>The BBEG wants to breed a master race to rule the world.
>Your entire life and almost everyone you know have been apart of his plans.
>Wat do?
The BBEG wants to breed a master race to rule the world
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Get rid of him. Partially because the centralization of power never turns out well, but mostly because you're not the one in charge.
Where's the screencap of master geneticist Hyuuga?
What if he planned that. What if he knew you had to be the one to kill him (Or at least a part of it.)?
Daily reminder that as of 2010 1 in every 200 men on the planet are direct descendants of Genghis Khan.
Kill him. Kill his henchmen. Burn down his evil lair. Salt his fields and eradicate his family.
Go along with it, mostly because he's my ultimate grandfather but also because I'm okay with banging a tiny redhead for a couple thousand years.
I've done this before. During character creation I asked if they wanted a couple of buffs before we started playing but they'd have to be human.
They wondered why people treated them poorly after they mentioned where they were from.
Didn't dawn on them until around level 11 that they were the spawn of some fucked up stuff.
You're barking up the wrong tree, pal.
Wait, so Naruto being one guy playing Weeabo Magic crusader kings is cannon?
Naruto was a pawn.
You are his family.
So let me get this right: I'm going to be the father of the MASTER RACE OF THE WORLD and all I have to do is impregnate your big titted, totally willing hot daughter over and over again?
Man, why all this cloak and dagger and keikaiku? You could have just asked.
Kill yourself last.
But then he couldn't have taken out his biggest rival faction without blame.
>Man, why all this cloak and dagger and keikaiku?
Because Naruto is fucking dense.
I bet the Hyuuga even tried the direct approach.
No, he's fucking Hinata.
Because the plan worked. Read it.
>tfw you have so many unsorted gifs you forget what happens in half of them
Is this cannon? I read the entire manga for years after it stopped being enjoyable and I never caught that.
Doesn't it depress you, guys?
To know that girl like her don't exist here in the real world?
And even if they did exist, they wouldn't be into tabletop or into you?
love these things. The one for bleach was pretty good too.
Why would it?
There are plenty of girls in the real world. Why lust after a cartoon?
Why should that depress me?
what happens in the naruto universe when all the clans inevitably breed into one another? Maybe not full blown clan fusions, but what happens if a hyuuga ditches her family to fugg a uchiha? I mean, the Uchiha have the blood in their clan basically forever once kids are made. Do they just make new buillshit bloodlines with new bullshit powers?
Naruto threadly reminder that many naruto fags were BTFO by best girl winning and likely never recovered
>The one for bleach
Hory shit. Some of it actually makes sense.
This is the song that never ends...
would have to keep mixing blood, otherwise one side is always diluted to uslessness eventually. Say an uchi and a normie mix, Then the uchi heir and another clan. then that uchi and some other clan. Basically the only reliable trait is the blood of the main family line. Sure you could do what naruto and hinata did, but i doubt their kids down the line will hold on to both traits. It will either become somthing new or revert to one or the other.
Well if my char be one of the people whose job it is to impregnate people (or my char's a girl, be impregnated; or if a changeling, both), sure, why not.
If I'm not part of the master race then presumably I'm on the chopping block or at least not destined for a very pleasant part of the future a la pic related, right?
>>Your entire life and almost everyone you know have been apart of his plans.
Yeah, my usual company is the kind of people you don't want in any sort of breeding programs. But we keep server uptimes above 99.8 and that's what counts.
Blind girls the worst.
t. cripplefucker
>Not posting the best one
Nothing out of that saltstorm will ever be funnier than this image.
Prove me wrong
pro tip: you can't
nigga please
I travel outside of spacetime and beat his great-great-great-grandfather-son in a non-spaciotemporal fistfight.
So Ichigo is literally the specialest snowflake in the bleach universe?
This was apparent fairly early on I think.
I just wanted to watch DBZ with swords and big tittied women. I didn't want to have to figure out a fucking punnett square at the same time.
Holy fucking shit man, I am glad I stopped watching after the first arc.
I stopped just after they rescued Rukia, so about S3. My friends were big into it in HS, though, so I got to hear all the retarded shit from them.
