EDH/Commander general

Extra combat edition


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

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I know both mana bases could use work, mainly Doran. My group is one of those that lean more towards casual competitiveness, so we try not to get too tuned.

Thoughts on either?

I tested your Doran deck against my Zirilan deck last night and it beat my ass 2 out of 3 times, looked good to me

Wow thanks user, means a lot. Any comments you have about the defenders? Lack of board wipes? Can I see your list?

If we are gonna do posting of all commanders again, please do the leave a penny-take a penny thing and leave a rating when you do. Last thread there were like 12 pics posted and not a single reply.

Anyway, anyone got some jank they want to show off?

Looking quickly through Doran I think you have an excessive amount of creatures. You should cut several of the more vanilla ones in favor of some card advantage to make sure you don't run out of gas in longer games. Also Souls of the Faultless.

Your list got Doran out on T3 both times so that was a big factor. My deck basically runs no defense because Zirilan is so busy tutoring Dragons and blitzing with them

That said, 41 creatures is a fucking lot. Zirilan has 30. Like said, dropping some vanilla ones for value would be a good move

Any reason why no Slagwurm Armor?

Thanks a ton anons! Last few games I've played with it some of the things like timber protector, boss banneret, woodborn behemoth and moldgraf monstrosity don't feel to great. I'll start looking around for some cool spells.

Just felt like it didn't do enough. The equip cost being 3 doesn't help it much, but I do see how it can do edge of the divinity's job better and apply to any creature. I'll have to test it out sometime.

Deadwood treefolk is probably a good swap for moldygraf.

I really want to make a treehugger deck, but as far as color combinations go, I already have an abzan and it seems too much of a hassle to build another manabase of those colours. What do I do? Doran and Sapling seem to be the only usable ones.

Here's my list if you're interested, it's kinda bad and meant to be fun for a low-power meta


The thing either completely eats shit and dies or goes off beatifully and kills the table within 3-4 turns of getting Zirilan out

Just do mono green stuff like Lost in the Woods and Kalonian Twingrove. Plenty of different generals to choose.

Very nice! Only suggestion i have is maybe hellkite tyrant since he can tutor up another dragon like utvara hellkite which seems like the prime kill condition. Granted you have your commander to tutor but its an option when he isnt.

Also, I agree that Doran needs more card draw. Don't be afraid to use black cards that cost life since Doran is so defensively powerful.


Made some changes since I last posted it here. Thought about getting mesmeric orb for it but I dont know if that would hurt this deck more than help it.

Imperial hellkite*
Forgot the name

Oh that's a neat idea, I'll try it

I'm building a mimeoplasm deck too and there were a few things I like about your deck, and a few things I didn't. My first draft I went with the infect subtheme and I found that the weaker infect creatures aren't really worth it. Sure, you buried alive into ghoul tree and blighted agent in your graveyard and swing for the game t5, but what about some of the niftier infect creatures? My personal favorites are spinebiter and phryexian hivelord. Spinebiter lets you swing for the game regardless of blockers, despite having a high mana cost and being a generally mediocre creature, whereas the hivelord can setup a fucktillion 1/1 infect insects. I like your removal package and will probably take it. Just another quick recomendation, mycoloth is amazing with the mimeoplasm and fathom mage is another secret tech. Personally I run master biomancer, a kalonian hydra, and a shitload of +1/+1 counter love, but your deck looks very good in general.

>tfw you and the Jhoira player end up in a race between resolving a Jin-Gitaxias and Kozilek 1.0 from suspend and killing Jhoira outright
>Other two players are newbies with precons who offer no help and see you as the bigger threat

God that was some stressful shit

Jesus, the Lazav player in my group can never discover this card

>mill is good
Nice meme.

Last game we played he milled Ulamog 1.0, then dropped Aqueous Form and Tainted Strike on him and proceeded to win handily

This allows self mill and powers delve.

I actually have a question about Lazav: let's say you have a Soulflayer out with a whole bunch of those keywords on it from Delving a bunch of creatures, and it dies. If Lazav copies it, does it also get those keywords that the Soulflayer had?

