Post your dream LA/anywhere property you’re gonna buy once you make it
Dreams thread
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nice views. would probably get a modest modern mansion preferably with good views and nice garden but most importantly good distance to neighbors. dont need to be in the city. i spend all my time indoors alone anyway
do you really want 5000 fat tourists passing through your home every day just so you can fund the maintenance costs of the building tho
The infinity house, London.
Side view of entry floor.
Downstairs former WW2 bomb shelter, now lair of extreme comfiness. Whole house feels like a Murakami novel.
is this in london?? i swear I checked this building out online on rightmove?
I like your taste, user. classy
Giraffe Manor in Nairobi.
dude you're going to get taxed to shit in commiefornia. Check out Texas or Arizona for a comfi luxury ranch
Thanks, user. Yeah, central London, right in the middle of all the old buildings. Looks like nothing from the front. Inside it's all escher, and the secret underground luxury batcave is basically an entire second home.
How much you think you'd need for that house? I bet like 10 million minimum and then you'd need like 400k a year for upkeep/ridiculous Cali taxes.
I only have 3k in crypto, I'm never going to make it. I made a few really bad plays or I'd have close to 300k right now, with a small chance of making it. I'd probably just go all in on ETH and wait if I still had the 300k.
are you fucking retarded? I live here. I want nothing more than to get out of this Hell city
Find the cheapest land possible and buy a shit ton of it, preferably under 40 miles from a city and build my own home.
>moderate penthouse in my hometown
>buy 5k computer+monitors
>home cinema with either huge tv or projector and good sound equipment
>overall nicely furnished apartment
>decent car
>spent my time working on dreamprojects, traveling the world or just chilling with friends at my place
Anybody else who doesn't need that much? Sounds cheesy but i'd rather hope to find a worthy partner to spend the rest of my lambolife with than just throw money at more m^2
Must be so fucking comfi, moving to London in January, theres a lot of nice looking properties there.
only image I could find
I'd rather retire and just travel the world on a tiny budget, living in hostels and trying new food and experiences all around the world with a modest "home base" of sorts to basically store my stuff and return to anytime, but even that's not really needed.
I basically want to be a nomad who can afford to live without working forever but not afford to buy a big home.
Congrats on the move, user. I'll get there someday.
Something like this in some mountains or hill country, with a little bit of land. Have a couple dirt bikes or some other off-road toys.
Would love to have a place where could just have my friends over cook some good food have a fire and do whatever.
Just something warm and cozy with a modest amount of land.
yeah i mostly agree, the most important thing for me is to get free from the living hell that is wagecuck slavery. but the second thing would be to have a nice house built. doesnt have to be spectacular tho
disagree with the travelling tho. most of the world sucks and home is best
isnt it insanely expensive there?
And if I was rich enough to justify a second place I’d like an apartment in Dallas
hey guys wait a minute,
I live in london and thought the best city int he world was sydney
am I wrong?
>looks at first pic
>"hmm looks nice, lets see.."
>first few pics:
>"umm ok bit unusual but still good"
>enter acid
I don’t really like a lot of glass but having a lot of natural lighting would be really cool
Pls don't be angry or attack me if I buy it first, thanks.
this. only the top 1% live nicely and rest of the area is a dump
Something like this by a lake would be really cool, I don’t like the paint on that tho
Fucking faggot. Nobody wants to live in your fucking desert mcmansion shithole full of amerifats
I went once and some of the places remind me of MW2s “Favela”
Probally will buy a small house in Amsterdam and live minimally and just strive passion
my guy
I want to humbly retire and live in Washington.
I'm more of a cozy, surrounded by the forest, waking up to rain kind of man.
Give me a $300k home with big backyard and garden, a used Porsche 911 GTR3 or Jaguar F-Type, and traveling the world a few times a year.
would you get hookers too?
trouble is amsterdam is a bit cold and gloomy
also apartments are super expensive
Why would you want to live in LA?
For some of the LA properties, I can't tell if they are real or rendered in gta5.
Just let me visit once, user. I'll build my own somewhere and copycat. I'll even tell everyone I copped your style.
i honestly agree with you. I dont want a big house or car. I just want to travel
I am deciding betwee those two
Grant County, West Virginia
McDowell County, West Virginia
I'm eyeing this one right now. Thoughts? You get a lot for the price, edgeless pool, view and LA skyline from the top floor. Also AMAZING bathroom.
