Tell me about your current party, Veeky Forums.
Tell me about your current party, Veeky Forums
A collection of varying degrees of terrible demigods or demigod equivalents, who will end up spelling a real bad time for the setting if they end up succeeding in becoming the new gods of the setting.
A pair of good friends from Vikingland, a fey who adores her own voice, a young man who seeks ADVENTURE, and a little foxgirl who wants to be worthy of her family name. Together, they're hunting and raiding.
Dwarven Mariachi Band
>asshole half-elf bard who is decent friends with a black dragon and usually manipulates the party into doing what he wants
>a tiefling cleric who suffers split personality disorder. the primary personality is a pacifist and just wants to heal while the other is more aggressive and doesn't want to be bound by church rules
>half-orc barbarian that just wants to kill thngs, wants to beat up his sister and make his mama proud
>a dank elf prince of Danktopia who's the reincarnation of the great old god OG Kush the Great
>dragonborn paladin that wants adventure to burn evil in the name of justice
>tiefling rogue that wants to make an assassin's guild and just steal people's shit
>a druid that's go to transformation is a horse
>a elf cleric that just wants to fuck everything
I'm off season, a new campaign is starting up in a month.
Story tiem?
The strongest (and luckiest) wizard in the world, an evil lesbian Dragonborn, Paladin lvl 6 (he's level 8 now), half orc fighter of some sort I guess, a deranged chemist and his test subject barbarian goliath, a spell sword who sings that fireball song all the time, a tiefling warlock who is slowly becoming the devil, a weeb, basically a leprechaun who fucks with people and cares about nothing but gold, refusing to spend it and uses anything else, and a halfling weretiger monk. Currently we are all spread out and in different worlds and planes. No one knows what to do or where to go because the leprechaun fucked up and hit a portal with an explosive with sucked him in and everyone jumped in after him.
Just four dwarven bards who travel the world, playing their instruments, entertaining the señoritas, and seeking great adventure.
It was a short-lived albeit fun campaign that involved a very rapid succession of character death and funeral fiesta songs by the remaining dwarves. Would gladly restart it if the rest of my group wants to give it another go.
Three sorcerer brothers belonging to a royal line, the strongest and ruling line in their world.
The oldest is a necromancer and heir to the throne after his father passes. He's bound by his duty to the family and wants to be the best king he can be when the time comes. A good man, but a brutal man when dealing with his enemies.
Middle focuses on acid based spells and has demonic features that have manifested on his person from a pact his great, great grandfather made years ago to add demonic blood to the family line in hopes of strengthening their magical potential. He's obsessed with power, raw power. He doesn't care about becoming king, he just wants to go down in history as the strongest sorcerer the family ever produced. So far, his grandmother is the one that holds that honor.
Youngest is a manipulator at heart, he'd rather watch you slowly destroy yourself through his careful planning than just send undead monsters upon you or melt you away like his older brothers. Imagine Petyr Baelish from GoT with a western getup and a strong like of snakes and snake based spells. Also, he has a pet raptor.
Then it's not your current party? What's the most recent party like?
Halfling Death Metal Band
The one I'm playing in:
>An old smooth talking ambassador, with plans of talking his way up the social ladder. Also party face.
>A dwarven runesmith, a total bro in all regards, is the source of intelligence in the party.
>A con-artist elf, lies and steals, but never against the party, and never does anything to implicit the party in his illegal activities.
>A standard knight, stands up for the weak and all that jazz.
All in all, a pretty good party.
>Dwarf that's actually smart and not just a walking alcoholic joke
I like your group.
> Aasimar noble that tries to do good, but regularly performs ruthless or outright evil acts. Very political and a gigantic ego.
>Orc self-taught monk and fist-fighter, light PTSD from a war a few decades back that scarred the realm. Tries to help anyone he can, usually by punching or arm-wrestling.
>Dragonborn that became the champion of his god, a god of war, flames and dinosaurs. Currently wields a legendary mace and has the shortest temper you ever did see.
>Aarakocra sorcerer that is solemn most the time, bar some outbursts. Seems intent on assisting the party and keeping things balanced, as well as helping most anyone they come across.
Fun party. Sorta sad I'm the DM, but its fun see their adventures.
The one I'm GMing:
>Down on his luck noble, that started a band of mercenaries (the party) to increase the fame of his house and bring it back to its glory days.
>A foreign noble, who's house were betrayed by their close friend. His family were killed, but by a stroke of luck he barely survived. He fled overseas to escape the reach of his enemies. He joined the party to grow in fame and riches so that one day he may return, and slay the betrayer.
>City elf, sneaky, does what he has to survive. Joined up with party for money at first, now he consider them his friends.
