Warhammer Quest expansion when edition
Hell yeah! Wight King Krell the only resin hero!
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Warhammer Quest expansion when edition
Hell yeah! Wight King Krell the only resin hero!
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First for kroak
Sylvaneth report in
remove archeon
Gonna chop off some rat heads today, wish me luck mates
What is your army's theme song?
No kurwa m8!
remove sigmarines
Finished Hammers of Sigmar yesterday, as I resolved to read all the Realmgate wars fluff, and I gotta say, WTF happened? The other books were pretty good so far, especially pestilens and Call of Archaon, but this? Bland and uninspiring writing, perfectly boring at many points, and the Celestant-Prime story was truly the flattest book I ever read, just a thin spread of plotbutter for the big guy to mangle chaos jobbers on. And the "twist" I guessed after 2 pages... Dammit GW, you can do so much better. Hope Wardens of the Everqueen can redeem them.
I told people here that Hammers of Sigmar was awful months ago, the week it was released. I am glad somebody shares that opinion.
I've played Warhammer Fantasy/AoS for a decade and haven't read any of the books because I assumed they would be awful, I'm more surprised any of them are good.
Pestilens especially is on par with any good WHFB novel imo, Labyrinth of the Lost (Silver Tower book) was ok, War Storm is ok, some parts are less good, Ghal Maraz I actually liked, especially the fluff part in Azyr, as it's always good to see the fluff in what the factions are fighting for. Gates of Azyr was a good intro to the setting, and I've yet to read about the Fyreslayers.
Maybe I'll have to have a read. I do kind of miss the old world but what fluff I have read of AoS isn't as middle-school tier as people make it out to be, some of it is definitely very cool.
That said, I don't really care about the lore, I just like the models.
I like to spin a little story about the hows and whys for my dudes, so I feel a need to ground it in the fluff.
I play Tzeentch Chaos - generally just mumble something about chosen of the gods and 'just as planned'
So how did your boss dude turn to chaos? How did they get to where they are, what are their goals? Only khorne fanbois can get away with "skulls for the skull throne, idk lol"
I always liked the idea of the Norscans. They are pretty much regular dudes who worship the Gods of Chaos much like anyone else worships Sigmar. My leader is just a warrior from a Norscan tribe who received favour from Tzeentch after a whole bunch of raids in the old world. In WHFB, he was a Daemon Prince, but he's now a Lord on Daemonic mount. I'm either retconning his ascension or making it due to some Warp fuckery after the collapse of the old world.
He came out of the warp sometime during the Age of Sigmar and was gifted a following of Tzeentch daemons, who were riding on the winds of magic in exchange for recovering an artefact from a particularly boisterous rabble of Greenskinz. While working towards this goal, he was constantly hounded by his rival, a Khorne Lord who wanted the artefact for himself. However, neither had a large enough warband to take the greenskins on by themselves. Despite the odds, he kept harrassing and skirmishing with their army. and after a particularly intense defeat, the Khorne Lord decided to ride to his aid and save him from the greenskins, turning the tide and securing the artefact (just as planned).
Now, they need to come to terms with the fact that both of them need the artefact for their respective gods, and neither of them can best the other in combat so can't risk fighting each other. For now, they are focusing on wiping out the rest of the Greenskinz, and preparing for an Ironjawz Warlord who's pursuing them to get the artifact back.
Seriously, do you even Tzeentch?
Any Sylvaneth news?
Yeah, it's part of an ongoing escalation campaign I'm doing with my friends. I'm planning on betraying the Khorne guy at some stage, don't worry. While I have a Maw-Crusha and several Orcs after me is not the ideal time.
Hey Veeky Forums, I've taken a look at the Fyreslayers and they just soften up my little heart. The miniatures are meh, but the idea of having a whole band of slayers just waddling about and killing things appeals to me, yet I have a slight problem. I fucking loathe the idea of Age of Sigmar, but I have also heard that GW is soon implemented a point cost system into it, and it might change my view on things.
