What's wrong with using unrealistic armor?
What's wrong with using unrealistic armor?
What's wrong with using unrealistic weapons?
Nothing as long as you're consitant in your crazyness/realism.
Nothing at all.
They don't provide you with efficient protection.
They aren't efficient for fighting.
Some people use their RPG's to simulate reality. Other people use them to escape it.
I'd argue that races/characters of extreme strength and ability would have little reason to stick to conventional weapons and armor, especially in the case of "oversized" weapons.
If you're strong enough to wield a sword large enough to decapitate a dragon, in a world with a rampant dragon problem, why not use a sword that large?
Nothing is inherently wrong with it. The criticisms usually applied, not counting ultra realism spergs, is that particular sets of arms and or armor within the setting breaks the level of bullshit we were conditioned to accept. If you want a good example of this outside arms and armor then just look at 'power levels' or the 'power level' of the setting. Same principle.
But in that context it is a realistic weapon.
Newton's 3rd law?
>Both use them to escape it.
The people who complain about them
Depends on the setting. In a hard setting, realistic medieval fantasy, it don't fly. In a more free setting, who gives a fuck?
Nothing. Armour that doesn't fit the style and theme is another thing.
Just like a realistic medieval knight would stand out in high-flying fantasy world, a high-flying fantasy knight in a realistic setting would clash.
>Just like a realistic medieval knight would stand out in high-flying fantasy world
I'd expect the opposite to be their problem.
Nothing says "I only have two lines of text" like ordinary armor.
Nothing or everything depending on the context, I guess.
Oh god that is so beautiful...
I'm actually having an erection looking at all the details...
I think it looks goofy and unappealing.
Things like armor aesthetics are pointless to debate because no matter what it looks like, the game system will abstract it into effective armor.
My motto is "In the absence of magic or other supernatural effects, the regular laws of nature (e.g. physics) apply."
In other words, if it's not magically-enhanced, your sword is solid steel and behaves as such. If your blade is six feet long and two wide, you are not lifting it, let alone wielding it effectively. Unless it's enhanced, even if you're capable of lifting it, it's going to bend and break while you swing it around.
If your armour consists of a chainmail bikini and high heel sabatons, you're going to sprain your ankles and get eviscerated. At least wear a leather corset, ya daft bint.
They're usually ugly and stupid
This my man.
If you are an ogre, then go for that 50lbs sledge as a weapon. If you are a regular sized dude, you better have some kinda magic on your side, which I am of course open to discuss what magic that could be.
It's unrealistic.
Well generally I don't care for it, so when I'm running games I'll stat it as exactly what it is, impractical and inefficient.
Suspension of disbelief is aided by maintaining consistency.
This is why a hulking swordsman can drag around a 30 lb slab of steel and seem imposing, while having a 90lb twink do it seems hilariously contrived.
If the warrior princess goes into battle with nothing but a chainmail bikini, you need to demonstrate why she hasn't been perforated by now: Is she a sorcerer who shields herself with air or bends the vision of all who see her? Is she her god's chosen, granted supreme luck or skin with the strength of marble? Is she a centuries old warrior-acrobat, fast and lithe enough to literally dodge arrows?
Oh... She's 16 year old you's fap fantasy? Well that's disappointing.
Just try to ground the character's traits in the setting is all.
because it's retarded
"Stand out" doesn't always mean favorably. If you're the dude in historical plate with period weaponry and clothing in a party of bikini warriors, pauldrons and sexy wizards, you're gonna be the odd one out.
Some groups like to use reality as a measurement for what would happen when they do things that aren't "roll to hit+ roll damage". If you run a realistic arms and armor setting people can get creative in the realistic sense and built siege engines and plan out entire battle strategies. If you go unrealistic that puts a whole flip on traditional tactics and planning because any child in a dress could be hiding a 12ft long legendary greatsword inside a cup-sized pocket dimension.
I actually think there is no such thing as too much skin in an ancient setting, however in not medieval Europe I have a problem with it.
I love Conan like settings. Magic and might and the luscious bodies that wield them.
The same that's wrong and right with everything else: pleasing or displeasing your audience.
No u!
The gladiator example isn't really a sound one though, because those armor sets were actually made for fashion over function.
>you shouldn't have fantastical things in a fantasy setting: the thread
It triggers the Veeky Forums.
>The filename is guaranteed responses
>You still fall for the bait.
People don't know physics.
But they know action movies/shows.
