How does your significant other feel about your hobby Veeky Forums?

How does your significant other feel about your hobby Veeky Forums?

Mine actively goes out of her way to pretend like I dont play dnd. She tolerates it at best, thinks that its the same is LARPing and gives me shit about it. Doesn't really bug me but lord help me if I make fun of her hobbies.
I've tried to get her to play, just to try it but she animatedly refuses. (probably for the best as I like my group)

>it's a "why are females different from normal people" thread

I met here through it.

>Be degenerate
>Mfw we both play Eldar, LARP together, play RPGs together, and share the same magical realm
Life is good.

you lucky somabitch

She doesn't mind because she doesn't exist

She supports my enjoyment of it, encourages me to spend time and money on the hobby, and listens to my rants. She's joined in a few times and had good fun but she's more the rules-lite type, though that makes her happy to play freeform with me in the worlds and such.

actively plays with current group. She was the nerdy loner girl in high school who jammed out minecraft with her cousins and drew in her free time. Man the more I think about her... Ima go buy her some flowers.

I used to have a gf like that. For several years actually. It was really a drag and it's hard to really see it or do something about it while you are in the relationship, but honestly that shit is a deal-breaker. They don't need to have the same hobbies as you, but they shouldn't be ashamed of the things you do for fun (and by extension you).

I have been single for a few years now and am starting to look again. Impossible to find a girl who can deal with Veeky Forums-type stuff in my turbo-normie social circle (I am a lapsed fa/tg/uy). I am going to have to go online or something.

Depends on the game. Loves the lore surrounding Blood Angels but can't wrap her head around the rules. Even stuff like One Page 40k gives her frustration...

Pen and Paper though? Easy to learn, easy to play, and more than likely will take the closest available race that has access to druids (Elf-race optional). Has a funny time and often provides most of the laughs whenever our group can play (few and far between).

Dump the cunt.

I mean I've kinda tried off and on to get them into it and when we have gamed together it's been fun, but we don't see eachother that often and between University and side projects they don't have a whole lot of free time.
Times we do play are happy moments tho.

A happy life awaits you.

I used to date that kind of girl and her opposite (Who wanted to be called like her character name in bed), but both were too crazy for me.

The most fun I had was with this girl who wasn't nerdy at all, but wanted to try to "get to know me".

I made a little adventure for her, where she played a badass female version of the Man With No Name. Her character managed to save a little frontier village, got into bar fights and being a badass. She had a blast and so did I.

I've had six girlfriends, none of them have liked tabletop stuff and all have tried to get me to do anything else. Doesn't matter if it's D&D, Magic, Warhammer, or just board games, they've all universally despised it. One I had actually met through tabletop gaming, after we started dating, she basically admitted she only played tabletop because it's the only activity that the bar is low enough for men to notice her.

My cousin grew up playing stuff like this, so I'm not saying it's impossible for girls to like. It's just that it's a very rare trait it seems. Even at the FLGS, all the ladies there are just SOs of normal visitors, none of them actually play anything beyond the most basic of board games.

Maybe it's a regional thing though. At work, there were a few guys sitting around and ridiculing their nephews/grandchildren for playing this sort of thing, so the area itself isn't exactly conducive to tabletop.

inb4 reddit transplants REE at this and tell you to leave for expressing a dissenting opinion

He seems to be interested in my D&D games, but shies away whenever I offer to teach him anything in-depth. One of these days I'm gonna sit his butt in a chair and get him into a group, maybe using Risus for a more relaxed style of play.

Solitude is my only companion.

She got me into it.
I was honestly the one that was reluctant and judgemental at first.
Largely in part to years of TV and movies going 'lmao D&D is for neeeeeerds in their mom's basement xD'
Once I realized it's effectively the same as playing an RTS adventure game with your friends and that you get to organically write the story I warmed up to it instantly.

That being said, I doubt it will have that negative stigma much longer because it's in fashion to be a 'dork' now.
Thanks a lot Big Bang Theory.

Didn't mean to reply

As a stay at home dad I don't have time for it anymore. She doesn't mind and seems to feel bad that I can't get into it, but there's more important things.

