Dungeons & Diversity

Does somebody have a copy of this? I don't want to make an account just to read it.

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Please tell me this isn't actually a thing. Good god, I'm a lefty liberal faggot and I think that looks cringe as fuck.

wtf even is this shit
I can't believe that's real


weak bait

Beware, young apprentice! For it is forbidden knowledge you pursue. This is a truly dark and terrible tome, the ravings within enough to drive even the wisest sages and mightiest wizards mad! Tread carefully, lest you succumb to such great and horrible evil yourself!

The Inquisition can't come soon enough

>dungeoneering and adventuring
>safe spaces
Thank goodness I don't have to deal with people like that.

The book is critical, James Desborough is pretty much blacklisted by most modern hipster game devs for making a card game about tentacles and anime school girls as well as other games with erotic themes.

Jina Bandia means "Fake name" in swahili.
The author says they're pseudonyms, but realistically it's probably either poe's law or /pol/ false flagging *tips tinfoil hat*

That doesn't make it not cringy as fuck.


>It reads more like a guidebook for racists and sexists on how to deal with uppity liberals in their gaming group.
Well I guess that makes sense. I don't really mind it then so much as I'm just glad I don't need it

Here you are guys

From a cursory read it doesn't seem too bad desu familia

Lord help me, I'm going in.

Thank you, whoever you are. This is wonderful.

Never have a I read so many words and had them say stuff that's either common sense or basically nothing at all.

>females should roll 2d6 for Strength, but get +1 Wisdom
>men tend to concentrate at the ends (low and high). Roll male intelligence on 1d10+1d8 (minimum 3) and for women 3d6 as normal

Nothing I love more than exacting gender-based realism in my knights and wizards games.

The game states that the only winning move is not to play.

>females get +1 wisdom

Ok, so I only scimmed a few pages, but i get the feeling like this guy if giving answers to imaginary problems.

but why, tho

God. I finished the whole thing... I feel so empty

The guy basically admits diversity ploys are unwinnable and compares them to the Kobayashi Maru test.

The only thing I don't really like is he thinks you should actually use different methods for abstracting stats based on gender. Seems totally pointless.

Overall it's refreshing to see someone basically say "yeah no matter what you do people will get buttmad" but he really didn't need so many words to say it.

Alright, finished reading it.
Funny how someone promoting diversity apparently doesn't consider race to be an arbirary construct.

>The English and the French may have a strong historical antipathy for each other but they look the same and culturally have much they can point to in common.
I hate you. I hate you with all my guts.

Kudos to him for recognizing legitimate racism due to objective morality system in D&D. That said...
>coming from a different country gives the same penalty as evil Alignment or racial hatred.
That's some late 19th century nationalistic bullshit, unless we're playing in not!Balkans.
The sci-fi ones are great, though.

>gender differences
Meh, I've seen worse. He seems to have put some thought on the balance, I'll give him that.
Still, it's funny for him to give us those tables and yet ask not to use them (which I agree with, since PCs shouldn't be slowed down by statistics imo)

The parts on sexuality, infirmity and diversity were quite good.
Overall, a nice read. It gives some decent pointers for portraying fantasy or sci-fi societies.

Thanks for sharing, user.

That about sums up the modern left

>racists and sexists
>uppity liberals
there's a difference?

I'd bet good money the author is /pol/ with his own set of imaginary problems.

>Ignore them

3 pages in and the author is already ass hurt over politics outside of tabletop gaming.

Oh yes, I am wise
But it's wisdom born of pain
Yes, I've paid the price
But look how much I gained

Varg made an RPG though.

I'll take your money in that wager. He's a self-described left-anarchist/socialist.

Nice to see all the SJWs getting buttmad already.

>& socialist
Troll, now one is this retarded.

I chose to view this book as satire.

Anarcho-communism and anarcho-syndicalism are in fact political movements. Very fringe, but they exist.

But that seems like such an oxymoron. You want to destroy the government and then allow it to control major industries?

I'm almost sure most of the times anarchists also want to destroy major industries.
Anarcho-socialism and its brothers want local governements with direct democracy, a bit like soviets in the early years of the USSR.

I believe the anarcho-socialist goal is for major industries to be owned and controlled by the workers directly, through consensus and direct democracy.

Marxism and anarchism emerged roughly the same time. Marxism asserted that the government needed to take control of all business, then make everyone equal and then eliminate the state, so that people could work together to do everything.

Anarchism, by contrast, thought people could handle shit cooperatively without the state.

"Socialism" used here just means that the people who work land also own that land, and that the community owns factories and so on together.

That anarchism actually predates so-called "anarcho-capitalism" by quite a while.
They're much bigger than "anarcho-capitalism" everywhere but the US, and arguably here too.

Well, ideally, men should get a bonus to Strength and women should get a bonus to Charisma.

But men are only stronger relative to women and women only seem more charismatic to men who want to fuck them.

