ExfilInc II: CrossWire [Skirmish]

SMPA Correctional Facility Cortex-3 is a state of the penitentiary facility. In a bid to make your stay in the SMPA Re-Socialization Programme more beneficial to both you and your fellow citizens, Cortex-3 is a designated research facility currently researching breachpoint inferfacing.

If you want to reduce your sentence, you can apply for a voluntary transfer to Cortex-3 today! Sentence reduction is contingent on prior history and crime, and we're currently looking for individuals with a 3/3 to 10 / 12 score on the GPC Spectrum. Apply today!

Reminder: The SMPA is not accountable for any neuronal tissue degeneration to follow as a consequence of Cortex-3 research and cannot be held liable for any memory loss, individuality disassociation or breachpoint resonance cascades. You may be required to sign a non-disclosure form.


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ExfilInc is a mini-wargame. You make a character and walk into combat and likely you will soon die from bullet induced lead poisoning.


Currently, after waking up in prison without quite knowing why, our brave band of hackers, drones and knife-wielders narrowly avoided being scuttled for organs. Currently, they've decided to investigate a nearby faciltiy for any clues pertaining to their current situation.

You can join in by using the rules on the left.

It's a d10 based game, and you want to roll as low possible. You simply pick the options that suit you to generate a character.

>This all seems vaguely familiar
There was a data-loss and a setback and some hardware faults, meaning the first 10 turns of mission 2 were lost and CompanyCommand was angry.

Consider it a alternative timeline thing.



[Crew on Call]

... No one!

So, do we need to redo chargen?
>will be 1-2 hours before I can actually join.

That's the danger of stuff getting mis-archived, I'm afraid.

ExfilInc mission 1 thread 1 is still available (but not thread 2), so you've lost some stuff. Unless...

Sometimes I wish Liren was still around, sorting through these archival data structures on my own is a headache. I don't even know what half these coding expressions mean.

Special:[Scorch], [Jinx], [Takedown], [Regen 2], [Smg+1], [NodeBurner], [Intruji]
[E-shield 1], Chirni: 3 Dmg, FA 2, 4/4 ammo, [Smg]
Inventory:Shaped Chargex2: line3, [destroy],
NervTranqx2:Radius1, Sleep10



"There better be a sexy nurse in there; I deserve a sexy nurse for putting up with all this."

>Deploy 5

[Dandy] 0 CS
Vitality 15
Move 4
Dice 4
Acc 5
Proc 4

Jinx - RES Cascade @ +2
Panache - MOV w/o Intercepts
Doc*1 - +3 VIT, Radius 1

[SgtSuite] - Free Prep/Vault
[AutoStimm Injector] - +5 VIT, +2 Dice

[Chiron-R*] - DMG 6, +4 RNG, FA 2, 3/3; +40 Heat=Plasma Shot [Rifle]

Sec Vest - DR 3
Insin Ammo - Ammo -1, Fire DMG
2xHealKit - +8 VIT, Cure
1xWhompGr - DMG 16, Radius 1

Filament Wire - Sharp Wire
Fractal Gem - ???

[Crew on Call]

[1 Dandy JINX-Sgt-Pan-Doc]

Fancy hair as always, Dandy. How do you keep it so shiny?

Should I roll using Veeky Forums rolls or should I just use my own dice?

If you use your own dice Command isn't entirely sure how they'd verify it?

Omniscient as we are, Command cannot actually see into your dwelling to spot-check your rolled dice. You'd have to use the Veeky Forums dice mechanisms in order for any of the rolls to be considered valid.

Excellent, I enjoy not falling into temporal resonant cascades.
Roma is ready to deploy.

Special:[Scorch], [Jinx], [Takedown], [Regen 2], [Smg+1], [NodeBurner], [Intruji]
[E-shield 1], Chirni: 3 Dmg, FA 2, 4/4 ammo, [Smg]
Inventory:Shaped Chargex2: line3, [destroy],
NervTranqx2:Radius1, Sleep10

>Deploy 7

Vitality: 10/10
Armor: Secvest, DR 3
Move: 3
Dice: 5
Acc: 5
Proc: 4
Res: 0
Special: [Kinesis], [Sense], [

[Crew on Call]

[1 Dandy JINX-Sgt-Pan-Doc]
[2 Roma JINX- Tak-Sco-Nbu-Intruji]
[3 Wraith THREAT-SEN-KIN-Crea]


someone needs to oil hinges

There's a lingering sense of tension.

[Player Phase]

"Hello? Nurse?"

>Move 5545
>Prepare dodge 4321

[Dandy] 0 CS
Vitality 15
Move 4
Dice 4
Acc 5
Proc 4

Jinx - RES Cascade @ +2
Panache - MOV w/o Intercepts
Doc*1 - +3 VIT, Radius 1

[SgtSuite] - Free Prep/Vault
[AutoStimm Injector] - +5 VIT, +2 Dice

[Chiron-R*] - DMG 6, +4 RNG, FA 2, 3/3; +40 Heat=Plasma Shot [Rifle]

Sec Vest - DR 3
Insin Ammo - Ammo -1, Fire DMG
2xHealKit - +8 VIT, Cure
1xWhompGr - DMG 16, Radius 1

Rolled 1, 10, 8, 7, 10 = 36 (5d10)

>5 attempts to [Sense] electronics.
>Move 443

Vitality: 10/10
Armor: Secvest, DR 3
Move: 3
Dice: 5
Acc: 5
Proc: 4
Res: 0
Special: [Kinesis], [Sense], [

Dandy does not find a nurse. He finds a trio of of people, clad in rags, wielding what looks like metal frames fashioned to daggers and one clutches a gun in an unsteady hand. He lets out yelp and a shot that goes nowhere near.

Wraith does a quick scan, and locates the signature of 3 drones, six computer banks and a... calculator? Something with numbers, something big, mathematical crunch spinning endlessly.

"Hey! UNCC Reinforcements! GET 'EM! I d-don't wanna go back in the cell! Back off!"

That shiv looks rusty. Not dandy. Not dandy at all.

