OC Thread #2

Welcome to the Veeky Forums OC thread.
Previous Thread: In order to lessen the strain on the drawthreads from anons wanting to talk more in-depth about some of the characters that show up in them, here's the place to do just that.

With the following change:
>No bumping requests

Post a little blurb or something about your character, this is a brag thread after all. Some basic questions to get you started:
• Character's name:
• Role in their party:
• Goals:
• Qualities:
• Flaws:
• Who are some of the established characters that your character would get along with?
• Which ones would they be wary of? Why?

Write, request, and share stories about each others' characters (use a pastebin for works that would take up multiple posts).

Draw, request, and share pictures of each others' characters (please link offsite in the event of NSFW work).

Ask questions about other anons characters and get to know their stories, and tell us all about your own. Whatever you do, do not just post a request for character art if that's all you want, go to the regular drawthread for that.

Need help developing a new character concept? Ask away!

This thread is intended to be all in good spirit, so please remember to be excellent to each other, and try to contribute in some way. If you can't draw, write something for someone and vice/versa.

Provide one (or more) of the following:
1. A new short story that you have written about them (campaign stories are acceptable)
2. A new drawing that you made of them
3. Answer the story prompt below with detail

How did your character's adventure start? Or if you haven't gotten a chance to play with them, how would you like it to start?

Always try to use art made in the prior thread as the OP image

Other urls found in this thread:


This isn't a PC, but rather a more important story npc in an upcoming game, that the party is going to interact a lot with, or well in social encounters.

Her goals is to keep peace in a current disastrous situation, and try to see if there's anyway to fix it, that's where the PCs come in. She can't leave her post as a guard commander but she can ask the PCs for help. Here's the request, I've posted it in a couple of threads but I guess it counts as a waifu/OC so better to post it here:

The character is a female elf who has a hairstyle like the pic related with her ears sticking out of her hair, she's tall and look athletic and fit, but not body builder level. Bust size isn't that important, to choose what you want to draw,

She wears baggy pants with lots of hanging metal rings tacked on, a long sword sits at her belt, the scabbard is a very plain and white looking one with several scratches on it. She wears a way too big tank top which is rolled up a bit so you can understand that she's fit, like if she's just come from morning exercise. She has bandages on her upper left arm, from the shoulder/arm joint to the elbow, a bit stained.
She's wearing sandals that look well-used.

As for her general body type, other than being fairly tall, she has wider hips and developed thighs though nothing extreme, She would be more of a mild pear shape I guess.

Any questions are fine, I'll be here for like 12 hours while at work. The campaign hasn't started yet but I can give some story ideas if people are interested. I don't think my players read this thread, but rather the drawthread if anything.

>copypasting the same thing from last thread with no new info

Traaash! We don't even know her name user. Answer the story prompt in the OP or something, anything.

Posting one of my own OCs to get the ball rolling.

Ian Graham grew up in a fairly calm part of the country, its people had been living for years under the protection of the paladin order for decades.

The Order weakened when the war erupted nearby between neighboring rival factions that sought to control the lands around his small town. He was called to war at the age of 20, and served honorably until he tragically lost his leg in battle 3 years later.

Returning home as a cripple, he studied in the library of the Ancient Church, in an attempt to find a way to please the gods in such a way as to have his body restored. For his service, he was awarded a fine mastercraft prosthesis that allowed for only limited movement, but for all intents and purposes allowed him a normal life.

Not content with normal, he has set out on a personal journey to make himself whole again, doing so in service of the Nature gods.

I've played him for awhile, really fun to play a bitter, broken person who can occasionally be made to break his grimseriousness by the lively members of his group. He even cuts loose sometimes and tells really stupid jokes that he heard in the military that only he appreciates, but the others know it's good for him.

Is this the place for this? I don't know. But here goes.

I have a character I have tried and failed to write something about twice now, and it is bothering me.