Where armies fight by running at each other with swords and shields. Where as ling as you got hit in the arm or shouldee or somewhere else, youre fine. Where dual wielding Desert Eagles is viable. Where shotguns send targets flying off their feet. Where a character will wear less armor because they want to increase their mobility. Where nobody ever suffers from shock or shits themselves involuntarily, no matter how badly they're injured.
In the absence of magic, stuff works like an action movie.
There is middle ground, where such magic is expensive and rare, and only heroes of incredible might and power can wield weapons that have it.
For a bit, i didn't realize the girl pictured here was wearing an eye patch and was way more triggered by her (perceived) weird head and sidemouth than the armor.
I don't think I've played in a game in a while where anyone described any armor as the super ornate/unrealistic sort of thing, so that's not really an issue. In art like this, who cares? It's frequently dumb, but as stand alone art there's no immersion to break so, again, who gives a shit?
If you've already got not-terrible warrior women how can you still care about suspension of disbelief.
It'll always amount to preference and taste.
The core of this issue isn't an argument of "X is unrealistic and doesn't belong in Y setting" or vice versa. Some people look at and discuss this logically and generally conclude that whatever is acceptable so long as the tone and setting are also ridiculous or whatever else.
For what I feel is the majority of or at least some people, it's about what they like or hate.
OP's picture for example. It depicts an attractive anime lady in what I assume is a high fantasy setting.
Well some people just don't like or outright hate such things for various reasons.
To them it doesn't really matter if the anime lady has a good reason for dressing like that or if the rest of the setting is unrealistic.
It's bad/wrong because they dislike it. They may justify their dislike for reasons beyond "Creepy pedo fapbait" or whatever, but usually it's just disdain and hate without much reason to it.
Or let's take something like child characters. Or characters that use giant weapons. Or just absolutely ridiculous characters design that aren't even fetish-y.
You could come up with tone and setting justifications for all of these things and some people would still think that they are "wrong". Because it's stupid because of how real life works, or because it's perverted, so on.
Well, they *are* made for function, just a different kind of function. They're made to keep gladiators fighting, but not necessarily alive. A guy whose tendons get cut can't swing a weapon, and the head is such an easy target that leaving it exposed risks ending the fight too quickly. Getting stabbed in the chest may be lethal, but it's not immediately lethal.
0/10 you're not even trying
So, wearing a realistic hauberk or byrnie whenever possible, so as to get some basic protection against blows and missiles?
Why do you insist on using such ugly art for your troll threads?
He is right, I've been rereading my conan lately, and he is almost always wearing "mesh mail." The author could be a little anal with people's physical descriptions.
He also uses the word Bosom at least two or three times every story.
People associate Conan with what you see in the Arnie movies and Vallejo/Frazetta pieces.
The actual short stories are basically irrelevant at this point.
>my snowflake wears a chain mail bikini!
>Ok, that 16 AC, moving on
>justifying your inability to read
>also doing a shitty job of it.
Conan and his awesome lil'buds are armored as balls for the climax of that movie.
Quaker's meeting has begun.
No more laughing, no more fun.
If you show your teeth or tongue,
you have to pay the forfeit.
You've clearly never been to a Quaker meeting. It tends to be nice old ladies happily talking and enjoying themselves. They are super chill and accepting, normally have baked goods as well.
Source: Grew up with quakers in southern Indiana.
>What's wrong with having an unrealistic neck?
>15th century mercenary wanders into the wrong ruin and ends up in animu land
>There people are always fighting but with giant and flashy esoteric energy and spirit based powers, not usually resulting in any irreversible or fatal injury.
>In this world, power is derived from strength of will
>When antagonized by some of the roudy locals, he bashes their heads in with a mace, as decades of actual war have tempered his mind into a killing machine the likes of which few in this world could even comprehend.
>Thus begins the tale of Hardass the Cruel, who would go on to beat the faggot out of the entire setting
I like this.
Because you breeder fags don't want to keep it equal.
More like the adult books I read as a child, half naked sorcerers and mythical beings that can't really go to the store annd get xxxxl snake lady armor and lingerie.
People spending 99.999999999% of the time in their armour is kinda shit for realism as well.
>nign imrast sechtsdl violejise
azbuka doesn't work like that
Weird internet subculture get out.
How helpful would that armor REALLY be against a fucking dragon? What about those weapons?
it isn't 99.etc% of the time in armor, it is wearing some maille when a man (or Conan in this case) knows he is going to be going into danger and is able to bring some armor with him. Seriously, in a bunch of the stories, Conan thinks something to the effect of "and I will trust in my mail shirt to deflect their attacks"
Sorry I wasn't clear, I approve of Conan esthetics and pragmatism, I can't really dm because players armour would get rekt often, in most rpg's you get a piece and it just a given that you wear it untill you upgrade.
