Tomorrow it will be 0.16, sell now or don't cry later
Other urls found in this thread:
I'd rather get justed than living with regrets
Maybe. Or maybe not. Only thing I know is, in 2018 we are gonna be stinkin' filthy rich, baby.
The stronger the FUD the bigger the moon, this has proven itself time and time again. I get such a hard on when I read shit like this.
Noob question, but which exchange do you buy it on?
novaexchange, ESP
Do you not realize people who wanted to sell already sold? We literally shook off the weak hands in the past few weeks all we have left are the iron hands who will NOT sell till this hits at least $1
now go shit on the streets pajeet and enjoy your $50 dollar "gains"
www binance com/ ?ref =10733933
use my referal thx
Just bought my first bit of LINK today. Now I can be part of the meme crew.
>please sell me your bags please I don't have enough
Nice try, but too transparent.
Cool, then i can buy a shit ton more for a fraction of the price
Wait once we have some major news and partnerships revealed and some exchange like bittrex. You will see the biggest FOMO in the crypto history.
Nah just look at the cost-benefit ratio. If you don't sell and it dips, you'll lose 50% of your position at the very worst and still be there for the big money later on. If you sell and it continues mooning then you'll be a wagecuck forever and miss x9000 gains.
>Link is now at .26
I-it's going back down, right anons? Haha, right? I-I'll just buy the dip. . .AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
All this link FUD going around, whose behind this
Isn't medium crypto lesbian supposed to do her weekly analysis today? She sold last week. Do you think she offed herself like the plushie dude? Or she bought the dip and will post today?
lol wat, plz post
oh yea topkek, forgot about that
Hhahahaah probably dead now yea
>bought some link just to take part in the meme
>goes up
a-am i gonna make it?
A point to also make is anyone who held down to .15 cents has Iron fucking hands anyway and won't sell because they already didn't.
we're all going to make it
yeah sure user you'll be able to buy a year later when it dips to 90$
Cryptotakeoff on medium. She's been doing chainlink analysis for weeks, been bullish about it, but absolutely lost it with last weeks dump and sold. Plushie was a guy who scammed /biz by selling nonexistent chainlink plushies and then faked suicide, but /biz doxxed him. I don't know what happened but now he supposedly has really offed himself. RIP
HJahahaha i actually laugh about this now.
Plushie and cryptotakeoff are going to be memes in the future when Link hits $10+
Yeah haha absolute legends
Obvious pump and dump
That's a female? kek
Anyway, I don't think she sold but there just wasn't anything of importance to report since LINK just kept bleeding after the Sibos hype.
Big sell off around .50 imminent
She confirmed multiple times she sold and was waiting for a buying signal to jump back in.
Linkies proceeded to banish her from the thread
kek cryptotakeoff is a woman? no wonder she sold at 15c like a fucking retard
I was there it was hilarious
What happened? I mist the banishing. Is it still archived??
Search warosu for it
Post it.
Here you go, enjoy:
The exact post:
Is he actually a she?
>Bought 2000 shares at .14
>Now almost double my initial investment
So 280$? top kek
its not "shares" you stupid normie bitch
"shares" Bazinga normal fag KYS
Haaahahhaha she got destroyed!
Crypto takeoff is a fucking women? holy fucking shit no wonder she fucking panic sold AHAHAHA fucking hell the memes write themselves.
how can someone be this retarded
That was a chick? She talked to me once...
What is wrong with Big Bang Theory?
> he didnt buy the dip
Kek, sorry OP.
i totally relate man. I call her sir a couple of times
Shook off the pajeets more like. They are still waiting for it to drop back to under 15c so they can rebuy. Their bots will come out again soon (pic). Do not listen to the FUD. Do not sell your bags and give the pajeets free lambos. DO NOT FEED THE PAJEETS!
Crytotakeoff link updates were muddied by the author’s emotions, and the TA was 100% useless nonsense (as TA usually is). The interesting parent of it, though, was the analysis of top wallets.
I enjoyed them either way. Thought they were a cool person. I could think of worse things to sell your LINK for than ODN at the moment. LINK hasn't gone up too much since they sold anyway as it was before the dip. They might make some profit from ODN and come back in, buying even more LINK than before and get to laugh at everybody. I hope so just for the lulz. I am pretty sure they bought IOTA too so they already made more btc than they would have holding LINK.