• Character's name: Clorai
• Role in their party: Low-rank space opera bridge operator
• Goals: Survive being trapped on a ship of people who either look down at her for her birth or are significantly more confident and accomplished
• Qualities: Genuinely patriotic, proud to serve, dutiful
• Flaws: Homesick, lonely, poor birth in a highly hierarchical society

I wanted to write about the "blue space elf" archetype by way of a Gilliam's "Brazil" meets the Imperium of Man bureaucratic, dystopian empire.

I just found writing about the life of a grunt in service of the evil empire was really tough, and what seemed to be an interesting angle just wasn't working.

This is the last bit of writing I did about her; looking back it feels very rough.


If all else fails, a drawing of a sad blue skinned space elf Watamote girl would be lovely

This is exactly the place. Gimme a bit to read through everything you posted.

Let me tell you first off, I've only read the first two paragraphs of your pastebin and I'm in love with the way you've set the scene.

My bad, using deadtime in work to do stuff is not always recommended.

Right now, her name is something I haven't decided yet on if I'm going to be honest, but the idea I have so far is Ilya. She is still a character in very much WIP as the rest of the campaign.

As she's a NPC, her story in a way has already gun before the PCs. The story of my campaign is this: Imagine a unrealistic huge fantasy metropolis on it's own island, this extremely large metropolis' and it's island went through an extreme cataclysmic event. Where all the city-sized districts has become new very different things.

The living district became a undead haven, where tons and tons of unintelligent undead just walk around trying to eat/kill whatever still living thing they come across, but it also has things like vampire enclaves who "shelter" mortals for the payment of their blood and servitude.

Then we have the magical district which has literally become huge fucking terrifying mess. Imagine a place filled with abstract glass structures that fuse into flesh walls, that then later mold into dark cold stone that nobody has seen before. See it as a city-sized district gone The Zone from stalker mixed with "From The Beyond"/Lovecraftian themes.

We also got the agriculture district, which is now a huge destroyed battlefield between all kinds of elementals that are fighting their opposites.

The temple district is also now a battlefield, but this time it's devils and demons of various lesser forms that try to fight eachother to dominate the foothold. Stronger devils and demons aren't that interested because there is no mortals that they can exploit in it.

The port and warehouse district, is now a huge slum for the thousands of people that suddenly been affected by lycanthropy.

Lastly we have the noble district, or the "Safehaven" which is the only place where someone can be safe in this disaster. This is where the character Ilya comes in. tbc

This is weird.
It's like you're trying to build a seperate nook on this board, and a personal setting around these characters that are basically "a drawfag filled out the request I was begging for."

It's weird. Especially this "established character" business. It's kind of set up like a Ponzi scheme, with people who have art of their "waifus" trying to attract more people to bump this, all just so they themselves can get more art and to try and engrain their characters as virtual celebrities.

It's weird.

Continuing. ¨

Ilya, she's a guard commander. She's not the highest of them, but she holds a place of authority and respect. She is unhappy with that the nobles are refusing to help people who can't afford to pay the extremely overpriced property tax that they have raised in this crisis. The players will come to her, and get to know her pretty well as she asks them to do things "for the good of the people" without disrupting any order, or hopefully. It's a mix of things but mostly keeping the outer walls of the noble district safe so the homeless or poor people who live there don't die to whatever happens to wander there. Depending on what the players want as the campaign goes on, there might be some political intrigue and "fight the power" etc, but that's only if they want to go down that route. I hope that I've filled you out some more, but a lot of the stuff isn't final yet so that's why it was kinda of an empty post.

That's really well done, I enjoyed reading it. I was reminded heavily of Anthem by Ayn Rand, what with the job placement setup and everything.

What do you need help with?

Maybe, but at least we're having fun for now.

Really taking it into the meat of the story; I have tried two or three times to describe shipboard life but I'm no Patrick O'Brian or Matsumoto Leiji and so all my attempts feel distinctly second-rate, a kind of Randian Master and Commander with a veneer of the Gamilas from Yamato/Zentradi from Macross. The whole corporate/work culture aspect never came through adequately.

As a result I lost the impetus to work on it. I think I may just edit it into a piece of short fiction if it stands alone OK as world building.

Stalin also had a lot of fun. I'm wary when people might be hoping to mask something sinister by just saying "we're having fun."

