What type of pipe would your character use?
My wizard would use pic related.
What type of pipe would your character use?
My wizard would use pic related.
My little halfling uses a corn cob pipe during travels.
Fighter currently multi-classing into plumber now that the war's over.
Necromancer pipe coming through.
Why would my Wizard smoke? Wizards are suppose to have high INT.
>implying health is an issue when you have access to magic
Your INT doesn't seem that high
Probably a "water pipe".
A pipe that gets slightly longer every time nobody else is looking at it.
what if he lives in a setting where smoking is considered a treatment? Or the "smart" people do think smoking is healthy or at least not unhealthy.
>spend 3000 on an art piece that would both be impossible to clean and hit pathetically soft
>instead of 130 on a zong capable of fucking up multiple adventurers in rapid succession
Looks like your mercantile skill could use a bit of a boost.
Lone Star will be along shortly, please remain where you are.
Only literal plebs smoke in the setting we are currently using.
A fraction of one.
Buy it on Etsy - Gandalf Pipe made by Novaglass
my sorcerer would have some gaudy as shit silver/gold/gems pipe, and my rogue would smoke the shittiest grimiest rolled cigarettes you can imagine, and would save butts to smoke later.
English made bent billiard in briar. Smokes lakeland tobaccos, mostly flakes but doesn't mind a tin of Dunhill's mixtures every now and again. Hates aromatics.
I'm not sure that my character can smoke.
Character has a very strong dragon and brass theme going on.
... Though I'm not really sure he could use it, now that I actually think about it.
My character uses snuff, a mixture he makes himself containing roughly 1/3 gunpowder. If he were to use a pipe it would probably just be a plain wood one, and he would have to refrain from his powder habit.
>Guys if you smoke anything ever you're going to get cancer.
A pipe of good tobacco a few times a month isn't going to do much harm.
>Wasting space in your snuffbox for charcoal and sulfur instead of tobacco.
It's a vice. Intelligent people are as susceptible to vice as anyone. I get the feeling you haven't met many.
Only guy in this thread who actually knows anything about pipes.
Is it weeb bullshit? Probably. Is it a bludgeoning weapon in addition to being a decorative tobacco pipe? Absolutely.
Suck on that, people who posted glass bullshit that'd snap into a thousand shards before your character got to unpack their bedroll..
My friend has a 7 inch long brass opium pipe. Thing weighs on the order of 2 pounds.
I have a glass one of those. I've used it twice for weed. Got it mainly to sit on my mantle.
I got my grandpa's corncob after he died. We both used it for weed.
Underrated post
Dude, come on. That's not a pipe.
are these for sale? cause i kinda want one.
I like pipes but I still need tar in my lungs for that grumpy anti-hero voice.
Briar is good.
Aromatics have their place. They don't really give you a solid buzz like an English Tobacco does, but a good one smells fucking awesome and beats nothing while also making it easier for people who don't smoke to hang around you because it smells so good.
If you want to smoke to relax at the end of the day though, aromatics are pleb tier and because of the sugar content tend to burn hot and fuck up a pipe if smoked too quickly.
Dunhill's Navy Rolls are pretty solid. I like flakes and rolls over loose personally, but I can't really tell you why.
It's alright user, the 8th grade is really hard. You'll pass one day.
>lights pipe and inhales
>panics and scatters camp while devouring as much of his honey reserves as possible.
>gets tired and just lays down to digest instead of going anywhere
Mine is made from adblockium.
I still don't get why druids can't use axes in some systems.
I play a dirty, rotten scoundrel.
>not using Prestidigitation to clean the soot from your lungs after a smoke
You aren't even a real wizard, are you?
you dont, theyre clunky to smoke and probably also a bitch to clean
Doubtful. Insects breathe through little holes on their abdomen, and I see no reason why it'd be different for giant insects.
Rolled 2 (1d12)
1) Telescopic pipe: adjusts length from a few inches up to several feet.
2) Weapon pipe: weighted, doubles as a hand-to-hand weapon in emergencies. Come in axe, club, dagger, sword and bec-de-corbin variants.
3) Shaping pipe: enchanted and/or constructed so smoke emits from it in a distinct shape, usually an animal, word or something rude.
