Spoon? Spooooooooon? BOOK? SMELL? 5E?
Spoon? Spooooooooon? BOOK? SMELL? 5E?
It's like picking on a living corpse, man.
>living corpse
You're telling me. Rebruary falls in may now for some reason.
Who is this faggot and why the fuck should I care?
Some guy who was semi-big in the early days of angry guy bitching about video games who has outlived his time and has generally just become a dickhead.
He's big into pnp games, or at least used to be. He has a series of videos telling stories and talking about games called Counter Monkey. They're generally alright and some are very entertaining, but his video on why he hates 5th edition D&D is absolute autism and just shitty. One of his complaints is that his book smelled. He also never played 5th edition before bitching about how he didn't like the way the player's handbook was written for two hours.
He has a series of videos about roleplaying games where he tells stories of his past experiences. His tips for DMing are sometimes pretty good, but when it comes to his opinion on the games and the mechanics themselves, you'll tend to disagree a lot.
You really shouldn't.
You shouldn't, OP has been reposting this one pic of this one guy a hundred times.
Didn't he date rape some girl?
>Didn't he date rape some girl?
Yeah....nah, go fuck yourself. As much as I dislike the guy, what I absolutely hate is how this kind of shit escalates so high that it suddenly becomes ACTUAL RAPE.
Here's what happened, the cliffnotes version:
>Spoony is bipolar, everyone at TGWTG knows this
>In one of his manic bouts, he tweets to another girl on the website that he's willing to "tie her to a radiator" and love her "the hard way"
>Her response is pretty much "lol wtf?"
That was it. That's all it was, that's how high things escalated. Everyone left it be.
>MONTHS later
>Spoony brings up on his twitter or whatever that he's kind of down because his girlfriend broke up with him
>Someone entirely unrelated to the event brings up that tweet from months ago
>She's a woman, so the entire SJW brigade backs her up
>Doug Walker was on vacation at the time or something, so he wasn't around to resolve the issue
>By the time he was back, Spoony had left the website and gone rogue
>Doug is obviously none to pleased as Spoony was one of the top performers, at least in terms of popularity (not in output obviously)
And somehow this escalates once again to "he raped someone". What a time to be alive.
So he threatened a girl with rape?
Literally the same thing, he should be in prison.
no he just made a shitty joke that's about it.
Nah, he was making a joke to someone he knew and it was phrased as an offer.
It was cringe worthy and dumb, but it was just a bad joke.
And let's not forget that JesuOtaku didn't make a big deal about it. It only escalated because someone else, ENTIRELY UNRELATED TO THE CONVERSATION, decided it's a smart idea to butt in. And even then, not even on the behalf of JesuOtaku.
>rape and not rape are the same thing
Is this a fucking joke?
Frankly im just sad he dosent do counter monkey anymore. i used to love his stuff and wether he is a nice guy or no (although i do agree he went full autism about 5e. maybe his opinion changed i dunno) his stories were hella entertaining and i havent found anyone else that could ramble and be cool like him.
he just rants with such confidence i cant help but love it. his rant on all of the dice he's seen and his collection, or that time he checks out a bible-based RPG and so many examples he was awesome for the most part.
Im sure there's some great people doing the same shtick but i sure as hell havent found them sadly.
Welcome to 2016.
>Being a rape apologist.
Well you're upholding the namefag status admirably.
Wasn't it Obscurus Lupa that started shit, who eventually got fired from TGWTG anyway for a different unrelated reason?
Yeah, it was her. Didn't know she was fired though, I stopped visiting TGWTG a long time ago (around the time of the NC's downright horrible reboot). Why was she fired?
Something to do with not answering a Skype call from Doug's brother.
TGWTG is basically hot garbage now. Sage was good for awhile. Maybe still is, have not checked in a long time.
Spoony's old final fantasy/swat 4/phantasmagoria videos were excellent. Shit has certainly gone downhill though.
Sorry, what's that? I couldn't hear you with all that self righteous SJW shit pouring out of your mouth in place of logic and reason, wanna try reiterating that in a language I understand, that isn't based on reactionary fuck-stupid "feelings"?
>Literally triggered.
To easy you retarded namefag cunt.
TGWTG can be good sometimes, Doug's recent NC editorial on Hollywood whitewashing was actually pretty good, problem is the whole "character reviewer storylines" bullshit stopped being anything but cringy as fuck years ago and they don't seem to have caught on to the fact. Also that black guy and fat chick in all of NCs videos need to fuck off and die.
>To easy you retarded namefag cunt.
t. Alberta Barborosa
Try and spell better next time, retard.
>triggered again
>Being baited this bad.
>In a huff.
>Trying to recycle insults.
You should stop while you're ahead fat one.
This dude knows what's up.