[Player Phase]

>Move 555
>Prepare 1 burst each at the two closest ex-prisoners, 2+2dice
"Hey now, no need for that. We aint UNCC, you wanna leave quiet, that's fine by us. Just drop the weapons and go. Keep this nonsense up, and we will end you, though."

Special:[Scorch], [Jinx], [Takedown], [Regen 2], [Smg+1], [NodeBurner], [Intruji]
[E-shield 1], Chirni: 3 Dmg, FA 2, 4/4 ammo, [Smg]
Inventory:Shaped Chargex2: line3, [destroy],
NervTranqx2:Radius1, Sleep10

Rolled 1, 8, 9, 3, 4 = 25 (5d10)

>Move 5
>5 attempts to disarm enemies with [Kinesis]

Vitality: 10/10
Armor: Secvest, DR 3
Move: 3
Dice: 5
Acc: 5
Proc: 4
Res: 0
Special: [Kinesis], [Sense], [

"Wioah! Woah! Hold up, you're not what?
Okay - okay, we can work this out"

Looks like this one is a scraggly kid, wielding a knife in a bandaged hand. One goon stares as his knife disappears, surprised and perplexed and finds ite embeded in the opposite wall. But it looks like the crisis is averted for now. They lower their weapons.

"L-look, we just... want to go home. Please"

[Interogation Phase and Player Phase]

Rolled 5 (1d10)

"Look, kid, we can let you leave, or offer you a ride when we're done here. But rides, well, they aren't free. Got any intell or skills we might make use of?"
> Move 433
> Hustle 433
> Hack Camera A, 1dice

Special:[Scorch], [Jinx], [Takedown], [Regen 2], [Smg+1], [NodeBurner], [Intruji]
[E-shield 1], Chirni: 3 Dmg, FA 2, 4/4 ammo, [Smg]
Inventory:Shaped Chargex2: line3, [destroy],
NervTranqx2:Radius1, Sleep10

Rolled 7, 8, 1, 2, 3 = 21 (5d10)

"I have no intention of stopping anyone from leaving. Although I would prefer to secure this location before escorting anyone anywhere."

>5 [Sense] attempts to locate hostiles

Vitality: 10/10
Armor: Secvest, DR 3
Move: 3
Dice: 5
Acc: 5
Proc: 4
Res: 10?
Special: [Kinesis], [Sense], [

"Hey hey, boys, so do we. So let's be chill and talk this out, yeah?

...Speaking of, have either of you seen a car around here? A really nice, black car?"

>Move 5433
>Prepare dodge 3433

[Dandy] 0 CS
Vitality 15
Move 4
Dice 4
Acc 5
Proc 4

Jinx - RES Cascade @ +2
Panache - MOV w/o Intercepts
Doc*1 - +3 VIT, Radius 1

[SgtSuite] - Free Prep/Vault
[AutoStimm Injector] - +5 VIT, +2 Dice

[Chiron-R*] - DMG 6, +4 RNG, FA 2, 3/3; +40 Heat=Plasma Shot [Rifle]

Sec Vest - DR 3
Insin Ammo - Ammo -1, Fire DMG
2xHealKit - +8 VIT, Cure
1xWhompGr - DMG 16, Radius 1

"You don't need to escort me anywhere, I just wanna go -- this place ain't ain't right. Faulker hasn't stopped screaming and the guards have all gone mad!"
"I can cook a mean lasagne, miss, or do a bit of low-end hacking. I got busted for littering, would you believe it? Didn't want to hurt nobody. Ain't violent. But I was due in for my turn and I c-can't take any more of that stuff. Research my fucked files, you don't torture people for medical gain! So when the doors all opened and everything went crazy, I hid in the broom closet. That was a day ago. Fighting hasn't realy died down since and I thought I got my chance when everyone had a big brawl near the surgery suite"
"Wait, a car? You m-mean like a Firebird? I think the warden---"

[A1]: "I've got a group in sight - I think they've got Werkaskovski. Opening fire"

[Player Phase]

dice+Xd100 in the "Options" field, user. X is the amount of dice you want to roll. And be careful with casing, it won't work if you write Dice with capital d.

Rolled 8, 7, 8, 4, 9 = 36 (5d10)

>Move 44
>5 attempts to use [Kinesis] to block incoming fire

Vitality: 10/10
Armor: Secvest, DR 3
Move: 3
Dice: 5
Acc: 5
Proc: 4
Res: 15
Special: [Kinesis], [Sense], [

Rolled 1, 7, 3, 4 = 15 (4d10)

"I do like baked pastas. Get around that wall and we'll pick you up when we leave, if you feel like sticking around."
>Move 333, Hustle 3/4ish to take cover in the doorjam, 1dice
>Fire 2 bursts at A1, 5ACC, 2Dice
>Lock the Door, 1dice, [Bypass] if necessary

Special:[Scorch], [Jinx], [Takedown], [Regen 2], [Smg+1], [NodeBurner], [Intruji]
[E-shield 1], Chirni: 3 Dmg, FA 2, 2/4 ammo, [Smg]
Inventory:Shaped Chargex2: line3, [destroy],
NervTranqx2:Radius1, Sleep10

Rolled 5 (1d10)

"A firebird? Black? Hey that's my car! Where did he- oh, step a side a little bit there buddy."

>Move 3433
>Aim at A1 (+1 ACC)
>Fire Plasma Shot down line 3 at A1
>Prepare dodge 2
>Prepare dodge 2

[Dandy] 0 CS
Vitality 15
Move 4
Dice 4
Acc 5
Proc 4

Jinx - RES Cascade @ +2
Panache - MOV w/o Intercepts
Doc*1 - +3 VIT, Radius 1

[SgtSuite] - Free Prep/Vault
[AutoStimm Injector] - +5 VIT, +2 Dice

[Chiron-R*] - DMG 6, +4 RNG, FA 2, 3/3; +40 Heat=Plasma Shot [Rifle]

Sec Vest - DR 3
Insin Ammo - Ammo -1, Fire DMG
2xHealKit - +8 VIT, Cure
1xWhompGr - DMG 16, Radius 1

"Hello command. Subsystems and articulation protocols were giving me some trouble. Everything is sorted out now. Ready to engage."

