Bittrex is Mt Gox

THOUSANDS of accounts randomly blocked from withdrawing. Yet they still accept deposits.

This is being done by stealth. Each week they block a few more until it’s a critical mass and the ‘hack’ will occur.

They literally have millions of dollars locked in their exchange which we can’t withdraw. This is growing daily.


Other urls found in this thread:

Nah Bittrex may be dickish but Bittfinex is going to be the next GOX

It's going to be a dual goxxing

Those are pump and dump accounts who never went through verification.

Non pump and dumpers will be unlocked whenever those account owners provide that info .

Bitfinex are just going to tank the price of BTC when people realize that half the trading volume is tether which is worth about 1/20th of what it’s supposed to

Bittrex on the other hand is literally blocking withdrawals and stealing money. This is Mt gox

Ie the biz discord collectively locked out?

Also you can thank a telegram group called "Coinaguru" for this. He has like 10k members and he got them to send complaints to bittrex.

there will never be a mtgox ever again, just buy btc and shutup

People have provided the info months ago

And bittrex used to allow small 0.02 BTC withdrawals for all accounts made before 1st August
Now they randomly block these accounts so you withdraw NOTHING

>tfw waiting for verification

I’m not part of either of these.
I had my account blocked from withdrawing 6 weeks ago and I have no response from them. I had withdrawn about 50 times over the course of MONTHS with no problem.

My remaining coins are lost at this stage

>be me a month or two ago
>notice that every time I log in it redirects me to the “enhanced verification” page
>nope out

That's like saying there will be no more wars

True. They locked my withdrawals and put my account in "new" status. Havent replied to my open ticket in 3 weeks. I emailed [email protected], he said join the slack, problem is i cant join the slack unless i have an enhanced account. Ive submitted all paperwork and documents and keep getting automated "lol sorry well get to you when we get to you" responses. Again, has been 3 weeks now and they keep throwing ne on the back burner, mustve sent them a dozen or so emails and additional tickets. They just take the new tickets and merge with my existing original one and telling me not to make anymore. IIF YOU DONT WANT ME TO MAKE MORE THEN FIX THE FUCKING ISSUE COCKSUCKER

You'll be fine, I got mine, it just takes like 2-3 weeks.

whats the problem with enhanced verification? too ashamed of your ugly face to upload a pic? lul

I sent on all of the required documents for enhanced verification you trolling faggot, did you even read my post? Gtfo

Weird, it took me like 30 minutes to get my enhanced verification through. I'm so glad too since I was cashing out.

first i left poloniex after my withdrawal took a fucking month (support ignored me)
then i pulled out of bittrex when they started enforcing enhanced verification and set withdrawal to 0.025 (now it is 0)
recently i had to pull out of bitfinex because of all the tether shenanigans
god damn it we are running out of exchanges guys

Are there any good ones left?

>inb4 Yobit

No it's not tard

My withdrawals go through (for now) but the 0.001 bitcoin fee is fucking robbery I mean jesus christ, $12 to withdraw

Because they're getting swamped by DHS

Next you're going to tell me USDT is a scam

every exchange that uses USDT will die at the same time. It will be a huge goxing

>whats the problem with enhanced verification? too ashamed of your ugly face to upload a pic?
no, because owners of bittrex too ashamed to show their faces, so they use fake address in the middle of nowhere

Hate that fucking ripoff exchange. Moved all my stuff to Binance weeks ago. If anyone hasn't signed up yet, feel free to use my ref link:


Y'all about to get Bitfinessed

Top ticket is newest ticket they just merged into original, 21 days since i made it still get nothing but automated replies. And to everyone asking, yes i sent in a selfie, an id, the whole fuckin nine.

Waves Dex
just check their new GUI which will be available at the 13th

One day the only exchange left to trade on will be shitdelta

Just to let you guys know, if you have no existing credit line, it's going to be a lot harder to get verified on a lot of exchanges/crypto sites in the future.

this is what you get for being a street shitting pajeet trying to anonymously trade on a US exchange. retards.

The end of Tether will be this week. Mark my words. Not Larping

I haven't had any problems with Bittrex, to my personal experience its one of the nicest exchanges. My support tickets always get handled fast and without to much questions as long as I provide proper details.

My enhanced verification went through after about 4 weeks.
just be patient. Bittrex is not going to gox, they make shittons of money. why would they risk jail instead of continuing to make millions of dollars?

