The last game you played in is now crossing over with the last vidya you played
How does it change and turn out?
The last game you played in is now crossing over with the last vidya you played
How does it change and turn out?
>Endless Legend
Awesome, I love that setting
> Dark Souls
My character has laser guns and shit so I might be ok.
>Dark souls III
We are so boned.
You can't even imagine.
>Iron Gods AP
There are now avatars of various gods fighting in the Arenas of Numeria. As if the place needed to get weirder.
>Warhammer Fantasy
>Total War Warhammer
business as usual then boys
>Black Crusade
>Victoria 2
My Grossgermaniums is boned
> Playing in custom, vaguely AU Zelda D&D 5e setting
> Last game was Skyward Swords since I'm catching up on the Zelda games I've never played.
Well, that's a whole lot of nothing changed.
Rainbow six seige and 40k
Spacemarines for the heavy class.
Arbities/inquisition for medium
Skitarii light.
Different characters based around different chapters, ordos, planets, forgeworlds, etc...
>Stars Without Number
>Homefront: Revolution
Uh... It doesn't change much.
The PCs are supporting / organizing a violent overthrow of a repressive regime.
>Dark Souls III + Deathwatch
Oh Emprah have mercy.
>Mirror's Edge
The Runners' jobs just got a lot easier.
DMing Dark Souls 3 with DnD
That should be fun...for me atleast
>Quake II
>WFRP 2e
I have no goddamn idea what this will create.
Doom meets Marvel Universe.
If going by actually -playing- though, I'd say Doom meets Log Horizon.
The what?
Sounds neato. Just alot of people stuck in doom having to respawn till one becomes the True doom guy.
> Stellaris
> Ptolus 3.5
mite b gud
>Bioshock + Exalted
Exalted Modern in a middle March under the sea? Suddenly rapture doesn't seem so frightening.
>Warhammer Fantasy
>Command & Conquer Generals
The lizardmen would probably treat the GLA the same way they would the Skaven. They're both fond of tunnels, poison and kitbashing shit.
>Adventure Time 3DS
yeah it could work
Power-armored bolter-wielding Sororitas in Overwatch. Here we goooooooooo!
Shadow of the Demon Lord
for 1d6
>D&D 5e
>World of Warships
How does that even work?
D&D 5E
Add optional insanity mechanics and presto.
>Kerbal Space Program
>Fallout 4
>Shadowrun in 2050s San Fran
NCR gets invaded by revived Imperial Japan, and there's toxic spirits EVERYWHERE
>FFG Star Wars
>Darkest Dungeon
Hmmm... I... uh...
>BESM 3rd ed, high school setting with silly players and shenanigans
What do you think DoomGuy was like in High Scool?
pathfinder and dark souls, very little changes given the campaign my group last played was after the second magical apocalypse effectively.
I guess we Gundam now?
>JoJo's Bizarre Adventure RPG
>Crusader Kings II
Medieval warfare and political intrigue, but the nobles have Stands. I never knew how much I wanted this
Red hand of doom module and sim brothel. I think it's a good thing.
>Only War with custom WWI trench themed regiment.
Looks like it's just another day for the Merrikan 44th Siege Battalion.
>Mage: The Awakening
Tracer was a time mage all along
Bastion is a promethean who forsakes his his humanity for the benefit of his friends
Torbjörn is a matter mage
Reaper is a death mage
Mercy and Roadhog are life mages
Lúcio is a forces mage
Symmetra is a space mage
>straight to vhs; an 80s bad movie rpg
>xcom 2
so, Miami kung fu prodigy Chuck Steak is part of a rebel faction toppling the x-ray government and hunting down the drug ninjas who killed his parents.
>1st time DM for Shadowrun
Bretty goob
>Dark Heresy
>Fallout: Tactics
This works reasonably well.
Pathfinder and Dark Souls. So hopefully Pathfinder but darker and more lethal.
>Geist: The Sin Eaters
This is gonna be good. I can see the cyberdemon as one hell of a Kerberoi with Hell as its domain, the DOOM marine as a stupid powerful sin eater with a custom key of DOOM...
