What system would work best?
How would one run pic related?
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Bump for interest.
Dark Heresy would do pretty well. Metro's basically a Hive's underground.
GURPS and OpenD6 are the to go systems for malleable modern settings, especially those with gunfights.
Twilight 2000 and Albedo 2nd Ed are pretty good for tactical combat, too.
Twilight in particular is ww3, so the gear is here.
would work too, but you'd have a pretty restricted gear list and would have to homebrew a couple items.
What do you want to focus on, OP ? It will be easier for us if we know exactly what you like in the setting and want to recreate in a game.
Better than Fallout
OP here, basically a friend of mine wants to DM a game that captures the feel of Metro 2033, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and Fallout. He was stumped as far as what system. I offered to try and find the best one.
He wants us to feel scarcity with our resources.
look at gurps. At most you will want high tech for gun porn.
otherwise, the pyramid articles coming out recently will be up your alley; After the end
bumping for intrest
fine then
Metro general thread
Actually played in a metro campaign,we used savage worlds
Basic rules are free search savage worlds test drive on Google.
Include the soundtrack
Ops & Tactics
Twilight 2000, then.
It's a system made to play surviving (mainly american) soldiers during/after ww3. It should have everything you're looking for.
It's available for download in the pdf share thread.
Why must you be so cruel with OP?
>You are in a dank, dank tunnel. Your radio crackles in the dank, due to the background radiodank emissions. Somewhere, in the far dank, you hear the danking of slavsquat.