Why is that ideal? I'd say ideally people just put their stats in places that make sense for what their character is and if they're non-human they get a bonus or penalty somewhere


>19th century nationalistic bullshit
>how dare characters in a fantasy setting not have the nuanced views of nationhood that are currently widely accepted in the 21st century
>how dare cultural friction be implied to exhist


-4 str (actually, 1d8+1d6 str) made sense in its original context, back in OD&D where str penalties and bonuses don't actually affect to-hit chances or damage chances.

INSTEAD, it affected what weapons you could use, and weapons accounted for the majority of your combat chances. Women could use daggers better than men (+1 to hit on a 2d6 scale not bad, like the equivalent of +2 to +3) and could use swords, maces, and lances just fine, they had trouble with the big heavy duty weapons unless they were unusually strong.

20 bux says James Desborough and friends are false-flagging conservatives or libertarians or whatever shit dumb fuck 20-somethings like these days.

True, but speaking "relatively," humans are what everything in the books are judged by.

I was saying "ideally" in terms of people who use gender-based stats. Men factually feel emotions to a higher degree but are less expressive than women. It's why you always see women being the ones who work at check-out lines, or as greeters, or any job where the position entails greeting and talking with customers/people on a daily basis.

The Tentacle Bento minis are actually pretty nice though as far as pseudo anime stuff goes.

Nah, that's the wrong way to go about it. Just have the physical representation of the character, as suggested by the stats, be different based on understanding of the differences between the sexes. IE, a man with 13 strength would appear moderately fit, a woman with 13 strength would be ripped.

And as far as charisma goes, it would probably be more appropriate to give a bonus to charisma rolls for women when dealing with reproductive age men, and only then to women who are explicitly attractive. Maybe as a feat?

The problem isn't that one nation views the members of another as shit heels, the problem is that there is one nation that is literally evil no matter what

Race isn't an arbitrary construct though. It's extremely relevant to multiple fields, most importantly (even, especially on the individual level) medicine. That's not to say that laws or institutions should take race into account (they should not), but race is absolutely a real thing, and denying it hurts the quality of life for everyone.

What part of " it’s not suggested that you actually use the following statistics." did you dopes not understand?


>Desborough has been quoted or used as a pundit on men's issues in various places, including The Stream on Al Jazeera.[7] Some of Desborough's work has been criticised for being "hateful, violent and misogynistic", leading critics to petition game companies to drop his work.[8][9]

I think it's telling that like 50% of so-called SJW content is actually made by butthurt MRAs and alt-right fags pretending to be SJWs.

Also lmao at pic related

But he's an egalitarian socialist. Isn't it funny how ANYONE who opposes the women first rhetoric is suddenly an "alt-right MRA"?

Because nobody has ever false flagged online, right? That would just be unthinkable.

pretty pointless to try and guess at what the author actually thinks without a more consistent ideological footprint, i-m-o, t-b-h, senpai-I-am

From what I see the Alt-Right and MRA/MGTOW types have some overlap but are still pretty hostile.

>"I'm an egalitarian socialist fighting against the matriarchy"

Assmad feminist who can't take it when their idealogy is ridiculed for the shit it is detected.

>but they look the same
Nope, rosbifs are ugly as sin.

Isn't James Desborough some kind of memer?

Dude, it's nearly 2 am, you should be sleeping.
I should too, btw.
Good night.

Anarchism emerged before, and communism emerged before marxism too.

Pre-marxism communists were technically anarchists, since there was no state in their ideal society.

>socialist pragmatically

>the problem is that there is one nation that is literally evil no matter what
Yes, it's called Germany

>I just want a world where I can do whatever I want and no one will criticize me

nice opener

I don't care what kind of shitty new age movement you belong to.

There is a divine order to things put in place by god. All of you are against this order and will regret your decisions if you do not repent and change your ways.

I think you mean Perfidious Albion.

Look man I think anyone who would call themselves an anarchist socialist is probably a fucking faggot, that doesn't fake feminism right, nor does it make everyone who disagrees with it mysoginists


*make feminism right

They are cowardly and greedy, but not THAT evil.

Oh yes they are.

This is pretty uninteresting but the conclusion is good.
>Addressing issues of diversity and inclusion is a Kobayashi Maru scenario. There is simply no way to ‘win’ in this situation and in regard to these issues. If you’re not inclusive – regardless of the reason – you’re bad. If you are inclusive – you’ve almost certainly done it wrong. If you represent bad things happening in your game world (rape, torture, prejudice), it may well be assumed you condone or support those things. If you do give an inch, a mile will be demanded.
>The only way to win may be not to play.

Compared to the germans who are hellbent on the destruction of civilizations ? They are tame.

i actually think this is kinda interesting, at least the social class chart and how it would affect social stats negatively

it's a pretty cool concept that i don't really see often in games where worldbuilding really matters and could make a nice starting point for some outcast-type characters

it also reminds me to vary in different aspects that i often forget when describing characters populating stories

i mean fuck agenda pushing but having different types of characters only adds in extra points in my book

Go preach to someone who cares, Luther.

the problem isn't that they distrust their neighbouring nations (even if it's a bit silly in a medieval-inspired setting, where people regularly came under control of one king or another due to conquests and successions; the current nation is a pretty modern notion)
It's that they dislike their neighbours as much as literal demons.