>Qunari "spy". His mission in this land is to gather information on the people and it's culture and report that back to his superiors. That pretty much gives him free hands to do as he wishes. So he travels with the party to see the land and understand their culture better.
Great group so far, although we're only a few sessions in.
Yeah me too, we've avoided the worst clichés, save for the knight. But he's the absolute newest and hasn't really gotten the chance to develop yet.
I'd rather not be playing DnD, but I'm in two groups at once anyway, so:
Group 1:
Me - a human fightery warlock who acts like a disturbingly dark magical girl in some ways, fighting to bring renown to her (probably pretty evil) noble house
A steadfast paladin, untouchable by foes and demanding in his words
A fucking gnome rogue, fuck that guy
A dragonborn cleric whose devotion to Bahamut seems to be a mask to their devotion to power
and an elf bard who seems to be along for the ride and have people's best interests at heart.
Group 2:
Me - a grating human-skeleton necromancer, barely tolerated because of his power and wisdom, and ability to actually navigate
A human paladin who has dreams of nightmarish demons, and swears to take them down
A mind-flayer bard whose intelligence seems clouded by its alien sense of humour
A drow clericy-warlock who loves her culture and hates that fucking skeleton
a homebrewish fox-beast luchador who... i dunno his story. whatever.
A tiefling sorcerer searching for a home and a way to be accepted for her wild power
>Me, elf Arcanist(pathfinder class) noble who left elven society to gather strength and military support and redeem his race (homebrew setting where elves are evil)
>Kobold swashbuckler pirate captain, mad as fuck, likes to stab things
>Autistic gunslinger android amnesiac, bad at puzzles
>Catfolk Oracle, zero personality
"I'm a fire-forged desert nomad warrior-priest on a mission from our tribe's patron goddess, and I have five pages of backstory."
"I'm big, I'm tough, I wear heavy armor, I punch things real good, and I only have even five words of backstory because the GM pressed me."
"I'm a slightly crazy enchantress from halfway across the world. I make cryptic remarks and I buff people."
>Gnome Cleric of GG, all about that neutral good, only thing that keeps party from murderhoboing errythang.
>Socially challenged wild elf spellthief, does what she wants and is a kleptomaniac, but not really evil,,, Just weird. Surprising damage output.
>Gnome illusionist / Mage of the arcane order, an ancient and ranty old man that the cleric mocks. Knows more or less everything about the planes.
>A half-elf bard who mostly just goes in for 80s glam-rock and good times.
>A [something] inventor / gunslinger with really high disguise rolls, and an Inn on wheels.
>A glass-cannon human sorcerer from a powerful noble family, who know sorcery is all about looking good. Also, daddy-issues.
>A Binder that doesn't make much of himself, but mysteriously fails important rolls and aces the rest.
I'm the GM of my group. We had our first session week ago. DnD 3.5 in Forgotten Realms Setting in 1380 Dalereckoning. I'm a FR lorefag, i gave them 2 weeks before to write their backstories so ended up with 5 boks to read. Love my players.
>1.Sun elf wizard from Evereska that embarks on Faerun first time so he doesn't know much about human customs which makes his life in crime driven athkatla hard. Otherwise he is always cheerful, pious, calm and willing to help. Far from a classic murderhobo Though he has some resentment towards humans and pure hate towards all the addicts and lowlifes. Also all the drow. This player is so much into elven lore that his backstory was literally 6 pages on pdf
>2. Human Fighter/Mage(Invoker). Very grim and tragic person that has childhood PTSD's. He was raised by a single father that beat him if he was not learning. Already been in trouble many times mostly to his bad luck. Hates criminals to the core and wants to find out who wanted to imprison him. Very original character for a tabletop newcomer
>3. Half-elf Ranger that is very humorous and talkative. His curiosity and provocative behavior drives him into trouble. Another newbie, yet i have much fun playing with him
>4. Halfling rogue that once was a member of an ultra rich tethyrian merchant family. Yet was scammed by some shady guys so all the gold is lost and his family gone. Now he tries to get into the shadow thieves to find out the truth. He is always cynical and grumpy.
Reincarnated people who were shoved into Hell to indoctrinate them so that they would follow the BBEG in trying to cause the apocalypse early so there will still be a future.
One is a salty and generally frustrated girl who knives the shit out of people to relieve that frustration. Another was apparently a triad-esque Mafioso. The third was a dancer turned soldier who stayed with the bbeg while the rest of us defected to not!ImperialJapanese. I'm a policeman trying to figure out how in the hell to solve some of this shit.
I also given a chance to play for some normie friend to play with us but he ended up with drug addicted murderhobo human barbarian that ruined fun for everyone. Then he did not show up for the first session because dude weed and he had some party somewhere. So we ignored him and played. Now he doesn't even remember that he wanted to play with us.
