
Tell me about the Succubi and Incubi in your setting, Veeky Forums. What do they do? What's their role?
Not a fap thread. Just curious about it.

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>Tell me about the Succubi and Incubi in your setting, Veeky Forums. What do they do? What's their role?

And most importantly, why do they wear the mask?

They bang humans to make more demons and or steal souls.

It's a very traditional setting user.

I use Incubi a lot, in the 'shirtless male model with bat wings' sense. Way I see it, a sense of sexual threat makes PCs more invested in the setting. Romances are more interesting when you can lose.

None of that redemption bullshit either: Women like bad boys because they're bad.

They are spirits that metaphysically represent the the destructive, cruel, or otherwise generally evil aspects of mortal sexuality. Mostly they use manipulation and lust to ruin mortal lives or, more precisely, make mortals ruin their own lives, because doing so is viscerally pleasing to them and because it increases their power; souls, though, are also useful if they have the knack for taking and working them. Of course, the inherent downfall of spirits is that their power is inseparable from their nature, and so lust demons have their own lusts that are just as manipulable.

>Tell me about the Succubi and Incubi in your setting, Veeky Forums. What do they do? What's their role?


>Succubi & Incubi
They're the same exact demon, the title only dictates their sexual preference, I.E: Succubi prefer to "receive" where as Incubi prefer to "give", regardless both/all of them are hermaphrodites and their physical masculine or feminine appearance is entirely personal preference.
Succubi/Incubi either impregnate mortal beings or they themselves get impregnate by mortal beings so they can EAT the baby; their symbol of "lust" so they can enter into the physical world.

Despite their baby eating habits Succubi and Incubi are the "nicest" demons both in their pacts and their acts: they cannot rape people, they can only have sex with those whom consent and the innocent baby flesh they imbue themselves with has a tendency to erode their chaotic nature- turning them soft and reasonable.

An Omnibus is a Succubi/Incubi whom when they became physical never stopped eating babies; they become swollen, fat, giant fertile brood mothers for feyish and demonic creatures alike. They occasionally find themselves the subject of idolization and worship of pagan peoples who offer up themselves sexually, their offspring, their destitute and food in exchange for blessings.
"Male-ish" Omnibus are rarer than "Female-ish" Omnibus due to the ease of eating your own babies, but it happens.

Traditions is always good.

Well the creature i was calling an "incubus" got fucked up pretty fast. Less traditional incubus more genestealer/xenomorph

Casts glamours over itself to get closer to prey, upon reaching them it embraces them in a grotesque parody of a kiss, shoving its larvae down the throat. Once it's been implanted the larva proceeds to gradually feed upon its host's soul, growing inside their body. As the creature gestates it first makes the poor victim simply appear pregnant, but as it progresses, they are eventually rendered immobile by the size of the creature growing inside them and in the late stages exude blood and pus from various orifices. When the creature has finally matured, it bursts from its host in a shower of gore.

then there was this thing
Then there was this thing

(Unnamed): Resembling a cross between a centipede, a sea urchin and a moray eel, this creature's shocking appearance is hardly its most disturbing trait.

The fate its prey suffers is far worse. Upon being caught in the beast's jaws, their body and soul are separated and both devoured whole. Within the creature's belly the now separated halves are "digested". Compared to the body which is dissolved within mere days, the digestion of the soul is a much slower, more agonizing process which can take weeks, or in the case of childrens' souls, which are much more persistent, months or even years.

As they are broken down, the memories of the beast's victims are absorbed and used in conjunction with a surprisingly sophisticated telepathy to find and entrap other prey, often the loved ones of its latest victims. Which the creature will deceive using trickery such as mimicking the voices of the ones it has devoured, projecting glamours of them to fool potential victims into thinking they escaped and other horrifying deceptions.

In a dark twist, many of the souls used to animate the Golems that guard the mobile fortresses humanity now takes refuge in are these very childrens' souls, recovered from the ones which have been slain

For reference these were intended for a nechronica based setting

Incubi are a subset of a broader family of demons, all of which derive sustenance and power from conceptual and expressive sources. There are demons that eat rage and anger and the act of violence, there are demons that eat joy and merriment and the throwing of parties..... and there are incubi. As expected, incubi eat lust and sensuality and the act of intimacy. There are other special breeds besides.

None of them actually care about people. They don't want to cause happiness, they don't want to cause misery, and they don't care what someone does or does not worship. They don't care: they're just eating. Incubi will have sex, suggest sex, plan romantic encounters, bribe, cajole, you name it. They'll help a warlord stir shit purely for the fact that they know the invading soldiers will rape the locals. They'll help build a spot to go to on holiday because they know couples will knock boots there. They'll open brothels, they'll influence economies. They'll kill children so that the parents will have to fuck again to make another child. They don't care; they want to eat.

