dead ghost edition.
here we talk about (read: complain) about the new eternal masters spoilers
current spoilers:
old thread:
dead ghost edition.
here we talk about (read: complain) about the new eternal masters spoilers
current spoilers:
old thread:
First for fuck limited.
ayyy we gonna kill all you netdecking autists
Oh sure man, it's fine that the entire EV of a set is lowered for you.
Does anyone on this planet actually like brago?
Are your friends retarded? I'd much rather have a couple copies of Sneak Attack than packs full of garbage
Dollars to donuts says if I open 2 packs, my rares will be Control Magic and Worldgorger.
>White goblins
the important question is what kind of doughnuts are they?
Fuck doughnuts, get me some motherfucking bear claws.
They've existed for a while. They've been in Ravnica (Boros fodder cards), Shadowmoor and as old as
Yes, I made an entire EDH deck full of ETB jank centered around him.
>fuck doughnuts
that's what they're for aren't they?
Only if you got a pencil dick.
>tfw haven't had a doughnut in like 2 years
Fuck man, don't do this to me. I can taste it.
>the width of a raised yeast donut is now pencil dick
The tiny hole in the center is considered pencil dick.
I don't think you've had a good donut.
Bear claws are superior in every way.
>Named after bears
>Called a claw
>If someone doesn't know what it is they think you're literally eating part of a bear.
>Isn't called a nut
how... thick is your dick user? asking for research purposes of course
If you don't like donuts... then UR the nut....
izzet really that bad to be a nut?
2.~inches, but only 5 inches long from base to tip.
6 inch circumference
>dead ghost
But why though
you didn't hear about how the new conspiracy set was announced?
it was originally spoiled as a different name, then they pulled a lore and killed off brago (somehow) and changed the set name, and the card count goes from 220 to 221
I'm excited I might get to say "Plow your Mom" in a draft.
>mom at rare
>bstorm at uncommon
>isochron scepter at rare
>chrome mox at MYTHIC
>limited is holding back reprints
Just don't buy any packs.
Force is a mythic for the same reasons as goyf. If the price tanks too much they won't be able to print it again next time.
you forgot to complain about baleful strix to rare
I do. He makes for a fun commander.
And shardless agent, while we are at that.
Strix at rare at least makes sense from a draft perspective. Force at mythic doesn't.
Personally I can't fucking wait to draft worldgorger and animate dead and try my damnedest to infinite loop the game to a draw
>infinite loop the game to a draw
>not using comet storm to blast for a gorrilion
Don't forget
Even though the fuck is unplayable in EDH and requires you to go balls deep in red
Heritage Druid at rare
strikes again
They are chocolate frosted and jelly donuts
Point aside, it's not worth doing that at all, is it?
>assume all unspoiled cards are worth $0.00
>EV of a given pack is $10.20 in this situation not including commons or foils
I'm actually pretty ok with this.
i'm a gambling man
play Cube, i plow peoples moms every week.
has anybody ever put together a cube based soley on punny interactions?
Holy shit so much of the new art is ugly shit that looks worse than the original, like why would you do that.
ITT: people who cant afford EM thinking that Veeky Forums is now /b/
>New Art that is worse than the old art
Mom (not new per se but still sucks)
Price of Progress
Giant Solifugre
Red Blast
Blue Blast
Mystical Tutor
Prodigal Sorcerer
Rorix Bladewing
Wirewood Symbiote
Force of Will
Sneak Attack
>New art that is no better or worse
Enloghtened Tutor
Vampiric Tutor
Sensei's Divining Top
Timberwatch Elf
>New art that is an improvement
Ashnod's Altar
Maelstrom Wanderer
Control Magic
Diminishing Returns
Chrome Mox
Disagree strongly with Entomb. And I like new Mother of Runes on par with the old, Neilsen is too good.
Rorix is better with new art
Not even, all the elves are uncommon or rare, so drafting enough for it to do anything is pretty much impossible.
Don't forget necropotence. Yes, its not "new" per se, but its not the original and it sucks hard.
Them too
Enlightened Tutor is straight up better.
I actually kind of agree
Not too hard, the original was supposed to be the mox diamond art but reused.
New top is leagues worse than the old. Also another thing to add to
fuck heritage druid. that is all
>New art that is an improvement
Chrome Mox
Control Magic
Diminishing Returns
Ashnod's Altar
Enloghtened Tutor
Vampiric Tutor
Timberwatch Elf
Price of Progress
Ancestral Mask
>New art that is no better or worse
Wirewood Symbiote
Rorix Bladewing
Red Blast
Blue Blast
>New Art that is worse than the old art
Sensei's Divining Top
Maelstrom Wanderer
Giant Solifuge
Fixed for you.
Also, Sneak Attack is Judge Art.
It's an okay dragon with haste to stick in a tribal dragon deck that isn't Scion
Okay creature with flying and haste to reanimate, you can only have one Akroma after all.
And that might be all
Well, i'm joining Legacy League now. I hate the rarity shifts and Limited excuses for some cards (as you said above), but on the other hand some reprints are good enough for me.
Charbelcher really pisses me off. There's an awesome cannon back there, why is there a boring generic goblin blocking the view from the foreground?
It's pretty bad, user. It's more or less just a hasty beater
Compare that with Dragon Tyrant, which hits like a bus and can buff itself
I've noticed a lot of legacy burn staples in this set. Would after the set's release be a good time to buy into the deck?