Let's see:
Young, naive wizard (male) with an unhealthy amount of adoration for his wizarding teacher. There's a subplot going on with him somehow having access to very rudimental magic of a school that has yet to be introduced to the world this campaign mainly takes place in.
Female gnome paladin out in the world doing something unspecified. Something mysterious happened to her parents and there seems to be a reason she went out adventuring in the first place, not sure what yet though.
Male human monk looking for his father who disappeared after getting extorted out of his business by another businessman. He also has some kind of vendetta against Devils going but it's still unclear why. He also took a level in hunter I think?
A fiftysomething year old human thief guy. No idea what classes he actually has but there is at least a level of Expert and a level of Hunter in there. Probably Rogue too but I'm not even sure. Anyway, he's apparently over a thousand years old - while pursuing a rumor of gigantic fossilized spiders (Retrievers, probably) for his taxidermy hobby, suddenly lost consciousness while in a forest and woke up a thousand years later with no visible physical effects, no memory of the time inbetween and in the same spot. He got picked up by the wizard's teacher, got kidnapped by Yuan-ti when they attacked the teacher's tower and was found in captivity in a Yuan-ti outpost by the other characters a couple of sessions in. He's a fucking dick and a coward, constantly tries to steal shit, lies whenever he thinks it'll benefit him and at one point even forced the rest of the party to pay him to keep detecting traps in a maze they were all trapped in, which only he could do. The wizard (my character) has come to loathe him increasingly, mostly tolerating him because he had vast amounts of information regarding both the evil plot the party were slowly beginning to discover and the condition of his teacher.
>Detective Harry Dresden except less secretive.
>Ninja teleporter taken out of an anime, own a bar and has a vampire and a werewolf for baristas.
>Not!Magneto with way-too-strong telekinesis
>Owl guy from Hunter x Hunter except can also see in every dimension.
I'm sensing a theme...
>Dwarven dragoon: musketeers on horseback with heavy armor and many weapons. Very dorf; alcoholic, gambler, smoker, proud
>Dwarven partisan; pike and musket, stomps about chopping Shit open. Very Dorf; alcoholic, paranoid about merchants, greedy.
>absent minded scholar sorcerer. Obsessed with finding a cure to the black rot plague, which has taken his wife. Powers based on hospitality and the 4 humours
>half-beastmen mercenary fighter. Beefslab McLargehuge type, crossed with closet furry type. Many laughs.
>cutest anise schoolgirl style elf archer. Magical thunder powers tied into bow casting. Sworn to only speak elven.
All on a hit squad during wartime. Currently being deployed to steal magical nuke. In a bit over their heads.
>A centaur warrior who wishes to save his kind by forging a new nation in the hostile surface world. Tells stories of his kind's history and his exploits as foreplay. A romantic who holds his kind's traditions close to his heart. Has probably slept with more people than he has killed.
>A dhampir magus who has lived too long and seen too much shit. Falls into black and white mentality at times and has problems controlling her rage. Harbors nothing but loathing and fury towards the human-centric Legion that took away the few friends she had found. A grump.
>A traumatized sharkman steamborg on a quest to rid himself of his senses along with his flesh. Aspires to be the Dragonslayer of Dotrak. Lives in a constant state of fear.
>A mech jockey/wizard raised by dwarves after the lunar dragons destroyed her home. Harbors a vendetta against anything lunar, she and the dhampir are planning to get married. They have a mech to themselves and it has been nicknamed ''The Loveboat'' by everyone else.
>A tiefling noble swashbuckler with succubus blood. Afraid of her heritage and has a pastime of lovingly shittalking some of the other party members. Looking for her childhood friend. Cheery and takes very few things seriously. Disarmed and more or less one-shotted a devil knight that the GM planned as a boss fight, dueled the same knight later as he wanted his sword back and just almost won.
>A blind bride of a dragon, tiefling psion and a librarian. Pedantic and proud, comes from the inhospitable lunar wastes where few live. Painfully empathetic towards her own kind and their struggles, helped the other tiefling with coming into terms with her heritage and there might be something brewing between the two.
>A roguish human engineer and trader in her mid thirties. Raised with the Legion on the lap of luxury and thrust into the crapsack world as shit went south. Never really adjusted to this. Has a bounty on her head for things she did not do. Kinda the party face.
>1. Silent half orc barbarian that wants to get powerful. Is tanky.
>2. Gnome druid that enjoys killing trees to make wood working. Also killed half the party because they were annoying (and he is neutral good). Also enslaves nature to do his bidding (still neutral good). "Serene in the face of disaster". Most annoying thing ever. The player metagames to the point where the rest of the party have already thought leaving the game because of him. Super smug.
>3. Human monk (not weaboo monk, but like medieval european christian monk) that is a bounty hunter and donates the money he gets to his god. Is also a luchador and puts on an expresionless wood mask to fight. Big keks.