The shit with bittrex happened to me too. Not to mention coinbase shadiness.

This. What the fuck is this all about?

Why did enron scam when they were making millions? Why do car manufacturers always try to get away with unregulated parts in their cars? Why does nike get everything made in 3rd world sweat shops? Why do companies all over the world break tax codes every year? Why does anyone do anything unscrupulous? Their avarice user. Bill is a nasty pajeet piece of shit who cant handle the growth his exchange his encountering and is letting it collapse due to his lack of oversight and management while he talks shit about the people complaining about having their money locked up on twitter.

Just saw there is a #bittrex_disabled_accounts tag on twitter. Cocksuckers.

Just look up #bittrex on twitter.
Blowing up with people with the same fuckin issue.

I have 10 LTC stuck in Bittrex, I’m a US citizen and they say they cannot locate my public records to verify my identity.

Complete bullshit.

That's what money is, you have a constantly cycling ball of value and the only people who make out good are the ones who bail when they can.
The trick is balancing between getting more money and more value. If you run a business and you're not buying value everyday and finding ways to add value(which may even include raising prices and dodging laws like bullets in the fucking matrix) then you're selling the company short.
Whether is full of shit should be the result of careful research and evaluation of the people behind the business and what they say and do, not some thread on a thailand ladyboy repository.

There's absolutely no reason why someone should be blocked from withdrawing their own money. The only logical answer is that they're a fractional bitcoin system.

You guys told me I was paranoid back in October when I posted that they locked me out from withdrawing.
Glad I stopped using that shit exchange.

same here...they need to review my submission manually...i have been waiting literally 10 days to be able to withdraw my money...they f****ing suck

Back when they lowered the withdrawal (to .02btc i think it was) for non verified accounts, it seemed fine, and I was able to withdrawal my coins.
Later I deposited a little eth to buy some omg and the next day it was locked out from withdrawal... WHAT THE FUCK I've been waiting on this ticket they haven't replied to... I feel like they are robbing me and I can't do shit about it.

have you seen the jewtube video of the Qash chief trading officer mention they didn't partner with Bittrex because they didn't meet their "standards". i thought that was interesting, but then he said they're partnered with Bitfinex and Bithumb. what are you going to do? fuck off to ED?!

isnt bittrex owned by the litecoin guy

For anyone who's stuck, i literally emailed the ceo my ticket number and it was verified and unlocked 20 mins later. For the love of god be nice though people if you send an angry reeeeeeeemail you might get ignored


Use my ref pls 11237192

There will be no more wars between major states

What's his email? I need to get my money, hopefully he can speed it up for me..

I believe it was bill at bittrex but i'm not abiut to look it uo just google bruh

dude, bill is going to be pissed.

Good maybe if enough people start emailing him they'll fix their shitbroken system

I hope it's a huge scam, that'll scare shitloads of people and bitcoin will crash, allowing me to buy more

Qash didn't meet Bittrex standards or Bittrex didn't meet Qash standards?

Fuck it. Withdrawing the .4 btc per day I'm allowed until I just have my swing traded shitcoins left there. I'm not getting goxxed and I refuse to do anything more than the basic level verification. They already have my name and address, I'm not giving anything more. Fuck off Bittrex.

this this this

I don't think it matters. Bittrex is a huge target with not a lot of cash behind them. Expect to see the same treatment in the future of the exchange. I've seen far too many threads with these bittrex FOMO themes. It's very sockpuppety to me. Probably other exchanges hire out some chinese clickfarms to post random FUD about buttrex, point being that you can't ignore what they say because the day to day operation of the exchange is complex enough. The rumor become truth when someone acts on it and pulls out their coins, and the truth is they may even be proven correct if bittrex actually starts folding.
Versus other exchanges, I've disliked them all because of the UI, especially kraken which has seperate charts for no reason and an annoying buy/sell form. Here's hoping that I don't get fucked over because of a pretty UI.
As for QASH, it seems like a shit identity filled bastardization of USDT without the advantage of USDT. The only reason I'd buy in is to hold ETH to a fixed price, I wish there was a coin that did this for every currency. If you could set which currency you wanted to buy into, and which amount, that'd be awesome. Then we wouldn't need QASH/USDT or these other stability coins, we'd just have one stability coin and we wouldn't have to bother with all the other shit they tack on like with QASH their security bullshit or with USDT their usd backing or whatever.>

qash didn't partner with bittrex because bittrex didn't meet qash's standards. this was in one of the videos about qash's liquidity partners. i watched like 5 yesterday and i can't find it now.

