Where’s the top this time, boys?
Where’s the top this time, boys?
1$ by the end of december
Wait a few minutes it will go back to 0.03 hahahaha
this month is going to be huge for REQ
Yea I was gonna maybe try to trade this next announcement as I’ve been holding since day 1, but you guys are right, should probably keep holding at this point
$1.00 after test net goes live.
holy shit 635k REQ sell wall is getting nuked
someone knows its going pump with the next announcement
i'm a REQ holder but this isn't going to $1 after testnet. .$50 is possible though. $1 after mainnet release in january.
Stack dem reqs boy stack dem reqs
Is throwing an extra $600 worth it at at this point you guys think?
damnit only have 14k and dont have money to buy more till spring
moving my 2x walton gains all into REQ
15 cents by EOY imo
If you want to double your money by the end of the year it is.
Q1 easy 1$
sold half of my req a few minutes ago. I'm in since ico but went way bigger than I should have. If it doesnt sink below the current point it's okay, I still have a lot left. If it does, I get back in with more. Pretty comfy but 1$ within the next few months is unrealistic. It would mean I actually made a shitton of money and thats very unlikely.
still holding 225k, quite a lot for me at least
god I hope the whiny ICO fags sell off soon so we can moon properly
req can easily run to $70m today
This guy gets it.
Should I sell some of my other bags at a BTC loss to hop in? I want to dump RDN and SUB to go big on REQ.
Everything is mooning, but I think RDN and SUB have big moons in them - hopefully it's during a REQ dip.
I kno rite?
These fucking pajeet pump chasers have been lingering around here for too long and just bring bad virgin vibes to the threads.
Someone answer me
keep your SUB, will moon before the vote on 14th
Depends on how much of a loss it is. The “never sel at a loss” is virgin sentiment. If there’s another place your money could make your losses back faster, move it there. REQ will likely see $.15-.20 EOY, so do with that information what you will my man
Will it moon more than REQ though? I'm basically looking to swing my stack for more REQ until I have 20k more. I could cash my alts right now and get about 13k, so 7k short still.
>never sell at a loss virgins
I know, I completely agree. I can't help but feel RDN and SUB have a moon lurking around the corner though. So there's so much shit about to moon, I should've jsut left it in ARDR and NXT and now that ship left. But you're right, I'll just chase some bulls and get enough REQ that way I guess, it's just that the clock is fucking ticking now
And i thought my 400k stack is low...
fuck off
Same dilemma. I have other projects I’m in that I really like but have also been wanting to dive headfirst into REQ for a while now :/
Yeah I don't know man, I don't think this is the lift off for REQ.. Just BTC pump money returning. THe market is volatile with BTC dancing up there at those great heights, we might see some massive dips soon (great time for FIAT buys). And if it is, hopefully I can still play catch up and get the stack size I'm aiming for.
every fucking time you faggots say MUH 1 dollar and then it goes up 10-20 percent and falls back to its old price. Fucking pajeets, Im gonna sell this shit when it hits .00017 ETH and buy back at .00013....repeat this 10 times and profit
There is a blog post every two weeks. There is a price pic every 2 weeks, at the same moment.
Makes the connection, Veeky Forums
I'm doubting between iota and req, any suggestions?
20% EAch