Do you?

Do you?

Sure why not.

How charming is this hut?

i mean, what's of value in the hut worth plundering and why do i need to burn it afterward

Does it have anything I'd really want?

DO I!?

How sexy is the hut?

Not in general. Maybe if it were the home of an evil witch or something.

You can totally want to burn the hut without actually doing it, that message is completely ambiguous.

I take the hut with me. That way I can burn it down whenever I choose, should the need arise. I shall keep it in my bag of holding, since it is both charming and little.

It can have both food and women.
You'd better burn it, or at least kill everyone in it to avoid vengeance of the hut dwellers.

Seems like a trick but...


I sheathe my sword and draw my bow and arrows. Does it respond in any way?


how do you do that? Do you like take a sword in one hand and then put the bow and arrows in another? are you fucking duke nukem?

"sheathe" means put away you pillock

putting it in a sheath

you know

yeah you do

>Charming little hut

Can't I just move into The charming little hut, I mean I am an adventurer, how horrible a roommate can I be?

Rent's 800 gold a month + utilities. Only one bathroom.

Do I have to pay extra for my familiar?

Dang it, now I have to adventure twice as much.

No. I divide it to my people and gain experience from it.

No pets. No smoking.

Nigga, what? I can't enjoy my evening pipe or keep my dog? This isn't a charming hut at all!

You want to move into gentrified countryside, you pay price. I hear subsidized housing more popular for shifty layabouts who smoke the weeds and own dirty animal.

22 monster(s) wish to join your cause.

Nah, I'll just plunder it. There's no sense in robbing someone and then making him homeless.

I like big hutts and I cannot lie.

You do share your room with the family pig, though.