How big are newborn baby giants?

How big are newborn baby giants?

Other urls found in this thread:,160_&refRID=1P207KT9ZZMW9H2SKH6V

How much did that figure cost?

1/8 of adult's size

They can range from the size of horse to the size of the carriage.
but really depends on the setting.

more importantly: what is that grey metal thing?
Or is that an oven it's in?

About 1/4 ounce.

But they're born in litters of 735.8

What is incredible is that when fully melted it makes a new face.

A very "downy" face but a face nonetheless!

an upside down hotel pan

>How big are newborn baby giants?

Even a baby giant is too big a guy for you.

That's the edge of a hotel pan. Probably just came out of the oven.

Some giants are larger than others, and their babies are appropriately sized.

You can do some rough estimates, with human babies weighing on average 7 pounds and adults 140, so a weight of about 5% of the adult giants weight should be appropriate.

As far as dimensions, a baby's avg height is about 20 inches, which is less than third of the avg human height of 66 inches.

So, a 20 foot tall giant should have a baby about as tall as a human, give or take, though likely considerably heavier.

Apparently it goes for $27.48 on amazon right now.,160_&refRID=1P207KT9ZZMW9H2SKH6V

Either the pan was heated before doing to the shot, or someone is holding a heatgun off camera.

I think it's on a grill

Actually I think the grill is on the pan

>the company that makes the pan is called "Vollrath"

Big enough to kick your ass.

>am I kawaii uguuuuuuuuughhhhhhhorrrghhhh

What shape are giant's fetuses at the point when they're human sized?

Is this some /d/ fetish that I never learned about nor wanted to learn about?

That'd be the Giant equivalent of the beginning of the third trimester, they'd be pretty much fully formed except for their brain, lungs and skin.

The melting thing or the giant babies? Yes.

Would you rather take care of a baby giant or a giant baby?

How big are adult giants in the setting? A baby human is an average of about 8lb and 20" long. That's between a third and a quarter of their final height, and about 1/18 of their final weight.

So a 10 foot tall giant, weighing say 400lb, would be born maybe two or three feet tall and weighing maybe 20-25lb I guess. In a setting where giants are 30 feet tall and weigh maybe 4000lb, a baby would be between 8 and 10 feet tall (!) and weigh 200lb or so.

Volrath makes a shitload of restaurant equipment. I've got four Volrath carbon steel skillets hanging over my stove at home right now, because restaurant supply stores rule and you can buy carbon steel skillets for like 15-20 bucks.

This picture arouses me.... but not for the reason that you might think.


As far as I can tell, melting/flattening and size disparity are the two biggest fetishes on /d/ after dickgirls.

REEEEEE! Every time you mention THAT fetish another one of their threads pointlessly spawns on /d/'s catalog and kills another thread!

As long as it was one of those terrible fart or diaper fetish threads that died, I'm good with it.

Looking at /d/ right now, the last thread on the board is actually a futa thread, while the latest thread posted is not yet a futa thread. So things will remain equal.

I've seen that thing before. I think it is from some loot-crate thing.

Not if you keep mentioning it by name. You're gonna jinx it!

How big are the giants?

That reminds me of Prismo from Adventire Tume.

Fucking shitty phone and its touch screen

>be Veeky Forums native
>start hanging out on /toy/
>see OP's picture once a week on /toy/
>surprised that people are actually talking about it instead of OP's babby giants

Classic blunder, etc.

This is a roundabout way of asking what a gaintess' maximum vaginal circumference is, right?

measure the distance between an adult female giant's thighs. the baby's head is about that diameter.