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Chronicles of Gay Werewolves

So what kind of antagonistic groups have you guys MADE for you games?

I don't get the gay werewolf obsession, but man, I want a gay werewolf body. The gym is not paying off for my chubby white ass fast enough.

Have you tried getting spooked hard enough by gay werewolves to achieve this?


I feel like you're making these threads a little early. Probably just so you can get the fagness in.

A modern fictional city that might or might not be Gotham.


What is Nasuverse? And do so many people want it to crossover with WOD?

weebo wizard fights with mythological beings mostly in the form of pretty young girls

It's a very large and detailed urban fantasy setting originally featured in a series of loosely connected visual novels that eventually branched out into a variety of supplementary works like fighting games and anime.
Fate/Stay Night, Tsukihime, Garden of Sinners (Kara no Kyoukai), etcetera.

That's only Fate/Stay, and most of them aren't even young girls, though every fan work or spin-off *has* to have some historical figure as a woman (only one that made sense was DaVinci)

Weaboo shit

>That's only Fate/Stay
i never hear anyone referring to anything but Fate and its spinoffs when they talk about the nasuverve, especially in the wod / exalted threads.

The other ones have supernatural shits but not mythological creatures. Vampires and shit. It's Street Fighter with boring males and boring but slutty females.

I've seen some people talk about Dead Apostles, which I *think* is how Tsukihime does vampires?

Fate/Zero was really good, and I hear Garden of Sinners is good.

Dead apostate are their vampires.

>gay werewolves spooking other gay werewolves into undergoing the First Change
>all the gay wolfblooded have Tells related to ridiculous physiques
>gay werewolf pack has to uphold the vows of the Sacred Hunt(y)

It's amazing how you guys make vampire seem straight

The weird thing is they don't even play werewolf, or know much about it. It's just the idea of gay werewolves that appeals.

I've played Werewolf
I don't shitpost about gay werewolves very much, though
I'm still a fan of the concept

That's not true, I've played it several times. Gay werewolves have their own separate appeal on top of the appeal of the game.


I play Werewolf and i LOVE gay werewolves though the current campaign's only got two bisexual werewolves in it, and only one of them's a guy.

though luna's embrace kinda erases that distinction >:^)

Reading the Roles feels like Prometheans are going to be even more autist robots with mood swings. I'm not against this.

I do like that the powers are basically auto gained and you change them out. I like how they're handled.

>Prometheans don’t have much in the way of mental manipulation powers, and what they do have should center on Disquiet. A lot of the Mesmerism Transmutations can get rethought;
>I don’t want Prometheans to have mind control in any fine-control way. The best they can do is get someone to take brief, understandable and in-character action. >Ignore you and leave you alone? Sure. Show a momentary act of kindness? Probably. Post-hypnotic suggestion? No.
guy is wishy washy as fuck
i'd say it doesn't look good but old promethean was good ideas wrapped in shit too so at least its consistent

Aspel Read This. Take some ideas fron this and combine it with what you have for Geist. It runs very well with your idea of a power having a base no cost benefit.

What about was wishy washy as fuck.

He sain not not much not zero.

he said not so much and not in a fine control way then established basically every part of dominate except one

since he's lying he might as well just promise it will be everything everyone could want

I'm a vampaboo or something... Just completely obsessed. Werewolves never appealed to me but gay werewolves do for some reason. I would totally read long novels or manga where a female author eroticizes gay werewolves for female readers.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Alembic described was APTARE and its 4 Distillations.

so a Promethean at start has access to two Alembic's; one from each Transmutation.

8 powers, 2 of them free passives.

Master a role and you get an additional Alembic for while your in that Refinement.

Calcify and you get to keep an Alembic, Refinement doesn't matter. This should be super expensive.

Is this right?

Lots of powers that change when your forced to change yourself sounds really handy. Going into an 'old rut' role would be a massive power boost as you could double or triple the number of powers another role would have access to. Calcifying adds permanency which is good. Changing refinements could force team changes, if everyone suddenly has the same power set, someone needs to change to keep the team balanced.

No he didn't.

It sounds closer to nightmares from beast then dominate.

Alright so I don't have Beast yet being a poorfag, so I really have no idea if this NPC/antagonist is feasible but it sounded cool.