(I copy pasta'd my last char sheet, so I likely have items I shouldn't have. Can I get a look over?)

>deploy next to agent Roma. If not possible deploy on 3.

Integrity 10/10 | Vitality: 17/17 [Battered ServSuit]
Move: 3+2
Dice: 4
Acc: 4
Proc: 4
[Skill] SgtSuite,Iaji, PaCom, CogUp, EXtrude, Bio+
[Qual] Threat, Swords +1, E-Stimm (1)

VibroBreadKnife (+8 dmg, +1 acc) [melee] | MultiTool (Utility) | ExTermal [Suit] - cone 3, dmg 4, [burn] (+20 heat on firing OR 2 dice) | MiniPod [Suit] - radius 1 dmg 5 missile (+20 heat on firing)

[Chirni] 3 dmg, FA 2, 4 ammo [smg] (-1 Acc) | x2 [First Aid Kit] +4 vit | [EX-Fire Bombs] 6 fire | x2 Aidkit | BOTIS gun | PM


Just realized I've been running around with a mis-programmed link ID.
>Roma is 2, not 1.
Also, am I at risk of being plasma'd?

So I'm still numbah Wan?

Nah, Dandy is #1 and, according to a recent poll, Dandy's hair is #2, his outfit #3, and pop-sensation Francis Briarlake trails several thousand points behind at #4. FutureFashionEzine cannot explain these polling statistics.

Sounds like Dandy borrowed Tatiana's drone cloud to shit post.

Advanced shit posting...

Nonsense, it was a legitimate poll. Neither Tatiana nor I had any hand in the results.

Roma's spray of fire hits nothing, then a shielding system, then a guard. Without the protection of her defenses, the plasma shot sorches her good. It also cripples the camera on the far wall behind the encroaching guard.

They do make those doors very durable.

[Player Phase]

I'm not s-sticking around! I'm out! If you wanna know about the car, I think warden Whitefield has the keys.

Thank you. Command was aware of this little mistake and was taking it into account.

[Crew on Call]
[1 Dandy JINX-Sgt-Pan-Doc]
[2 Roma JINX- Tak-Sco-Nbu-Intruji]
[3 Wraith THREAT-SEN-KIN-Crea]
[4 Cog THREAT-Sgt-Cog-Bio-Ext]

You would not have either a BOTIS or any prisoner manifest. Where'd you get those? Those aren't even real, silly.

Rolled 5, 5, 6, 3 = 19 (4d6)

"There never was a booby trapped gun to begin with nor a manifest detailing body horror experiments here. How silly."

Do I need to roll on overwatches? I forgot.

>454 33
>overwatch heal 1 heal on ally 1 dice
>overwatch extermal if enemies are in range and allies are not in cross fire 2 dice no heat
>overwatch fire minipod 1 dice 20 heat

Heat: 0

Integrity 10/10 | Vitality: 17/17 [Battered ServSuit]
Move: 3+2
Dice: 4
Acc: 4
Proc: 4
[Skill] SgtSuite,Iaji, PaCom, CogUp, EXtrude, Bio+
[Qual] Threat, Swords +1, E-Stimm (1)

VibroBreadKnife (+8 dmg, +1 acc) [melee] | MultiTool (Utility) | ExTermal [Suit] - cone 3, dmg 4, [burn] (+20 heat on firing OR 2 dice) | MiniPod [Suit] - radius 1 dmg 5 missile (+20 heat on firing)

[Chirni] 3 dmg, FA 2, 4 ammo [smg] (-1 Acc) | x2 [First Aid Kit] +4 vit | [EX-Fire Bombs] 6 fire | x2 Aidkit |

The buckling door breaks with the whining roar of a multi-tool, and a missile explodes against a wall as the security team closes in.

[Player Phase]

Rolled 10 (1d10)

Rolled 5, 5, 6, 3 = 19 (4d6)"I'll get a barrier up to slow em down!"

>move 443
>overwatch extermal if enemies are in range and allies are not in cross fire 2 dice no heat
>Extrude barrier 34 of my new position 2 dice
>overwatch move 66

Heat: 20

Integrity 10/10 | Vitality: 17/17 [Battered ServSuit]
Move: 3+2
Dice: 4
Acc: 4
Proc: 4
[Skill] SgtSuite,Iaji, PaCom, CogUp, EXtrude, Bio+
[Qual] Threat, Swords +1, E-Stimm (1)

VibroBreadKnife (+8 dmg, +1 acc) [melee] | MultiTool (Utility) | ExTermal [Suit] - cone 3, dmg 4, [burn] (+20 heat on firing OR 2 dice) | MiniPod [Suit] - radius 1 dmg 5 missile (+20 heat on firing)

[Chirni] 3 dmg, FA 2, 4 ammo [smg] (-1 Acc) | x2 [First Aid Kit] +4 vit | [EX-Fire Bombs] 6 fire | x2 Aidkit |

Rolled 6, 9, 7, 1, 6 = 29 (5d10)

>Reach out and [Bypass] A3's Suit, set to Lockdown all systems, 3dice
>Move 2
>Shoot A2 with one burst, acc5, 1dice
>Move 22, use the camera pillar as cover
> Preferably before Cub EXtrudes on me.
"Prison doors are not what they used to be."

Special:[Scorch], [Jinx], [Takedown], [Regen 2], [Smg+1], [NodeBurner], [Intruji]
[E-shield 1], Chirni: 3 Dmg, FA 2, 1/4 ammo, [Smg]
Inventory:Shaped Chargex2: line3, [destroy],
NervTranqx2:Radius1, Sleep10

Rolled 9, 2, 8, 4, 3 = 26 (5d10)

>Move 334
>5 attempts to [Sense] thoughts of these new hostiles. Who are they? What is their motivation to fight us? Can a compromise be reached?

Vitality: 10/10
Armor: Secvest, DR 3
Move: 3
Dice: 5
Acc: 5
Proc: 4
Res: 20
Special: [Kinesis], [Sense], [

A3 locks down with, multitool powering off with a whirr. Somewhere inside the amalgamation of metal, a pilot no doubt is screaming his lungs out.

Nothing can be heard.

