So /gurpsgen/ I'm thinking about running a GoT/SoIaF game that's partially intended to introduce some new players to detailed harshly realistic GURPS combat.
Any advice?
So /gurpsgen/ I'm thinking about running a GoT/SoIaF game that's partially intended to introduce some new players to detailed harshly realistic GURPS combat.
Any advice?
Savage violence is a pretty damn solid way to play GURPS. I'd suggest 150 points with a generous 70 point disadvantage limit, but make them take at least one powerful enemy in common that could kill the fuck out of them if they are careless or stupid or unlucky.
Show them a few simple templates, like Big Strong Brute, noble swordsman, clever lady with sword, and doorstop.
GURPS dose single duels pretty damn well. Throw them into one early to give a combat tutorial and some brutal fucking violence.
How would you stat the ability to return to an earlier point in your life, like loading/saving in a video game? Basically:
>upon saving, you create a set point in time and space that you can return to later
>upon loading, you return to that point in time and space, with the same items you had when you saved, but retaining your current set of memories
>you can only ever have one save file
>no one else "remembers" anything from the future, unless they have temporal inertia
>dying does not automatically return you to your save point, unless you have at least one extra life
Is it some form of Warp or Jumper? If it's a completely new advantage, how would you balance it?
>How would you stat the ability to return to an earlier point in your life, like loading/saving in a video game? Basically:
there's a pyramid for that. One of the Alternate something or others, in the last section. I'll do a search when I've got time.
What about the other party members?
If you shoot a really big creature with a human scale weapon that it cannot hear (such as bow with or without bowstring silencers), will it typically notice being attacked?
Did someone call?
Rules on page 5.
Let's try that again
Fuck it. Time for ye olde Mediafire.
Honestly I haven't read or watched too much but from what I picked up via osmosis, just be fair but brutal in how you do combat. Read up thoroughly on grapples and trips and don't be afraid of killing them off. Establish a bit of a revolving door for your players so even if they do die mid session, they won't be left out for long.
Pick a good chuck of advantages that you suggest that if they don't take, they do so at their own peril and takes a lot of guesswork out, making chargen fast.
Mix it up even within the same encounter, 3 guys with swords but 4 bowmen in the woods who are crack shots. Maybe a dude whose job it is to wait for mid battle to run up behind and start stabbing at their blindspots.
If you fail to defeat it's DR then you could make a case that it could fail to notice. A touch-perception test would be a way to handle it. If you deal damage to anything that isn't numb, yeah, it notices.
A smattering of martial arts will help. There's plenty of techniques and expanded combat maneuvers in there. Very useful.
Running GrimWyrd tomorrow; the party is being sent to recover the Ansible of Spirits; a magic nuke from the last war that went missing promptly after it was used to sunder the evil empire
What could possibly go wrong?
Some terrorists want to "recover" this thing as well for their own needs.
Of course! Perhaps, the original creaors were shunned by their nation and king; the use of the weapon was horrific, and after its use, they were persecuted for their pursuit of power!
So in the time since, sympathisers of the cause have come to support the shunned patrons. Perhaps even in their furor elevating them to more than celebrity, but to deification?
Maybe the people that want the nuke recovered want to do bad things with it?
Oooh moral quandaries?
Why, to what altruistic purpose could the magic nuke be put to?
I'd also consider a crazy Ivan safeguard. People can't take your Nuke if it goes off when removed =D
Soooo did we ever get a consensus on how to make this guy happen?
Was it a ghostly body with a vulnerable sword hit location, and that body can wear armor?
Or was it a suit of armor with no head, but a vulnerable sword location that could be wounded?
Or something else?
I made this!
ok im a total nebie in gurps. i only read the base set for 4e. what is the best place to download the other books?
Check the OP; there usually a link
What kinda game you wanna run?
I mean, it all kinda depends on how big it is and how much damage you do. For example, I often notice a minor pinprick here and there as I brush up against something a bit sharp or scratchy, but I rarely care enough to go looking for the source unless it's a constant pain. I can easily see some massive beast getting pegged for a few points of damage and just not caring, because that amount of damage/pain is on par with a human suffering a light scratch.
Hell, I've even failed to notice suffering scratches deep enough to bleed, so I'd even argue that it's possible for the monster to just not notice a few points of damage at all, depending on the situation.
Good analogy. I'm sure if you hit them with poison during his they won't realize why they feel sooooo wooooozy
Sounds like the difference between a successful and a failed PER roll.