>Maelstrom Wanderer
I like Baxa but how can you actually think this?
Also you have Counterspell in two places
Because Goblins are all retards who can't do anything right
Cancelled my pre-order. I knew this set was gonna be a cash grab but reprinting uncommons as rare/mythics is ridiculous. Clearly I'm not getting the bang for my buck. If you like what you see so far then good for you.
After de MMA 2015 fiasco, im starting to accept that good uncommons as rares are more acceptable than junk rares. The problem is more the latter than the former.
I would advice buying into stuff that likely will not be reprinted.
Goblin Guide, for example, still have a chance of being reprinted, but Monastery Swiftspear is unlikely.
Indeed, there is a lot of good stuff for burn.
Yeah I went full retarded on Counterspell.
The art is not bad but it dosen't look like it's fizlling a spell so I say worse.
The old Wanderer looks bulkier and more interesting, the new art looks more frail and we can't really understand where it beings and where it ends because weird blue magic fog everywhere.
The problem I am having is the rares im EMA, to me at least, are junk rares even more so since I have typically 2-3 of the rares revealed so far. I'm just going to stick to buying singles
Well the best counterspell art is the judge promo mirage-looking one so it's hard to top that
But The Baxa one looks undead to me honestly but maybe that's just because I've seen him draw so many fucking zombies that my mind just goes there. I think a being made entirely of the maelstrom energies should look more like the blue magic fog being, though, not a multicolored treefolk
The three tutors look amazing. I'm a sucker for both magical trinkets and first person art. I wonder if there's enough printed to make a janky-ass theme deck...
No wonder I sympathize with them so much.
Isn't Maelstrom Multicolored? Making Mulicolored Treefolk more on the spot?
>Heritage Druid at rare
Gotta protect those collectors
See, this one actually makes sense. With alot of the good elves in this limited eviroment? Heritage Druid at uncommon would be fucking busted. This is actually a rarity upgrade that, while I do not agree with, I can understand.
Argothian Enchantress, on the other hand, I don't fucking understand.
Goliath, please
holy shit where's that one user who was asking for this the other day and lamenting about it possibly being rare shifted, that mother fucker will be able to salt Veeky Forums's fries for the next week
>people can't afford EMA
Is this a meme?
>alot of the good elves in this limited eviroment?
Oh yeah user, all 5 elves, two of which are rares and the other two are uncommons.
The only new arts that are true shits are Werebear, Symbiote and Counterspell. Everything else is serviceable at the least.
So how many downshifts did we get compared to upshifts in rarity? I can only think of Mongoose.
Kek, I'm surprised there's any.
Wizards really hates people playing their game evidently.
Emperor Croc
Mesa Enchantress
If every missing card was Razor Boomerang, the booster's EV is $10.
EMA's second run (and there will be a second run, print run is slightly smaller than MM15) is gonna shelfwarm.
We need at least 10 more cards over $10 for this shit to be saved and I suspect that isn't gonna happen, I was optimist, and then I saw Sinkhole and Heritage Druid at Rare.
Yes, because Heritage Druid was so busted in Lorwyn-Shadowmoor limited, like holy shit.
>the good elves in this limited eviroment
user are you currently confusing Standard with Limited
Emperor Crocodile went from rare to common.
Wildfire Emissary went from uncommon to common.
Mesa Enchantress went from rare to uncommon.
Sengir Autocrat went from rare to uncommon.
Nimble Mongoose went from uncommon to common.
Keep in mind we've only seen a fraction of the commons/uncommons.
Did Lorwyn have Wirewood Symbiote?
Did it have Timberwatch Elf? (Not the best example)
Did it have Shaman of the Pack?
There's a completely different card pool.
We still haven't seen the rest of the spoilers yet. If the spoilers are not that good for elves when we see the Commons and Uncommons, I will admit I am a faggot. If not, then you're the faggot.
Correction: If there ARE good elves, then you are the faggot. If they are not in EMA, I am the faggot.
You fucking donkeys, you've only seen 3 green commons. Obviously there will be elves at common.
No, but they had Imperious Perfect, Nettle Sentinel and Lys Alana Huntmaster. The infinite mana combo was easy to pull off with COMMON and UNCOMMON cards.
What's your fucking point?
Nettle Sentinel and Heritage Druid were in different draft environments, retard.
We could end up seeing those cards as well. As said, we've only seen three commons.
Honestly, you're either mad because you didn't get to profit off of the spike in price or you're sad because you play elves and didn't get your heritage druids.
>Nettle Sentinel
>not playing Morningtide and Eventide together.
What a pleb.
Still not a fucking reason to make them rare if the original set was draftable and she was uncommon.
Different fucking limited enviroment you RETARD. This has cards THAT WERE NOT IN LORWYN.
>The whole set is spoiled.
My point is that in the same set the she was, there was a fuckload of good elfs and changelings that could make her busted. AND EVEN SO SHE WAS UNCOMMON.
Calm down dude, just ask mommy and daddy if you can save up your allowance till next week. Then you can afford ten bucks for your Heritage Druid.
>le allowance meme
I'm not even mad about the price. I'm mad about Wizards fucking up a set that was impossible to fuck up. Just reprint the good shit. It shouldn't be that hard.