In response to being clipped with bullets, A2 throws a grenade.

And Wraith finds... Determination. Justice. Horror. Righteousness. The guards of this facility know that they cannot let witnesses escape. Perhaps its the paycheck; perhaps its honor. Convincing them will take some doing.

[Enemy Phase]

Remedial shooting lessons are in order.

[Player Phase]

>Activate R-Overclocker: Res 25>50
>5 dice towards mitigating incursion effects that target allies?
>Go prone

Vitality: 10/10
Armor: Secvest, DR 3
Move: 3
Dice: 5
Acc: 5
Proc: 4
Res: 50
Special: [Kinesis], [Sense], [

Rolled 2, 10, 4, 4, 2, 5, 7, 7, 7, 9, 5, 3 = 65 (12d10)

An effect of this magnitude with no target, guidance or modifier is perhaps unwise.

Rolled 4, 10 = 14 (2d10)

"Oh FUCKING HELL. Take care of A2 for me will you? Command what the hell is behind us, and WHERE THE FUCK IS MERK?"

>move 433
>place Extrude barrier 34 of new position 2 dice
>Attack A4 with vibro Knife 1 dice
>attack again 1 dice
>move 66

Heat: 10

Integrity 10/10 | Vitality: 17/17 [Battered ServSuit]
Move: 3+2
Dice: 4
Acc: 4
Proc: 4
[Skill] SgtSuite,Iaji, PaCom, CogUp, EXtrude, Bio+
[Qual] Threat, Swords +1, E-Stimm (1)

VibroBreadKnife (+8 dmg, +1 acc) [melee] | MultiTool (Utility) | ExTermal [Suit] - cone 3, dmg 4, [burn] (+20 heat on firing OR 2 dice) | MiniPod [Suit] - radius 1 dmg 5 missile (+20 heat on firing)

[Chirni] 3 dmg, FA 2, 4 ammo [smg] (-1 Acc) | x2 [First Aid Kit] +4 vit | [EX-Fire Bombs] 6 fire | x2 Aidkit |

Rolled 1, 7 = 8 (2d10)

"Huh? Oh, What? OH... I gotta stop taking selfies on the job."

>-Heat -30 for the past three turns
>Aim at A3 (+1 ACC)
>Toss WhompGr at A3
>Move 4433
>Fire Chiron-R* into back of A2's head
>Prepare Dodge 6

[Dandy] 0 CS
Vitality 15
Move 4
Dice 4
Acc 5
Proc 4

Jinx - RES Cascade @ +2
Panache - MOV w/o Intercepts
Doc*1 - +3 VIT, Radius 1

[SgtSuite] - Free Prep/Vault
[AutoStimm Injector] - +5 VIT, +2 Dice

[Chiron-R*] - DMG 6, +4 RNG, FA 2, 3/3; +40 Heat=Plasma Shot [Rifle]

Sec Vest - DR 3
Insin Ammo - Ammo -1, Fire DMG
2xHealKit - +8 VIT, Cure
1xWhompGr - DMG 16, Radius 1


in an office

Director Werenhofff scoffs.

The interior is re-arranged, as is A2's brains.

One of A2. The others wince in sympathetic pain.

[Enemy Phase]

Quick! Set up a barricade before those angry rioters get you!

[Player Phase]

Rolled 10, 8 = 18 (2d10)

"Uh... Well..."

>-10 Heat: 0 Total Heat
>Pull out Camera; Take Selfie amid non-euclidean geometry.
>Aim at A2 by Roma (+1 ACC)
>Fire Chiron-R* at A2
>Move 65

"Look, no hard feelings bud, but I don't want the universe to to hold a grudge against us for this y'know?"

>Fire Chiron-R* at the other A2
>Move 23

[Dandy] 0 CS
Vitality 15
Move 4
Dice 4
Acc 5
Proc 4

Jinx - RES Cascade @ +2
Panache - MOV w/o Intercepts
Doc*1 - +3 VIT, Radius 1

[SgtSuite] - Free Prep/Vault
[AutoStimm Injector] - +5 VIT, +2 Dice

[Chiron-R*] - DMG 6, +4 RNG, FA 2, 2/3; +40 Heat=Plasma Shot [Rifle]

Sec Vest - DR 3
Insin Ammo - Ammo -1, Fire DMG
2xHealKit - +8 VIT, Cure

>"If you all surrender peacefully, I promise not to do that again."

Vitality: 10/10
Armor: Secvest, DR 3
Move: 3
Dice: 5
Acc: 5
Proc: 4
Res: 44
Special: [Kinesis], [Sense], [

Rolled 5, 5 = 10 (2d10)

"You heard the reality-fucker-upper, Don't try anything stupid. We're not here for you. Tell us what the fuck is going on or get a face full of missile."

>Move 333 44
>Extrude a barrier 1 of new position 2 dice
>Attack A2 with Vibroblade 1 dice
>overwatch misslepod on red if they become hostile. Aim to hit between B3 and B4 1 dice

Heat: 0

Integrity 10/10 | Vitality: 17/17 [Battered ServSuit]
Move: 3+2
Dice: 4
Acc: 4
Proc: 4
[Skill] SgtSuite,Iaji, PaCom, CogUp, EXtrude, Bio+
[Qual] Threat, Swords +1, E-Stimm (1)

VibroBreadKnife (+8 dmg, +1 acc) [melee] | MultiTool (Utility) | ExTermal [Suit] - cone 3, dmg 4, [burn] (+20 heat on firing OR 2 dice) | MiniPod [Suit] - radius 1 dmg 5 missile (+20 heat on firing)

[Chirni] 3 dmg, FA 2, 4 ammo [smg] (-1 Acc) | x2 [First Aid Kit] +4 vit | [EX-Fire Bombs] 6 fire | x2 Aidkit |

The scraggly group of rioters lower their weapons; clutched in sweating hands this groups more composed than the panicked student and old guy who first fired at you. Something in their stance speaks of people used to intimidation. The tatoos are a better give away. Blackwater Brigadeers.