That looks pretty comfy des. Love the wooden floors, swimming pool with view and that second story balcony. 5/5 condo for single life and chill with close friends. Pricing isn't too crazy either
I just started investing so I'm nowhere close to making it. However, I live in LA. The shit parts of LA. Unless you're going to stay in your mansion/neighborhood all day, this place is unironically a shit hole.
This exact post but london. Awful place.
Why are you fuckheads eyeing LA? Do you think it's just where you're supposed to move when you're rich? Why move there if you aren't in the entertainment industry? Are you just trying to imitate Jake Paul? Genuinely curious.
this user gets it
I don't think I can live in America after I get the opportunity to leave.
It all seems really super fucked.
Hahahahhahaha TX or AZ?! Wtf I like my natural climate control in Santa Monica, Attractive people the best food from around the world.
Wise choice.
agreed I lived in LA for 8 years and outside of few nice neighborhoods (beach towns mostly) it is a run down Mexican infested shithole with the most incompetent government and worst people in the country
Connectivut has good prices now. Greenwich is famous area for housing plenty of New York's Hedge managers are Bankers. 10min helicopter ride to manhattan
I'm not giving my BTC to some fucking house jew
>not reinvesting in more crypto
Why spend ever when you know you could have tripled that money. HODL HARD OR GO HOME
This my dream too user. I want live in a nice secluded area with some land. I'm going to raise chickens and have a sick garden. Riding around my property dirt bikes will be fun too.
I just want a nice apartment.
Why would anyone want a huge fucking house that turns into a moneypit?
penthouse in singapore
yeah house seems like a lot of work and not very useful
I just want to live a humble life. Living off my land,few cattle and permaculture. Free from society and the Jew game. Maybe one day... maybe one day. .man's gotta dream
But real though
Holy fuck the number of delusional people in this board makes me sick.... This can't be real
yes, but I got a job through my parents connections thats basically 50 percent and I get 80k GBP annually. Going to do that for 2 years and possibly do some other ventures of the side.
What about smaller house on a bigger piece of land that you could farm? Just because its big doesnt make it a money pit.
looks fun but I bet the internet is kind of shitty
You could do this now dumb dumb
This is a good thread idea. We should have these more often.
Just LMAO at outdoor pool. Disgusting peasant.
Who needs memes when you're drowning in pussy?
> A nice house
> An old car
> Slavic gf
Idk what else
All i need is a 1 bedroom appartement in a safe Neighbourhood ...
Just LMAO at how much maintenance that will take. Mexican gardeners every single day
a nice stoney cottage with a beautiful garden in the middle of the woods with my future husband (he just doesn't realize it yet) and have a bunch of kids. it's the kind of home I want to die in.
I dream of having a job again
>have a bunch of kids
Children are harmful
Children considered harmful
“The State must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.” — Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf”
Children are nothing more than a toy some parents use to feed their ego and feel important. They are a nuisance and make life miserable for everyone else around.
Some recommended articles for parents, prospective parents, or anyone that has to suffer the evils caused by little evil goblins.
Go watch 'Children of men' for the long term outcome of pursuing your twisted worldview.
my dream is a hotel that looks like pic related in which i live in. I just like to have people around.
In a perfect, impossible world, I would like to live in a sprawling, abandoned library. Sort of like Borges' Library of Babel, but with more architectural variety and real books, not gibberish books. I could set up my battlestation in some little nook, and when I get sick of vidya and porn I could just go walk the dusty, quiet stacks to get my mind off things. I'd never see another human being. It'd be great.
More realistically, I want to live in a nicely appointed apartment in a quiet college town anywhere in the northern latitudes, like WA or VT. It'd be situated over a coffee shop, which itself would be situated next to a bookstore, and across the street would be a cemetery. That sounds about perfect to me.
But then I'd have to sell
no kids? lmaoing at your delusions. enjoy your world of brown people.
> implying hitler was anti-family or anti-children
back to plebbit
>Go watch 'Children of men'
Don't tell me what to do nigger
where is this?
Go look out your window for the long term outcome of pursuing the status quo of unchecked, unlimited, unchallenged reproductive rights for everyone forever, in a world with finite land and material resources.
something like this in tokyo
Looks like Aspen.