So while not necessarily bad things, an Incubi's handiwork can take a bad turn for their "victims" more often than not simply for lack of restraint in feeding and accruing power. Same goes for the other demons in that particular family. Demons tend to embody a bit of chaos and shit-stirriry.

I've always preferred to use them as the social demons, they have an agenda (always bad but with a pretty wide variety) and try and achieve it by getting mortals to help them through offering them things they want, while this doesn't always mean sex they do find that a lot of the time looking attractive to whoever your talking to tends to help the whole manipulation thing. Powers wise they're shapeshifters and have the ability to find out someones greatest desire by making skin-to-skin contact, other than that its just a lot of personal charisma.

Demons reproduce by implanting eggs into the souls of humans, which eat the human's soul in the process of gestation, ultimately killing them. The physical process is instantaneous and happens by any physical contact, but can only happen if the "recipient" explicitly agrees to it (thanks to a set of ancient protections woven into the fabric of creation). More powerful demons make deals with humans for money, things, magical power. The gestation period of the demon spawn can be intentionally varied (though technically the human has no assurances that their agreed upon remaining lifespan will actually be allowed). Incubi and the much more numerous succubi are lesser demons which instead seduce humans and get them to agree to be host to a demon egg while in the middle of the act, though again, they cannot actually force it, nor use magic to directly compel them.

Once the egg is laid, it eats away at the human's essence. Usually, it finishes the host's soul, at which point they just die, and the new demon is freed from the body. However, it is possible to destroy the spawn before it finishes eating the soul, through magic or by being both very healthy and having incredible will power. Destroying the egg by magic (personal or divine) is considered a breach of contract, and any further encounters of demons will be very very bad. Destroying the egg through effort, however, is just scene as another win. This is because the essence of the dying demon spawn is absorbed into the soul of the human, turning themselves into a fiend.

Both Succubi and Incubi are the same sort of fiend. While it's not certain where they come from, they mate with one another or other fiends to multiply. Both are found in the service of Tanar'ri and Baatezu. Tanar'ri succubi tend to be more wild and hedonistic, who seek to destroy others with overindulgence and unbridled lust. Those of the Baatezu are much more reserved seducers who seek to corrupt souls for their masters Due to this position between the two sides of the Blood War, they are never trusted well by either and tend to never rise in power. Red Shroud on the first layer of the Abyss an exception to this, due to her strong ties to outsiders coming into the Abyss. They're also the most likely cause of Tieflings and the largest excuse of adultery.

I went with some of the classics: malevolent sex-changing demons who sneak into a man's bedroom, rape him while he sleeps, take the seed, sneak into a woman's bedroom, rape her while she sleeps, and optionally inseminate her with the seed of a man they raped earlier.

You won't ever see one if they're doing their jobs half right. They're not fapbait. They're not even seductive. They're horrible hypno-rapists who destabilize entire countries with unfortunate pregnancies and nightmares, staying rare and stealthy enough that "a demon impregnated me" still sounds like incredibly flimsy excuse, on a level with people in the present getting caught with CP and claiming "the CIA put it there".

My succubus are more reminiscent of a mix between ryoku and ragyo from kill la kill while my incubes's are more tokusatsu looking and have no iris's and only a very few of them have any armor in order to duke people in thinking them as if they were heroes/knights or something


>And then women bitch about how the bad boys leaves them pregnant and than they try find someone else to help them take care of their child
>Tfw when no one helps her
>Tfw the baby is born in a broken home with an angry mother who has no one blame but herself
>Tfw when it happens in real life and you're the guy who almost got suckered into taking care of another's child.

I personally like the idea behind Demons in Corruption of Champions, even if the setting itself turned into a furry utopia, as furshit does to everything it touches.

All demons are quick gestating, quick growing and are born as litters of imps with traits from both parents. Wicked, nasty little shits who just care about their base desires and have about teenager intelligence. Imp mortality is high, but from taking virginities, getting sacrifices and generally spreading misery they grow in power and slowly transform into different types of demons depending on their experiences.

Contact with demon powers and fluids is corruptive to the mind, body and soul. Too much of this and other beings may be fully twisted into pure demons in their own right.

While it's still up for debate if they're well organized into courts, fiefs and stuff, you still have on your hands an intelligent, sexually aggressive zombie horde/grey goo scenario that constantly recruits from itself, those it preys upon and those who combat it.


A lot of loyalty for an anonymous board.