"Fuck you buddy! If we want a fight, we'll fucking fight"


"We don't"

"Everythings been right shit and we're getting out of presto"

"Ya dig? Now scram outta my way"

Meanwhile, one of A2 runs for the bisected suit in a hail gunfire and grabs the missile pod - firing of a homing missile. Luckily guidance seems fried.

[Player Phase]

Rolled 9 (1d10)

"Oh, hell..."

>Reload Chiron-R*
>Aim at weird jaunting A2 (+1 ACC)
>Fire Chiron-R* at weird jaunting A2
>Move 6655

"Heya guys... You might want to wait for the crazy clone man with the missile pod outside to settle down a bit. Or shoot him. Shooting him also works."

[Dandy] 0 CS
Vitality 15
Move 4
Dice 4
Acc 5
Proc 4

Jinx - RES Cascade @ +2
Panache - MOV w/o Intercepts
Doc*1 - +3 VIT, Radius 1

[SgtSuite] - Free Prep/Vault
[AutoStimm Injector] - +5 VIT, +2 Dice

[Chiron-R*] - DMG 6, +4 RNG, FA 2, 4/4; +40 Heat=Plasma Shot [Rifle]

Sec Vest - DR 3
Insin Ammo - Ammo -1, Fire DMG
2xHealKit - +8 VIT, Cure

Rolled 9 (1d10)

>missile pod with homing missiles....


"Blackwater? Wow, you poor bastards /really/ got a raw deal didn't you? I thought you guys were tougher than this.

How bout this? I can heal any wounded, get you guys some proper arms, and some gear so you might actually escape this shithole. All's you have to do is follow us. We'll even give you a share of the loot since lord knows we can't carry everything. Believe me, we've /tried/.

But if you're pussies then just walk past this huge gaping hole that I made and take a left. The old man and kid bailed but I can understand them doing that. Just thought you blokes had more balls than that."

>swipe at A2 with vibroblade
>use 3 dice to convince rioters to join us temporarily

Heat: 0

Integrity 10/10 | Vitality: 17/17 [Battered ServSuit]
Move: 3+2
Dice: 4
Acc: 4
Proc: 4
[Skill] SgtSuite,Iaji, PaCom, CogUp, EXtrude, Bio+
[Qual] Threat, Swords +1, E-Stimm (1)

VibroBreadKnife (+8 dmg, +1 acc) [melee] | MultiTool (Utility) | ExTermal [Suit] - cone 3, dmg 4, [burn] (+20 heat on firing OR 2 dice) | MiniPod [Suit] - radius 1 dmg 5 missile (+20 heat on firing)

[Chirni] 3 dmg, FA 2, 4 ammo [smg] (-1 Acc) | x2 [First Aid Kit] +4 vit | [EX-Fire Bombs] 6 fire | x2 Aidkit |

Rolled 1, 1, 2 = 4 (3d10)

Social roll since autofill hates my guts

Rolled 1, 2, 4, 10, 7 = 24 (5d10)

>Regen 2
>Move 333
>Shoot A2, acc5, 1dice
>Hack CamB, 3dice

Vitality:5/12 (-9+2)
Special:[Scorch], [Jinx], [Takedown], [Regen 2], [Smg+1], [NodeBurner], [Intruji]
[E-shield 1], Chirni: 3 Dmg, FA 2, 0/4 ammo, [Smg]
Inventory:Shaped Chargex2: line3, [destroy],
NervTranqx2:Radius1, Sleep10

Dandy fires at a rapidly scintilating A2 and-- wow. What do they load those Chiron rifles with it?

A lone Combat Technicians engages with Roma, but her defenses prove too much.

Meanwhile, someone tries to ruffle up Cog. It's hard to intimidate someone in a power suit when you push them and only move yourself. Against this display, the three scarred rioters are indecisive.

"... Fuck you! We've got balls! Plentiful balls. More balls than you and your... metal suit, monkey man"
"Monkey man?"
"Yo fuck you, Ramir"
"Work on your vocab, buddy"

[Player Phase]

Rolled 7, 4, 3, 1, 2 = 17 (5d10)

>5 attempts to [Sense] hostiles
>Begin crawling 3

Vitality: 10/10
Armor: Secvest, DR 3
Move: 3
Dice: 5
Acc: 5
Proc: 4
Res: 44
Special: [Kinesis], [Sense], [

Rolled 10, 8, 10, 2 = 30 (4d10)

"Balls? Not seeing it sport. Listen, if you're scared, go ahead and fuck off and find you own way. I just figured you'd want to get some payback to the bastards that locked you up here. The offer still stands, but I have some murdering to do so decide already."

>use 4 dice to get them to follow us

"Oh yeah Wraith go check on that missile pod will ya?"

Heat: 0

Integrity 10/10 | Vitality: 17/17 [Battered ServSuit]
Move: 3+2
Dice: 4
Acc: 4
Proc: 4
[Skill] SgtSuite,Iaji, PaCom, CogUp, EXtrude, Bio+
[Qual] Threat, Swords +1, E-Stimm (1)

VibroBreadKnife (+8 dmg, +1 acc) [melee] | MultiTool (Utility) | ExTermal [Suit] - cone 3, dmg 4, [burn] (+20 heat on firing OR 2 dice) | MiniPod [Suit] - radius 1 dmg 5 missile (+20 heat on firing)

[Chirni] 3 dmg, FA 2, 4 ammo [smg] (-1 Acc) | x2 [First Aid Kit] +4 vit | [EX-Fire Bombs] 6 fire | x2 Aidkit |

Rolled 10 (1d10)

>Move 444
>Aim and Throw a NervTranq at A4, 3dice, 5acc
>Hustle 5
>Regen 2
(I assume the damage is post-Intruji defenses?)

Vitality:6/12 (-1+2)
Special:[Scorch], [Jinx], [Takedown], [Regen 2], [Smg+1], [NodeBurner], [Intruji]
[E-shield 1], Chirni: 3 Dmg, FA 2, 0/4 ammo, [Smg]
Inventory:Shaped Chargex2: line3, [destroy],
NervTranqx1:Radius1, Sleep10

"Hey, come to think of it where's the Warden? I have on good authority that motherfucker stole my car- oh, hold on, time to be a savior."