So here is my question: Should I start a Fyreslayer collection now, or wait till they actually bring out the point system? If I am to start at all, that is.
You may as well wait til they bring out the points so you can actually plan your army. Until then I'd just say see if you can try a game with Fyreslayers in store and see if you like it.
The closest GW-store to me is in the other end of my country (Denmark), so I hardly think that is a possibility, unless other Hobby stores have armies they let customers borrow.
Do you have local gaming clubs? Members might let you borrow if they have.
That's cool. I got a little backstory for my elves, even for another elf config that I haven't collected yet, and some for tzeentch, and I still need to fluff up my ghouls, they had a backstory, but that evaporated with the battletome, and new ideas that sprung from there.
how will he protect us from the beetle
Anyone got a pdf or something of the Mail Order preorder mage card?
The point system won't be perfect, but it will be good enough to start playing fairly balanced games (ie: no more 5x Nagash vs 5x Kairos Fateweaver nonsense)
I would wait for the point system, it's only 3 weeks away
Have any of you guys played any fun custom campaigns yet? Im just curious becuase I want to make my own narritive campaign with my friends
There was one on the FV pages with each army had 1 dwarf character each, and you needed to get him to the tavern in the centre of the table and roll a 6+, plus 1 per turn he searched to find a special item. That could be turned into a campaign, I feel, maybe "The Quest for the last cask of Bugman's XXXXXX"
That sounds like a Warcraft III fan map, which is great to me.
It was a three-way between tzeentch, stormcast and ironjawz I think. Looked like plenty fun.
Is the Grimwrath berzerker effective or at least usable??
Why would you play anyone who brought that to the table in the first place?
Because a narrative is being forged.
Sup Veeky Forums. I was never into Warhammer Fantasy but recently got interested because of the Total War game. So what is the Age of Sigmar? I only remember two things from this board:
1) There are space marines now
2) They threw out any sort of listbuilding and said just play with whatever you want
Are those still true, and how is Age of Sigmar different from what we see in the Total War game with Acheron and Karl Franz?
>how is Age of Sigmar different from what we see in the Total War game with Acheron and Karl Franz?
Archaon won and destroyed the old world
Karl Franz died but got reborn as Sigmar. There are now 8 realms, one for each wind of magic. Sigmar has Azyr and tried to reclaim other realms from Chaos. It's more heroic, less gritty and more or less totally different.
Heroes from Warhammer Fantasy are gods in Age of Sigmar.
It's a completely different game, both stylistically and mechanically. The Old World from WHFB doesn't exist anymore in AoS in any real way.
Is going too hard for you, you degenerate?
OP should include these links in the OP just in case people need spoonfeeding.
>The Old World from WHFB doesn't exist anymore in AoS in any real way.
The core of the Old World rests in Azyr. To save new worlds everywhere, Stormcast are armoured and armed with the "flesh" of a dead world
That's true. There are things that carried over but the Old World as a setting, a particular place and time, is pretty much gone.
>Read the designer interview for the Silver Tower
>They confirm that the Warrior Priest is indeed 7 foot tall
What are they feeding them in Azyr?
For what it's worth, I enjoyed Wardens of the Everqueen. I know what you mean about the Celestant-Prime story though.
True story. Who thought trusting a wizard in a tzeentch-dominated country could ever be a good idea?
Why do you even bother with obvious bait?
Do you honestly think he doesn't know how to use google?
Maybe he's just a lazy ass as most people on the internet.
>tfw playing exiled blood cult against oruks greenskins big mob
Who the fuck thought a "win every combat this turn" button was a good idea?
>tfw picking up extra shifts to pay for the generals compendium day one
stop trying to win and forge a narrative instead
Why do you want to win so bad? Enjoy yourself and don't let the WAACs get you.
The short story showed infighting groups. So it makes sense to include them.
almost June where the fuck is my Beatle Sylvaneth motherfucker?!
Almost June where the fuck is my Motherfucking Beatle son of a Beach?!