General idea is some dude in a maximum security prison entered as a Beast or became one during his stay. An Anakim Tyrant, he has fought his way to the top of one of the prison gangs and now controls much of the internal life of the prison. He's fought enough heroes by this point to be quite skilled in making it clear he's always defending himself or at least hiding the evidence. Still, the inexplicably high number of deaths that occur in his presence has given him ample time in a solitary confinement cell at the base of the prison. He's spent enough time there that it has even become a site with easy access to his lair. At this point he has put down so many enemies in prison that he's on the brink of reaching the Apex, his name a synonym for power and fear and known to prisoners across the country.

Not really sure what I'd so with such a character but I really like the concept.

>Alright so I don't have Beast yet being a poorfag

Thank you kind user! Now I can actually try to stat this guy.


I'm really excited for new Scion, but know fuck all about it.

I know 2e seems to be wildly different than 1e, but what's the general gist of things? Waht do Scions do, exactly?

Become a God, save reality? That all I know.

>Become a God, save reality?


>Save reality


Destroying the world and remaking it in my (objectively perfect) image is still saving it.

Instead of flat out creating essence out of nothing, which requires the pactice of making, and would create essence that would only dissipate back into nothingness when the spell ended, could a mage use the practice of patterning to replicate a spirit's ability to gorge themselves on resonant energies, congealing new essence, which they could then transfer to a recepticle or spirit?

Theoretically, yeah. Giving yourself that ability would be Life 4 Spirit 4. It'd be less trouble to find a locus and just use Spirit 3 to channel the essence from that.

Perhaps I phrased that wrong.
Less about giving him that ability, and more replicating the process.
Which would ostensibly be just Spirit 4.

It was originally advertised a bit as Exalted Modern. But in Scion you're demigods, the children of deities from real mythology. Which is simultaneously more and less cool.

I don't know much about 2e, but I'm guessing the main thing in common is what I mentioned above. In 1e, you fought against titans who wanted to destroy the world or some shit, it's been years since I cared. There are two main mechanical conceits that will probably make it through in some way: epic attributes and purviews. Epic attributes are exponentially increasing numbers of dots in your attributes, but basically work as super strength and whatnot, and come with little perks that are more specific supernatural powers. Purviews, which I might or might not be remembering the name of correctly, are divine domains, like a specific animal, or air, or the sea or this or that. Each pantheon also had their own special one, so for example the aztec gods make sacrifices (generally of their own blood) for power. There were three stages to the game: scion, where you're a normal "hero" level demigod, "demigod", where you're a more powerful one on par with Hercules or Gilgamesh, and God, where you're a God.

The balance was bad at Scion level, terrible at Demigod level, and I never heard of anyone making it to God level.

What is the best antagonist and why is it the Shartha?

A locus will usually have guards, though.

I'm not really sure how common loci and hallows are meant to be. Mana/tass is mage money, wouldn't most Hallows be claimed by whoever could hold onto it?

Mage 2e says that Hallows are where most mages get their mana, but isn't it WAY easier to get it from Pattern-scouring and way more sensible?

Given these options:
1. Scour a physical stat, the magical equivalent of twisting your own arm. It heals in a day. Get three mana.
2. Scour health. It heals in two days. Get three mana.
3. Go find a Hallow. You're now in debt to whoever owns that Hallow. Get between 1 and 3 mana.

Unless you have the Hallow merit, who the fuck isn't using 1 or 2 whenever they need mana?
>Have dots in Life
>Scour self for 3 mana, hit your Strength
>Use 1 mana, if necessary, to cast a Life spell to boost your Strength by 1
>Come out at least 2 mana ahead

Problem, non-Lifehavers?

between 1/5, daily. Not just daily, but 1/5 which can be collected and sold/traded/stored.

Just join a legacy.
Legacy Oblations are a fantastic source of Mana.

I like the versatility myself. One Shartha idea I had was Roach Hosts that feed on people killed by other Hosts, their gimmick is that they can "push" the part the Gauntlet ahead of themselves out of shape.

That's actually a good point.

You can join a Legacy at Gnosis 2. 3 if you're making your own. Gnosis 2 or 3 is probably not that hard to reach.

