding gum trees, drop bears, damncrocs (hunted by Croc Hunters, the local equivalent of Catachan Devil squads), giant moas, Carcarodon sharks, and snakes worse than Catachan's.
422nd Marcossan Infantry.
The ranks are derived from ex-gangers escaping the law or other gangers, gangers caught by the law and taking this over other punishment, young hopefuls looking to do their service to the Imperium, desperadoes looking for an actual feed and any way off this rock or sometimes whole families press-ganged when there is a struggle to meet quotas. The right bribe in the right place can make it easy enough for these things to be overlooked. Even amongst the officers, their commissions mostly bought and paid for at first rather than earnt, these are considered the lesser amongst the nobility and middle-class. -Real- successful families send their scions off to make a career in the Navy.
I wanted to capture the overwhelming size of a hive world's recruitment batch. There are other, better regiments out there, but by sheer dint of numbers it is the Marcossan that do the majority of the fighting anywhere in the sub-sector. The Wu-Xia Skyhawks might strike faster and with more fury, the mechanized Nova-Vostra might be more durable and mighty, but nothing can quite compare to the Marcossan having over 100 or 1000 times their numbers.
In a 1000 point match I'll easily have a hundred models or more, and to achieve full target saturation I never combine squads. I'll admit I'm screwed in games that concentrate on kill points, but since most games focus around objectives...
And Eldar Farseer exploded the head of the Lord Commissar attached to what remained of a platoon. The 3 remaining Guardsmen then beat and bayoneted the xenos witch to death.
A junior-officer and single mortar heavy weapons team racked up a crazy kill count of just under 20 in 4 turns. (two newly arrived swooping hawks squads and the rest dire avengers).
A single guardsman survived combat for 5 player turns against a pair of Castellan robots. More due to their incompetence than his own skill.
Neato. Varangian Guard in anything is baller.
The Chaos cult slowly gained followers and power with the message of returning to the "old ways". Only the misguided, power hungry, and faithless would believe the cult as anyone with a brain would not think there was a cultural change. For nine thousand years the cult waited for the right moment to reveal itself, and when it did the Verdian Sector was brought to its knees. The VBs couldn't defeat the cultists, and only a crusade lead by a Blood Angels successor chapter called the Frenzied Scions could purge the sector of the taint.
The Lord Commander of the chapter, Valerius Maleteno, channeling Charlemagne, Sir Christopher Lee, and the Christmas spirit gained an unhealthy obsession with murdering the treacherous Space Saxons. Men, women, children, mutated unborn children bursting from their mother's womb to gain the Dark Gods' favor in battle, all fell before Valerius. The moody son of Sanguinius hadn't felt alive in years and never understood why he enjoyed killing them so much. The slaughter he inflicted became too terrifying for mere mortals to watch, and his brothers questioned if he fell to the Black Rage or not.
The sector was unfortunately unsalvagable, and was purged of all life. The Varagian Burners took this as a sign that the Emperor was displeased with them, and their punishment came in the form of Valerius. Now they live on their warships in search of a new home. Future artworks in chapels have depictions of an angel punting children into a fiery pit as an allusion to Valerius punting children. The surviving Chaos cultists were sent off to some barren wasteland planet in the Eye as the Chaos Gods found their prayers for deliverance to be amusing.
Tactics wise the Varagian Burners favor boarding actions, and close to mid rang combat. Special equipment includes power axes, reverse engineered Warscythes and actual Warscythes stolen from Lynchguard from a time when a tomb world was raided for supplies and epic level loot.
Thanks, user.
Forgot to include scorched earth tactics.
Armageddon 210th:
A light armor/infantry regiment comprised of the survivors of three different regiments that survived the Siege of Infernus Hive in the 3rd Armageddon War.
> Ruis 45th: Agri-world troops with little battle experience or expensive equipment. "We make do" is a motto they live by, and they served the emperor well. They are the only surviving regiment of the 7 garrisoning the hive before the siege began.
> Savlar 32nd: Penal legionaries that are more shock troops than regular infantry, they suffered 80% casualties during the siege. "Pardoned" for their part in the siege, they were quickly combined with the other Guard regiments to keep them out of trouble. They didn't complain.
>613th Armageddon: Mostly a light armor regiment, mauled by Orks before siege began and relegated to counter assaults with what remained of their armor. Initially distrustful, they've come to accept their comrades through many trails by fire.
