Giant wasp

>Giant wasp
>The Japanese giant hornet is large and can be very aggressive if provoked. Its venom, which is injected by the 6.25 mm-long stinger, attacks the nervous system and damages the tissue of its victims.[2] Tests involving mice found that the venom falls short of being the most lethal of wasp venom, having an LD50 of 4.0 mg/kg. In comparison, the deadliest wasp venom (at least to lab mice) by weight belongs to Vespa luctuosa at 1.6 mg/kg. The potency of the sting is due, rather, to the relatively large amount of venom injected.[5] Being stung is extremely painful and can require hospitalization. The warrior wasp, tarantula hawk, and bullet ant are among the very few insects with a sting more painful. Asian giant hornet stings can cause anaphylactic shock in allergic people but can still be lethal to people who are not allergic, provided the dose is sufficient. In China, where the hornet can also be found, the conventional wisdom is that people stung more than 10 times need medical help, and emergency treatment if stung more than 30 times. The stings can also cause renal failure.[6] Thirty to forty people die in Japan every year after having been stung by the Japanese hornet.[2][7]

>In the world of D&D there are GIANT Japanese giant hornets
Give me one reason why every intelligent race hasn't committed suicide yet

Other urls found in this thread:

>Give me one reason why every intelligent race hasn't committed suicide yet
Because doublegiant hornets are far from the worst that fantasy worlds have to offer. They're used to horrifying shit, and the hornets being doublegiant means they have an easier time HITTING the sumbitches.

Because DnD has fuckin wizards and shit. There is a cabal of magic users dedicated to fighting back the giant giant hornets.

Because magic.

What familiar would look the silliest with a wizard hat on it?


Because nobody actively seeks them out to be in their vicinity?

Most people don't give a shit about scary stuff until it becomes a direct problem.

A giant jumping spider who eats giant japanese giant hornets

FUN FACT: The giant Japanese hornet fucks everyone's shit up, especially the Japanese honey bee. If a SINGLE wasp finds a honey-bee hive, he'll flie back and tell all his buddies where it is, they go in and fuck their shit up, like half a dozen wasps can destroy a bee hive. Thus, it's in the bees best interest to kill the scout before he gets back. How do they do this? They cook him. As many bees as possible dogpile onto the wasp and vibrate their wings as fast as they can. Japanese honey bees can survive a few degrees temperature more than the wasp, so this is the only way they can realistically kill one. More than a few bees die in the process, but at least the hive survives.

>Damn nature you scary

And the japanese honey bee is the only bee that has that adaptation meaning that any imported bees are at risk of being slaughtered.

Large male orangutan.

Would it look better if she were redeemed?

Because giant hornets just want to appreciate cute things.

Cobra or other snake.

Because of the same reason why human's haven't given up against bears: They are easy to hit and easy to fool. Plus the ecosystem couldn't support such large apex predators in such numbers, so they would have to be either greatly reduced in number or die out periodically much like predators normally do.

Doesn't Australia have some spider that tries to kill people just because? Did these hornets learn this behavior from that? I'm also concerned that either Australia is spreading or Japan is Australia's little brother. Not quite as crazy as Australia, but very clearly related.


he was probably just trying to sting the athletic boy on your phone before somebody put that string on his stinger

Makoto is a GIRL!

Sydney Funnel Web Spider.
Second most venomous spider in the world, is fire proof, can hold it's breath for several months and will actively chase down humans because it can.
Despite this, only 24 people have been known to die from it in total, because we're are trained from a young age that you don't play with spiders.

>is fire proof
What the actual fuck?

Because the vast majority of people are untrained in Knowledge (Nature), so nobody knows they exist. Ignorance truly is bliss...


>is fire proof
You're lying.
You're LYING!

It's can survive high tempretures and even open flames for a short period. Likely an adaptation to survive grass and leaf litter fires.
So if you ever encounter one, don't think you can just fight it with fire because it's already one-up over you.


Fucking Australia. We need to nuke it from orbit.

Fun fact: The other most dangerous spider that lives in Oz, the Australian Wandering Spider, has metal-tipped fangs, and can bite through leather work boots. All of the trace iron in its diet builds up in it's fangs (much like calcium is used by the human body to help build strong bones).

Alos, wandering spiders are really aggressive and can grow to be the size of a human hand. And they like cozy urban environments, like your cupboard, next to the Wheatabix.

See, this explains the popularity off dwarven beekeeping druids and rangers. Not only are they well-suited to dealing with giant hornets, but they are extremely interested in honey as a condiment and in order to ferment it.

Someone explain this shit to me. Why the FUCK would anyone even consider getting close to the breeding grounds of flying death needles? Why would you stick your hands INSIDE the breeding grounds of flying death needles? Why would you EVER stick whatever it is flying death needles produce in your mouth?

I love honey, but if I were a caveman I'd fucking avoid beehives like they were death incarnate... because they are.

You know we've had wars over getting spices, right? Humans are more than willing to kill (and die) just for the sake of getting tasty food.

You gotta wonder about the first humans who figured it out, though.

We see animals get stung to get that sweet sweet honey. So we think "Man, that shit must be GOOD! I need to try that."
And the animals were right. That shit is good.
So we developed methods to combat the bees. We brought them under our control, to an extent.

Probably and possibly found a better evolved animal for getting honey getting said honey.

Or possibly killed said animal and took the honey from it.

Also possible to find a hive that died out naturally, but had honey still intact.

Now is not the time for monkey business.

Wasps are certainly more aggressive than most other insects in America, but they're not all bad.

Food has been the single greatest element that has driven humanity.
How can I get it safe, tasty and in large quantities.

Fuck, no wonder we're not going space opera anytime soon. There's nothing delicious out there, as far as we can see at this point.

A giant Japanese wasp.

Honestly bees/wasps/hornets are less dangerous when you make them GIANT rather than just big for insects.

Its kind of hard to stab a swarm of wasps

Wasp thread.

Heh. Try out these guys.

You dumb Yank, that'll just make the spiders radioactive. Do you WANT a gas-huffing abo Spiderman? Because that's how you get one.

Because they have 32 HP and an AC of 14. Basically every class can easily dispatch that in one action

Remind me, how many hit points does a level 1 commoner have?


I wonder this about cooking, recipes, and food in general.

Depends on system. In ye old AD&D commoners had 1d4 HP and only 5% had a CON high enough for a HP boost and only a smaller percentage of the population made it past level 2-3.

Fucking fuck Australia. Somebody get a portal to fucking 40k so we can get a inquisitor to orbitally bomb it, Jesus Titty-Fucking Christ

Because cheeseburger freedomman just have to leagalize those's vermin bee's

There's at least three of those bastards within 50m of my bedroom.

Well think of it this way

If something requires 24/7 guarding by millions of flying death soldiers, it must be pretty cool, right?

>Thinking there will ever only be one

can hold its breath for several months... shit can escape austrailia. also how...

Sounds like a fucking pussy, who would be scared of that little bitch?

First human goes in and grabs honey, then dies because he's an idiot.

Second human waits for bees to leave, then grabs free honey


Profit and modern political system is born

Because instead of bugzappers we have fucking Fireballs and Lightningbolt.

user, are you having a stroke?
Do you need someone to call an ambulance?

is that statting it for 40k?
it just to be randomly taking concepts, but 40k is the only thing I can immediately think of that has most of that. Shame they statted it in the wrong order.