Veeky Forums, I need maps. Lots of maps. Any kinda maps you got, fantasy maps, star maps, franchise maps, alternate history maps, weird statistics maps, gimme gimme gimme
Map Thread
Posting to gain momentum
Throg's neck sounds like an orc stronghold.
>Peoples' Republic of California
I made myself sad knowing that's the way it is without the fictionalization.
>finns and estonians
I think the actual title is hypothetical nordic union
It's a fairly large piece of land ruled by a man calling himself an Emperor.
>Confederate States of America and Black Republic of New Afrika are allies
Apparently black supremacists and white supremacists get on surprisingly well in real life, so who knows?
I've seen this image hundreds of times and it still puts a smile on my face
Some of the flags I only figured out through process of elimination because most of the countries aren't labeled, so I made this little edit.
I love everything Fallout but it still bugs the shit out of me that they put Arkansas in with Texas even though they barely share a border. Couldn't they have put Oklahoma in with Texas instead?
>India and Pakistan in one political entity
To be honest, it probably got invaded by the GLA and then India.
I still want to play in a C&C based tabletop. Maybe one day.
This is the last I have without delving into the scrappily put-together ones.
Could you twist Only War into it?
It'd probably work well for 3's setting or later. Earlier ones might need heavy modifications.
>Could you twist Only War into it?
Oh shit, this idea makes my peepee tingle.
Only War but playing as some Nod militiamen or GDI grunts.
You mean how they have been for most of human history prior to 1947?
I made this ages ago for no reason. I never made a map before, could be garbage, anyone who wants it can use it.
Odd question, can anyone identify the font I used on this?
What even is this place.
The Indian subcontinent has had it's empires, but I'm not sure if it's enough to say most of history.
while i do say impractical, i do love me some of them islands that form a circle over on the right. really cool
>Onion Empire
Hey man, onions are an extremely versatile vegetable. The Empire grows and cultivates 'em for all sorts of things, up to and including quasi-tear gas.
Written in Slav. actually looking for 1 or two more players interested.
Working on a translation
What the hell is that Moloch?
>So, Antillia is a phantom island – an island that doesn't exist and never has, but still was sighted by sailors and included on maps for a long time, in this case a couple of hundred years. This map is alternate history thingy, where Antillia was real. I found a section of the Atlantic ridge that looked a little like the descriptions of Antillia, and used that for the shape.
Can any share a Greater Los Angeles Map that color codded by cities?
A rough estimate of teritories taken by a clusterfuck of a main AI that hates humans and wants to destroy them, but is set back by other AI's with different purposes, makes mechs, toxins, cyborgs and mutants with varying degrees of success.
For example it can make a huge robot that instead of shooting rockets just dispenses shit from vending machines.
The neanderthal nignog is over canada for a reason, after the the Moloch started war in 2020 by 2050-s not a single sentient human was left there.
Yeah, about that...
not the answer you were looking for, but
I'd love to see someone gerrymander the shit out of this map.
what is that?
Map of Hell, according to the page
The thing I dislike about maps like this is that the people who make them tend to group together countries that they really shouldn't. If anything the majority of these countries should have Balkanised, like Spain and Britain. Nations without a secure national identity should be more likely to separate into culturally/ethnically distinct territories.
>England still existing
It's 2016! Clearly Britain would be stripped of it's white privileged Identity and renamed New Pakistan.
The credentials you need for naming yourself Emperor are not great, unless you count needing balls made of brass to try it.
I still don't get why they had to scrunch the Iberian Peninsula into France.
Dear God man, what's wrong with these map makers? Even at the height of the Cold War, when both the US and Soviets were clamouring for allies, only a small proportion of nations actually sided with one or the other. The vast majority are more likely to side with themselves than anyone else.
You're not American, I take it?
Wait, I just realized Iceland got moved right off the coast of Norway. How the fuck did I not notice that before?
Looks like an impact crater. I must admit I have a soft spot for them and include one in every map I make.