I know, I had Kamahl druids and treefolk at one point, but monogreen seems so boring. Kamahl is auto include pretty much, but only monocolours that have stuck with me, are black and blue. I just dislike regular beatdown if it's too linear or straightforward.
I'm looking for a deck that is interesting enough so I don't feel like scrapping the thing after 1 or 2 games.
Besides, I don't wanna fold to one or few cards, so I would like to have other colour to back me up.
Where as my monoblack (Skittles) is usually too fast so many disruption falls really short, and monoblue (Memnarch) just is able to usually push through for all the stealing he does.
I just don't want to feel helpless, like if I were to play red/black and have enchantress against me.

So how do I make this deck better?

My goal was to make eldrazi battleships viable using a weaker Urza Tron.

It gets things out consistently on turn 4


Lemme see that Skittles list, I've wanted to build mono-black for a while but I play too much aggro to consider anything but turbo-speed

I think not. Lazav isn't the same creature, and nothing was delved with Lazav. So it's just a vanilla 4/4.

It's been a while since I updated it, and the deck has a few cards which aren't there in the physical deck, such as Elbrus. I think I put a Hero's Downfall in it's spot.

>EDH general

>3 Players in my group run Mono-Black control
>Sick of Mono-BlackExsaguigate.dec winning every game
>Rebuild Daretti in order to shit all over their lack of removal for artifacts
>Next week one player makes Mono-Blue with nothing but counters, all of which were aimed exclusively at my commander
>Forced to run hard locks and Smokestack to even score a win against my group (we made a rule not to run boring locks after That Guy made Stasis Teferi at our LGS)
>Once again doing so paints me as the Archenemy

I just want to win a game among my friends that doesn't result in a collective sigh, whilst also simulataneously destroying their Mono-Black lists for being so repetitive and dull.

Pappa Purph.

>Next week one player makes Mono-Blue with nothing but counters, all of which were aimed exclusively at my commander
Is this the That Guy you refer to? Because that's biblical levels of salt

Build Gahiji and make them beat the shit out of each other

Purph is pretty repetitive and dull too. A spellslinger deck might work?

Nah, That Guy was an obnoxious mouthbreather from our old LGS who we all hated. He's moved now but occasionally shows up at the new LGS down the road for Modern FNMs (only format he plays now).

This guy usually plays Olivia, which is basically Mono-Black + LD, though I didn't include his deck in the three I mentioned.

Gahiji sounds fun, but any attempt at politics is seen as scheming in my group. We're quite untrusting of each other, just me more-so because my playstyle is pretty much suicide style decks.

Spoiler alert, the solution is finding a better playgroup. These people sound genuinely awful.

I second this, with the corollary that user also sounds like a sack of dicks.

Try Mizzix, senpai. She's pretty damn powerful.

This guy has it right.
For the same reason that you cant delve a soulflayer with a new soulflayer to get all of its keyword abilities, when it is the the gy it doesn't have em anymore.

>any attempt at politics is seen as scheming in my group
Your group sounds like a bunch of losers who hate talking to other people

We've known each other for a while, we used to be far more Spike-y than we are now, so we know we're not the sort to help each other out. When someone tries to play 'bro' we know it's because they've got an Iona or something similar waiting behind that Selvala.

All of these grievances stay in-game, because we're all actually really good friends out of it. We just like to act like complete faggots in EDH then joke about it over pizza later on. I just wouldn't mind being the one cracking the jokes for once instead of being the guy who got shat on in the first ten minutes, because literally everyone else is packing Heroes Downfall or top-decking it at the last second.

I might try Riku again or something.

Maybe sigarda enchantress? Lots of fun effects in those colors that can help against wraths, which will be their main counter measure against you. Its pretty linear but it could work

First off, this is hilarious.
Custodian of the Trove and Burden of Greed both seem pretty bad, I would swap them out for better removal but it's tough to stay on theme there.
In terms of creatures, I think Preacher might be an interesting fit for your sub-theme of taking control of opponents' creatures. You could also shore up that theme a little bit with sacrifice outlets, maybe Vampiric Rites. Attrition could also be a one-two sac outlet that would help your removal game. Barter in Blood would fit the theme, at least in name, and getting people to sacrifice creatures can be helpful.

10/10 flavor

But where are Mind Control and Corrupted Conscience?

>no Godless Shrine

tfw when debuting Ruric-Thar on your predominately control based playgroup.

Jank you say!

Hanna isn't jank! She's a classy lady!

I just wish I could build her with an even mix of artifacts and enchantments. It is hard.