I assumed I was the only person who bothered to watch Hercules in Space.
i feel like bleach would have been way better if it started out following an established shinigami and the ichigo fuckery was a side plot during the intro arc. Ichigo eventually becomes the focus of the story and then eventually there's a timeskip where ichigo becomes the main character. This way it doesnt look/feel like asspull bullshit when he gets the latest and greatest powerup,
I kept watching because the next bad guys' attacks were in spanish and I love hearing japanese VAs mangle my mother tongue.
based Kirkules
Girls like Hinata only appear attractive in fiction, they're awful in the real world. My ex was like her, not physically(pale redhead with small tits), and it was literally the worst.
Improve the genetics of the master race and fight him with other members the master race (and some of other races too ).
>only appear attractive in fiction
How so? Does the insecure shy girl thing wear thin after a while or is it something else?
So what's wrong with her "blank" eyes? I've only seen like one fight (5 episodes) of the thing.
Daily reminder that that doesn't actually mean much because any gene you pass on has a 50% chance to vanish with every generation past your own children.
They actually give her 360 degree vision. Since it's a genetic thing her family is considered one of the most powerful families in the village She's pretty average by the family's standards though, AKA a disappointment since she's the heir apparent IIRC.
They give her near 360 degree vision, x-ray vision, and the ability to see life energy.
Exactly that, you get all hyped thinking that you got yourself a submissive/supportive waifu like in one of your animes but it turns out that all you got was a doormat with no will of its own. It's the closest thing there is to having a realdoll that does chores. It starts out fine, then it starts wearing thin, then you start fantasizing about strangling her. Even if you only want her for a bangmaid it's awful.
It's a shitty character archetype made to pander to lonely men that don't know any better. Like those brony idiots creaming themselves over how perfect the yellow one is.
>a realdoll that does chores
>a bangmaid
Sounds pretty based
--->The joke--->
Your head
Or maybe it's just not your personality to fit in with a person like that, and you perhaps could leave it to other people who aren't you and don't see her like you do?
So what a wife was meant to be? You seem to want a lover or mistress then a wife.
Wives are for the raising of legit heirs and preforming the chores or over seeing them. A mistress or lover is for that one you want to be with. Ideally these would be one person but life is cruel and existence is suffering.
It can work if you think of her as more of a pet or apprentice and not so much as an equal partner, because that's neither what she is nor what she wants to be. Some people are just happy to have others tell them what to do. But yeah, it doesn't work for everyone. One man's trash other mans treasured bangmaid.
I wanna do lewd things to that meido.
The head stays on.
She actually started with Kobolds to make them less physically weak while nurturing their cunning minds for building traps. Not like anyone would care that Kobolds aren't as wimpy because they build some pretty cool security systems.
I'm not gonna be a dick and call you virgins, but does that really sound good to you?
A girl with no hobbies, a romance novel every now and then?
Her favorite sentence being a tie between "yes, baby" and "whatever you want, dear"?
That gives you complete control of the remote?
That considers a lame trip to the beach together the highlight of her year?
That thinks lacy lingerie is a thoughtful birthday present?
All I was saying is you want a Lover rather than a wife.
It is your preference. All I was saying is don't confuse the two.
Why not? There's no reason to marry someone you don't love. This isn't Crusader Kings, you have no stats to min-max.
>Ctrl f Dune
>0 Results
Wow. It's like you fools really don't appreciate your real God Emperor of mankind.
Yeah, I totally can work with that. Think of her as a blank slate that still has to be groomed. I've also been like that back in the day.
The only point at which this might go wrong is if I get carried away trying to push her obedience too far.
I can understand if you would prefer someone that is already their own person with fully formed personality. But personally I'm fine with having to make that effort for final result.
>That thinks lacy lingerie is a thoughtful birthday present?
Maybe I've been on Veeky Forums for too long but I'm genuinely not sure if you mean for me or for her...
It isn't about stats. Modern Marriage is a farce. Marriage is about controlling inheritance and raising of bloodlines, not love.
>this word will always mean this thing
>it will never change
Sounds like perfect wife material mate.
As this guy says it is what a wife is meant to be. You as the man are supposed to be lord of the house, and to be in charge of your family. She's not supposed to be your equal, but rather a servant. And before Tumblr gets triggered at me, it's just how natural society works. Men are just born to be in charge and decisive.