I'll be in my room, I've got work to do!
>dwarf fortress
>dark heresy
>Warhammer 40k
Cool, Warcraft 4
>Fallout: Tactics
You sir, have good taste in Power Armor.
>Battle Century G
This almost feels unfair, but I have no idea for whom: the party or the setting.
>rogue treader
Let's loot shit for profit!
Also how much benefit would the imperium receive from having guardians running around?
Eve Online and 40k.
Could get interesting. I think Eve ships probably have the edge, and having immortal clone soldiers for ground forces is also nice.
Song of Ice and Fire RPG
I can't even really see how this would go together.
>Binding of Isaac, D&D 3.5
Not much changed here. Less plot, more dungeon.
> Pathfinder
> Minecraft
Doom 2 Hell on Earth
More monsters invading from another dimension. Not much changes.
>Dark Souls 3
>medium fantasy campaign with very high death character death rates
Honestly, not a lot changes. I guess my character is doing a deathless run, I currently have the longest lived character.
>Chrono Trigger
Well, given that the game I'm currently in is already a shout-out to 90s JRPGs, things aren't going to change all that much. Not even with the addition of time travel.
CoC and CoC
>Payday 2
Basically nothing changes, except our hacker doesn't take several minutes to get the job done.
A fair bit I think
>muh superhuman ceramite demigods
A warlock is an incredibly powerful risk free psyker, can leap as though he has a jump pack without needing equipment, can summon a jetbike at will, and constantly carries around an primary weapon, a shotgun/heavy sniper rifle/fusion rifle, and a rocket launcher or heavy machine gun. When he dies, he's basically infinitely self resurrecting on top of it.
Did I miss anything?
That would be the best Dawn of War ever
Don't starve together and Dixit... I have no idea.
>Dungeons and dragons
Uh. Probably gets destroyed.
>Last tabletop game I played was Unknown Armies
>Last videogame I played was Quake
>Overwatch at a friend's house
>Mutants and Masterminds
Yeah, nothing actually changes.
Looks like we ended up on Earth-12 or whatever number we've decided this one is and are gonna kick around there and fight some dudes for awhile with another superhero team.
>Total War: Warhammer
>Warhammer fantasy RPG
Does anything change ?
Man I would love to dungeon grind with a Reinhardt or Roadhog in the party instead of our stupid Eldritch knight. Or conversely take my druid into a payload mission.
>wall of wind
>moon beam
on that note, Roadhog would work in 5e I think.
>Hook - may be used 3 times per short rest. Does 1d4 damage, target makes STR or DEX saving throw. On fail, they are pulled toward Roadhog. On failed saving throw, target is stunned for 1 round of combat, and you get to hit them once with advantage as a bonus action.
Let's see... You aren't Evan, he's run a few games since... Matt hates Veeky Forums... Harrison? You ran a game before I moved!
>VtM: Bloodlines
Thank goodness for holy charms.
Our inquisitorial mission to inspect the town for demon encroachment goes horribly wrong from the priestesses perspective and horribly right from the paladins perspective.
Wouldn't the light abilities be basically variations of the santic powers?
Also the bike can be blocked with any teleportation jammers and it needs the guardian space ship to be on orbit for the ghost to teleport it.
The ghost on the other hand would be perfect for the understanding of technologies and have knowledge of many man made machines, they would probably be catalogued as advance machine spirits.
>Settlers of Catan
>Rocket League
I can't fill in blanks this big. I have no idea what I have created.
I actually included a DOOMguy homage in my game. Just a random city guard who's city was pulled into hell during a global cataclysm. He's been fighting demons for almost two-hundred years of relative time. He's immortal and mostly fused with his armor due to being soaked in demon gore so repeatedly and carries a double limbed siege crossbow casually, despite the fact it's meant to be fired from a mount. He makes the quarrels from demon bones to get around the DR and has the twisted crowns of no less than 4 demon lords hanging from his belt.
And now my players are trying to rehabilitate his insane PTSD after pulling him out of hell.
>Death Watch
Ironacily apt.