>4. Half elf draconic sorcerer (red dragon ancestry) that is a bastard of noble birth but became a bounty hunter and adventurer. Also is the agent/manager/presenter of 3 (monk). Sometimes becomes manipulative and volatile due to the red dragon blood in her veins.
>Pirate girl, daughter of a vanished legendary captain and a mermaid. Usually do not live up to people's expectations.
>Mongol-like barbarian. Doesn't talk much because he doesn't speak the common tongue really well. Might or might not be smarter than he seems, or than everybody else in the party. Basically Conan the Barbarian with a chinese mustache.
>Dwarven mad scientist/cook, exiled himself from steampunk-dwarfland because he thought his peers weren't ready for his level of SCIENCE. Technically the system's equivalent to a DnD Sorcerer, his powers a materialized by a cartoonishly bottomless toolbox and an ability to assemble various gadgets on the fly.
>Asshole thug forced by a curse to act as paladin because otherwise he's gonna turn into the local equivalent of a chaos spawn. The character was going slightly edgelord, solitary and brooding, but the player only told me "he's got a curse that give him powers but I don't really know what the dowsides could be" so I used that to force him to get along with people. The player NOT being an autistic edgelord took it pretty well and ran with it.
>orc warrior thug who acts the stupidest among the group (despite having the highest intelligence in the party) and just wants to swing big weapons
>half-elf ranger who used to be a snake oil salesman-type scammer
>elf ranger royalty who's fled from his home country to avoid an arranged marriage
>tiefling warlock seeking revenge against the parents who traded him to a demon for power
Half Orc Scarred Witch Doctor
>7 Charisma
>Had an absurd amount of HP for a caster. Like 1d6+5 and high rolls on the die.
>Body completely littered with scars
>Often attempted to Diplomacy and Bluff with negative modifiers just for the luls.
>Had an absurd amount of Intimidate though.
>Spent most of the first three levels spamming slumber and tanking with his greataxe.
>Literally solo killed a boss with his 10 str and like 2 crits.
Elf Arcanist
>Had absolutely no HP bonuses. 1d6 HP every level and he even had low rolls. At level 3 he had like 9HP. Do note that the first HD is always maxed. So he had a 3 total out of 2d6
>Only survived because the DM was nice and stopped attacking him once he was downed.
>Tried to do weird whacky shit like "this silent image is so horrifying, the other guy should make a horror save"
>Was being an entitled and arrogant bitch to everyone and complained that his 14Cha should make townsfolk do him favours because they'd feel inferior.
>Literally spent 20 irl minutes haggling for a "Abused" some shit with flurry of blows and a monk staff. Did an absolutely absurd amount of damage.
>Roleplayed the character as an absolute autist but apparently he was following some deity of lies so he was faking it all along.
>Died because he split from the party to confront a previous questgiver.
Human Bolt Ace
>Mechanics-wise pretty average
>Played a noble and was pretty noble.
>Helped out random townsfolk out of the goodness of his heart.
>Probably the only decent person in the party.
Cont with the worst of them all.
>A CG cleric of Sarenrae with Sun and Healing domains fascinated with exploratory surgery
>An alchemist whose alignment I don't remember that experiments with cooking, brewing and drugs
>Two CN kitsune sorcerers specializing in illusions and alchohol (played by a dating couple)
>A CN barbarian played by a guy that has never played a TTRPG before
>A TN rogue/assasin whose solution to everything is "lolstealth"
>A TN bard that actually isn't half bad and managed to get us out of a combat encounter
>An NE rogue/assassin that doesn't do much
And I'm an NG cleric of Sarenrae (Fire and Healing domains) that's trying to make sure all the chaotic, neutral, and evil characters don't kill each other. It's a challenge.
Human Oracle/Samurai-Sword Saint
>nigga what are you even doing
>started the game with 7 Dexterity, shit STR and no Power Attack
>DM was being a bitch and didn't allow the integral part of the Sword Saint's kit to be used twohanded, so even less damage.
>Always went last in initiative, had no damage and essentially boiled down to a deployable barrier that drained the party's resources.
>Damage was so low he couldn't even coup de grace onehit (=a guaranteed critical hit) the sleeping enemies unless they failed their Fort saves.
>He was supposed to be our diplomacy guy
>First order of business was beating up a little girl in town which he thought was a thief because she ran into him.
>She was the blacksmith's daughter.
>Entire town hates him but party talks them out of a lynching with some good rolls.
>When leveling to 2 he picks up the Oracle class.
>Doesn't even have a spell component pouch
>Even more useless than before until we get to the town.
>Back in town he goes to the blacksmith
>Forgets that it was the blacksmith's child he beat up.