If you need help getting the "lifestyle" of a low level military dreg, I was an E4 in the military for a few years. No ship duty though, I was security forces.

Granted some of the posters last thread are obviously just wanting more art for their characters and some faux "e-celeb" status, but some of us really enjoyed the stories and character building aspect of it, that's what was fun.

So we'll have to deal with the occasional poster trying to get everyone to circlejerk their waifu, but whatever, posts like make it worth it, to me anyway.

So I don't get it. Is this the place to request a pic of a PC, or what? There seems to have been some sort of internal shitstorm I wasn't a party to.

No, if you just want art for your character, go to the drawthread.

If you want to tell stories about your character and others, or develop new PCs and flesh them out, this is the place. If someone happens to show up taking requests, then hey that's cool.

We should change that in the OP then. Change it to where this isn't a thread to request character art unless an artist shows up feeling generous.

Turn the thread into more of a focused writing effort and comfy storytelling hub.

Thanks for the offer, it's much appreciated.

I think for the moment my priority will be tidying that piece up, adding a bit more planetside stuff then turning it into a decent short story.

Really I had looked at the piece and tried to continue it unsuccessfully so much I was wondering if it was even something worth attempting, so knowing someone liked it as an idea is a good kick to try again.

Sometimes that's all you need.

How is this?

Welcome to the Veeky Forums OC thread.
Previous Thread:

In order to lessen the strain on the drawthreads from anons wanting to talk more in-depth about some of the characters that show up in them, here's the place to do just that.



Give us a little blurb or something about your character, this is a brag thread after all. Some basic questions to get you started:
• Character's name:
• Role in their party:
• Goals:
• Qualities:
• Flaws:
• Who are some of the established characters that your character would get along with?
• Which ones would they be wary of? Why?

Write and share stories about each others' characters (use a pastebin for works that would take up multiple posts).

Draw and share pictures of each others' characters (please link offsite in the event of NSFW work). Don't post requests for character art, but if a drawfriend shows up asking for requests, then go nuts.

Ask questions about other anons characters and get to know their stories, and tell us all about your own. Whatever you do, do not just post a request for character art if that's all you want, go to the regular drawthread for that.

Need help developing a new character concept? Ask away!

This thread is intended to be all in good spirit, so please remember to be excellent to each other, and try to contribute in some way. If you can't draw, write something for someone and vice/versa.

Provide one (or more) of the following:
1. A new short story that you have written about them (campaign stories are acceptable)
2. A new drawing that you made of them
3. Answer the story prompt below with detail

Goes here

Always try to use a pic of a posted OC as the OP image when possible.

So... not even going to pretend this isn't the next Smut thread iteration?

Just here to call out fuck face for being a greedy little fuck face asking for images of his character bathing in a waterfall, after having gotten this amazing delivery by msaxon.

That's not the intention at all, and I hope it doesn't devolve into that. I want fun stories about adventurers that we've contributed to and helped turn into actual characters instead of dicks and tits on a page.

Somebody suggested last thread that I write up a short story about Frankie (the monster cookbook author) teaching Valla how to cook something, with varying degrees of success in her efforts. Where should I start? I think maybe it should be a "I teach you this you teach me that" story, where Frankie wants to learn to shoot a bow and hunt.

Suggestions or tips?

Perhaps an unlucky situation for Valla? Maybe she has to learn to cook as part of some plot? I don't know much about Valla so I can't really help too much on that one.

Maybe a few months of sneaking into galas and such have come back to haunt her, as now Valla has to host one, food and all?

That or she needs to get into one and the only way is to pose as a cook?

Nah that's too easy to fake. Wear the uniform, sneak in, and then faff about and do whatever, no cooking involved.

That's good.

not gunna lie, i totally forgot about the person who did this for me. it wasn't in my regular folder and it totally went over my head.

thanks to the guy who drew this for me! sorry i lost it an totally forgot about you.

thank you very much for this delivery! its better than i ever could have hoped! you are amazing, thank you again!!