Some people are born different, some are raided different, but in general you will see the average instead of the exception more often.
Have you seen modern marriage and divorce rates?
Passing on inheritance doesn't mean much when anyone middle class can just make their own fortune or name anyone in their will to inherit their wealth.
Yes to all of that.
>Lacy lingerie.
How far in society have we come, when this is considered tame? Wow, holy fuck. It was only in our grandfather/great grandfather's day that such things were considered very kinky and even a bit much.
This is straying from the point but thanks for the perspective, mate.
True that, but people cling to the false ideal of marriage. I don't get it.
>anyone middle class can just make their own fortune
While I agree that upward mobility is better now than it ever was in history, it still isn't particularly easy.
The concept of marriage being strong is only solidified IF, and only IF, the value of Family is higher.
Society needs that in-group/clannish mentality to care a lot about Marriage, and what benefits it brings.
sounds like a keeper, hows she in bed?
Society hates that though. At least the West does.
Why do you think our divorce rate is so high?
We don't do to make better babies, we do it for the financial benefits. Especially in the army.
I'd argue differently. America for example was Founded by very serious Protestants, and Deists.
Religion can be a big factor as well on religious marriage, stressing the importance of a good and healthy partner due to the concept of marriage being holy.
Not to mention the various cultures that immigrate here in the States. Irish, Scottish, Chinese, Italian, etc to name a few. They are (or were) very heavily invested in their families, and hence focused on making strong and stable ones.
But alas times change, and some of the things I said are not as popular. As you pointed out.
Well sure, but that's primarily because of our rampantly hedonistic society. If people actually saved their money, there would be no problems--but the economy is contingent on people NOT saving their money, because money that is being saved is money that isn't being spent and taxed eight times to fuel the bloated corpse-god that is the government.
The Left, you mean.
Happily, the pendulum is swinging back.
And isn't it glorious?
It's an awooment!~~
>You as the man are supposed to be lord of the house
Appealing, but lord of what? An okay medium sized house, a minivan, a few squalling children and woman that can't think for herself?
"All hail His Grace, John of House Smith, First of His Name, Lord and Protector of 22 Meadowood Drive."
Look. Don't be salty that you have a wife who is into BDSM and you're not Dom enough to appreciate her. Find a SJW waifu if you want the "egalitarian" thing.
Obedient, I "took her maidenhead" when we first started going out in college and since then she goes along with whatever I want.
>yes, baby
Doggy? Cowgirl? Blowjob? Footjob? Titwank(kek)? Anal? Facefuck? In the car? In the movie theater? Blindfold? A leash? Handcuffs? A gag? Schoolgirl night? Nurse night? Let's just watch a documentary and cuddle?
>whatever you want, dear
So you're not virgins and you're all on the same page?
She's still holding out hope that "I'll forgive her", should I call her?
Fair enough. Too bad I came of as salty, maybe someone else can come a with a better suburban satirization of the Iron Throne titles then me.
>should I call her?
That's the decision you have to make for yourself.
I'd say go for it, but you'd know better then us.
Holy shit you're a Sub who's dating a Sub...
Clearly they need to find someone to dominate them together.
... Alright I can see how that would get old.
I mean, I would LOVE that, and in large doses, but forever?
I'd want to have a serious conversation every so often.
This. I'm reminded of the complete eradication of Shane the Shy. You have to go farther than that. Dismantle everything. Delete the fucker.
You guys are tempting me, I'm considering it
I'm not a fucking sub, it just bothers that she can't turn off sub routine outside the bedroom. It's 24/7 nonstop for her.
See? This guy sees where I'm coming from.
He could, ya know, communicate his needs. But I'm not expecting miracles from Anons now.
>she can't turn off sub routine outside the bedroom. It's 24/7 nonstop for her.
Maybe that's redeemable. How old is she? How are her parents? Did she talk about her childhood?
Call her if you're having a dry spell.
And let her know that you aren't necessarily looking to start the relationship back up. Let her know WHY you left her. Try to help her get a personality.
But if you can't fix what's broken, let her know that's what's going on and move on.