>Move 2222
>Hustle 33
>Heal Roma with Doc*1 (+3 VIT)
>Prepare dodge 6

[Dandy] 0 CS
Vitality 15
Move 4
Dice 4
Acc 5
Proc 4

Jinx - RES Cascade @ +2
Panache - MOV w/o Intercepts
Doc*1 - +3 VIT, Radius 1

[SgtSuite] - Free Prep/Vault
[AutoStimm Injector] - +5 VIT, +2 Dice

[Chiron-R*] - DMG 6, +4 RNG, FA 2, 4/4; +40 Heat=Plasma Shot [Rifle]

Sec Vest - DR 3
Insin Ammo - Ammo -1, Fire DMG
2xHealKit - +8 VIT, Cure

[???] This is Warden Whitefield to all Personnel. I have finally gotten through to the UNCC outpost. They're aware of our situation and our class 3 prison riot.

They've dispatched a Pazuzu Strike Group to our facility, so everyone just hang tight and hold on and I guess those annoying, santicimonous bastards in blue get to feel real good about rescuing our little hole in the ground.

Also, the monitors are saying we've got new people encroaching on the facility. This is not the strike group.

Everyone is clear to shoot on sight. And I want you to... clean up... the databanks. Wouldn't do for the data to be found.

[Player Phase]

Yeah, it was.

Given the volatility of local space-time, your resonance score has reset to 0. Then you [sense]x5, so it is currently 5.

Rolled 3, 4, 6, 10, 8 = 31 (5d10)

>Determine whether I could force this gate closed with [Kinesis]
>"Hey, you, prisoner, either get out of here or get back behind this gate, because I'm gonna want it between me and any 'strike group'."
>Use 5 attempts at [Kinesis] to make the gate easier for me to move

Vitality: 10/10
Armor: Secvest, DR 3
Move: 3
Dice: 5
Acc: 5
Proc: 4
Res: 49
Special: [Kinesis], [Sense], [

Ah, okay, ignore my 49 then.

"That doesn't sound good."

>Attempt to raise Xen333 and his buddies

"Hey, buddy, pal. The warden here just made a call to your friends at the UNCC; they're sending a paz- pazuzu? What is that, Indian food? Anyway, they're sending a pazuzu strike force to this facility. Think you could waylay them a bit? This warden's up to some shady shit and they're trying to scrub their shady shit data. Also he might have my car, and that alone is inexcusable. Thanks! Luv ya."

>Move 6556
>Aim down line 5 (+1 ACC)
>Aim down line 5 (+1 ACC)
>Fire Plasma Shot down line 5


[Dandy] 0 CS
Vitality 15
Move 4
Dice 4
Acc 5
Proc 4

Jinx - RES Cascade @ +2
Panache - MOV w/o Intercepts
Doc*1 - +3 VIT, Radius 1

[SgtSuite] - Free Prep/Vault
[AutoStimm Injector] - +5 VIT, +2 Dice

[Chiron-R*] - DMG 6, +4 RNG, FA 2, 3/4; +40 Heat=Plasma Shot [Rifle]

Sec Vest - DR 3
Insin Ammo - Ammo -1, Fire DMG
2xHealKit - +8 VIT, Cure

Rolled 6, 4 = 10 (2d10)

*Yawwn* "That's cute....bullets...you're going to need way better hardware than that.."

>missile pod 1 dice A2
>missile pod 1 dice A1
>move 123 23
>use 2 dice to cool down heat

==Standing Orders==

Moves are set in order of importance

>follow agents 1 2 or 3
>heal myself and allies // repair suit with multitool
>attack hostiles
>-agents 1 2 and 3 are allowed to overwrite orders
Heat: 0

Integrity 10/10 | Vitality: 17/17 [Battered ServSuit]
Move: 3+2
Dice: 4
Acc: 4
Proc: 4
Res: 0
[Skill] SgtSuite,Iaji, PaCom, CogUp, EXtrude, Bio+
[Qual] Threat, Swords +1, E-Stimm (1)

VibroBreadKnife (+8 dmg, +1 acc) [melee] | MultiTool (Utility) | ExTermal [Suit] - cone 3, dmg 4, [burn] (+20 heat on firing OR 2 dice) | MiniPod [Suit] - radius 1 dmg 5 missile (+20 heat on firing)

[Chirni] 3 dmg, FA 2, 4 ammo [smg] (-1 Acc) | x2 [First Aid Kit] +4 vit | [EX-Fire Bombs] 6 fire | x2 Aidkit |

Rolled 6, 4 = 10 (2d10)

>Regen 2
>Recover from 2 stun, 2dice?
>NodeBurn A4, 2dice
"Pull the pin, throw the 'nade, not the other way around. Rookie mistake, Roma.
"We need to move faster, team, company's coming."

Vitality:8/12 (+2)
Special:[Scorch], [Jinx], [Takedown], [Regen 2], [Smg+1], [NodeBurner], [Intruji]
[E-shield 1], Chirni: 3 Dmg, FA 2, 0/4 ammo, [Smg]
Inventory:Shaped Chargex2: line3, [destroy],
NervTranqx1:Radius1, Sleep10

Rolled 4 (1d10)

>Forgot dice because I'm stupid.


Vitality: 8
Move: 6
Dice: 4
Acc: 5
Proc: 6
Special: Jinx
Loadout: RID implant, Scorch, SynNet, BruteForce
Broadsword SMG (4 dmg, 2 FA, 4/4 ammo || 2 dices to suppress)
-Displacement Shield (Jaunt 1d6+1d3, stun damage after first jaunt)
-Insin (Ammo -1, Fire)
-Blocker 2x
-Dogtag A-8

Skimmer Drone x2
HP: 3/3, 3/3
Mov 3, Dice 2, Proc 6, Acc 4 || SMG 4/4 4/4

[B3]: Yo man, yo man, chill out - chill the fuck out, don't be firing no plasma in my face, jeez man. Jeez! That ain't copa-cep-tic, we'll do ya solid! It ain't much

*Sides, I want me some payback on these goons too man buddy man"

[B1]: "Fuck these dudes"

[B3]: "Vocab, Ramir, vocab"

[B1]: "*Screw* these goons".

