Warmachine Hordes General

Dou you even lift (warjacks) edition.

Warmachine/Hordes Books, No Quarter, & IKRPG
textuploader com / 5wm4h
PP Youtube (gameplay tutorials, tournament coverage, and announcements)
List building at
Latest Errata
privateerpress.com/files/WM MKII Rules Errata Jan 2016.pdf
Steamroller Rules
The Giant List of Podcasts and Blogs
Table of contents for all NQ issues
Abridged Lore
gargantuans abridged:pastebin.com/XPKMKYUc
Exigence abridged: pastebin.com/6D1fwSgv
devastation abridged: pastebin.com/KxkzfnXj
Lexicanum Iron Kingdoms Lore wiki:
What factions do you play, not just own but actually play?

Other urls found in this thread:


If you must put them into a generic fantasy layout, Skorne are hobgoblins. They're the taller, better organized relatives of the more common goblinoids -- they have the same head ridges and pointy ears that Iron Kingdoms gobbers do.

As far as I remember, at one point Seacat *said* they were hobgoblins publicly but walked it back later.

But really, Skorne are Skorne. If you're playing D&D 3.5 and only pulling from the Monster Manual, though, they're hobgoblins.

Just found out that the ENTIRE DISTRIBUTOR my store orders from, which supports like 600 stores or something, is getting 6 copies of each Hordes starter. My store is getting 4 of each of those. Wew.

Im just having my friends pick them up at LnL for me

Tell me somebody has a scan of NQ 66 by now. I have a bloody subscription, and I'm still waiting for it.

>not Magnus was Right edition

One job

Cryxian Pirate posted one 1-2 threads back. Search the archive.

I plan on getting into this game soon(never played a miniature wargame before). Should I just wait for the new edition or whatever before I buy anything?



Who is best Minion warlock?


So, I was able to acquire a fully pinned but badly painted Judicator for 60 dollars. Should I do some conversion work and make it into a Revelator or should I just repaint it and keep it as is?

The last thing to be pumped about is theme forces.

I would love to see one with the following:

>When Rolling for Models with Unstable you may choose to have them explode.

Thats both powerful, but not crazy, also fun.

Cygnar deck?

>army of the kingmaker

>select one friendly faction model/unit. That unit gains Ambush.


thank you!

Speaking of Cygnar, after seeing the Centurion model on the table *and* seeing its rules (being one of the few models in the game that I absolutely love both model and rules), I have the urge to assemble a 75 point Cygnar list.

Looking so far at:

pHaley +28
- Squire 5
- Centurion 17
- Centurion 17
Junior 4
- Charger 9
- Charger 9
Field Mechaniks (max) 5
Gun Mage Captain Adept 5
Gun Mage Captain Adept 5

But not sure where to go with the remaining 27 points (and even if two Chargers are useful), as playing against Cygnar, I'm left with feeling their infantry is utterly forgettable.


>only the Cygnar deck is left

I bought the Legion all in one box on a whim ages ago but have neveer touched the game. How fucked am I?

• Saeryn, Omen of Everblight
• Scythean
• Neraph
• Angelius
• Nephilim Bloodseer
• Strider Rangers x6
• Strider Deathstalker
• 2 Blighted Nyss Shepherds

When does this mark 3 shit come out? Because I was going to go to my local game shop on Saturday and check it out I don't want to wait a month for this shit.

We already have it:

I think the core rules for Mk. 3 will be released online for free in the first week of June. Then the cards and core rule books are released in the last week of June.

I think.

>when Nemo allocates focus to any Jack in Finches control range, allocate 1 additional focus
>power up counts as allocation

Anyone have non imgur links to the faction spoils, specifically khador? Old links got taken down

Just get a new warlock since saern got nerfed hard.

Hey, look, it's a Wild Argus.

Other factions were uploaded by the same guy

Nope. Allocation is explicitly when the catser gives a jack focus.

Eh, so either way Nemo gets 3 focus on a Jack for only allocating 1 himself. Not too shabby at all.

So Mk1 ended with the death of Voyle and Mk2 ended with the death of Vinter. Mk3 will end with the death of Ayn Vanar. Screencap this.

Aurora +29
Corollary 6
Inverter 15
Diffuser 6
Mitigator 7
Eradicators 15
-TE 3
Eradicators 15
-TE 3
Perforators 18
-TE 3
Clockwork Angels 5
Steelsoul 4
Steelsoul 4

>Hey look, I'm inside your entire army!