So why are most Mages (by the book) getting mana from Hallows instead of just Legacy oblations? Much easier. Joining most Legacies has no downsides.

You can get Mana from both a Legacy and a Hallow, meaning that's even more Mana you can use each day in your experiments.

However the biggest benefit of a Hallow, that no other source provides for you, is the generation of Tass when you don't harvest it. Easily traded, a great bribe, and fantastic for storing mana in excess of your maximum capacity.

There is, in fact, literally an example spell to do exactly that. Spirit 2 or 3, I think.

>Why don't most Mages literally stab themselves in the face? This seems sensible to me because it's the most mechanically proficient route and clearly I can't think of any reason why people wouldn't want to literally take damage just to have mana when there are an infinite number of ways that are less painful and potentially costly.

>he isn't an Obrimos

I got 99 problems, but mana ain't one

If you own your own Hallow, fine.

Otherwise I'm pretty sure that safely stabbing yourself is 100% preferable to being indebted to another mage.

>Search results for Dark Eras: 0
Here's the hand-off, poorfags.


Or convince a Master to create one for you.
Or rekindle a Sleeping one.

From what I can tell, the werewolf smut fiction on the internet is less about gay wolves and more about muscular alpha males raping and impregnating women.

Yeah but Beasts basically have Dominate. It's slightly weaker, but still a game winner in the ways that matter.

There's an entire fanfiction subgenre dedicated to a setting for the show Supernatural where werewolf dynamics are that Alphas are big strong and powerful manly men (or shemales), Betas are normal or more or less normal, and Omegas are cock craving supersubs who can get impregnated even if they're men. A/B/O dynamics stories even spread outside of Supernatural fanfiction to become its own subgenre. There are even F-list profiles all about it.

tl;dr: Gay werewolves are more popular than you think.
Don't click that unless you want to go down a fucked up rabbit hole. Fetish fanfiction is some Lovecraftian shit, and I say this as someone on F-list

>Don't click that unless you want to go down a fucked up rabbit hole.
I'll just take your word for it. Gay werewolves and weird mpreg Supernatural fanfics are lightyears outside my realm of interest.

okay I looked out of morbid curiosity, found a link to something called the Tramp!Verse, looked it over, and immediately closed the tabs.

god damnit, supernatural fandom. you're so fucking weird.

It's not just the Supernatural fandom that's weird. That's just the weirdness that's relevant to werewolves.

>Been trying to get Mage: the Ascension game started for months
>Slowly get players and characters all set up
>First session was last night
>Went great and now I need to gush

Started it at the wedding of a prominent Virtual Adept (who looks an awful lot like Steve Wozniak) and a Cult of Ecstasy painter (opening people's minds with her art). They're getting into their 60's and have been fighting the Ascension War for decades, but now realize its time to settle down and let the younger kids take over. The wedding is a fun party where Traditionalists can just relax and enjoy each other's company. There's a "rule" on the invitation about no "business talk" during the reception.

PC's are enjoying the reception and having fun trying to figure out who's a normie and who's a mage without actually asking outright (no business talk). However, one of them is a newly-defected Progenitor who got invited as a +1. The ex-Prog had no idea this was a Reality Deviant party, but he's breaking out of the Technocratic conditioning so decides to just enjoy the open bar and cake. The PC's eventually met Roger, a $yndicate advertiser who is also there as a +1. Roger recently got his first dot in Spirit kinda by accident while trying to tap into psychological archetypes for his next ad campaign. Now Roger is trying to make sense of the spirits/monsters he's seeing, especially at the Traditionalist wedding and is quietly freaking.

Some of the Traditionalists realize that the ex-Prog and Roger are Technocrats, but they don't want to ruin everyone's good time so they get ready to attack after the party. The players don't seem to understand the depths of hatred between the Technocracy and the Traditions, but they think Roger is cool. PC's find out Roger is in danger so they want to ask Roger why. Roger finally realizes he's in danger and bolts for his car. The PC's follow out to the parking lot as Roger leaves without his date and the angry Traditionalists are heading out as well.

Next session will likely start with a chase scene, with Roger fleeing the wedding, the PC's chasing Roger to find wtf is going on, and the Traditionalists chasing both to kill Roger and the ex-Prog.