Most of Africa was conquered either militarily or economically by everyone else. The Middle Eastern Council was formed after the GLA sent the whole region into a horrific downwards spiral. I think the South American Pact was formed as a counter to the North American Union
>doesn't include the cascades
>Central California
>Northern California
Is this any better for the other parts of the US than the West? Because if not, it's shit all around.
I believe they had to make room for Oregon, Columbia and Jefferson as separate states
>not a single sentient human was left there.
So, no change?
Mate, there are so many things wrong with that sentence that I can't even begin to explain them. Suffice it to say that that map takes absolutely none of history, from ancient through to recent, into account. I mean really? A united Middle East? That hasn't been likely since the Sunni/Shia schism a millennium and a bit back.
If you name yourself emperor, it doesn't count. You need to be named Emperor by the Pope, or (if we're being all tolerant) the head of another religion.
I am American, but Aztlan confused me because that's a name from Aztec mythology, and the Aztec empire most definitely did not extend into what is now the US. Also the "Megacorporate Enclave of New Amsterdam" is still labeled "New York" on the map, and since everything else has a new name, I only really figured out which one was still called the US by process of elimination.
Also I figured it would be helpful for non-Americans.
I can see one forming in Europe as the Moslems enact the Final Jihad on white people, uniting the Shia and Sunnis in their hatred for their betters.
Napoleon kind of shot that idea in the head user.
In-story it's after a war that lasted twenty years, killed 40 million, involved plentiful nuclear and chemical attacks, and practically destroyed the region
Yeah. Except everything is buried in snow, and the locals are cannibals who can only beat each other with clubs.
Fun fact, the lore states it's canon that EVERYTHING happening IRL is the exact same as in game up until 2020 when there's a full ABC strike on the USA
Mexico doesn't exist, there's a Neojungle in its place, a vicious ecosystem that spreads very aggressively up north.
Didn't some of the initial Tiberium Sun missions take place in northern Egypt? The ones where you are killing Hassan.
Napoleon was never truly an emperor.
It's a name used by some dumb Mexicans who want to secede from the US and make their own country out off the territories that were taken in the Mexican-American war. They suppose that Aztlan itself (which wasn't part of the Aztec empire, it was where the Mexica migrated from before starting the empire) is in the US.
New Amsterdam and New York have always been the same place.
US I guess takes process of elimination but it's big and blue and holds the middle america heartland areas.
What is this for/from? It looks interesting.
And I'm sure the Roman's weren't either before they became Christian?
Rome was never a legitimate empire, it was a republic with an emergency leader who never left.
The map's set at the beginning of the Third Tiberium War.
>Niggers making a stable state
>Lakota being at all part of the White Man's bloc
>Pacific liberals somehow controlling the ultra-redneck interior
Those goalposts are getting further and further away, I see.
>Rome was never a legitimate empire.
Are you stupid?
And the Pope crowning emperors was to give more power to the church and perpetuate the view of Divine Right as part of rulership.
I cannot see that name anymore without chuckling. Fucking memes.
Holy shit, you aren't kidding. They don't even give the niggers Atlanta, either. What is this nonsense.
If a dictator takes over a democratic nation, ensures that his chosen successor is the one to become dictator after his death, consolidates power into his hands and uses the threat of the military to keep everyone in line, is that still a democratic nation?
I think you're being a mite over-generous in describing Rome as a Republic, pal.
What about the emperor of China? Or the Japanese emperor? Or the Roman's who like it or not, were definitely an empire (arguably even during the republic, depending on exact definitions), and had an emperor after Augustsus; considering they kinda gave us the word by using imperator in a similar way.
>literally shoved ulthuan into the map
Why do I have a feeling there is more bits of maps other than this?
Why is Russia part of hell?
Because Satan put in Putin.
It's not part of Hell, it colonised Hell. Read the blurb in the lower left.
One could crack a joke about Russia being hell I guess, but didn't you read the map caption? Those are colonies. Better question is why nations that hardly could be called colonial powers have territories there. Especially if there is only one entrance, in Russia.
Well they are orthodox heretics, the lot of them. Hell is where they'll end up.
>Orthodox are the Heretics