>Dandys display of determined wall-shooting wins over the crowd, backed up by Cogs insistence on not being intimidated.
Wraith prepares to wrench open the solid, reinforced prison gate with his Interface. Then he thinks better of it, and hits the switch instead and the doors slide close. Just in time too. The low-key hum of a VTOL engine can be heard in the distance, faintly.

[XEN333]: Message recieved. Query intention. Intercept of UNCC personel upon a proper patrol. That does not fall within this units programming parameters or acceptable mission objectives.

Amused Tone. Aiding in black facility cover ups is not within UNCC Mandate. Laugh. Laugh.

Missiles fly just absolutely everywhere.

[Player Phase]

[Crew on Call]
[1 Dandy JINX-Sgt-Pan-Doc]
[2 Roma JINX- Tak-Sco-Nbu-Intruji]
[3 Wraith THREAT-SEN-KIN-Crea]
[4 Cog THREAT-Sgt-Cog-Bio-Ext]
[5 Tatiana JINX-Rid-Sco-Syn-Bru]
>What dogtag? What database? Those items look like they're from a different timeline.

Rolled 1, 10 = 11 (2d10)

>Ready, Aim, Throw NervTranq at A3, 5acc, 3dice
>NodeBurn A4 one more time, 1dice
>Move 116
>Regen 2
"If at first you don't succeed, try again, then back away from the reinforcements. I could use a hand over here."

Vitality:10/12 (+2)
Special:[Scorch], [Jinx], [Takedown], [Regen 2], [Smg+1], [NodeBurner], [Intruji]
[E-shield 1], Chirni: 3 Dmg, FA 2, 0/4 ammo, [Smg]
Inventory:Shaped Chargex2: line3, [destroy],
NervTranqx0:Radius1, Sleep10

Rolled 5, 6 = 11 (2d10)

"Xen, you don't understand. Xen? XEN!"

"Tatty, baby, you know robots better than I do. Convince Xen to help us out somehow; we gotta get that data before it's gone."

"...I gotta get my CAR before it's gone."

>-10 heat: 30 total Heat
>Move 3333
>Hustle 4
>Gun down A3
>Gun down A3
>Prepare dodge 5

[Dandy] 0 CS
Vitality 15
Move 4
Dice 4
Acc 5
Proc 4

Jinx - RES Cascade @ +2
Panache - MOV w/o Intercepts
Doc*1 - +3 VIT, Radius 1

[SgtSuite] - Free Prep/Vault
[AutoStimm Injector] - +5 VIT, +2 Dice

[Chiron-R*] - DMG 6, +4 RNG, FA 2, 3/4; +40 Heat=Plasma Shot [Rifle]

Sec Vest - DR 3
Insin Ammo - Ammo -1, Fire DMG
2xHealKit - +8 VIT, Cure

"Xen is a robot? Huuh, Coulda known earlier."

>BruteForce Xen through comms, all the dice

"Get us that data then."

Vitality: 8
Move: 6
Dice: 4
Acc: 5
Proc: 6
Special: Jinx
Loadout: RID implant, Scorch, SynNet, BruteForce
Broadsword SMG (4 dmg, 2 FA, 4/4 ammo || 2 dices to suppress)
-Displacement Shield (Jaunt 1d6+1d3, stun damage after first jaunt)
-Insin (Ammo -1, Fire)
-Blocker 2x

Skimmer Drone x2
HP: 3/3, 3/3
Mov 3, Dice 2, Proc 6, Acc 4 || SMG 4/4 4/4

Rolled 3, 2, 2, 2, 4, 5, 10, 10, 6, 2 = 46 (10d10)

Rolled 4, 1 = 5 (2d10)



>-10 Heat: 30 Heat
>Move 33443
>Hustle 3
>2 Dice: Spew fire to the 43
>Fire rocket between A4 and A6 (+20 Heat)

Integrity 10/10 | Vitality: 17/17 [Battered ServSuit]
Move: 3+2
Dice: 4
Acc: 4
Proc: 4
Res: 0
[Skill] SgtSuite,Iaji, PaCom, CogUp, EXtrude, Bio+
[Qual] Threat, Swords +1, E-Stimm (1)

VibroBreadKnife (+8 dmg, +1 acc) [melee] | MultiTool (Utility) | ExTermal [Suit] - cone 3, dmg 4, [burn] (+20 heat on firing OR 2 dice) | MiniPod [Suit] - radius 1 dmg 5 missile (+20 heat on firing)

[Chirni] 3 dmg, FA 2, 4 ammo [smg] (-1 Acc) | x2 [First Aid Kit] +4 vit | [EX-Fire Bombs] 6 fire | x2 Aidkit |

Rolled 7, 4, 10, 5, 7, 9, 5, 9, 7, 9, 1, 5, 7, 9 = 94 (14d10)

Unknown network penetration detected.

[Whitefield] I take it from the explosions the Strike Group has arrived.

Taitana's brain is mostly compromised of pain. The RID Implant shunts several terrabytes of feedback into the Skimmer Drones, whoose operating systems probably were not written to handle by the automated response of a repurposed military cyborg.

>Skimmer Drones gain +2 acc

[Enemy Phase]

Looks like that's the last of the guards, at least for now.

Wraith and Taitana helpfully has time to look at the signposts near the entrance, which marks out where parts of the facility is.

[Player Phase]
[Maybe a nap]

Rolled 2, 7, 7, 10, 6, 5, 2, 4, 2, 6 = 51 (10d10)

>Move 344
>[KarateKa], [Crea+], [Takedown], 5 dice to disarm A1 and throw them into A2

Vitality: 10/10
Armor: Secvest, DR 3
Move: 3
Dice: 5
Acc: 5
Proc: 4
Res: 10
Special: [Kinesis], [Sense], [

Request for data retrieval acknowledged. Preparing to enter site to accumulate information. Standby for arrival.



