Does Veeky Forums have any advice for/stories about running an adventure/dungeon revolving around the evil forces of...

Does Veeky Forums have any advice for/stories about running an adventure/dungeon revolving around the evil forces of Hell?

I think you know the answer by now.

Read Dante Aligheries Divina Comedia. (Maybe, there are some typos...)

Have devils. Demons. That sort of thing

Maybe pitchforks or tridents?

Descent into the Underworld, motherfucker.

> The Princess is in another castle.
> In Hell.

Your players should be good guys and the devils could be bad guys. Sounds fun. Good luck!

yeah, its called the Divine Comedy you tryhard fuck

Have you considered some Planescape?


Go find a torrent site, and grab all the old TSR Planescape material - you're looking for the campaign setting, Planes of Law, Faces of Evil and Hellbound. Read all of the sections on Baator in them, then go and grab the Fiendish Codex II for 3.5 and read it.

>3.5 "Planescape"
How does it feel to be a cuck?

It feels terrible, but this guy doesn't want to run a Planescape campaign - he wants to Baator-themed dungeon/adventure.

>Hell = Baator
"Planescape" cucks in a nutshell.

it's a bureaucracy, but a very poorly-run one and incredibly inefficient. Everything is over-organised and you need approval from the 48th Local Demonic Sub-Prefectural Council (which meets only on alternate Wednesdays) to scratch your nose. Everyone in hell is working their ass off to climb the corporate ladder and get as much power for themselves as possible, while the system exists to try to curb the demons' naturally destructive and covetous ways by directing them in a more orderly manner.

So everywhere the heroes turn, some demon is out for their head, hoping that killing them will mean a promotion or some way to suck up to their boss. But none of them trust each other, constantly sabotage each other trying to steal the glory for themselves alone. That or they get fucked over because they don't have permission to cross into the part of town where human prisoners need to be taken or didn't fill out the requisite forms for weapons and equipment so they have to fight you on the street barehanded, etc. Really you have a lot of leeway as to how silly or serious you want to make the self-destructive powergrab society that is Hell.

Basically what I'm saying is run Paranoia but with demons

Plus, Hell does not have "police" or "guards" or "law enforcement" or any of those mortal professions whose duties include stopping devils.

No, Hell has the dreaded office of Internal Harmony Services, charged with the job of making sure all devils are working towards the Greater Evil together.

>Does Veeky Forums have any advice for/stories about running an adventure/dungeon revolving around the evil forces of Hell?

No, but every time I see the OP thumbnail, I think it's a rad bike helmet.

>Hell has the dreaded office of Internal Harmony Services, charged with the job of making sure all devils are working towards the Greater Evil together.

Make it clear that the forces of Hell are a bunch of filthy liars led by the Father of Lies.

Any contract with a demon has absolutely zero enforcement value.
It doesn't bind the demon: the demon will provide just enough services to try to get you to advertise to your friends or recruit another cultist or whatever it wants, then screw you over, burn the contract, and try to kill you so you can't tell anyone it's a dirty rotten cheater. Stupider demons tend to break the contract earlier; smart ones know to let the occasional mortal prosper and survive long enough to tell people how profitable a demonic contract was.
And it's not binding on mortals either. If you sign a contract to sell your soul to a demon for worldly pleasures, you do go to Hell when you die, but it's not because of any contract. It's because *you're the sort of person who would sell your soul to a demon*.

As a result, demons and mortals with a clue all HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE each other and want to screw each other over at every turn, which is a self-perpetuating cycle and a reason to go on adventures smiting the evil forces of Hell who lie, cheat, backstab, murder, and skip out on paying their bills. Regardless of alignment, everyone can join together hating the forces of Hell.

(for "alignment" read "personal moral outlook" if you think D&D is all the problems)

I really, really don't like this approach. Devils make MUCH better antagonists when they actually have something to offer. Under your system there's zero reason for the party to negotiate with them and every reason to just murder them immediately.

Games work better when you have multiple ways to get around opponents. If you can negotiate with a devil (which should be exceedingly tricky) you should be able to get something out of it - and you should be able to have enough of a silver tongue (with a few lucky rolls) to actually cheat one in a deal.

Your approach turns potentially complex encounters into loot and treasure pinatas, and that's a tragedy for everything that isn't a Devil May Cry style action game.

>Your approach turns potentially complex encounters into loot and treasure pinatas,
PCs will just murder their way through encounters anyway and then complain when the "city watch" tries to arrest them for "murder" and "assault with a deadly weapon"

Devils do have something to offer. Sometimes they'll even pay a lot up front. It's just that they're EVIL and so they will probably cheat you when they think they can get away with it.

What is it with some people and wanting to reduce all antagonists to little more than aggrieved neighbors who are still fundamentally decent people with a sense of fair play? We're talking about the forces of Hell here; it kinda diminishes the terror of Hell if demonic evil is kept in check by the threat of "See you in court". Yeah, good fucking luck finding a court with jurisdiction and enforcement powers over Hell...

I never said anything about them being fundamentally decent people - but in your approach you flat out say that everyone wants to screw them over. That's not the sort of environment that actually promotes deal-making - it promotes murderhoboing.

The forces of hell should be able to legitimately give you something that you want in exchange for a terrible drawback. There's no dramatic tension if the forces of hell are the mortgage brokers from The Big Short rather than Faust's Mephistopheles.

Dude,Divina Comedia is literally the original title, and Divine Comedy is the translation. Chill,man.

Get a torrent of Warhammer rpg Tome of Corruption and the Chaos Daemons rulebook for their fluff. Some events and adventure hooks depicted in those are interesting and useful for getting ideas, and they also contains some examples of demonic relics and such than can come in handy.

Also,art. It can give you some sick ideas for demonic antagonists, homebrew demons and so. Hyeronimus Bosch is a must, but also some modern like Wayne Barlowe(pic related) or Ian Miller.

D&D 3.5 had this Book of Vile Darkess, which would be great for you to check.

So China.

>Dude,Divina Comedia is literally the original title, and Divine Comedy is the translation. Chill,man.
1 it's Divina Commedia, and 2 he's right. Unless you are reading it in Italian you may as well call it what everyone knows it as in English, Divine Comedy.

Things have expected usage in English, it would be normal to call Augustus's "Res Gestae" such because we don't refer to it by a translated title, but almost noone refers to Livy's history as "Ab Urba Condita Libra" any more and to do so would be a little odd in the same way people don't refer to the Divine Comedy as Divina Commedia.

Yeah, but if he didn't use the untranslated title then nobody would know how smart and learned he is. That's why you make posts on Veeky Forums after all - to prove how smart Anonymous Poster No.47468955 is.

>if he didn't use the untranslated title then nobody would know how smart and learned he is.
Perhaps he should have got the untranslated title correct then.

>Whine about someone writing a title wrong
>Start shitposting about writing titles when told to chill 'cause it really isn't a big deal
>Posts about how people in Veeky Forums try to sound smart even if no one will ever now or care,sound clever as Hell

Oh,the irony.