Off the top of my head, any injury of at least HP/10 is automatically noticed unless some other effect is interfering (drugs, Berserk, etc.). For lesser values, including cosmetic damage, no-injury attacks, and damage that fails to penetrate DR, roll Perception + Acute Touch + (Damage/HP); + Damage alone would be simpler, but scaling it with HP lets truly colossal kaiju-esque monsters fail to notice pistol fire. I'd apply something similar to the +10 to vision for targets in plain sight; if you're not really doing anything, even the lightest cuts and scrapes will be noticed, but if you're under a lot of stress or tactile stimulation, the sensation from a tiny would will likely get lost in the mix. For example, if you cut yourself while preparing dinner, you'll probably notice, but you may not register a dozen tiny cuts form thorns when fleeing through an alien jungle whilst being pursued by all sorts of ravenous beasties (which can be bad if said thorns are poisonous!)
Congratulations. The sheer speed on that response just made a shitty afternoon less shitty. I love Gurps sometimes.
>clever lady with trident
There. FTFY
You're welcome
I liked how the body is still human shaped and capable of doing things, but is wearing sweet armor and such. That helped to build it easily
Also, Wounded was a nice workaround I felt, for the sword face. It may need a dr value for the hit location, but I like the glaring weak spot as is.
I remember a few weeks ago an user was asking and posted a build of a fairy monster/npc that could make you believe you were being severely injured without actually doing squat, and the build went in for about 100 points. If anyone has it, can you guys post it?
Oh Shit that would be cool
Can somebody help me understand how an ambush would happen? I had one the previous session and I think I really botched it.
Assuming the party gets ambushed, and completely surprised, they freeze (mental stun) for 1d seconds
>Combat reflexes says they dont freeze
Players can roll to recover AFTER this duration
I read that part of the book. In my case, it was partial surprise, but I think I botched it somehow. The outcome didn't feel right.
What happened? Someone get stun locked?
Well, it went like this. They got a partial heads-up due to a good Per roll . Since they were expecting shit to happen, I treated as partial surprise.
They were being ambushed by a small horde of goblins. The process I did according to what I understood from the rules was the following. I rolled against the goblins' IQ as a whole. Since the party didn't have any leader, I rolled against their IQ individually. One of them succeeded, the other failed and I rolled a 6 for the number of turns the guy was stunned.
Did I handle it right?
Dwarf Fortress, MY NAME IS HUEG, Other Dwarf Fortress, THE SORCERER SUPREME and Mute Elf Wut Do shall save the day!
Or at least kill a whole bunch of people. I could honestly see it going either way.
The way I do it is usually by skipping tactics and leadership etc.
Each player gets a chance to perceive the ambushers. Usually just a perception roll versus the worst stealth/camouflage on the enemy's side.
Anyone who passed can drop initiative into the ensuing combat
Anyone who failed is mentally stunned. Once they succeed against stunning they can join in.
Simpler, and a lot more individual tasking instead of the party average bullshit.
Hahaha what the hell is your party?
A huge half-human beast that uses a sword. Brawler, close combat type.
Wise and powerful wizard and alchamist. Old guy.
Two dwarven militiamen that carry powerful guns and backup melee weapons. Tough as old leather, use crew-serviced light cannon too.
And new to the party, an elf that understands but hasn't spoken any of the same lanauge as the rest of the party. Archer with magic power.
Awesome; you guys running around without healing? Or is the alchemist doing that for you somehow? Potions?
(Or just whiskey regeneration for the dwarves?)
Why not attach the backup weapons TO the powerful guns?
The sorcerer is a doctor by trade, he can do healing and is interested in evil magic plagues the bad guys seem to suffer from.
The beastman can do pretty well without healing though. Regeneration, though only enough to heal after fights, not during them.
Given some time I could imagine them going to quad barred guns with axe-bayonets.
Here's the character I just help one of my players make for infinite worlds, tell me what you think.
>it's a literal chair
>Compulsive rapinng
Campaign update. Chair made its first compulsive rape roll. The party is safe for now.
How does the chair even moves around?
What do you think the other party members are for?
It didn't buy a different movement mode. So its 'valid'.
Technically it should be a quadruped
It just fucking hops around, leaving a trail of dead plant matter in it's wake.
Thanks for the replies Anons. I'm unsure just were to set this game within the game of thrones setting. Two things to immediately come to mind are the nights watch and some sort of eastern mercenary band thing like the Second Sons. Two very different fighting environments with two very different social implications.