>Blacksmith confronts him
>He kills the blacksmith without taking a hit
>When people investigate the ruckus he said he was "just protecting himself" while covered in blood without a scratch.
>Town lynches him.
>Party watches.
>He leaves the group irl.
It wasn't even him being bad or not understanding the system. We played various other campaigns and modules before this and he always had min/maxed build. He just suddenly decided to make a character that absolutely sucked at everything.
1.) A half-orc former whaler turned warlock who is obsessed with the maddening truths of the deep. Also likes harpooning big monsters.
2.) A dwarf woman who acts like the most stereotypical New York jewish mother that you can imagine. Cleric who constantly insists there is only one god.
3.) A half-elf druid with an owl that rides around on his head that he refers to as "the Great Zardoz." Claims he merely translates for the owl. It is unclear if the owl is actually intelligent and speaks through him, or if he's pulling an elaborate joke on everyone, or if he's just insane from years in isolation.
4.) A gnome balloonist who speaks in a high pitched helium voice and talks like a prospector. Always butts in to any attempt at diplomacy with total nonsense, speaking over the rest of the group in the most annoying way possible, guaranteeing that all problems must be solved with violence.
5.) A human fighter who only exists during combat, as his player is mainly playing League of Legends or now Overwatch whenever there isn't a fight.
That's pretty brutal, user.
Both of us are from the far east.
A summoner who summons by painting
A monk who refuses to use any weapons stating that his body is the perfect weapon.
This is our groups first time doing tabletop, but we are having fun with it.
> Kind hearted halfling turned assassin after watching his wife murdered in front of him. Seeks revenge against the noble who caused her death as well as grand plans to take over a kingdom to put an end to tyranny.
> A touched in the head, kleptomaniac, Drow arcane trickster. Escaped from the underdark to avoid execution, and has absolutely no idea how surface life or peoples work. Views everyone but the party in terms of what he can get out of them. Loves animals and has a childlike fascination with horses. Currently tracking some giant spider claiming to be better than Lolth.
> A Half Elven ranger. Pretty much only cares about herself, struck out on her own after her forest home was torched. Currently with the party since it benefits her. Will physically drag people where she wants to go if the party takes to long to decide on a course of action. Currently has a forest guardian as her ranger pet. Has shot party members at least 5 times due to bad rolls.
> Human Barbarian. Originally a part of the Tiamat cult the party is currently trying to stop, joined the party after being left for dead. Two greatest loves in life are violence and alcohol. Believes his sword talks to him even though the rest of the party hears nothing.
> A random guy from our world flung into fantasy land, taken in as apprentice to eccentric old bard. Tries to apply game/story logic to situations with varying degrees of failure. Trying to rebuild the ancient bard college in memory of his master and find some way home. Closest thing the party has to a moral compass.
> DMPC Dragonborn Paladin. Party freed him from a dungeon and he has been tagging along with us ever since. Tries to keep to himself, and providing assistance when needed. Every time we try and ask about him or what god he serves he dances around the subject. Starting to think he is going to betray us at the last second.
Group of four creatures who try to bring back some dead God (pretty much a Lovecraftian rip-off). Started out as leeches that crawl into skeletons and secrete slime that hardens until they appear more or less like humans.
1) Fighter who changes his arms into tentacles for close-combat fighting and spits poison at long distance. Also the master engineer who supervises the construction/excavation/reconstruction of temples and shrines. Prefers desecrating other gods’ temples and consecrating them to his own.
2) Extraordinarily obese man (like the fat guy in the Monty Python restaurant sketch) who consumes and stores information and occult energy, occasionally secreting parts of his body to use them as spies.
3) Party face who runs several brothels with highly sought-after ‘Veiled Prostitutes’ whose faces are always covered (because their heads were invaded and are now inhabited by brain leeches). She makes sure the nobility stays in its place and uses her prostitutes as spies and assassins.
4) Mad Scientist who steals bodies of men and animals alike to use them in his ‘flesh vats’ to make new creatures. Also has several ‘vineyards’ with some sort of fucked-up grapes that either hatch or are used to make all sorts of ‘useful’ wines.
And to think we started doing this as a joke.
Mongoose traveler for reference
>Corporate Agent who used to work for Space Russia before getting in a terrible sting op and quitting
>Hobo who tried to be an entertainer but failed. Travels the galaxy now.
>Free Trader who is the captain of the ship. Everyone calls him "Daddy"
>Half orc fighter who's been in the group from lvl 1 to 15. Is the shyest and most spaghetti filled orc you will ever meet. Stuffs as many things under his top hat as he physically can (currently has an animated skull, a tarantula, and a spyglass in it).
>Human fighter/barbarian. Ultimate glass cannon. Does insane damage with 2 handed greatsword of wounding, but armor may as well be paper mache. Hails from the north and has funny dutch accent. OOC, guy is pretty smart and tends to always have a plan. IC is a giant drunk and loves to fight.