Each regiment has at least one notable character I've done a little bio on to help flesh them and their original regiments out a bit. Making some quotes ended up being the more enjoyable part of that 7 page fluff document.
"It's like my mother always said; Keep 'em lean and keep 'em keen"
'Major' Mitchell on discipline standards within the legion.
“The Savlar 24th will arrive at midnight, be briefed by our officers and relieve us afterward. Orders are to grab anything that isn't bolted down, secure your kit into the trucks BEFORE they arrive and double the watch. We ain't leaving anything.”
Lieutenant Adal of the Pyran 124th, briefing his platoon after 2 weeks in the outer trenches, Infernus Hive.
“For one of the most visually disorderly regiments I've ever commanded, you cannot refute their ability to do so much with so little.”
Major-General Marcus Augustus, regarding the Ruis 12th after the successful defence of Bunker 12, Infernus Hive.
Now for the Soñandian Graveyard Stuffers. Here's color schemes I made with the DoW2 painter.
The Graveyard Stuffers originate from the planet Soñando the world where everyone suffers from nightmares. Each and every Graveyard Stuffer suffers from nightmares that their ancestors suffered since the Age of Strife. Their dreams are filled with people being torn to shreds by the hands of daemons, aliens, and frozen by a mad tech priest trying to bring about order in the mad sector among other horrors at the time. The trauma their ancestors suffered was enough to embed itself in the population's psyche. The horror drove many mad, the dreams drover them even madder, but over time it stopped affecting them. Conditioned to accept the horror in their dreams, they became apathetic towards all horror. They would make bets on how many people would be ripped to shreds by daemons in their dreams.
The Graveyard Stuffers specialize in using mist as cover as Soñando is a mostly mist covered planet, and high morale as there's not many things in the galaxy that can terrify them.
Other facts include everyone from Soñando has bags under their eyes, and Soñando used to be a hive world until a hive fleet destroyed the most of the hives on the planets. Local hive gangers have decided to make homes out of dead Tyranids which has lead to gangs of hobos and gutter scum hunting down any Tyranids left on the planet.
My regiment is the Cadian 113/2.
It was a regiment in active duty some 20 years ago, mainly mechanized infantry and some tanks. The colonel was a tank Ace that was promoted over some pretty grizzly kills with his Exterminator tank, becoming the commanding officer of the whole regiment. I say 20 years ago because they were lucky enough to help achieve great victory in a certain Imperial World and received colonization rights there, the veterans becoming teachers and officers at the PDF and Schola Progenium, their families joining along in their reward.
In the present, Abbadon is making gains in the sector and the former Colonel, now old and even more stubborn than before, elected to reform the regiment with the surviving veterans, their descendants, trained in the Cadian way, and other citizens of the planet to help fight the great evil that approaches.
Problem is, the 113rd has already been reformed in Cadia several years ago. To avoid logistical and bureaucratic issues, and since all the colours and equipment they kept are already numbered like that (not to mention the pride of the old dogs) the regiment has been renamed the 113/2, marking them as the only twin regiment in the sector.
The Colonel has used his influence in the planet's PDF to amass some extra firepower, arranging armoured and artillery platoons and a good contingency of infantrymen. Right now the Administratum has too much on their hands to bother with the legal composition of a backwater regiment of old geesers and their kids to acknowledge how unconventional they are currently armed.
Out of common curiosity would two beaten to Hell and back regiments from different planets decide to mix with each other to avoid being killed to a man?
Informally? probably, yes. If they were fighting in the same warzone I don't see why the leaders wouldn't elect to band together at least for a while.
Now, formally, it's not their choice, really. If the Munitorum wants to merge two understrength regiments that fight in kinda the same way, they'll do it and the officers (and generally a commissar) will have to clean up the mess.
It happened in some IG novels, like Gaunt's Ghosts and one of the Cain books.
>Now, formally, it's not their choice, really. If the Munitorum wants to merge two understrength regiments that fight in kinda the same way, they'll do it and the officers (and generally a commissar) will have to clean up the mess.
So in that case how much of a mess would Catachans and Vostrayans mixed together would cause?
One hell of a fucking mess. And I'm not even talking about how the catachans love to be bare chested and the fucking vostroyans call -15ºC "a nice breeze".