At least you know how to admit when you're a fuck face, fuck face.

While I despise the reasoning for this threads creation I gotta say this is turning into a pretty cool idea. I might post an OC at some point but for now I'm lurkin'. Looking into my OC's I had to laugh, I have more art of my player's characters than any I've played. The life of a DM I guess.

Looks good.

>cool idea
I know right? It kind of started as an obviously selfish endeavor, but after reading I feel like this is actually about the characters now and not lewds and art deliveries. Keep it up anons.

They're in the middle of a cooking lesson when *bam* elf cunts from the ball are outside with a "torches and pitchforks" mob to run the orcess out of town.

i may be a fuck face, but im not a big enough fuck face to cold heatedly ask for art after i already got some. so just wanted to apologize to the guy who took the time to draw that for me and also say sorry to the other 2 people who draw my character despite me already having art of her.

>but im not a big enough fuck face to cold heatedly ask for art after i already got some

You did exactly that though.

unknowingly, my point was i didnt do it on purpose.

I refuse to believe that you "forgot" about a super cool delivery from a day or two ago.

hello, i have a draw request for one of my characters if anyone would be so kind as to fulfill it. i would like a picture of her washing blood off her body in a big wooden bath house like thing with her weapon propped up next to her (outside the water of course)

basically she is a girl from the wild outside the main city, she came from a tribe of hunter gatherers who would roam around the continent. but one day her tribe was attacked by a dragon, so she from the tribe to a nearby village. from that day forward she vowed never to run again and protect the people she cared about. she only has a few friends in her new village but she protects them with her life...partially because she feels guilty for not being able to protect her tribe when they needed her most.

the scene i want draw takes place after a large skirmish in the forest when a group of bandits tried to rob the trade cart she was guarding for her friend on their way to the next city. after making quick work of the bandits is now trying to clean up at her friends house.

believe what you will, regardless i still wanted to apologize to the kind artists involved.

Sorry, see We storytime now.

oops, my bad.
• Character's name: Mitsu-Na
• Role in their party: she acts as a guard for her friends.
• Goals: she wants to be a well respected fighter
• Qualities: she will absolutely die for a friend, her tribe had was all about honor and family.
• Flaws: her resilience and desire to protect her friends gets her in trouble...alot...
• Who are some of the established characters that your character would get along with?
she gets along with her 3 friends, Kayla the merchant, anthony a swordsman in training and Veca, a young theif girl who ran away from home.
• Which ones would they be wary of? Why? she would be wary of just about anyone who she mind think could hurt her friends in any way.

The last two questions are in regards to other anons' OCs but I like what you posted. Why doesn't she wear armor though?

oh, my bad again. im not good at this...

she usually does wear a small amount of armor, the referance pic i used she just so happens to have the piece that would normally cover her torso down revealing her chest...i tried to find alternate art of her from the original artist but it seems this was the only one. though i guess its good because normally you wouldn't be able to see her tribes tattoo on her shoulder or her necklaces.

Don't apologize, we're all figuring this out, this is all new. My wife has actually played a barbarian before using that artwork, she really enjoyed the character.

What's a noteworthy event from your game sessions?


this is fucking dumb...you do understand this thread was made as a branch of the draw thread specifically for waifu requests...

If anyone is up for reading a semi-long backstory, I would like some feedback/criticism/praise on what I've written here. I felt at first that I went a bit overboard with rewriting the canon, but the DM said that he will work with whatever changes I make since he's homebrewing most of the world setting anyway.

pastebin here: pastebin.com/c2AsCw48

Nah son this is a creative content thread now.

none, yet i am Gm for my group of players and this is an NPC of mine. they havent met her yet but she is a main character for the next arc my players will be doing, so i wanted some nice art of her to show my players.
(the goal is they find her washing the blood off in the bath house)

How does the "weapons stored in gems on the arm" work?

are fucking retarded? the point of this thread was to get the waifu requester out of the regular draw thread and now you are just doing the exact same thing as them...

Oh well. You gonna hang out?

im just saying, that saying "NO WAIFU REQUESTS" is creating the exact same problem from the other thread. dont get rid of the main reason the thread was even created for, thats just dense.

