what did you start with and what do you have now?
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what did you start with and what do you have now?
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i will be a crypto millionaire one year from now.
stared with 1k in june, now have 26k
so many of these people are going to lose all their money
started with 10k now at 1.5m.
got into eth really early then did a lot of margin trading with btc and eth. that's all i touch 99% of time.
Already worth well over 5M but not from crypto. I wish i got in earlier but at least I'm in now I guess.
as will you when the crypto bubble pops. its inevitable. the difference between me and you is i will be out before the epic crash.
plus i have nothing to lose. its all internet meme money anyways.
>meme money
Money for nothin' and chicks for free while it's still hot.
I’m worth 30 million from inheritance, got into crypto cause I want to be a billionaire
I am not dollar millionaire, but I am millionaire in my poor slav country
I got into GPU mining in 2011 and have been holding ever since
Bought $1000 worth of BTC when it was around $0.10, I'm still hodling strong. Won't sell any until 1 Million per BTC
dont sell ever.
hodl till you can buy gas and pay your bills with btc.
fuck fiat
>kids with 1 mil worth of meme coins thinking they are rich
Let me say 2 things:
You need at least 40mil of some fiat currency to live the life of a millionaire
Don't bother with coins that you are not willing to sit on for 2 years and don't trust the Jewish / Chink owned exchanges
k so just put that 1m into a 40 bagger coin. easy enough
Whats the point, China bans it and you go from 100MM to 30k
Too risky man, obvious LARP
was already a billionaire
You're going to cause the suggest BTC crash when you sell.
Started with 20k last year.
Yeah but have you tried cashing out?
You can't, right?
Also I hope you own plenty of BCH for the incoming flippening.
what coins?
Kek. I literally think I can't cash out all of this.... at least in a short amount of time. I can sell 15k a week on coinbase but they won't let me raise my limit because I'm a NEET. I also know I can buy precious metals because I wasted some btc on it a while ago.
Yeah im an oldschool miner,it feels nice to never have to work again haha.
My life is all about having fun and doing good deeds nowadays
i still daytrade just for fun and to support start ups,sometimes i give away some btc to help others get through hard times..
Life is good
how did you get 20k as a NEET?
started with 10k back in August, Now I'm at 11k... FUCK NEO
you went all in didnt you
I worked at a restaurant for a few years while living with my parents, saving a lot of money. NOW I'm a total NEET.
Help me out then please? When I make it, I also want to do more to give back. I currently donate to a soup kitchen, feed wild birds, and stray cats. But ultimately plan on doing more.
Have 100k today after putting in 20k slowly from April onwards. Pretty sure I'll make it.
Lol. It's so easy to read these faggots. That little tool is without a doubt still in high school.
>I contribute to misallocation of resources and entrenchment of dependency
>please help me do more of this
I am up 30% since September
Learning all the lessons the hard way and mastering the art of holding while knowing when to cut my losses in order to put the capital to work.
I'm holding until ideally I will be able to buy a new car and put a down payment on an apartment without transferring to fiat
I am currently a crypto millionaire. I invested in ETH - NEO- OMG- WTC in that exact order and now my final investment is ODN. All of these investments I made while everyone doubted. I apperciate you biz because you sure do make it easy.
Well memed
Somebody here willing to risk $2k? I'll make it clear, I am too poor to invest, but (after some investigations) there's a coin that will moon x1000 in two years.
Feel free to ignore my post if you are not interested.
Nice try, pajeet. But still we won't buy your ODN bags.
I’m interested
Started mining with Q6600 in 2011. Held.
Yes, I have 1.3 million satoshi :^) Started with a humble 440,000.
I'm gonna make it right? When bitcoin hits $10,000,000, I'm a millionaire in (((usd)))
I couldn't care less what you buy.
It's DragonChain
> cut my losses
A very underrated sentiment here. Kill the losers, keep the winners and find/follow the bull.