It's a waste to not have boardwipes in Doran, as there are several very special ones based on power. fell the mighty, retribution of the meek, elspeth sun's champion all fuck up high power creatures,and will usually leave you largely untouched.

Im sure a coulpe of those could find there way in. Issue i have is, (Havent looked too close at it) most my high toughness creatures also have fairly high power as well. Most the exceptions that come to mind are walls.

So I have a shortlist of board wipes that can go into 8.5 Tails: Divine Reckoning, Tragic Arrogance, and Akroma's Vengeance. I know I'm missing some possible inclusions: suggestions?

Enchantress is always something I've been fond of, I can't believe I've not considered Sigarda before especially considering she counters Grave Pact hard.

Does the deck function well without Moat?


>xenagos on the field, my friend has a whole bunch of untapped islands and a shit-eating grin
>worldly tutor Ruric-Thar, play him, swing
>next turn drop asceticism

austere command, wrath of god, and

7cmc for instant speed doesn't really make the cut for me. Divine Reckoning recurs itself and leaves you some board presence, Tragic Arrogance is broader in terms of what it hits and lets you choose, and Akroma's Vengeance turns into a draw if you don't need a wipe.

Austere Command may be worth considering for the flexibility.

if its in edh, 7 cmc isnt bad for an instant speed. if not rout, get angel of the dire hour for the same cmc

Since you like flexibility, what about descend upon the sinful? Best case scenario, board wipe with a built in +1 field advantage. Worst case? Exile board wipe. 6cmc for a sorcery is a lot, but it does have built in utility.

I personally have no experience with it, but I'd imagine its not the end of the world. Theres other pillowfort goodness to go around in those colors. Plus some of the best fatties in MBC have flying, so it wouldn't be super great in you play group if their list is anything like mine.

Wow, that Behind the Scenes is amazing. Never would have thought about it.
Also I like Necrogenesis better than Nightsoil.

What happens if you use Arcane Lighthouse's second ability to make your opponents' stuff lose hexproof, then drop a Reality Acid on a formerly hexproof creature, then pass the turn? Would Reality Acid fall off?

All Is Dust

looking to build a deck with this guy that mainly focuses on ramp and land beatdown, any tips?

no, hexproof is not protection


I need some help/advice on trimming this deck down to 99, and any other additions that might be good.

Degenerate EDH dickholes, Winter Orb will be errata'd to work as it used to.

Fuck me. As though the card isn't infuriating enough.

>Winter Orb will be errata'd to work as it used to


I assume user means this:

Night soil has the exile as part of the activation cost, so i can always out speed someone trying to recur a thing i their yard since its already exiled ans soon as i tap my mana for it.

But yeah behind the scenes is super dope. Wish i could take credit but a friend recommended it.

Forgive my ignorance but I don't see much of a difference

No problem.
Way back in the day, when artifacts weren't even considered "spells", they also "turned off" when tapped - meaning their effects didn't apply if you could forcibly tap them.

Winter Orb's current Oracle text is "Players can't untap more than one land during their untap steps."
and the reprint's text is "As long as Winter Orb is untapped, players can't untap more than one land during their untap steps."

Tolsimir newfag again. Still trying to figure out what kind of deck I'm trying to make, but I've got a few cards I 100% know that I want in here.

>Avacyn's Pilgrim
>Beastcaller Savant
>Dryad Militant
>Fleecemane Lion
>Fyndhorn Elves
>Odric, Master Tactician
>Selesnya Sagittars
>Selesnya Sanctuary
>Shield of the Oversoul
>Sunblade Elf
>Wilt-Leaf Liege
>Yeva, Nature's Herald

I don't really know where to go with this beyond goodstuff, especially since I know very little about the format. Right now it's just 'cards that I like'.

Here is a simple example, I control a Losestone Myr. I play Winter Orb, my opponents can only untap one land. Before my turn, I tap my Winter Orb using Lodestone Myr's ability. During my turn, I untap everything. Including Winter Orb.

>collected magic cards for the past 3 years
>have a lot of neat singles, but nothing cohesive
>looking to make an edh deck to play with some semi-competitive friends
Any suggestions on fun commanders to build around? I was going to make a Xenagos deck, but a friend in my playgroup is already running one. I'm horribly uncreative, and tappedout seems prohibitive to look up decks, I just want to play something cheap and maybe a little flashy. I'll play just about anything as long as it's made generally with cards in the last few years.

