>the entire kingdom is being repossessed by foreign bankers whom the crown defaulted on
The entire kingdom is being repossessed by foreign bankers whom the crown defaulted on
That's not a banker, it's a 2hu, you are being scammed.
If they have the military strength to do so I say let um have it. We'll likely be better off
>This banker elite reforms the kingdom and starts running it like a company: it's only goal is to increase its revenue and the pay-outs to its majority shareholders (while of course the bankers assign themselves hefty pays)
>Bankers slowly but steadily start replacing the nobility
>Armies are now filled with highly trained and well equiped professionals
>The banker elite also has a very tight grip on the news outlets, pretty much singlehandedly financing them
>The masses are kept under control through a combination of serfdom and wage slavery
>The party opposes them, but their attempts to take down the banker elite are time and again foiled
>The High Pensionary, who has defacto replaced the king, perfectly plays out the media against them, uses the party's greed to frustrate their efforts to cooperate etc.
>Despite being entirely unable to stand up to the party in combat of arms, she takes great pleasure in mocking them in their faces
>She has even offered the party leader an "under the desk" entry position if he ever feels like getting a real job
I'd play this
So jews
And that's when the party goes /pol/.
Actually, a pretty hilarious historical incident is when a king would be unable to pay his loans back to a bank, he'd just tell them to fuck off, and then they'd got bankrupt.
>the entire kingdom is being repossessed by foreign bankers whom the crown defaulted on
Stop spoiling the Game of Thrones Season 6 finale.
This. It would happen all the time.
If he doesn't want to be so offensive, he would just debase his currency, which essentially does the same trick.
Countries pay their loans only as long as they see it favorable.
>have army
>suggest to army that bankers have cheated them
>remind army that bankers will probably diddle their kids as bankers are kiddie fiddlers
>kill bankers
>take money
Dirty Red
>the entire kingdom's banks are being repossessed by foreign soldiers whom the crown defaulted on
>Remind the army that their main employer has no money left
>Offer them 1.25% the pay their king gives them
>Knowing fully well that the king cannot match this offer
>Confiscate his assets
>Pay out your salaries to your soldiers... in credit
>Tell them it's on the bank and that they'll get it repaid, with interest... after one more military campaign
>Send them on a suicide mission
>Confiscate their salaries AND the interests on top of it
>Raise a professional armies with zero connections, ties, or loyalty to the deposted king
>be general
>remind soldiers we can simply take the bankers' money after they are dead
>split it even, we all go home happy
>remind soldiers we can also kill king if he doesn't like it
>Offer them 1.25%
I meant to say 1.25x, but I like 1.25% better now that I think about it.
alba no
>the entire thread is just an excuse to post anime girls
>>This banker elite reforms the kingdom and starts running it like a company: it's only goal is to increase its revenue and the pay-outs to its majority shareholders (while of course the bankers assign themselves hefty pays)
>>Bankers slowly but steadily start replacing the nobility
>>Armies are now filled with highly trained and well equiped professionals
>>The banker elite also has a very tight grip on the news outlets, pretty much singlehandedly financing them
>>The masses are kept under control through a combination of serfdom and wage slavery
I already live this.
If Heinlein was right we'll get a lovely meritocratic statocracy out of it eventually. Sure, a lot of people will die, but sometimes to preserve the body the arm must be amputated.
The problem with a meritocratic society is that some people really suck through every fault of their own. But worse, some people only kind of suck and are going to have to deal with that.
The gnawing self hatred and inferiority of the middle class is incomparable to anything else. Dunning-Kruger lasts forever.
>Sure, a lot of people will die, but sometimes to preserve the body the arm must be amputated.
Yet by the end of the day, the doctor will be cursed and the disease praised.
>The problem with a meritocratic society is that some people really suck through every fault of their own. But worse, some people only kind of suck and are going to have to deal with that.
I'm really failing to see how that's a problem. There are a lot of jobs which don't need much skill that a person can be assigned to in order to help their community, and with effort they can uplift themselves by developing competence.
If you're truly beyond help, we don't really need you succeeding or passing your genes on. No retarded breeding licenses needed, the system will weed you out in a few generations on its own.
>praising rich businessmen who never did a day's real work in their lives
I'd be alarmed that praise for society's literal equivalent of cancer happens, but Trump's getting votes for the presidential election.
I'm mostly just upset.
How's your first day on Veeky Forums treating you newfriend?
So we have a seemingly medieval-feudal-fantasy kingdom, with largely modern mass media, and a bunch of bankers with more weight to throw around than the fucking knights templar had? Also, those bankers, in the name of profit, keep standing ARMIES of high-end mercenaries, when the cost of keeping even one around just for the duration of the current war is likely what made this kingdom go bankrupt in the first place.
Spain used to do it with the regularity of a metronome.
This is how you get a mutiny started. One against you.
And this is how you secure the loyalty of your men.
>So we have a seemingly medieval-feudal-fantasy kingdom, with largely modern mass media, and a bunch of bankers with more weight to throw around than the fucking knights templar had? Also, those bankers, in the name of profit, keep standing ARMIES of high-end mercenaries, when the cost of keeping even one around just for the duration of the current war is likely what made this kingdom go bankrupt in the first place.
What is Renaissance Italy?
A shithole.
How much do mercenary companies cost anyway? Relative to the amount of funds your average country has on hand?
>If Heinlein was right we'll get a lovely meritocratic statocracy out of it eventually.
We're doomed.