Which one is a good all rounder/beginner?

I'm willing to try them, especially with the threat of the Mitigator knockdown assassination. If not, they come out and more infantry goes in.

Flight at least lets them get to the kind of targets they want to kill.

This issue you're going to run into real quick is that there's going to be a ton more high arm jacks on the field now and eradicators + a single inverter might not cut it

I'd say PThagrosh, or maybe Vayl1 or 2.

Unrelated, but would anyone like to help me work on the 1d4chan tactics pages to update them for the new edition?

yall got any of them leaks?

Aurora herself is actually super good at killing them, with angels to flank for her.

Some middling damage from the charging Angels(it was better when you could just put that CMAed POW15 into them, but boosted POW12s will put 6-7 boxes on an ARM20 heavy), and then Aurora uses feat to move up, either put some damage on them(if you can take their cortex out, you're good).

It's best if they get sloppy and leave two jacks next to each other, so you can flashing blade them both.

But she puts some damage on, bounces back, then the Perfs can finish them. Inverter can get the other.

Other things to do: move up, hit them to stationary them, mitigator to knock them down.

Plus, the big idea of the list is to fuck with their entire battle lines, because you just embed yourself in wonky ass spots using the feat. You can essentially spread your army across and inside their entire force, forcing them to have to do stupid shit to deal with it.

So what are your thoughts on Malekus? Do you think he'd be a good pair for Kreoss1?

What's with PP and villains with 'v' names?

It's the most villainous letter.

>pairing 2 knockdown centric casters together
Not really a good pair, but Malekus seems solid

I completely spaced on him having a knockdown spell. Whoops. Well, in that case, who do you think would pair best with Kreoss1? I was looking for a caster that would be able to crack high armor jacks and I thought between the feat and Ignite that Malekus would do ok.

Does anyone have a mirror to the card spoilers? The imgur albums seem to have been deleted.

So, whoes getting errattad first- lilyth3 or sloan?

There's so much errata to go into this thing.

Honestly though, there's some weird shit.

Syntherion, for example, has his Mk2 feat before it was errataed in the last document, so there might be some truth to these not being totally official.

probably someone tankier with some decent armor cracking.
Its hard to say because its a new meta, but you could try
Kreoss 2 or 3
Feora (preferably 2)

Sevy1 would be good if you're ok with having two squishy casters.

Reznik1 also seems like a good choice, he seems like he's going to benefit a lot from the changes to battlegroups in the new edition.

Then again, Khador insider today is 100% consistent with the leaked cards so far, unless I missed something.

And it's not like PP is above printing nonsensical rules or typos, we've seen at least 3 just off the cards revealed in the Insiders.

Make that 4 typos, Soles confirmed that they forgot to change Karchev's fist to 1" reach, so there's another for the errata pile.

Is Sloan any good this edition?

I'm almost starting to wonder if Mk3 got a little rushed.

But there's a difference between typos and balancing junk. Even if the leaks aren't the final versions of the cards, I don't expect much to change. But maybe some.

She's got the potential to one round a colossal bottom of one.

What's a good Rahn list for MKIII?


Wait until we get the full rules to figure that out.

With her battlegroup.

Unless there is a rule in Prime that somehow makes long-range, high-pow, high-accuracy guns really bad, then expect her to be nerfed.

I'm pretty confident the leaks are what's going to be on the faction decks, but the WarRoom decks released at Lock and Load will contain errata, but the cards will be basically the same.

In other words, if your shit is nerfed, stop hoping the leaks aren't real, but if you've got some ridiculous rules interaction... don't hold your breath.

Why? She wasn't good in the previous edition.

She was a long range specialist without access to snipe, mediocre spells and poor focus.

What I'm thinking is terrain might be a big thing here.

If it's going to be that much more clumped together and have different effects, I'm betting terrain will keep you from getting those super battlegroup shots.

Definitely at leats 2 units of Battle Mages and Discordia.

I would also consider 1-2 additional heavies.

Just noticed that Hutchuck isn't in the minion deck I downloaded..anyone got the card or a link to him?

She now has better spells, a better feat and power-up.

Hell she even stole a spell from Kraye.

Sphinx has to be in a list with that much magic bullshit.

what main unit would be want though?

Some cards are missing.

Her feat now lets her take an extra shot with all her jacks, she picked up that spell that gives an extra die to hit for attacks in her battlegroup, and power up lets her run a shitload of ranged jacks without nearly as many issues.

