>gf texts me
>"Come over I want to try some role-play"
>grab some character sheets and dice.
>Tell a few friends to come over and help me teach her d&d
>We start driving to her house
>I text her on the way
>we get there we walk in she is dressed as a nurse
>with her tits out
>now I don't have a gf
Do you guys have gfs who rp the only girls I know are both lesbos.
Gf texts me
I know a couple who RP, both are hot. One is engaged to my best friend.
The other is... strange.
I used to, but apparently I didn't snuggle enough after sex to meet her emotional needs or something.
Everyone had a good time there
She was kinda chubby and nerdy and said she may want to try some d&d a week earlier. It was an honest mistake.
Wife RPs. She typically derails my campaigns, requiring the occasional solo mission. I don't mind.
No I my gay friend gaged. It's was pretty bad.
What are you even saying.
> gf played one session of Dark Heresy with a few mates and me when the entire group was just learning how to play
> super shy, rolled up a techpriest
> never wanted to speak up either IC or OOC, passed it off as standard techpriest autism, preferring to watch, learn, observe, analyse and record.
> end of the game
> BBEG (for that game - it was just like a bandit leader guy) slowly chopping down the party, basically kicking the shit out of us
> techpriest gf didn't even join direct combat, standing off to the side for a bit
> nearly end of the line for the rest of the party
> for the first time in like half an hour she speaks up
> "Uhm, can I use my...mechadendrites, I think...to help hotwire the truck the bandits used to crashed through the wall?"
> GM nods, roll with a bonus, since it's a piece of shit truck
> she passes
> enemy's turn, one party member is unconscious, others are on our last legs, BBEG still at like half health
> gf's turn
> "I drive the truck full tilt at the bandit leader"
> bandit leader fails dodge
> the party stares on as this bandit leader that had been handing their asses to them looks to his right and is immediately hit by the truck, essentially exploding on impact.
> gf, in character, calmly gets out and turns to the party
> "Threat has been removed."
> starts looking at the damaged caused to the truck and begins repairing it
Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
>inviting people to your gfs house without telling her
Your imaginary self is really dumb. 0/10 your imaginary gf deserved better.
Marry her. Marry her you sonofabitch you ain't finding better.
We're on a temporary break over various issues. We're both working at it, though. Hopefully everything works out
Well good luck to you.
What's your opinion on solo missions and how does your DM deals with them? What's a good way to reduce them?
As a DM I hate running solo missions and would rather incorporate the group into whatever the issue the solo mission would address.
As a DM whose wife enjoys solo missions, I've upped the required roleplay aspect of her persuasion and seduction checks.
Are you having a stroke?
Are you genuinely this new to the internet?
i chuckl'd
No, I just don't go out of my way to learn fucking retarded references.
>super shy
>rolls with it to make it an aspect of their character and do cool shit with it
doing it right
Lurk moar, newfag. Now reveal in the unbridled retardation Veeky Forums may unleash upon the unsuspecting.
She did pretty good, yeah. Saved all of us, that's for sure.
Beware, retardation may be contagious.
hostile much bruh
Never had a girlfriend, but even I doubt, that I would be that dense...
>all those tripfags
what the fuck
I love her. Please hug her and tell her how awesome she is.
Never leave Veeky Forums user. It's a tripfag infested hell out on other boards
>DM's gf wants to try playing
>doesn't quite understand how RPing works
>tries to narrate the actions that the PC or NPC she's talking with takes, as well
>i.e. "I hand my dog to you, and you pick him up and pet him"
>keep trying to explain to her why she isn't in control of what the other characters do, only her own
>she doesn't get it
older Veeky Forums had more of them than we do now, it seems
Don't you realize you are a complete failure here unless you read and memorize every thread like some sort of ass burger?
>replying to yourself
>Replying with sumg anime.
>Replying with Hypocritical humor.
Smug anime is useful to everyone, and the person I'm replying to appears to be new. If they are new, it is possible that this smug anime will irritate them into lurking more (or leaving). If they are not new, then one should hope they have enough taste to be able to enjoy smug animes. It's the perfect response for this situation.
> gf texts me
> wants to try rp
> tonightisthenight.jpeg
> arrive at her house
> she and her friends are playing dnd
> im standing there in my gladiator outfit
> my dicks out
>Join in as if nothing's out of the norm.
oh my sides
I'll save this
I know a few girls at my college that play tabletop rpg games, and they're straight. They exist op.
inb4 the break stops being temporary and you spend the rest of your life full of regret
He's making fun of the poorly constructed post.
It's more like, sometimes you reveal that you're new here, and people look down on new folks because that's how people work. Although Veeky Forums tends to be friendlier about it than a lot of boards.
Welcome, by the way. You'll fit in eventually.
I don't think so. We still have feelings for each other, we live in the same town, and we both still see each other on a regular occurrence.
And even if that DOES happen, I won't be overly upset. I take things as they come and deal with the feelings as they arrive.
I'll look out for it on /r/Veeky Forums
you should probably save
as a follow up lmao
Sounds like one of my femdom fantasies.
The only roleplaying she's into is the bedroom type, tabletop isn't really her thing
oh god. Real or not, my sides are in the stratosphere!
Thanks for the kek op
GF has gamed with me 1 time
>Be me, forever GM
>Write and create a 3.5 campaign for my thesis
(Thesis was on collaborative storytelling for anyone whose interested)
>Run it with some friends and my supervising prof and department head
>Game goes well
>No ones taking it super seriously aside from the two profs who are super into it
>grade is looking good
>Department head is fucking in love with it
>Neither prof has ever played before
>Supervisor is having fun but not his thang
>Friends have fun, which is whats important to my thesis
>GF came to watch
>Thinks dnd and larp are the same, and wants to see why its different and how it works cause of me talking about it all the time.
>Asks if she can join in briefly before she has to go
>Plays the tavern keep's waitress
>Hilariously humiliates the bard when he tries to hit on her
>Shes in theater irl a super quick on her feet, especially when shutting dudes down (happened to me a few times)
>Bard leaves and states that he goes to the roof tops to serenade the city
>Plays his lute and fails all preform rolls
>Town boo's him
>GF "I throw a rock at him"
>Roll for it
>Roll dam
>Max both
>Bard must roll reflex to avoid falling off the narrow perch
>Roll to see if you can stick the landing
>Fails worse
>Takes falling damage
>Dies from the 8 story fall and rock to the head
>Town looks on at GF's character who has just killed a man
>GF IC "Gnomes right? A round for everyone one the house!"
>Table erupts in laughter
She left shortly after that, and the bard was my friend who was a good sport and just played a new character after that. The profs fucking loved that moment for some reason. Got near perfect on my thesis too which was nice.