>significant other




Not him, but I'd feel sort of guilty for introducing my children to my favorite hobby without them approaching me. Sort of like me forcing it on them.

If they come up and ask me if they can learn to play, I'd love to show them, but I'm not going to bring up those funny books on the shelf out of the blue one day.

>but wanted to try to "get to know me".

>tfw you do that with your bf and you have a blast
>tfw he does that with you but doesn't seem to be enjoying it



> significant other

she thinks im a god mode painter and also will sell everything if i die (40k)

>mfw I only got into TTRPGs from my brothers introducing it to me

You don't have to force them to play it, but that doesn't mean you can't introduce them to it. If they don't like it, that's that.

>your significant other
You seem to be lost.


She's asian, she tolerates it but doesn't understand why I do this weird shit when I could be working 18 hour days for the family's prosperity.

She is okay with me playing it but she isn't into it herself. That's all.

>both play eldar

you deserve eachother.

vagina people are doodooheads.

Sounds like a cunt. Just for lels start deriding something she enjoys and see if she gets pissy. When she does point out that's exactly what she does to you. Then dump her for being a cunt.
Why the hell would anyone want to be with someone that's ashamed of them?

You'd be surprised what some people do/endure for pussy.

True, I'm actual faggot master race. If some bloke I was banging started this I'd drop him like a hot turd unless he was a 10/10 muscle God who became a total submissive slut in bed

This girl was my gf for a while and we would play Magic all the time. It was glorious.

Until I found out she had fucked a bunch of niggers and got an STD which she gave to me :c

If only people had to earn their vaginas.

Could be a lesbian couple.

Anyway, my girlfriend started out extremely supportive of my gaming, and turned into a part of it. She gave it a try because she saw how into it I was and was curious about this thing I loved, and now we play together pretty regularly.

My BF thinks it's neat but isn't into it, I think he mainly worries about me spending too much on it.

She thinks playing is kinda weird, but she seems tenuously interested in GMing. I'm trying to persuade her to give it a shot. Fortunately my group is mostly composed of her close friends after we moved back to her home town, so she's maybe feeling a little more open to it than if I were playing with normal fa/tg/uys

>Until I found out she had fucked a bunch of niggers and got an STD which she gave to me :c
>that pic

Should have seen that one coming tbqh famanon

My gf isn't nearly as into tabletop as I am, but she asked if she could play too because she wanted to spend time with me and the rest of the group. After a couple sessions, it didn't seem like it was working out. She got discouraged whenever things didn't go her way, actively avoided speaking in character, and was very quiet overall.
Evenfaully we figured out that she was just nervous about "acting" in front of people. Now she has a shot or two of vodka before the game and everything goes great. So the story has a happy ending.

My imaginary friend is just glad I'm spending time with others.

I met my fiancee through tabletop gaming. lmao @ the kissless virgins

I'm going to be playing Dark Heresy with her in about a week.

I think I get this picture. It must be from the point of view of a Chinamen believing the alienating influence of western culture is making their youth more focused on products and fashion then history or their own culture.

He tolerates it, but I have a feeling he is ashamed for me because of it. I don't know, I have a feeling that he would at least want to try it out because he was a theatre kid in high school and there's some overlap there.

He plays 4 games a week and story-times it for me.

So it's like birde-feeding.

But gayer.

If they wanted young Chinese men & women to have an appreciation for Chinese culture, maybe they shouldn't have destroyed their own culture.

Your so is being a demeaning piece of crap about it. If this is a pattern of behavior, give her the bird and
s w o o c e o n o u t.
Giving someone you ostensibly love a pile of shit over innocuous things is not something healthy or decent people do.

My wife is cool about it. Occasionally coming into the den and complimenting my painting. She will join in games of Space Hulk or Zombicide when I host a group of friends. But mostly she just leaves me be.

My wife plays in the same games that I do. It's vidya that she doesn't play, despite enjoying let's plays, oddly enough.

She tried a mage larp but we both agreed it was gay as fuck. We're playing d&d5e together with some friends now, and I'll be teaching her mtg in the next couple of weeks

crazy girls are best.