Personally I'll likely take a unit of halb+UA for mobility and mini feat damage. They're cheap and can make good use of Discordias imprint

I'm torn between them and the Sentinels. Not sure which I'd rather have, need some table time to figure it out.

75 rahn +26
2 chimera-16
2 battle Mage units 20
2 artificers- 10
2 magisters- 8
Sylys- 4
2 arcanist-4
100 points

True. Especially now that finch and him are a unit. Meaning he can grab that squire for more focus.

Too many arc nodes and not enough hitting power. You need to lore stuff in and then smash it, not just lore it in.

I can se where you're coming from, but I value the Halberdier's cheapness and speed+reposition to be more valuable in this army.

It lets me take my MHAs and Stormfalls.

Do you really need Hypnos? I'd Take a sphinx instead, drop the 2nd chimera, and use the remaining points to bring more solos that can work in any list like Mage Hunter Assassins, Ghost Snipers, or even a unit of Stormfall.

>Nemo can run three jacks at three focus per turn while still slinging spells


Also I noticed the stormblade captain is actually a really good Jack marshal for a stormclad.

One free focus to charge, +2 to damage and a free additional attack with a follow up pow 13 weapon master hit

Problem with halberds if you only get 1 turn of solid damage. Weapon master is much more reliable.

True that, I had that problem occasionally in MK2, but the point cost difference can make a pretty big difference elsewhere in your army.

She can kill your caster 3" into your deployment. So thats cool I guess.

>Quote Originally Posted by PPS_MrSoles
>The Koldun Lord does not have Power Booster, but we intend for the Faction to access to it from another source. I cannot talk about that >just yet, but in play test something clicked with us and we went with it. I will explain more when the time is right.

OK then, I put my money on theme list. Unless Soles guy thinks that 1 Jack Marshal with Assault in the faction with the Jacks that need it the least counts.

So on the Retribution facebook page someone mentioned the cards for the new Ret Solo Healer floating around somewhere, any cool spoiler-bros got a hook up for this one as it's missing from the spoiled Ret deck.

Mercenary solo with power booster.

Fuck me your right:

"During playesting, I realized we lacked 20 bucks for pizza, and something just clicked"

I threw together barebones army builder spreadsheets for mk3 legion and circle in google sheets but I don't think I can share them without it attaching my name, any suggestions other than making a fake google account? I'll be working on some other factions later on

It's not missing, exactly. It's not even supposed to be there.

Yeah, I knew that, Helios isn't in it either because his model will be Mk III exclusive, more hoping someone has the translation card for Ret that gave spoilers for the Thorn Gunmges and the like that also won't be in the decks.

Speaking of thorn gunmages, did anyone save the image of that?

Khador list I'm taking to a game tomorrow

pSorscha +29
Beast 01 21
Juggernaut 12

Iron Fang Pikemen 15
UA 4
Great Bears 9
IF Kovnik 4
Widowmakers 8
Greylord Ternion 7
Min mechaniks 3
Min kossites 7
Drakhun 9
Winter Guard Mortar 5

Kossites and mechanik are being replaced by talon and dirt meg if the talon arrives tomorrow afternoon before the game. I'm fighting menoth and stationary with a powerful charge should be nice for weaponmaster sorscha.

hey guys so...legions animi have become mostly target self, im new to hordes for mk3 and I was wondering if this means that the only things that can cast it are the warbeast on itself using its own fury alotment, or the warlock on itself. Thanks


That's exactly what it means. There is an exception with the Nephilim Bloodseer, since it cn cast other beast animi as its own.

I'm not sure the indictor will be worth it over a templar.
Especially since A&H are now only FF

I think it will with casters who lack a damage buff outside of choir or who have access to anti-shooting tech. You can use them to skew pretty hard on the anti-magic side of things, they're still hardy, and the innate anti-magic properties means that they can only be damaged in melee, by feats, or via magical ranged attacks.

anybody have the new skorne warlock card or can give me the jist of what he does?

first one (clipped from NQ66)

Second one

He's a 6s across the board type, 15/14 caster. His witch mark on whips is a goddamn trap.

His spell list is phenomenal and his feat is an excellent debuff to the opponent.

The jury is still out on whether he can contribute and survive. Kara Sloan says probably not.


control debuff warlock. Fury 6 but because of Maltreatment hes "fury 7". Someone else posted his card just above.

he seems great, dont know if i'd drop him against assassination lists though

pardon my ignorance - Kara Sloan? I know how to Google - but I would appreciate your perspective.