Sexy, but played for humor only. Sure, their sexual beings, but they actually have their own endeavors, like business. The one I created for our game was the head of a caffeinated soda empire and she modeled herself for the advertising campaign.

Stupidly popular with the players. They downed so much of that sugar crap to collect the points. Redeem a million or so and you can have a candlelit dinner with her. So the characters would buy this junk in bulk and make themselves diabetic collecting points. I told them...you don't actually have to drink it all you can just pour them out...Probably some kind of sinister additive.


Now that's funny.

So Slurm with Sucko Fucko for CEO?


A race from another demension.

Generally pretty chill guys who have an appreciation for all sapient life. They don't have a common agenda, all of them have their own personality and goals in life, but all of them are known to loose themselves to their emotions and whimsies.

Their appearances vary from eachother, with flesh and latex looking clothes and wierd "machine" parts combining into different humanoid figures. They have genders, but telling girls from boys from their appearances is pretty much impossible.

Some can become way too crazy with their hedonistic lifestyles, becoming agressive and sadistic.

Everything in the setting revolves around the Soul. The Soul produces Animus, which is a type of energy that allows people to be wizards, chop mountains in half, move shit with their mind, and basically be big dicked heroes.

Demons come from the Netherworld, which is a portion of the Abyss (leftover part or creation that's basically black tar) that has been transformed by a wayward soul (strongly psionic child) into a habitable place. Basically as long as she dreams, the netherworld and the demons exist. It's denizens are Demons. Demons have incomplete souls, and for the most part, most of them aren't actually people, they're just part of the dream.

Occasionally, one of them wakes up and becomes an actual person, thus achieving a name.

There are many types of demons. Some of them are of Cubii. Cubii are the animus vampires of the setting, and due to such, are even hated by their fellow demons. They survive through their shapeshifting and minor psionic potential. They can drain Animus through physical touch.

So basically dream figments that steal your heroism.

Official Succubi rating
good idea
standart but solid
pretty raw and kinda fetishy, which in this case is a plus, A+
Pretty fucked up, but kinda too far away from the idea of succubi to still count as one. Like you could just call it any name and nothing would really change
Pretty basic stuff
An ok concept, could use some cronenberg eske body

Perfect rating

Or perhaps he's wondering why OP would make a succubus thread before saying that it's not for faps.


Well, yeah. That's their problem, isn't it? Incubi would be the perfect example of love 'em and leave 'em with a half-demon spawn.

>tfw you will never have a good romance
>tfw the only girls interested in you are crazy or 15




Go on...

Mostly what they normally do, spam powerful charm spells to screw over the party if they didn't prepare enough (I always make sure to warn them of certain encounters in story so they can prepare) Although sometimes a get creative and have more psychological scenes using their powers.
>Party enters a cave with the help of an npc (he had a mind shield just incase the party were too stupid to figure out this part.
>white flashes in their eyes
>They wake up in a bunch of beds, now as children
>succubus tries to deceive them into thinking their adventures were childhood storys and dreams
>tries to basically lure them to their death
>One player sees a man dressed dangerously and holding a weapon
>Party figures out whats going on
>attacks their "mother" with the help of the "thief"
If you are creative they can be used for more then "They fuck a member of the party and it has consequences"

More of an aesthetic design than a creature concept, but I had this idea of a succubus / incubus creature that played up a sort of body horror angle by literally inverting itself, like turning its body inside out to switch between the male and female personas

Or something that resembles a succubus is you look at it straight on but is an incubus if viewed like upside-down and backwards. No idea how to convey that visually though

I dig it. Nice way to handle this without it either being too vague or too fetishy, with an original twist.

I haven't really been able to use them that much yet, I plan to though, since the certain campaign (which is actually my first one) I am running involves a demon lord trying to take over, so I plan to use some of them to distract the party I guess. Any advice for a new dm?

Well, while they do function for the standard purpose, succ/incubi can be used for a secondary purpose; reading people. Being able to draw out a person's desires to fuck them would in a way be very helpful in finding out who you can trust and who you shouldn't so long as the contract is done well.

Nice gal who seems to work hard? Incubus gets a quick psyche profile and finds she has some pretty nasty power fantasties. Could even be used in a way to deal with traumas or the like since 'sexy' can mean many things.

If you want security, you summon an angel. If you want human resources, you summon a succubus or incubus.

Anons, plz.

A former classmate-turned-single-mother called me at 3 AM because she needed my help. It was basically a confession.

I told her "Sorry, wrong number." and hung up. Forever.

You made the right choice.

Literally this.


You're an unaware guy.

One of the main roles of the succubi is acting as spies, and their intelligence agency is a non-sensical mess of an organization that deposits scraps of secrets in chaotic libraries that only they seem to understand.