>this whole thread

Look a whole thread that's not REEEE WOMEN SUCK BITCHES ARE CRAZY SELFISH BITCHES REEEE its cute, the summer kids must be in bed

She thinks it's an interesting hobby for me to have and has even DM'd for me for Valentine's Day a few times. She doesn't care much to play though

Wife played MTG with me for a bit before we both quit.
Kind of wants to do some kind of TT RPG, but we don't know anybody around here who would want to play.
I'm considering getting into 40k, so we'll see if she ends up interested or just divorces me for spending all the money.

My BF accepts it, but is very uncomfortable with trying it out. He can't get the concept of Pen and Paper roleplaying and really dislikes boardgames. Om the other hand, I don't care much for his skiing or frat parties.

She's pretty sane, user. Definitely more so than me.

Man, theater kids are super homo. You could be the one getting fucked and he'd still be gayer

My GF supports gaming (and supported it before she met me), but she has a very busy schedule and can't commit to weekly gaming sessions. She's played in a few oneshots. It's also not her strongest nerdy interest; she's more of a comics/fantasy literature/TV person.

>thinks that its the same is LARPing
It is the same as LARP except without the effort to make costumes and props.

So pretty much exactly the same as LARP in America

user, maybe you should consider getting a different significant other? What you choose as your hobby is irrelevant to the discussion, the damning thing is that she denigrates you for what you enjoy doing.

Find someone who isn't a bitch.

Yeah, the Cultural Revolution is about the only thing the CCP will even admit Mao was partially wrong about.

What the fuck is going on here

She'll only play when I'm GM

I don't give her special treatment, she just likes when I tell her stories

She likes that I like it and I've tried getting her into it but it has never taken off for her, my DM is partly to blame for that. Which is a shame because she has a knack for roleplaying, if not for rollplaying.

Mine doesn't GET it, but has expressed interest in trying it out at some point. Keeps putting it off.

>Met my gf through Warhammer Fantasy
>She loves RP and wargames
>Is a great GM
>Dabbles in TCGs too
>Always wants to hear how my games went, even if it's one she doesn't play

I'm going to marry her

How was that a dissenting opinion. He gave an account of his experiences related to the topic and then a hypothesis as to why. More a statement of fact than anything else.

GF has gamed with me 1 time

>Be me, forever GM
>Write and create a 3.5 campaign for my thesis
(Thesis was on collaborative storytelling for anyone whose interested)
>Run it with some friends and my supervising prof and department head
>Game goes well
>No ones taking it super seriously aside from the two profs who are super into it
>grade is looking good
>Department head is fucking in love with it
>Neither prof has ever played before
>Supervisor is having fun but not his thang
>Friends have fun, which is whats important to my thesis
>GF came to watch
>Thinks dnd and larp are the same, and wants to see why its different and how it works cause of me talking about it all the time.
>Asks if she can join in briefly before she has to go
>Plays the tavern keep's waitress
>Hilariously humiliates the bard when he tries to hit on her
>Shes in theater irl a super quick on her feet, especially when shutting dudes down (happened to me a few times)
>Bard leaves and states that he goes to the roof tops to serenade the city
>Plays his lute and fails all preform rolls
>Town boo's him
>GF "I throw a rock at him"
>Roll for it
>Roll dam
>Max both
>Bard must roll reflex to avoid falling off the narrow perch
>Roll to see if you can stick the landing
>Fails worse
>Takes falling damage
>Dies from the 8 story fall and rock to the head
>Town looks on at GF's character who has just killed a man
>GF IC "Gnomes right? A round for everyone one the house!"
>Table erupts in laughter

She left shortly after that, and the bard was my friend who was a good sport and just played a new character after that. The profs fucking loved that moment for some reason. Got near perfect on my thesis too which was nice.

Side note these new image captcha's can suck my dick

I met my SO's playing DnD through a Veeky Forums game finder thread and we've been playing PF, SR4&5e, MTG, and eclipse phase ever since. We never get to ERP thou

>significant other
I wish.
Oh well. Can't be successful, have free time and hobbies AND have time for relationship of a more intimate kind I suppose.
at least I'm not the only one. And I have this place, but that fact brings both counsel and depression at the same time. However, looking back, I'm never sure if I made the right choice in letting her go.

you the hinata guy, aren't you?