Any advice or other scenarios I'm forgetting about?
Not everything requires combat
To be defenseless is a fools gambit
Should I tell my players that or are you saying every NPC should secretly be armed just encase my players try something?
Campaign update: chair has emerged from the shadows to rape an unconscious bugbear that the party defeated. His cover has been blown.
Tell your players. There's a temptation to abandon combat altogether if you aren't going to specialize in it, but at least being able to kill someone with a dagger if you catch them off guard requires little skill and can be vital.
NPCs that aren't foolish, overconfident or innocent should expect violence and betrayal might happen and have precautions.
As for scenarios;
Night's Watch is a solid choice for light political and heavy combat. You can still involve them in politics of course.
You could start them as a recruiting mission for the Watch that stumbles onto a conspiracy to wipe out a noble family. With one of the survivors agreeing to join the watch, a few other family members travel with them for protection on the long road north, but one might have their own agenda and ideas about not letting their brother/son take the black.
The key of politics is giving a reason someone could benefit from a betrayal. When you know that someone's sister doesn't want them to go into the night's watch and can get them out of it by killing you, you've got to watch your back.
I love it when we get fresh memes
I love Sorcery!
I've got a small question for help/advice.
We are going to play low-power supers campaign soon (incoming Wednesday) and I'm stuck with character making, as always when GURPS meet supernatural stuff.
We've got 375 points, 75 of those in disadvantages. I was planning to play as someone with telekinesis, but thing is:
- there is too much interesting stuff to pick
- I DON'T want to end up with a brawler, even if all supers are brawlers by default
- I don't want this to be mage-type character and the more I read into it, the more it goes into "it's a mage by anything but name" territory thanks to possible feats
- I don't want to go into Chronicle territory either, where telekinesis was like a multitool, but that's the only real alternative for avoiding being just a wizard
ANY help will do, just like sugestions how to organise feats to somehow avoid problems mentioned above. So far I'm treating Chronicle territory as the lesser evil, but that's not a solution.
Wait, what? I'm having trouble understanding your post. You want to use TK, but can't think of a way to use it?
You don't want to just punch/grapple with TK, and you don't want to use TK to do other utility things (which I guess is what you mean by "mage-type" or "multitool"), so what DO you want to use it for?
Ok, let's elaborate.
I have numerous ideas to use TK. I don't want to use it to punch/grapple things, that's for sure. And I am aiming for utility stuff.
Thing is - it's suppose to be low-power campaign. And the longer I think about it, the less low power entire TK is, which makes it really hard to decide the extent of the power accessable for the character.
By multitool I mean all kinds of applications for TK. Like using it to fly. Or smash someone's brain by just thinking about it. Or summoning a barrier that just can't be crossed.
So my real issue is where the whole "low power" ends.
Ah okay, now I get it. The Psionic Powers book breaks TK up into a set of smaller powers that need to be bought individually; it sounds like you want something similar to the book's TK Grab. If that's the case, add Cannot Affect Self (-20%) and Cannot Punch (-20%). What's left is simply picking things up, moving them around, and possibly throwing them; while you can still grapple enemies directly, you can't simply crush their internal organs.
You can also make any ability feel very low power by slapping on the right limitations. Unreliable, Takes Recharge, Takes Extra Time, Preparation Required, Emergencies Only, Costs Fatigue, and a variety of Nuisance Effects can let you make even the strongest power feel street-level.
If all else fails, simply don't take too many levels; instead, invest those points into a wide plethora of mundane skills. Become the teams driver, face man, techie, investigator, and/or gunner AND their TK dude. Be a psychokinetic Batman.
>The Psionic Powers book
Ok, gonna check for it. I didn't even knew there is such thing.
And many thanks for the suggestions, gonna definitely use bunch of them, as they suit the character concept.
>Be a psychokinetic Batman.
That's the last thing I want and I'm actively avoiding it. Batman is simply boring.
>Green lantern style (visible, created objects)
>magneto style(magnetic only/one substance only)
>xavier style (raw tk + MIIIIIND POOOOOWERS)
>poltergeist style (unreliable but independant)
>astray warrior style (summoned mind armor and weapons with weird powers)
>Psionic Powers book
You're mixing 3e with your 4e
The book for 4e is just Powers, and still has good psychic suggestions.
Nope, there's a 4e Psionic Powers book too. It has pre-constructed psionic abilities that come in levels, as well as advice for making your own.