So, yes then? Tell us about your OC.

That would be silly, the drawfags would have to check two threads. Better have all the requests gathered in one place.

It's this dumb 3am idea I had that I asked the GM about, and he greenlit it.

Basically, I can spend a long rest "attuning" weapons I have, which causes them to disappear, storing them in the gems. I can summon/swap weapons out of the gems with the same action it takes to do normally. If the weapon leaves my square, it fades. And the gems weigh the total amount of the weapons stored in them, as a means to keep me from getting any mechanical advantage, since it's just a flavor thing.

they dont want us there...

I love damaged characters that open up to those they are close to.

Weigh your arm down so heavy that it becomes a wrecking ball arm.

Some vocals anons doesn't want requests they don't like here. That's not the same, and it overall doesn't matter as the drawfags will draw what they want.

random shitposters that don't draw art don't matter, user

Just post there and laugh at the complainers- not like they actually matter since they don't contribute themselves

That rule is a bit odd...
While it is true we allow everything here it is a little silly of a rule to be honest.

It will help long term survival of the threads, I'm positive.

More character development, less
>24 hour bump
>draw this for me

Be honest, the only reason to think it's a silly rule is if you're disappointed that it means you can't get more art than you already have. If an artist shows up asking for requests, then give them requests. If no artists are here (which'll be like 70% of the time) why clutter the thread with stuff that could go in the drawthread?

Ah fug it. Decided to just post. Figure I'll start with my first D&D character. I made him when I was in middle school so please excuse any stupidness.

>Character's name
>Role in their party
Tank/Beatstick. Thug is good at hitting things hard. He carries two hammers and likes to apply them to metalwork or monsters as the situation requires.
Travel, Fight, Adventure, Live. Thug is simple and simple things please him. The pursuit of jerkey, his favorite food.
Exceptionally tough. Thug spent years fighting in the Pits so he's got scars everwhere. This also makes him rather intimidating as he is not only scarred but very large even among other Orcs. Years of fighting and smithery have built his musculature. Which brings up his primary non-combat skill, he is a self-trained blacksmith. Specializing in weaponsmithing.
About as smart as a box of rocks. Thug is dumb, he knows he is. He doesn't care as long as he gets by. There are smarties to do the brain stuff, meanwhile if somethin' needs a good mashin' Thug will be there to help the poor brainy with it. He's also a bit short for an Orc. Another big flaw is he utter lack of stealth.
>Who are some of the established characters that your character would get along with?
Anyone who likes to fight or eat. He especially gets a long well with equally unintelligent characters.
>Which ones would they be wary of? Why?
Intelligent people make him wary. SO any mages, scholars, scribes, or other learned individuals. He also dislikes religious zealots as he's had bad dealings with them in the past.

I agree, let's make the threads be about making the characters more realized and developed.

Have you met Valla? I really like characters like Thug, they remind me of a simpler time in tabletop. What's his crowning achievement?

>the only reason to think it's a silly rule is if you're disappointed that it means you can't get more art than you already have

Well that is kinda close I suppose. Honestly if I wish to make a request for a character then it will be easier for me to just post the request early and come back after work to see if anyone had done it. I guess my issue is I often am not available to lurk for an artist to show up, so my issue is not being able to be here when they ask

Also because my half awake mind read it as "they have to ask specifically to draw your character" which seemed silly to me

Yeah nah if they show up asking for requests then go ham. You might be surprised too, an artist may be lurking and take an interest in your character. Remember when goblin vomit fell for Charlotte?