Provided Roger survives, I plan on making him the primary antagonist as he realizes he can use Dimensional Science (Technocracy version of Spirit magic) to enhance his advertisements. Roger would bind the spirits with copyrights and enslave them to help sell the Technocratic way of life. In Roger's mind this is perfectly fine because spirits aren't human. To him its like using a horse to plow a field.

Of course, the Dreamspeaker in the party will object to this, so it'll be interesting to see how it all plays out. I'm so pumped! Nice to finally GM again after ~4 months of no dice rolling.

This is why traditions suck - kill awaken one just because he put to work creatures that never worked in the first place.

>Mage: the Ascension

Information: You are going to die.

>playing Mage: the Ascension

You okay bro? Suffered some trauma to the head recently?


I'm not really thrilled by it. Sure, I like the idea of every supernatural template having some kind of cult, I figured they would anyway. Really though I figure they need to be more personal to the player or NPC running said cult rather than just trying to make everything uniform like this.

Sounds like a good session! I hope the rest of the campaign goes well!

This isn't D&D.

Neither is the presidential race, nor advertisement drives. Your point?

>campaign is a term entirely exclusive to D&D

Campaign's a generic term for a series of sessions played over a period of time. Just because the books call it a "Chronicle" doesn't mean you can't use "campaign".

How nested are spirits?

If I'm in a forest there'd be a forest spirit. Would each individual tree have it's own spirit? Do the individual cells of the tree have their own spirits? If I focus enough could I in theory speak to the spirits of Carbon, Nitrogen, Hydrogen and Oxygen that makes up the cells of the tree?

Most trees will be little more than props. An occasional important tree will have it's own spirit. A different spirit can represent an entire group of trees, feeding off essence that they generate and preventing other Spirits from forming. The proportions between different types of spirits will vary between places.
You won't see spirits of separate compounds, because only the tree that they form is "important" and likely to have a Spirit. However, places where such compounds exist in a raw state might be inhabited by substance Spirits. Note that you'll sooner meet coal spirit or medical carbon spirit that a spirit of Carbon compound.

>Would each individual tree have it's own spirit?
In theory, but unless it was a particularly important tree, its "spirit" would just be a slightly tree-flavored collection of essence, not even enough to count as anything more than a piece of terrain.

>Do the individual cells of the tree have their own spirits?
See above, but even moreso, since it'd just get subsumed into the essence of the tree which has a much stronger resonance.

>If I focus enough could I in theory speak to the spirits of Carbon, Nitrogen, Hydrogen and Oxygen that makes up the cells of the tree?
See above, to an even greater degree.

For all intents and purposes, a tree only radiates "Tree-ness" essence. A carbon spirit or whatever might theoretically be able to rip carbon-flavored essence from it, but it'd be like straining sand out of a vat of ground beef, and he's better off huffing on smokestacks or the end results of brush fires.

Try not to get to granular with this, spirits are more abstract than that. If you see a 'tree spirit' odds are it's the most tree-y spirit in the area and has consumed or enslaved all lesser tree and tree associated spirits in his immediate vicinity.

>Would each individual tree have it's own spirit?
In theory, the Shadow side of the forest would be filled with tree spirits, but whether or not they correspond 1-to-1 with trees in the real forest is going to depend on how familiar the general population is with the forest. Most forests aren't going to match up 1-to-1, though they'll be pretty close.
>Do the individual cells of the tree have their own spirits?
No. If this were Exalted, maybe; they had Least Gods in 2e, which were the spirit residing in every object that basically just made sure it remained that object. They're single-minded enough, though, that they wouldn't even have a Rank in CofD; they're equivalent to motes, at most.

There'd be a powerful forest spirit and a bunch of smaller tree/grass/bush/vegetatian/decay/animal/insect spirits shitting around and offering up essence to the forest spirit for protection.