I made that edit months ago, It isn't fresh
Also very interested in this
Okay, after scouring through the archives, I think I've found it. Here:
>So working it out point wise it looks something like this.
>Illusion 25
>Independent +40%
>Linked +20%
>Cold Iron dispels -20%
>Ranged +40%
>45 total
>Affliction 10
>Advantage (Delusion (I got hit with a spell)) >+100%
>Malediction +150%
>Linked +10%
>Duration Permanent +150%, Cold Iron Dispels
>51 total
>Combined total 96 points
>So for just under 100 points you have faerie glamour magic that can mimic just about any spell without actually doing squat.
>>Affliction 10
Math is totally wrong there. Affliction 10 is 100 points base.
user, I think that's the number of points, not the number of levels
Ah, so affliction 1 [10]
That's what I assume, yes
>Advantage (Delusion (I got hit with a spell))+100%
So is this the DISadvantage affliction? Where the afflicted target suffers the specified issue "delusions:I got hit with a spell" ?
I assume it depends on which spell the illusion is mimicking.
Hmm; that's a pretty huge gray area
I'm a big fan of emanation/area effect sense based (vision) Affliction -> disadvantage: magic-phobia
You looked at me? I hit you with my magic ability? Oh dear, looks like you're NOW UNDER MY FEAR POWER
>Afflicted are now terrified of caster
Which now that I think of it, buying Terror might just be easier
Vision-based terror, maybe?
In the original thread, the guy wanted to do a fireball spell illusion
Anyone have a download link for Gurps Cabal?
>>Independent +40%
What enhancement is this? I can't find it.
I think it's in Powers, and I think it makes it so the illusion operates without you actively concentrating on it.
It's on p. 108 of Powers. After the initial Concentration maneuver to establish the ability, you don't have to *keep* Concentrating to maintain it.
Oh, I see. Thanks
The party set out on their mission, laden with stuff and things. They make camp in an army outpost/warchtower.
Racial tensiooooons abide, bit of parley with the boss man and things simmer down, but the camp has been beset as of this morning, and the militia is weary.
Party defends camp, army joins in eventually. Shenanigans ensue. Elf advises saving Ent, gets beset by the things chasing it, volley fire saves her.
Ent is grateful, leaves crypt info for mage's obsessive quest, departs to the spirit realm.
Party discovers the pile of bodies from the mornibg's attack is also full of undead (!). Cliffhanger ending
Lots of fun! More next week!
I am having hard time to understand first halve of your post, but I'm glad tou have fun.
Ah, I shall exposition dump!
The party set out from the new Fort at Glardenfen (the keep they liberated last chapter; shot dragons and wizards. Was fun)
From the fort, they skirted the border of the ruined lands of Gorgoth. Blasted black hills, dead earth, and nothing growing but strange BloodRoot (an odd red plant full of viscous fluid, growing in the wastes). The party rode all day, then made for an army watchtower camp. The militia of the Greyhold Kingdom welcomed them in.
But, all was not well. The militia was on edge, they had fended off an attack that morning that had shaken the men, and while they heaped the bodies, the party gave them the sad news they were just passing through, and would not be their much desired reinforcements.
The camp displayed subtle issues; they shunned the nonhumans of the group, the two dwarves, an elf, and the towering half-beastman. The party went about their business until the Master-at-arms appeared from his tent. Angered as some unrelated issue, he lashed out at the newcomers, and was only assuaged once intimidated and then relenting only to speak to the human alchemist among them.
They spoke at some length, things were improving, and then BAM a howling Ent aflame with green fire, pursued by ravenous undead bursts onto the scene. The unnatural sound of an elemental spirit of wood being hunted by abominations unnerved the soldiers, but the party sprang to action! In the ensuing fight, they distracted the undead from the tree being, killed them all, then extinguished the horrid unnatural fire burning the Ent.
The Ent parleyed with their mage, who eased it's passing to the spirit realms.
Afterward, when prodding at the carrion pile from the first attack on the camp, the prty discovers semi intact zombies! They put them down (discovering their incredible flammability) and the session ended for the day, 5 hours in.
We all liked the idea that these zombies are walking red barrels.
We just finished playing
And I want more!
I get none for a week!
Wait what? Your zombies explode? What the fuck?
I'm gming a new game that has gone bi-weekly, and the withdrawal is real. It's pretty close to a beer and pretzels type game, but I have one player that just wants to get to slaying and looting, but another player that's really stretching to make once every two weeks work.
I'm going to play a heavy fantasy game with family. Can I get a pdf of some common monsters?