• Character's name: Reyn Blackwood
• Role in their party: DPS, Tank, Stealth, Jokester alongside another skeleton
• Goals: Beat the crap out of two cosmically powerful assholes
• Qualities: Relaxed, well-humored, easily bored by nerd things, protective, sometimes a 10 foot tall conglomerate of bone mass
• Flaws: Doesn't really think of consequences unless in a dire circumstance, as a result he's scared many citizens (unintentionally) and starting a few urban legends, not intelligent in any particular field other than how to fight and philosophy
• Who are some of the established characters that your character would get along with? Honestly, Reyn Gets along with near anyone he meets due to his relaxed and jokey nature. From Death (or Dirtnap, as he likes to call him), to Liches predating history, to kings, to travelling merchants, he regards all with a friendly smile and wave. Although, this sometimes looks more menacing if he's a slightly more shapely Gravelord Nito.
• Which ones would they be wary of? Why? Reyn wouldn't really worry about anyone unless they do some mad hype shit. He's very conceited about his ability in combat, which is the only threat he really thinks about. He's only received a challenge from ancient colossus' (Colossi?) and what are essentially gods of war when it comes from fighting ability. He's taken up dancing in combat to spice things up, and he gonna start learning how to use oversized weapons because "Why not? I'm bored enough and I've got the mad gainz to do it."

I use quite a few different pictures for him considering he can change his look at the drop of a hat with different bones and the ability to conjure any clothing over his skeletal form. Hell, he can give himself fake skin to look human if wants to.

True, and you never know with the artists here. Mimic and Salt often times hide away in their cave playing scrabble until they come out for the occasional art spree. While gerard shows up every blue moon like some spirit of amazing art. It is all in the timing I guess


So for now, let's let each other talk about iur characters, and if someone wants to try and draw something, let them have at it. I might pick up a pencil tonight, myself.

It's strange enough that an OC general would be needed in the first place since that's about half of what was requested in the draw threads.
However, I understand why one may want to avoid permitting or encouraging spamming request. There should just be bylaws about how to request OC, and/or limits on how frequently you can request the same character/image.

How about:

With the following additions:

Provide one (or more) of the following:
1. A new short story that you have written about them (campaign stories are acceptable)
2. A new drawing that you made of them
3. Answer the story prompt below with detail

Post a little blurb or something about your character, this is a brag thread after all. Some basic questions to get you started:
• Name:
• Role(s):
• Goals:
• Traits:
• Flaws:
• Allies:
• Enemies:
• Other Relations:

> Write, request, and share stories about each others' characters (use a pastebin for works that would take up multiple posts; don't hijack characters without permission).
> Draw, request, and share pictures of each others' characters (please link offsite in the event of NSFW work).
> Ask questions about other anons characters and get to know their stories, and tell us all about your own. Whatever you do, do not just post a request for character art if that's all you want, go to the regular drawthread for that.

This thread is intended to be all in good spirit, so please remember to be excellent to each other, and try to contribute in some way. If you can't draw, write something for someone and vice/versa. If you feel like someone is shitposting, just ignore them; they'll go away in time. Responding only fans the flames.


(With all the other stuff from that previous revision before and after)

>Have you met Valla?
Who dat? I've probably seen/read something and just blanked on the name.

>they remind me of a simpler time in tabletop.
As it should to clarify me making him in middle school = 14ish years ago.

>What's his crowning achievement?
Hrm, that's a toughie. He was a frequently used character for me all throughout 2nd Edition AD&D. I do remember a good story for him though. Gunna greentext it.
>Finally enter a small village after weeks of travel. Supplies are really low.
>Thug bursts into the tavern, taking up the entire doorway with his imposing wall of muscle.
>"Me want Jerky!" He shouts to the collection of peasants after the room goes silent.
>Slowly one of the larger peasants slowly rises to his feet, a look of determination settling on his features after several moments of contemplation. He looks ready to fight. "I'm Jerkey, what do you want?" The man replies.
>Thug stares at the man for what seems like an eternity, his brain working this revelation over. "Whut?" He finally mutters, "You am no Jerky, me no eat you human person man. Not fit in Thug mouth."
>The whole bar bursts into laughter as they suddenly realize the mix-up. There is much drinking, merriment, and jerky for all!

>There should just be bylaws about how to request OC, and/or limits on how frequently you can request the same character/image.

The problem is that's exactly what the drawthread tries to do, and fails. If we instead encourage requesters to become contributors, we better all of us in the process.

Seems fair my friend.