IF they are regiments specializing in the same kinda stuff, and after they try to murder one another for some months, I'd imagine they would win over each other sooner or later, since the only thing a guardsman respects is another goddamned competent guardsman.
Why you ask?
It was something I always wondered about.
But I think two regiments from very different places are easier to mix together than people from the same planet.
It's much harder to submit and respect a dude that is just like the many other dudes that died on your side, has the same traditions and rivalries, seems to close for comfort.
Now, if the guy's farther from you and has redeeming qualities that are beyond your own capabilities, I'd think they'd bond better in the long term.
Think of a catachan's silent admiration for the Valhallan's excelent snow tactics, and vice versa on a jungle Death world.
>Now, if the guy's farther from you and has redeeming qualities that are beyond your own capabilities, I'd think they'd bond better in the long term.
Who would respect the Kriegers' ability to dig a trench?
Anyone that ends up in a foxhole with one when the return fire starts.
Didn't think of it like that. Kriegers don't seem too much of a bunch that can make friends.
They don't. That's why they're not bad to be in war with, you just don't feel very attached to the little guys, and when they die you feel less guilty, and so do they!
It's a win-win
Well is that anyone who could get along well with them? What about the Mordians? They know something about rebellions on their homeworld.
I don't know, man, the spooky thing about the Krieggers is not that they're almost too discipline and cold, but that they aren't really... people.
The way they are raised, the way they are trained, strips them of their individuality, humour, rage, their humanity, if you will. Those guys are bred in steel containers, learning that the sole reason for their existance is to die for the sins of their forefathers that betrayed the emperor.
Think of the Christian guilt of the First Sin x1000. And then make those guys indistinguishable from one another -- when Corporal Sigma dies, the guy that takes his place becomse the new Corporal Sigma.
You'll be in a battlefield with them and, during the downtime - which is 80% of war - they won't talk, they won't drink, they won't play, they won't even take the goddamned masks off.
Every other soldier you meet, even the fanatically disciplined Mordians, seem like people sometimes. The Krieggers don't.
Wait now I'm remembering this picture of lore I saw about a Krieger general trying to conscript some civies but couldn't understand why they didn't like the idea of dying like Kriegers.
There's a book called Dead Man Walking, and I can't recommend it enough, man.
There's a character that is conscripted to be trained in the Krieger way, to join in the war as a more competent PDF, and the journey the man takes from being a regular civilian to turning into one of them is just fucking amazing.
There's also a scene where the Necrons are flaying the soldiers along with their weapons, so the Grenadiers that are armed with the Meltas, the only thing that really kills the bastards for good, are instructed to throw their weapons away before they are desintegrated.
And then their comrades pick them up and keep shooting.
It's just bonkers, and over the top too, but in a way that ressonates with important things inside of you, you know?
>There's a book called Dead Man Walking, and I can't recommend it enough, man.
>There's a character that is conscripted to be trained in the Krieger way, to join in the war as a more competent PDF, and the journey the man takes from being a regular civilian to turning into one of them is just fucking amazing.
>There's also a scene where the Necrons are flaying the soldiers along with their weapons, so the Grenadiers that are armed with the Meltas, the only thing that really kills the bastards for good, are instructed to throw their weapons away before they are desintegrated.
>And then their comrades pick them up and keep shooting.
>It's just bonkers, and over the top too, but in a way that ressonates with important things inside of you, you know?
user, now you got my interest peaked up.
Well, the Ork Waaagh! was in its final year, both the greenskins and the defenders of Armageddon running near completely exhausted and running on fumes.
The apocalypse scenario only allowed for scouts and infiltrators to start on the battlefield, with reserves trickling in piecemeal in an escalation. Knowing this beforehand, though, Yarrick organized his forces to deploy fast and light.
I used apocalypse formations to infiltrate a complete platoon - 50 soldiers, 50 conscripts, 6 chimeras, 5 heavy weapon detachments, 3 special weapon detachments.
Then, on the first turn, another apoc formation let me deep strike 4 valkyries full of infantry and a vulture onto the field with them. Before any shots were fired, the steel legion had mustered 170 infantry, 25 heavy weapons, 6 vehicles, and 5 aircraft onto the field.
Go read it, but be prepared for the Feels.