>-10 Heat: 40 Total Heat
>Move 22; Trample A4 underfoot
>2 Dice: Burn A6 with Flamethrower
>Move 121
>2 Dice: Fire Flamethrower to the 2


Integrity 10/10 | Vitality: 17/17 [Battered ServSuit]
Move: 3+2
Dice: 4
Acc: 4
Proc: 4
Res: 0
[Skill] SgtSuite,Iaji, PaCom, CogUp, EXtrude, Bio+
[Qual] Threat, Swords +1, E-Stimm (1)

VibroBreadKnife (+8 dmg, +1 acc) [melee] | MultiTool (Utility) | ExTermal [Suit] - cone 3, dmg 4, [burn] (+20 heat on firing OR 2 dice) | MiniPod [Suit] - radius 1 dmg 5 missile (+20 heat on firing)

[Chirni] 3 dmg, FA 2, 4 ammo [smg] (-1 Acc) | x2 [First Aid Kit] +4 vit | [EX-Fire Bombs] 6 fire | x2 Aidkit |

Rolled 1, 9, 2 = 12 (3d10)

>Move 333
>Loot the A2 body that died here, 1dice
>Hack Cam B, 3dice
>Regen 2

Vitality:12/12 (+2)
Special:[Scorch], [Jinx], [Takedown], [Regen 2], [Smg+1], [NodeBurner], [Intruji]
[E-shield 1], Chirni: 3 Dmg, FA 2, 0/4 ammo, [Smg]
Inventory:Shaped Chargex2: line3, [destroy],
NervTranqx0:Radius1, Sleep10

Rolled 7 (1d10)

"Yeah, what the big metal guy said. Open up! I want my car back!"

>-10 Heat: 20 Heat
>Move 3322
>Hustle 211
>Plasma Shot through the Door 6

[Dandy] 0 CS
Vitality 15
Move 4
Dice 4
Acc 5
Proc 4

Jinx - RES Cascade @ +2
Panache - MOV w/o Intercepts
Doc*1 - +3 VIT, Radius 1

[SgtSuite] - Free Prep/Vault
[AutoStimm Injector] - +5 VIT, +2 Dice

[Chiron-R*] - DMG 6, +4 RNG, FA 2, 4/4; +40 Heat=Plasma Shot [Rifle]

Sec Vest - DR 3
Insin Ammo - Ammo -1, Fire DMG
2xHealKit - +8 VIT, Cure

"They're trying to delete the data from the terminals. We want that data, so we have to stop them."

>TacNet anyone?

Vitality: 8
Move: 6
Dice: 4
Acc: 5
Proc: 6
Special: Jinx
Loadout: RID implant, Scorch, SynNet, BruteForce
Broadsword SMG (4 dmg, 2 FA, 4/4 ammo || 2 dices to suppress)
-Displacement Shield (Jaunt 1d6+1d3, stun damage after first jaunt)
-Insin (Ammo -1, Fire)
-Blocker 2x

Skimmer Drone x2
HP: 3/3, 3/3
Mov 3, Dice 2, Proc 6, Acc 6 || SMG 4/4 4/4

>Like it's even a question.
>Of course TacNet.

let's do it.

I always want the data.
Unfortunately there is a wall in the way.


Can someone bot me?



It's comforting that even technical limitations on my end is somewhat overcome by the generousity and attention of strangers. Thank you.

Wraith sends a man flying - not man with his mind, but with his fists. A firefight breaks out as the last defenders attempt to give their friends time to purge the databanks of whatever information might be held there. The distant roar of a engine grows steadily less distant.

A patter of gunfire fails to find purchase against Cog's heavy suit, and the grenade meant to breach the armor is off course. But the people shooting prepare aim now they've found their marks.

Roma finds a first aid kit!
oh, and a [B-Shot]
>First Aid - 8 vit [cure] as usual
>B-Shot - no action to use, +3 move

[Player Phase]

Rolled 10, 5 = 15 (2d10)

"Getting hot in here. I'll handle these three and back you up with the terminal once this is done. Okay Dandy?"

Heat: 60

>use 1 move to crouch
>Fire missile 222 2 1 dice
>prepare and throw [EX-Fire Bombs] 6 fire 222 2 1 dice
>cool down 1 dice
>loot body 1 dice
>Overwatch standup and move 556 if hostiles are still alive facing North East


Integrity 10/10 | Vitality: 17/17 [Battered ServSuit]
Move: 3+2
Dice: 4
Acc: 4
Proc: 4
Res: 0
[Skill] SgtSuite,Iaji, PaCom, CogUp, EXtrude, Bio+
[Qual] Threat, Swords +1, E-Stimm (1)

VibroBreadKnife (+8 dmg, +1 acc) [melee] | MultiTool (Utility) | ExTermal [Suit] - cone 3, dmg 4, [burn] (+20 heat on firing OR 2 dice) | MiniPod [Suit] - radius 1 dmg 5 missile (+20 heat on firing)

[Chirni] 3 dmg, FA 2, 4 ammo [smg] (-1 Acc) | x2 [First Aid Kit] +4 vit | [EX-Fire Bombs] 6 fire | x2 Aidkit |

Rolled 9, 9 = 18 (2d10)

>Move 443
>Hustle 34
>[Bypass] Cam F, 2dice

Special:[Scorch], [Jinx], [Takedown], [Regen 2], [Smg+1], [NodeBurner], [Intruji]
[E-shield 1], Chirni: 3 Dmg, FA 2, 0/4 ammo, [Smg]
Inventory:Shaped Chargex2: line3, [destroy],
First Aid - 8 vit [cure]
B-Shot - no action to use, +3 move

Rolled 1, 3, 7, 10, 7 = 28 (5d10)

>Move 11
>5 attempts to use [Kinesis] to reinforce the gate with barriers?

Vitality: 10/10
Armor: Secvest, DR 3
Move: 3
Dice: 5
Acc: 5
Proc: 4
Res: 10
Special: [Kinesis], [Sense], [

Roma filches some data - and spots someone threatening a doctor
Cog fires missiles.

Wraith wishes he had some way to make his efforts [Persist]. For all his attempts at fury, he only agiates the nearby metals.

[B8] Whazzat mean? Endo-cri-wha? She won't stop shaking, and you're the one giving them those damn drugs, so just talk to me!

[Enemy Phase]

Cog finally encounters...

... danger.

[Player Phase]