>Half giant monk, can and will fist you for several d8's worth of damage. Has +25-30 grapple check, will grab you regardless of your grapple modifier. Is basically Veeky Forums incarnate, and even owns his own gym (still in the process of being built). Has grappled things twice his size before with alarming frequency.
>Human druid/barbarian who also hails from the north. Is standard canadian stereotype. Animal companion is a grizzlybear who has almost double the druid's AC (28 to 16) and does more damage than him. Almost always manages to roll max whenever summoning swarms of animals. Can and will shit bears down your throat and there's nothing you can do about it. Beginning to understand the power of combining an ironwood block and Woodshape (spell).
>Goblin inquisitor of Sarenrae, adopted son of a HEROIC PIRATE from Varisia and definitely not from Bloodborne
>Nogitsune-spawn tiefling kensai, awkward dork who hides his fluffy tail and wants to follow his father's footsteps as Overlord despite his own insecurity, went to same school as...
>Human magus, currently the last Azlanti after comical bodyswap misadventure, cursed by winter and generally has everything horrible happen that one can imagine and is also a hopeless dork
>Literally Dr. Facilier With A Snake-Bro
Our half of the party on the run
>The Drifter (me), trying to find the way back home
>The Shaman, trying to find enlightenment in the wasteland
>The Mechanic, trying to escape the Tribal with her young brother
The other half of the party trying to catch and kill us
>The Tribal, trying to expand her domain, and have a healthy heir
>The Trader, trying to organize and run the Tribal's growing domain efficiently
>The Driver, trying to get the Tribal's car, ideally as a reward for service
Otto the Primogenator. He's bartered, stolen, and whored for the combined genetic knowledge of the strixxus and dark eldar. He's also conducted personal experiments on his officers, a living eldar farseer, a house size ork war boss, and 200 chaos space marine corpses.
The DM just rewarded him the biomancy class of psyker abilities for use as rituals in his lab.
Expect briefings things soon. This is a 2 year old rogue trader campaign. (Now black crusade)
The officers include a:
1) badly mutated navigator with an enhanced warp eye blast. She has so far killed near everything he hit with it without fail. Mutations include night eyes, pale and hairless, shark maw, unnatural presence. In it for the laughs. Takes pleasure in suffering.
2) the tzeentchian sorceror we rescued off a hulk. Likes to wreck havoc on enemy champions with bolt of change. (God that ability) playing long con.
3) Waz-cutta the ork nobmmando. (Me!) steals scenes. Is silly but has been essential in several different sessions. Recently attained boss size, and led the crew on a raid against a rogue trader colony while Otto was busy making abominations.
Penchant for explosives and chaos wargear. (Currently rocking daemon weapons and armour of khorne, slaanesh, and nurgle)
- took out a venerable dreadnaught and a daemon engine with 40kg of explosives wrapped around a magnetic grapnel with Det tape and attached to the back of the dreadnaught.
- captained the vessel in the ONLY session of space combat that didn't have us limping away like a bitch. I plan to tease "just as planned" into his narrative. Despite his crude demeanor he is a master strategist!
- currently most loved by the crew. The navigator terrifies them, the sorceror sacrifices them, and Otto the "captain" experiments on them. Waz beats them but we have a top tier medical facility on board so they never die.
- wrestled giant nurgle slug to death in power armour and made it into armour.
1. Half elf bard who lies about his name, is a minor noble's estranged bastard, just killed a bunch of innocent people in our last adventure (the rest of the party is morally good)
2. Human "I'm a ranger, I swear!" Blood hunter that might have lycanthropy, adopted an orc-baby on the road
3. Stereotypical dwarf barbarian who hates orcs (and by extension the orc-baby)
4. Half elf warlock who believes he is a horse, tries to convince people he is, is definitely meeting with his demonic master regularly
5. Dwarf cleric, self-righteous cunt, hates the bard with a passion
6. Elf rogue, newcomer to the group, hides during the fighting, practically useless
Sorry, armour of the nurglish daemon slug called "Death" by inhabitants of the death world it slept on.
Axe called gore-seeker, claimed after Waz ambushed the leader of a khornate warband just prior to it executing Otto (who faught it in single combat. For some reason)
His slaaneshi greatblade greatly enjoyed devouring The khornate a soul.
Young, impatient and immature.
Sent out on a 'simple' quest to retrieve some stolen artefacts both to help her mature and to get her out of the way for a while.
Close friend to the Cleric though far more responsible . She was dragged along on the quest for company and is busy keeping track of their adventures to retell once they get back home.
Third friend in the trio, also dragged along. She is reluctant and wishes she was back home working on her experiments. She's the most mature of the three and sometimes ends up mothering them.