Again I just was thrown off as I just woke up not long ago. I have enough characters and enough stories of them to partake in the thread, I will wait till I fully wake up though before I start posting or anything along those lines

I'd flip the last two and put DO NOT in black text over the repost rules

Can you post it how you mean? I can't quite figure out what you're flipping. Type it up and let us see it.

I think he means the box of greentext should go under the "DO NO REPOST" part...

I see, yeah that makes sense. I won't make it such a wall of greentext preceeding it though, so it'll be easier to read.

Nice alright


This thread is intended to be all in good spirit, so please remember to be excellent to each other, and try to contribute in some way. If you can't draw, write something for someone and vice/versa. If you feel like someone is shitposting, just ignore them; they'll go away in time. Responding only fans the flames.

^Like that

How's this?

Welcome to the Veeky Forums OC thread.
Previous Thread: #####

Tell us about your original characters, new and old. Let's hear some stories of valor and glory and see some artwork befitting such heroes!

Give us a little blurb or something about your character, this is a brag thread after all. Some basic questions to get you started:
• Character's name:
• Role in their party:
• Goals:
• Qualities:
• Flaws:
• Who are some of the OCs that your character would get along with?
• Which OCs would they be wary of? Why?

Write and share stories about each others' characters (use a pastebin for works that would take up multiple posts).

Draw, request, and share pictures of each others' characters (please link offsite in the event of NSFW work).

Ask questions about other anons characters and get to know their stories, and tell us all about your own. Whatever you do, do not just post a request for character art if that's all you want, go to the regular drawthread for that.

Need help developing a new character concept? Ask away!


This thread is intended to be all in good spirit, so please remember to be excellent to each other, and try to contribute in some way. If you can't draw, write something for someone and vice/versa.

Provide one (or more) of the following:
1. A new short story that you have written about them (campaign stories are acceptable)
2. A new drawing that you made of them
3. Answer the story prompt below with detail

Goes here

Always try to use a pic of a posted OC as the OP image when possible.

Also good for fuck face, he has gotten more art then any regular poster here.



Not counting Charlotte or Naeva.

Works for me

I'd use the story prompts from as they're more open to interpretation, but that's whatever.

That's like comparing a girl who is a star in a high school play to the Marilyn Monroe of this thread.
No body is going to be able to compare to them

For now

Got it, yeah I meant to change those.

Alright, bored so I'll post an old character.

Kletus Leland Kasoper

Raised in a wildly inbred clan of rednecks, Kletus didn't do much with his early life except shovel shit. He saved enough coin to buy a spellbook off a traveling merchant, and taught himself magic. It was quickly revealed that Kletus was naturally gifted with evocation, and he left the clan to seek his fortune at a young age.

He met a Fetchling named Mathias and a Drow named Vexidyr, and together they banished a god and stole his portfolio. It was a veeeeery long road.

He married the Drow, and has two half-elf babies.

>lots and lots of loaded unsupervised guns

Sounds like the armory in the SecForce building I was stationed at.

I feel like the last two points • Who are some of the OCs that your character would get along with?
• Which OCs would they be wary of? Why?

-are sort of inviting people to cram their uninvited OCs into standing story-lines as phrased; full deviantart. Maybe just go with an Enemies, and an Allies bullet.

Yeah, I'll take those out and add the newer bullet points here

There is nothing I don't like about this.

What is family life with the drow like?

I dig it

thank you! All three of these characters appear in our current campaign, as two players are playing the Fetchlings children.

The married couple lives a sedentary life of luxury, having estates in drowland, shadowland, and redneckland. Unfortunately, they both have trouble sitting still, and enjoy aggravating thier adventuring children at any chance they get, even going so far as swindling them out of deals to teach "Life lessons".

Well, this seems entirely pointless and an even larger departure from Veeky Forums thread format than usual.

>what is relativity
sorry chief, but if all these people are finding a point to it, then it's not pointless. If you think it is, why are you even posting here?

Just ignore him.


Amature drawfriend here,
I will now be taking doodle requests; generally first come first serve, but if I think something's objectively beyond my ability I will skip over it for the time being.