4) Creature pipe: more complicated and magical than the above - smoke is actually transmogrified into some sort of semi-permanent illusion, like smoke butterflies or a smoke genie.
5) Mirror pipe: a mirrored pipe. Useful if you need a mirror, a pipe and don't have much space. Can be used for signalling.
6) Jewel pipe: a pipe carved entirely of precious gemstone. Useful if you need to be #swag and don't fear for your physical safety.
7) Smokeless pipe: vents its fumes into some linked pipe in an irrelevant alternate dimension. Might well piss off the inhabitants of that dimension.
8) Capture pipe: steals fumes from other pipes in the locality, meaning you don't need smoking material. Might well piss off the people's tobacco (or whatever) you're stealing.
9) Practical pipe: breaks down anything put in the compartment into something smokable - however tenuously. Adventurous experimentation with this pipe tends to lead to extremely deleterious mental effects. Goblins are very fond of this one.
10) Skeleton pipe: small bone pipe that lets you smoke the last breaths of the dying. A high end magical artifact used to sustain life beyond its natural end.
11) Magma pipe: a small element of intense natural heat means the material in this pipe never needs to be lit. Breaking it will cause a blinding flash of light and short burst of extreme heat. Takes a long time to cool down once used.
12) Enlarging pipe: produces enormously more smoke than a regular pipe, enough to occlude sight. Useful for generating cover or a distraction.
Because spiracles limit the size of insects and other invertebrates greatly. That's why you don't get gigantic insects crawling around everywhere and the biggest species turn up around the equator.
Depending on how "realistic" your fantasy setting is, I would guess that giant insects have to develop lungs or something similar.
It's useful because so few see it coming.
Fuck if I know.
What's the best sort of pipe for a grizzled old soldier of fortune?
Og used to use lead pipe hit idiot on head. Pipe stainless steel now, not work as good.
In 1st ed, Gygax used his own inability to quite smoking as an example of high Int, low Wis.
None. My warlock is more of a chawin' to-bak-ee kinda girl.
My character smokes hollow tubes of narcotic tree bark and it truly is the dankest shit.
My wizard smokes cheroots. DM rules fire resistance includes immunity to smoke I halation's negative effects but he still likes the taste.
My tiefling inhales the scent of burning flesh of sinners that he sent to teh Iron City. Chaotic good gets quite edgy sometimes...
I'm just not a fan of aromatics. When I smoke, I want to taste tobacco. I mostly smoke on my own or if I'm out around other smokers so they don't care. In fact they love the smell of good pipe tobacco. Navy Rolls are delicious and I do love me some flakes; Sameul Gawith's Winter Time Flake is my current mainstay, although I always keep some ribbon cut stuff, usually a Dunhill blend or sometimes I'll mix it up with some Squadron Leader or Presbyterian Mixture.
Never could figure out why flakes and rolls taste better. Functionally they are basically the same.
I got an order from pipes and cigars the other day and they threw in some limited edition Borkum Riff. They are sweet as all hell, but credit where credit is due they make my house smell awesome.
Wish I could get aromatic tobacco smells in like an incense or something. Smoking them is just 'meh'. I am also sick of having to order my tobacco off the internet too. Unless I want to get Half and Half or Prince Albert, I am fucked for choice locally.
Rolled 10 (1d12)
for when I create my character next week
But she'd prefer a hookah.
An apple
>Do you do guttering work? That fucking geomancer has fucked up everything, my plums turned out nice though.
Either a calabash or a hawkbill. Something with a large enough bowl to hold enough to keep lit for a while without having to refill and light, but still at a size that could be used handsfree, and with some small mobility, if needed. The calabash also lends itself to more distinct designs decoratively but I've grown to dislike the kitchey associations they have with Sherlock Holmes. Hawbills are nice but a little frumpy.
Because game authors think hatchets are too multifunctional for munchkins to resist applying to every roll, so they try to give them broad axes the size of a small building instead.
the definition of dank
>soldier of fortune
i dont want to smoke it , i want to display it mostly, looks more like a display piece anyway
My wizard rolls cigarettes. She's the coolest witch on the block.
Rolled 2 (1d12)
Rolled 6 (1d12)