Ex-slave rescued by the trio. He considers the party his family and would do anything for them.
He had been broken some time ago and is also a little slow in the head. Because of this he doesn't quite understand that he is free, seeing the Sorceress specifically as his new Master.
She is from a far away land, out looking a worthy husband. She is a fiercely capable lady who started following us for company.
Ex-BBEG. Antisocial and an extreme misanthrope. They stole the artefacts originally as part of an extensive plan but betrayals by those closest to her saw her aims and aspirations mostly fall to pieces.
When we confronted her we all came to realise we share similar world views and so she has allied herself with us in hopes of getting us to bring her plans back on track.
Failing that, she was from the same community as the Mage Trio and knows the worst punishment she'll receive back home is a loss of her property and a few years exile.
Current party in my group's high fantasy, Earthbound-like Setting:
>Dalton. 13 year-old Quarter-Dwarf former-Paladin's squire who's lawful stupid but likes to garden. He carries a huge wooden hammer.
>Wanda. 14 year-old Human aspiring-mage questing for College credit. Carries a golden wand and likes ice magic a bit too much.
>Dracio. Infant Baby Dragon, naive and clumsy as fuck. Born from an egg the players found a few sessions in. Fights with tooth and nail, and occasionally fire breath.
>Shroomin. 21 year-old Mushroom-folk Rogue-Bard who's snarky and cowardly as hell, and can't sneak for shit. He can disable traps, talk, and play the bagpipes quite well, though. Carries a Dwarven one-handed axe just in case.
>Johnny. Skeleton Pirate with Scottish accent and a comically large top hat. He's the kind, old mentor DMPC and helps our characters grow. Also owns an ebony Fencing Saber and and a Pirate ship.
Also worthy of note:
>Hexenmeiser. Formerly Human Mage. Insane, comedic, harmless, and, to some of the party'sd delight, reocurring Villain (Though far from BBEG) NPC. Was technically in the party for a bit to get out of the Halfling Dungeon Ruins safe. He's also got a silver wand and enjoys casting Lightning magic.
>54 year old ex space pirate. Hates that he hangs out with "children".
>31 year old astronavigator/technology guy. Stoic, has little patience and is easily annoyed.
>30 year old ex space marine doomguy. Rip and tear. He's the muscle and stands around aimlessly during ship combat.
>26 year old ex navy starship engineer/gunner. Easily excited and loves his work.
Not the most unique/interesting group, but we're all talented roleplayers. Sessions can go from hilarious, to startling, and sometimes even incredibly tense.
1) High elf fighter, youngest sun of the elf king who decide to leave homeland after his father died to live in adventure instead of shadow of his brother
2) Human priestess, sended by her order to investigate something she dont know nothing about, elder just saw vision of her running away from shadowy figure so he decided if something gonna hunt young priestess - not in the walls of his monastery.
3) Dragonborn paladin - knight of the local holy order ruled by king. Being not human he is not in much favor of his commanders so they often send him to any backwater if possible to investigate any smallest complains from local citizens even if it is clearly bullshit.
4)Human barbarian. Works for money. Actually have no barbaric background, just mental disorder. Uncontrollable rage. Shy to speak with women. Secretly has a family which he left to keep them safe from himself.
5)Dragonborn wizard. Suspiciously know everything about all gang leaders and shady dealers in the area. And they know him. They FEAR him. (Lucky 20 on first intimidation roll). Have to good education and manners for regular punk. Must be local crimelord of secret undercover cop or something.
dem elf tittes doe
This campaign's only a couple of sessions in and the Sorceror's already painted himself into a corner. Dis gon b gud.
Human Cleric
>former thief who fell in with a bad crowd and fled before they killed her. Stole the identity of a dead Hospitaller as a cover. Ended up finding a cause to live for and carries on the good work as atonement.
Elf Fighter
>grew up on the streets of one of the larger cities in the region. Not sure if she was adopted or abducted from her homeland. In either case, she has more in common with the local human riffraff than her own kind. Pet rat named Larry. No tricks of note.
Human Druid
>witch doctor from setting's Africa stand in. Wild shapes into African animals, which sounded neat, but cheetahs running around NotScandinavia draw a lot of attention.
ForeverGM here, currently playing FFG's Star Wars game.
>Chiss Analyst
Super Jediboo, works for the rebellion. Knowledge is power, and he knows everything about everything. Also has a huge gun, just in case.
>Lannik Armorer
Order 66 survivor, mentor to a loose cannon. Indestructible wall with balls of durasteel.
>Twi'lek Shadow
Former slave, loose cannon. Rogue with a heart of gold archetype, student to the Lannik, strong in the Force.