>race is absolutely a real thing
I didn't say imaginary, but arbitrary; it's very real, but there is no objective criterion to determine it, just some people agreeing on which set of inheritable traits makes such or such race.
(the same issue exists concerning animals, too)

the biggest problem with shit like this is it's part of the whole "gender war" shit that isn't really applicable to Veeky Forums

Remember that gamergators "migrated" from this board to infinite chan's Veeky Forums board because we were all "Sjws" and shit. We weren't mind you.

This is either gonna be "stop having fun now" like that idiotic "play DnD like a feminist" article where you prewarn players and tell them what traps they're gonna run into before they do because reasons or its gonna be an edgy fedora tipping womyns are bad and need to get out reee screen by a faggot.

>look up publishing company
>they made a 5E module explicitly to thumb their nose at Veeky Forums called Cathedral of Misogyny
Is it bad that I am now morbidly curious about how bad this is?

What a disappointment, humanity.
From the glory to the Space Age, to the humiliation of the Safe Space Age.
It wasn't supposed to go this way.

Features are just a tell, the objective criteria is genetic markers

But I want to make space safe from xeno scum

>cathedral of mysoginy
Is it on drivethrurpg? I feel very tempted to report it for being offensive.
as a joke of course
But why do you think it's making fun of Veeky Forums, there allot of sites like us that hate feminists.

the tao of triggered keeps on turning

He explicitly calls the site out by name on the store page entry and also considered the meme as the modern day pun. I am going to need a gallon of bleach by the time I get through looking at all the things he published

I think it's more thumbing their nose at the people freaked out by Veeky Forums.

It doesn't change the issue: Try to find me a list of human races and the associated genetic markers. There is no concensus on those topics.

And I'm a nurse, I know very well that people are more or less prone to some diseases depending on their origin (funniest example so far being french people with a lot of varicose veins, due to ww1).

Do you have the rest of his pdfs, by any chance?

jesus. that "female gender = wisdom" is killing me every time. Especially when girls I know start spouting that nonsense and I know as hell they made stupid decisions every so often.

No, I just followed the link in the book another user posted here to his site and read the blurbs there and I am not spending my 2 funbucks on it.

I'm actually amazed that there was anybody who looked at the cover and DIDN'T immediately spot satire.

Are you all literally fucking retarded?

Meh, its contents are far too reasonable for satire.

>It doesn't change the issue: Try to find me a list of human races and the associated genetic markers. There is no concensus on those topics.
that's the thing about the new scientific racism, the proponents all claim it's about genetics and specific markers, but at the same time they completely ignore them in order to lump people together for the same old prejudices
genetically speaking west and east Africans are as different from each other as they are from whites and Asians and share completely different medical problems, but that's irrelevant and at the end of the day all niggers are the same as far as they're concerned

Well natives take to rabies vaccines a LOT better and one tribe has an immune response that actively suprreses it into non-functionality. In a similar vein of constant exposure to things: caucasians across the board deal with alcohol MUCH better than any other race. asians and natives can even have a serious allergic reaction to alcohol, even alcohol in sterilization solutions. Neither had anywhere near as much exposure as caucasians and therefore don't have the genetic coding to make effective protective measures against it in both cases.
Sidenote: africans and natives are entirely lactose intolerant, again lack of exposure, where as caucasians are all almost universally lactose tolerant due to lack of presence of a gene that allows the bacteria that breaks down lactose to survive. If you're black or native and reading this and you can drink milk you have a white ancestor somewhere in your family tree.
Beyond that caucasians have less durable eyes hence the lighter tones as they evolved to less harsh sunlight and less exposure over all which is why they currently lead in debilitating eye diseases and prescription lenses whereas natives and africans were constantly exposed and are leaders by far in healthy eyes due to darker pigment, several gene's that effect the cones, and two gene's that hinder macular degeneration. Each gene is unique to either race as are those that effect the cones.

Tl;Dr there are crazy and noticeable differences between the races.
Its almost like saying darwin's finches are all one big all inclusive species with very little differences where in reality they have vast and easily noticeable physical and genetic differences and just because they can all breed with each other doesn't change that.

Wait, he believes there should be no government but also believes the government should run major industries and redistribute wealth?

>If you're black or native and reading this and you can drink milk you have a white ancestor somewhere in your family tree.
or you could just be from East Africa and had African ancestors who raised cattle for milk for thousands of years

You're just proving why the whole "but races are real because of genetic markers!" thing is complete bullshit. If you meet someone on the street or have a casual acquaintance with them, you don't know their genetics. All you're doing is making a guess based on their skin colour, a guess that (as you so clearly illustrated) can be wrong more often than right

>posts /pol/ image
>thinks socialism is "government controls everything"


>>Addressing issues of diversity and inclusion is a Kobayashi Maru scenario.

this is the best I've ever seen it handled

Or even better than not playing
do not play with idiots.

a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.

That's not what I said at all. I said specifically that medically relevant differences don't justify discrimination.