So what's the next best exchange for alts?


Fucking scammers.
Gave them my info after they locked me out and they went just
>lol, no public record, gibe your ID pls
And ignore any and all support tickets.
Now I'm contemplating wether to see what the police will say, or get me afake id and try that.

Did anyone get any kind of warning about this? I know they recently changed to .02 btc max withdrawal but as far as I can tell, nobody was told they would be locked out from withdrawal a month later.

And thats why smart people already start investing in Kyber. 3 billion marketcap summer 2018 easily

everything kyber tweets is already priced in, including bittrex news.

Why don't you just give your ID ?

I had the same thing happen to me as the Webm. I fixed by refreshing the page.

Nope. No email no nothing. I got locked everytime I got a new ip and got an email about that, because "the secure digital exchange" but warning their user about getting their stuff stolen is apparently not a security feature.

Are you retarded? If goes live starting feb 2018, expect a huge growth. God people are fucking dumb in here.

>expect a huge growth
ohh it's sooo ah beeg ah. you rike beet corn? i rike beet corn. it's ahh very beeeg..

lmao good one

I really don't like that they want a picture of my face as necessary verification, especially since their "security measures" for login makes it easier than ever to get your wallet stolen, and very inconsistent support.

I'm not sure what the best alternative is, but I'm willing to live without the pretty UI to not get my account tangled up in their internal fuckery. How are they fucking up this badly?

how come bittrex doesnt have iota?

I don't care about that, I care about them freezing my account and essentially holding my coins hostage until Janice in HR can match my face to a smaller picture of my face.
Wouldn't want to get lost in the sea of users who aren't getting responses from support and have lost access to their coins.

Not even meme'ing here, I've been unable to withdraw for over two weeks. I submitted my verification info, but it says it was incorrect and requires manual review.

This was 16 days ago. I've messaged them many times and they've been unresponsive.

At the first opportunity, I'm moving everything to Binance.

what the fuck do you have to lose? what's pajeet going to do with your selfie? you cry about the dumbest shit. you just through a couple hoops and it's over.

see Ayo, let me borrow your bitcoin real quick. Get you it back in a month. Deal?

So I just tried to withdraw literally 10 ARK. It won't let me.

I'm starting to get concerned...

Fuck your FUD, I cleared the enhanced verification before I deposited one satoshi, which is what everybody should do, and everything is fine.

I'm going to withdraw some ETH to Coinbase right now just to feel like a Chad.

Bitfinex is fine and out of jurisdiction from uncle Sam
Dont fall for fear mongering from some kike who begged bitfinex for a refund of the btc he sold at 1k and was told to fuck off

fud thread?

Tried to verify recently. Instantly told me I don't exist and must do enhanced verification.


>uncle sam
you cant get in to bitfinex if youre from the us

Because I'm not going to give 100% of the ingredients needed for identity theft to folks who have just prooven that they deserve zero trust.
Also, it's illegal to scan a German I'd, so there's that.

>don't have enhanced account
>cannot withdraw
>making FUD about bittrex
kill yourself, OP

>implying they won't make far, far more money by being an exchange than they would be stealing what's in customer accounts and blackening their name forever

Pajeets are angrie that they're being found out as pajeets

My screenshot is not FUD. I just took it.

This is a screenshot of the last time I heard from them.

Use a VPN

fucking keked

Got the same email too, that has nothing to do with the issue I described to them in the support ticket.
100% automated reply with no chance of anyone actually caring, it seems

wow yeah, non verified trading, very money...

You will be verified, it takes like a month.

for those who have had withdrawals restricted - how much are you trying to take out? can you still withdraw 0.4btc or is it completely shut off?

considering moving to binance

>a photograph of the screen
the absolute state of Veeky Forums

Disabled here too. $55k stuck.
Btw those selfies get leaked all the time, if you give your scans they get sold on the deepweb for like $20 and is all that's needed for thieves to open accounts. Wouldn't be surprised if a 2gb bittrex_id_scans.rar shows up next year on tpb.

I literally tried moving 10 ARK and it said "nope". FYI I have like $8k in Bittrex right now. They changed these rules after I had been trading on there for a few weeks.

Every alt is mooning, and bitcoin is soaring, and you want to exit the market ? Are you retarded ?