Together they fight crime, explore ancient Sith temples with Towers of Hannoi based puzzles and hide from Imperial Inquisitors aboard a slightly modified VCX-100
For comparison, here's the party I'm DMing.
Are you a player or the DM? This looks dope.
Faggot Fighter
Faggot Cleric
Faggot Sorceress
Faggot Monk
Settings: Mildly AU variant of the Legend of Zelda setting. Short version is that the cycle of Link/Zelda/Ganon was broken and the TriForce was destroyed. Hyrule is currently under a kind of cold war between the various nations who each believe their leader is the true heir to the Hylian throne.
Hylian Paladin/Dragon-Knight/Warlock. Normally our resident min-maxer, Character development demanded he branch out into weird cross-classes. He's an ex-noble who 'accidentally' killed another during a gladiatorial competition. He's a devout member of the Church of Link (more of a cult, really). Somehow hasn't managed to fall as a paladin but he's come really close.
Deku Scrub Favored Soul (A sorcerer archtype) of the Great Deku Tree. Is on a quest from the Great Deku Tree that he suspects was just an excuse to get him out of the forest and get dragged into the campaign's plot. Is currently going through a bit of a crisis of faith since he thought he got his powers through his faith, not innate ability.
Shieka Druid. Was getting vision of Zelda's return and left the desert to go seek the truth of it. Eventually discovered the visions were from the (dying) Goddess Hylia who is trying to fix a broken timeline. Basically the plot bitch.
Twili Warlock. A Light Spirit is causing problems in the Twilight Realm and he, being a priest of the Twilight Kingdom, was sent to figure out what the fuck it's doing there and how to get rid of it. Only recently just got out of the debt of the horse mafia (he owed them a case of airag).
Rito Ranger (spell-less variant). Mail bird on vacation. Not quite sure how she got dragged into this group of freaks but seems to manage. Is currently learning shadow magic from a crazy old hermit.
A Whore,Takamura, Ippo with a sword, and a Dark Paladin
Better than it sounds actually
Been a while since I played but:
Asshole Human Resources Guy
Gains-obsessed warehouse manager
Looks like a lady but actually a guy CIA spy acting as a new hire
The IT duo that spent 90% of the game at a conference learning how to install adobe acrobat
The mentally unstable janitor that also thought he was a super sentai protag
Some Welsh guy that worked in the warehouse part time
Game was pitched as Workaholics meets Scrubs with a dash of anime, turned into essentially superhero stuff. A lot of zaniness, midget hookers, high explosives and Russians having their heads detonated via mental suggestion.
I'm playing as Shroomin. I always wanted try another Bard, and I added a few more Rogue-ish elements to 'em. He's based primarily off characters like Mother 3's Duster and Ni No Kuni's Swaine, older and rugged, but not necessarily more mature Rogues.
We all kind of agreed to have a player character party you'd see in kiddy RPG games; Consisting of a guy fighter, girl ranged, adult rogue, and inhuman mixed attacker. Works well enough for a setting we're in and have been at for a while.
In addition, here's a quick pic of the Rival Party, minus the arrogant High Elf Priestess of which I'm far too lazy to draw. These guys parody the usual Tabletop Party formula to combat our JRPG formula.
Likewise, your setting seems pretty damn neat from what I've gathered. Kind of like something you'd see in one of those 80's animes, which gives off a good vibe for me.
PF#1 - Kingmaker
- LE/LN Tiefling Sorc, spec'd for maximum diplomancy. Very smoothtalking and the ruler of our little kingdom
- LE Human Fighter, of the 'Will eat a small army for breakfast' variety. The General and general beatstick, has a thing for fine grilled meats.
- LE Warpriest of Asmodeus (See a theme yet?), with lots of buffs and an appreciation of history and religion.
- Dorf Fighter (I think? Not sure honestly) built around defensive fighting and being a solid wall.
- LN Elf Rogue (Me), built for seeing shit and bluff. Spymaster for the kingdom.
Generally a well-functioning party, with something to do for all of us.
PF#2 - Gladiators
- Human Gladiator, played by a wrestling fan and hammed up to 11. Lots of showmanships and gimmicks, usually lands us in lots of trouble.
- LN/LE Halfling Monk (Me), stats through the roof since the DM wanted us to roll stats. Running around with more AC than a standard fighter in fullplate, but can't hit for any damage. The straight man.
Lots and lots of shenanigans, with lots of references and stupid but cool decisions. May be getting a third player soon.
Shroomin's my favorite, so props.
The setup was heavily inspired by a Soul Calibur II binge we had a few months before we started. It's gelled rather well with the Not-Mystic-Knights-of-Tir-Na-Nog backstory.
And just to stay on topic, here's another party I'm in. It's set in a crazy far-flung post-apocalypse. Like a median between Earthdawn and Shadowrun.