The burning legion decides to invade your setting, what happens?
The burning legion decides to invade your setting, what happens?
no one really?
Warcraft is shit now, Burning Legion included.
If you asked years ago before the lore got shat on we'd have a more interesting.
The Burning Legion fails, falls, and is forgotten before doing any significant damage.
The Unconquered Sun obliterates them.
Any that survive the opening salvo get hunted down by the Twilight Knights, an order of knights sworn keep vigil on the borders of this realm and spend a deathless eternity battling the things that should not be.
The who?
According to recent lore sargeras is the size of a planet....
The last guy of this size we turned inside out and used as a bag to seal all his buddies and himself in.
Band of murderhobos beats them back, backed up by an impromptu alliance of relevant factions.
A random group of heroes show up, push their shit in and the prominent figures among their ranks get killed over and over again, having their corpses defiled and anything of even slight value picked from their pockets.
The Unconquered Sun is the size of our sun but shaped like one of those freaky old testament style angels. Not that anyone can see its shape through the blinding radiance of nigh infinite power.
Nothing happens, Burning Legion is more of a joke than Abbaddon and his cronies.
Burning Legion invades....
In the middle of a massive WAAAGH and an entire Imperial Crusade.
Burning Legion is crushed within 24 hours.
Malfeas was only the size of a planet(Jupiter) AFTER the Solars got through with him. Before that he was infinite, invisible radiation permeating all that is. And they still beat him.
Size is not an issue.
if it becomes a battle of attrition i think the BL would win as there are a infinite amount of them and they cant die unless they are killed in the twisting nether
Orks loot them in mere minutes.
Isn't that the plot of every 40k game series? Except for one time it was Tyranids and Chaos only turned up for the second game.
>Chaos Gate
>Dawn of War
>Dawn of War 2
>Space Marine
>Fire Warrior
>Battlefleet Gothic Armada
>Eternal Crusade
>Dark Nexus Arena
>Space Wolf
Which one game are you talking about?
The Burning Legion feels like the Warcraft equivalent to Failbaddon and the Black Legion. They've failed every invasion of Azeroth.
The races of each continent would band together, take out some big bad demons, then lose the war.
That's pretty much just describing Chaos, which is the BL on a bigger scale.
I thought this was AoS picture for a moment
It's a superhero setting so their unlimited numbers advantage are meaningless and mostly just a way for us all to look like badasses while we wade through suckers.
We've got this covered, basically.
Might not even need more then one superhero team honestly, the whole "worldwide invasion stopped by one team" is pretty much the usual end of arc plot for most teams.
everything goes fine until my setting releases an MMO, then everything goes to shit
>find 10 differences
I don't want to feel this feel anymore
Meh, it's not the first demonic invasion we've dealt with.
I mean, it would only be the second, but demons are old hat by now.
>all those Zerglings in the pic
well i guess we just wait a while to realize that the Legion dindunuffin
those are fel hounds, which basically look exactly like zerglings because blizzard loves referencing their own shit
Rip and tear, until it is done.
Khorne bloodbound proceeds to show them what demonic truly means.
i wonder what the interaction between fel and chaos energies would result in, a new breed of entity?
They get shut out before they can truly invade. Even Azeroth managed it a few times and they've been doing the magical equivalent of sticking your cock in a demonic gloryhole all this time. Magic doesn't work that way here so once the connection, say a dark portal, is severed that's probably it. Good luck finding it again. I'd say this is true in any setting where you can practice standard magic without risk of calling demons (Not Warhammer or Warcraft).
Probably the same thing that happened to the not-zerg that invaded a little while ago. Massive military failures, a brief bit of unintentional diplomacy, then a world shattering failure to communicate resulting in the destruction of the Legion's means of invasion, the legion's invasion force, about 1/5th of the land the PC's were protecting and a whole lot of people being excited about their new beachfront property values.
That'll learn 'em for about 10,000 years or so.
Fel magic comes exclusively from the destruction and corruption of the stuff around it, which is why peeps throw such a bitchfit about it in-universe aside from the demonic association.
Fel magic in the warp would gradually destroy the warp. I don't speak 40k well enough to know what that would mean.
The thing about the Legion is that while they have theoretically nearly infinite numbers, they have trouble getting those numbers to battle. Their mortal servants can summon demons, and many of the demons themselves can summon more demons, but that's not very efficient for getting an entire invasion force across. So usually they need a portal of some kind, or a very powerful demon lord opening a way, leaving them vulnerable to a group of 5 to 25 adventurers to bust their means of getting their troops there.
Once they get it properly started though, repelling a full scale Legion invasion requires at least 40k level firepower (it's pretty comparable to a 40k daemon incursion during a warp storm).
The problem with massive world ending forces like the Legion or Abaddon's Black Crusades is that if they succeed even once, they literally destroy the setting (see End Times in WHFB for an example of what happens when Chaos is finally allowed to win), so either they never do anything or they get beaten every time and just end up looking weak. At least the Legion has a very impressive track record offscreen (Azeroth is the only word they've attacked so far where they haven't eventually won).
multidimensional deamon aliens vs multidimensional alien deamons
comparing any warhammer to warcraft is just silly
The local fire department will be moderately upset
If Metzen is writing the crossover, forces of Chaos will be corrupted with fel energy and the Legion will be corrupted by Chaos, for double corruption.
Welcome to Assholia you dense mother fucker, whatever nightmares you can concoct are our everyday.
And you just showed them there is a way in from outside, which means that there is now a way out of their land.
You going to get invaded by assholians.
This. Warcraft 3 was peak lore, it started deteriorating faster and faster after that
>they're actually using WOW style artwork.
Fucking why