Down time would be understood to either study new spells, upkeep items, take baths and poo, but you couldn't do all of this plus craft potions and equipment etc. Only so many hours in a day etc. I don't like people that don't keep their inventory in check. Infinite arrows be damned. If you are wearing full plate and you get hit by a broom handle, I think i may just ignore any potential damage. Depending on the size of the broom and who is hitting you of course.
Have you considered never posting again? You should.
Hey, it's fine to have impractical armor or weapons but when you walk right into it with silly explanations then I'm gonna drop it on you.
It depends entirely on the tone you want and how consistent you are with the unrealistic stuff. Just don't force realism in other places and nobody will care.
Monster Hunter is basically the best example I can think of for a setting that works perfectly with ludicrous weapons and armor. You scarf down portions of food larger than your torso in a matter of seconds, you fall off literal mountains and are unhurt, and you wield weapons larger than yourself made of materials heavier than yourself. It's glorious.
A lot of idiots ignore that in many of Conan's most famous stories, he's described as a lean youth with flashing blue eyes, dark hair and moody demeanour.
He wouldn't look out of place as a poster on a teen girl's wall.
we are using unrealistic equipment in our campaign
still , everything works just fine
if you got a buttload of STR and RES , you might as well run around naked with a 30 kg greatsword
Nothing unless:
a) You're playing a "realistic" setting
b) You're playing a female character with SJWs.
Gladiator arms and armor are meant to make the fights entertaining, not to be the most effective gear for combat. They were supposed to wound each other a bunch before the end of the fight. It's hard to kill a guy with one stab with a trident
>It's hard to kill a guy with one stab with a trident
Because I'll adjust your armor class accordingly.
>Oh so your character has a set of +2 platemail bikinis?
>Openly give that character a total -5 AC modifier.
No, no you wouldn't. You're too much of a bitch to do it as evidenced by your boasting about an exaggerated passive-aggressive revenge fantasy.
Oh, that makes sense. My apologies.
So you want your 18 year old bikini warrior to have the same protective power as someone who is wearing full-plate? Good fucking luck.
nothing, if it suits the tone
Ogres cant exist by means of square cube law.
They would collapse under their own weight and die. Sorry man. Only humans. No elves. No Ogres. No magic. No fantasy armor.
Read the story of Mexicali soup. Once everyone finishes removing the ingredients they don't like, there is only hot water left. boring. bland. hot water, and that was too hot for grandma, so it was just tepid water.
People look at it and reflexively think "That would never work as real armor. Half of her body is exposed and none of the vitals are covered." So that sentiment is why most dislike that kind of armor.
No, if it's not appropriate for the general tone of the setting I would simply tell my player that there will be no bikini armor. And if it's a setting where it's not out of place, what form a character's chosen armor takes doesn't concern me.
Easy solution. Just use skyrim's armor without the mods.
Here's the modded shit you think is "appropriate" for a shared storytelling game.
>modded shit
I haven't heard anything about Tera in years, but I'd risk assuming that's non-modded stuff, so it wouldn't be out of place in a Tera PnP.
But it would be out of place in any game ever played by socially adjusted individuals.
Socially well adjusted individuals don't turn to forms of escapism like tabletop role playing games.
Well, either that or they don't sperg out over something like this.
Socially adjusted individuals don't complain about another player's aesthetics.
>socially adjusted individuals.
How do you socially adjust someone? Force her to run a round town naked with a large "WHORE!" sign? Start a rumor that he's a pedophile? Is it what Joe Arpaio does to people? Spike the principals coffee with LSD before a PTA meeting?
There's a gulf of difference between "normie" and "socially adjusted individual".
Loads of normies are socially maladjusted folk, drug addicts and nihilists.
If you don't have any arguments to make at least get your greentexting right.
So tell me this, how many bitches get fucked in the street in your bikini warrior world?
This. And I hate High-Flying Fantasy
rule of cool
If the race or character in question is still human sized I'd argue that a large weapon becomes a big leverage problem.
They can't grip it optimally to use their strength efficiently so they're going to suffer rather diminished returns when using a large weapon (Ignoring that an impractical weapon typically also carries other burdens) as opposed to one that is appropriate to their height and armspan.
I'd almost argue that "period" weaponry and armor has no real place in some random setting simply because it's made to counter weaponry and armor trends that were abundant at the time. You can't really divorce every weapon or piece of armor from that context without considering a new context.
If you just ignore that though then "historical" armor and weaponry can be flashy enough to slide into an adventuring party.
Skyrim armor isn't that great.