Sorry, I should clarify: the Traditionalists at the wedding who are getting ready to attack Roger and the ex-Prog have been fighting the Ascension War for years. They're worried that these Technocrats are spies and a team of HIT-Marks and Black Suits are poised to strike once the word is given. The wedding is a marriage of two strong mages and there are a bunch of Tradition members there who have had more than a bit to drink. If the Technocracy struck it would be a disaster for the mages. If the Technocracy used this as an opportunity to start surveillance on all the mages that could potentially be worse. They're looking out for their people from an enemy that showed up at their friend's wedding.

I know the mechanics have problems, but I adore the setting. I left behind a lot of the SJW bullshit M20 introduced, but the setting as a whole really appeals to me.

>I adore the setting

That's why I'm asking, are you okay?

So, regarding Mage 2e, can someone clarify if sympathy can only be used if you have Space or Time?

Also, how can I shoot around corners? And shoot a bullet through a phone?

Shooting around corners seems like it could be accomplished a number of different ways, but the obvious ones are Space and Fate. Bullet through phone is almost certainly Matter + Forces.

As I understand it temporal sympathy and spacial sympathy are now attainments you get for having two dots in either space or time.

Spacial sympathy is Space.
Temporal sympathy is Time.

You can use either Forces or Space to shoot around corners, but unless you have a sensory view of your target, then you're going to be using Spacial Sympathy.

If you want to shoot a bullet through a phone line, that's Sympathy, and either Space 3 or 4, depending on if you want to create a "Portal" through which you can repeatedly fire, but people with the know-how can fire back through or Space 4 in which case you're teleporting merely a few bullets once they're fired.

If we're going to start judging people for their taste in game settings, pretty much everyone on Veeky Forums is going to have something to answer for.

Will Signs of Sorcery have information on stuff like magical alchemy?

I want to play a Moros that makes a living hustling potions to the supernatural community.

If you mean Sympathetic Yantras for the dice bonuses, you can use those without using Space or Time. You have to be within, at most, sensory range, however; an paraphased example Dave once gave is tearing a photo in half to cast a Fraying spell on the subject. Without Spatial Sympathy, you'd have to do this while also looking at them.
Shooting around a corner, as in curving the bullet, is possible with Space 4 or Forces 3, going off the book(It could probably be done with Space 3, desu, but the book puts Alter Direction at 4 for some reason.)

Shooting a bullet through a phone would be easiest with a spell like Co-Location(Space 3).

Almost certainly.
What I can only assume is its 1e equivalent, Tome of the Mysteries, had them.

How would you use Fate to do it?

Oh I see.

Sensory view you mean by aiming at the target? If I dont have it, how should I use Spacial Sympathy?

To use Co-Location I need spacial sympathy, right?

Also, sympathy only adds die to the roll if it is used as a Yantra, right?

Could someone please explain to me how Chaos Mastery (Fate 4) works? Whom do you cast it on? Yourself, or a target at sensory range?

>The mage deals lethal damage as a direct-attack spell. This effect is not Withstood.

How much damage does this inflict? Potency? Potency + Fate dots? What does "This effect is not Withstood" mean if the spell has "Withstand: Composure"?

You need Spatial Sympathy unless you can see the other area, yes. Given that you're talking to someone there on the phone, though, I'd say that's probably a Medium link, at least, to the other location.
Then you just use Co-Location to superimpose your phone's receiver over the other phone's speaker, and fire through it.

The damage is potency. Also only the damage ignores potency.

Direct damage spells are never withstood, as the withstand is already factored into the character's health. The damage of a direct damage spell is always equal to potency. IE a potency three version of this spell would deal three lethal damage to the target.

This spell itself is kind of fucked. Spells are supposed to have one clear effect and this thing is just a grab bag of "fuck 'em up."

Okay, but the spell says I "generate a number of useful patterns in the chaos equal to Potency + Fate dots," right?

Does that mean I can choose the "deal damage" option that many times and BTFO a single target, or spread it out across multiple targets?

Fate would shoot randomly and you'd ricochet off of something. I think there's actually a fighting style merit that lets you shoot at people in cover by knocking over potted plants or ricochets and things like that. Also, wow, that is such a low quality version of that scene.

Sensory just means you can see smell taste touch or hear someone directly. I believe you can actually use a Reach to effect someone you can see indirectly (through a camera feed, or over the phone perhaps), but I'm dumb and Mage is complicated.

All spells are default cast on yourself or someone you're touching.