> Total War Warhammer
I...I might have an addiction to Warhammer.
My nigo
>planetside 2
Auraxis gets assfucked by the warp.
Enjoy your shipsluts.
>Dnd 5e in a custom 17th century world on the cusp of an interdimensional invasion
Ho boy shit just got violent.
>Pillars of Eternity
Kind of watered-down and probably slow. Pillars is already trying to be like that system converted to being d100-based. It's just some generic D&D-knockoff setting.
>Guild Ball + Final Fantasy XIV
Guess I'm just playing Blitzball! FML.
>game is Mutants and Masterminds
Okay lets rock
Now try to remember what's teh vidya
>mad max
supers kinda shit on the theme there
it's just las vegas in the setting
Alright, that can work.
Final Fantasy Tactics and DnD4e. Well... Nothing changes except for looks?
>D&D 5e
>Table top simulator playing a call of cthullhu game
A party of divine casters (2 clerics, 1 paladin and a warlock) must face the cosmic horrors of the outer gods...
We are quite fucked because the GM said explicitly the gods of the setting were small-fry next to the outer gods, and that they may or may not come down one time for a bit of clusterfuck
We'd need to be at least level 15+ to deal with cosmic horror stuff he said, we are lvl 3
Bloodborne + Call of Cthulhu
So, the party is still screwed
>dye fantasy + DOOM 4
so pretty much the same
>Yeah, nothing actually changes.
Well in Overwatch both heroically moral and amoral dickbaggy characters can fight together and against each other on the drop of the hat, without regards to previous allegiances or anything, right?
So there's some PLOT to be had for what the hell are they doing and why.
I assume with the uncensoring patch.
You know, what are some other good match 3 games?
My Dust covered kin!
Mekton Zeta + Rimworld
So we venture through the Murian portal, and end up crash landing on an alien world. We have to rebuild our space ship from what we can salvage, keeping our meks operational to fight off the various worldly hazards, struggling between managing our resources for the needs NOW, and the needs later.
>War Thunder
Has WW2 been covered in the VtM lore? I'm semi-new to Old World so I have no idea what shenanigans the Camarilla and company were getting up to.
Alternatively it's a world where everyone randomly battles in WW2 tanks and planes for fun, in which case things just got crazy.
Overwatch's lore is confusing as balls, why didn't Blizzard put a damn story mode to help clear things up?
>bog standard 3.5 campaign
>Binding of Isaac
Well fuck, no one is going to be happy about this.
It's a fucking madhouse kitchen sink. You can't straighten out that lore.
>Dark Heresy
>Star Trek Online
..This can only end in tears.
The last game I played in was a shitty 3.P "Eberron" game that got dropped into he GM's crap homebrew.
The last vidya I played was Dark Souls.
This will go excellently. For my opinion on the setting.
Yeah, there's a lot of WW2 related lore in V:TM. Read the supplementary "Berlin by night," I suggest.
My own mix?
>Vampire: Dark Age
>Witcher 3
Same old, same old.
So uh magic is broken. Again
>IoM crushes Federation by sheer numbers
>Reverse-engineers human-made technologies, including the safe warp drive and phasers which can vaporize many things 9 planetary diameters away
>ROFLstomps everything nonhuman
>Post-scarcity and lack of outer threats give rise to a galaxy-wide Fall of the Eld... ehm, Man
>Chaos wins, Papa Nurgle wins big time.
>Mutants and Masterminds
>Path of Exile
I guess I'm a Rainbownuke Scion and Dominus, Piety, and the Nightmare are the BBEGs. Nessa and Tarkleigh are a part of my team.
While we're here, can we all just appreciate just how dank the world of Wraeclast is?
That's kind of just the consequences of a multiplayer only game.
In-universe some characters work together and some are aligned against one other and the like, such as Soldier 70....something (76? 79?) and Reaper, or Mitsurugi Guy and Cyborg Ninja Guy.
Beyond that it's really just a science-fiction based superhero setting.
So basically your actions as a player don't matter at all in-universe.
Which is par for course with most Blizzard games honestly.