Oh alright, I guess that clears it up. Explains Howling Mine's current wording too, I had always wondered about that

God that's gonna jack a lot of stuff up

Welp, gonna have to save up for that Candelabra of Tawnos


What is your favorite color/color combination?

Don't. Mono artifacts always had to tap to work. Continuous artifacts didn't get errata'd, but all mono ones did.

Poly all became triggered, all mono became tap, but continuous didn't get any changes. Now continuous might, but Poly won't.

Oh neat, let me take a peak at that. I'm a little all over the place. In general I like artifacts, and I have a lot of good green cards, but my favorite colour combination is probably red and black.


Thoughts? It's esentially just the precon Meren deck but with all the janky shit taken out and good stuff put in. The mana curve, card distribution, and mana distribution are almost identical to the precon.

The reason I built it was because i'm new to commander and magic kinda of (decade long break) and after buying the precon/trading at my lgs/using what I already had in my collection the deck ending up costing only like $75.

I play test it for the first time tomorrow at fnm, It also my first time playing magic in over a decade. Wish me luck.

Bad threat assessment is the worst

What were you playing?

Precons always go heavy on the lands, so you can drop some of those and put in some mana rocks/dorks.

What purpose does Urborg serve in your deck?

I built my deck like a Jarad shell but with more ramp. dredge and reanimator stuff work well, and mazirek is a fucking house.


Is there any way to make sire of insanity viable? What's the best way to implement it? I was thinking pulling it from the graveyard on an early turn and hopefully people don't top deck removal before it makes them sad.

Well, it makes people sad instantly unless they already have removal or counters in their hands when he comes in.
That said, I don't think making a strategy around a single non-General card is a good idea for EDH since it very well might end up perma-exiled at some point.

play kataki stax

Zirilan of the Claw, with the greatest 4 turns I have ever had in my life. I kept a 1-land hand just because of all the crazy shit I had in hand and was really banking on drawing into lands, which I did

He cast Jhoira, made a bunch of mana early (partially my fault), suspended both of them and then dropped Clockspinning, copied it 2 times THEN paid Buyback so that they'd hit the table within 2 turns of getting suspended. Jin-Git would hit first

I killed him the turn after Jin-Git hit the table, but before Kozilek. While getting blitzed on by 1/1 Goblins from all sides. I didn't even care. I was so fucking focused on keeping Kozilek from hitting the table that I didn't care about eating like 24 damage. I ended up losing but I did not want to lose to that bullshit

I'm trying to put together a fun UR Melek spellslinger deck. I'm pretty happy with what I have now, but I figured I could run it past you guys and see if anyone has some suggestions

To help with mana fixing in case I need to hardcast some of my mono black fatties.

I was thinking about making a R/B Mogis artifact discard deck and using him in the 99. He would work nicely with a waste not. I was mostly wondering whether discard is a viable approach to slowing particularly fast decks with low mana curves.

riddle of lightning, turn/burn, and master of the way don't excite me. Have you considered mind's desire, merchant scroll, or time spiral?

Not sure if its what your looking for, but otherworldly atlas? You control the draw so only you get full advantage of the cards. Opponents can only play things they could at instant speed otherwise they lose it due to sire's effect.

I'd love to run merchant scroll and time spiral, but they're a bit pricey for the time being.

I considered mind's desire, but I wasn't sure if more rng would be desirable at that point.

Day's undoing is in there as a budget time spiral and I threw in riddle of lightning because I thought it would be a decent burn and topdeck manipulator when multicasted.

Master of the way is a bit of a meme card in my play group, I threw it in there for giggles but I'd be willing to trade it out for something better.

Turn and burn is totally expendable.

merchant scroll is like $1.50

Whoops, I was thinking of scroll rack.
Yeah, merchant scroll would do it, more fetch would be nice.

Scroll Rack is the expensive one, you might be thinking of that

>otherworld atlas
That's pretty neat as well. I was thinking about splashing in things like windfall and whispering madness to cause all sorts of havok. Maybe a Jin-Gitaxias and just run some sort of Sedris mutual mill beatdown. Marchesa looks neat as well, but I usually win through consistent economy rather than big swings in damage.