Kek fot the Kroak
What base size should I use for my hellcannons? The black one is the base I used for fantasy.
none is a shitty choice
Looking at your circles, it'd have to be the 130. That or some wonky oval one.
What? I'm asking what I should be using lol
I really like how the one is in this pic, and I think it's 130, because he has the chains and the crew all on it. I've thought about a riptide oval base and it looks a bit wonky.
Hope this help
As someone who has a love of Roguelikes bordering on sexual, is Silver Tower sort of like a Roguelike on TT?
I like the look of it.
Yeah I'd say that was a 130.
Skulls for the skull throne!
Yeah, pretty much. It's a dungeon crawler with a bunch of tables that determines what happens when you roll a certain die, or to determine what enemies will do, or what enemies you'll encounter. There's also a thing where every round, a player takes over as a sorta-DM and determines some things.
It's also a fairly easy to learn game. I just played my first last night and really enjoyed it.
Tabletop-art.de, german bits-makers.
what hero did you play?
So how are the sales?
Yeah. It's totally random every time starting from rooms to behaviour, for example in our first trial, in the first room we almost wiped and we were fucked all along and almost wiped again at the boss. On the second trial though we barely met any enemies, and even if we did, those were scuttlings, and we just slaughtered them as they appeared. It was quite easy, but then again, it is totally random. The thing is with the silver tower that it is so easy to implement homebrew stuff (even A DM role) that you can always make it more difficult. What bothers me though, that some of the heroes seems very OP. For example the Sigmarine with the bow and the slaughterpriest.
The Mistweaver. Very nice mix of support and damage.
The rest of the party was a Darkoath Chieftain, Warpriest, and that Rune dwarf character.
Guys, guys, guys....
What if Stormcasts are actually just shiny space marines of the Great Crusade and all the mortals in the realms are just too primitive to realize it and their "glory and magic" is just really advanced technology?
>"guys, guys, WHAT IF IT'S ALL A DREAM XD"
my friend played mistweaver, I played Darkoath chieftain. Mistweaver is very good, seems balanced. Darkoath - well, not bad, but I never managed to pull of his extra renown ability. Otherwise he is ok, I would say balanced, not OP at all.
Better than 40k
Whos the Thrall of age of sigmar?
Whos the Varian of Age of Sigmar?
Do you guys know what base the dragon ogres go on now? I'm trying to switch them over.
That was NEVER an issue. Ever.
If you agreed to play against that then you were the problem.
I have never experienced it but that scenario existing as a possibility makes the game worse
There isn't really a good comparison. Age of Sigmar (Warhammer in general) is more multifaceted than the kids cartoon black-and-whiteness of Warcraft.
>this thing that will never happen is making the game worse.
I don't... I don't get how people have trouble over this.
Walk away. It's quite simple. Don't play it. You have the ultimate balancing tool in your power.
If people pop down multiple Nagashes then nobody will play them. The end. No ifs or buts.
The Grimwrath Berzerker has a nice mini & rules, as do the Hearthguard Berzerkers for a bodyguard, you could pick them up & start painting them in the meanwhile.
I have no idea where to buy & play in Denmark, but SCGT / www.scrollbuilder.com are good starting points for now. You can always play using proxies before you buy specific units.
If you want to expand beyond them eventually (as it's not a huge army) then a Runepriest + other Dwarfs would be handy, & the Ironbreakers/Irondrakes & Longbeards/Hammerers are newer dual-kits.
he looks pretty fuckin fighty to me, especially with that "Dead, But Not Defeated" rule, just have some buddies nearby to help
Well, he is a black athlete/warrior after all
my greenskins lose a lot to my Clan Skryre + Stormvermin/fiends buddy, what comp. are you guys using??
no reference pictures on GW? H-how big is the rectangular one it's on now??
Page 5 has a chart--GW has not officially condoned base sizes/conversions, but SCGT is about as close are you can get to an official tournament right now, & they have a chart here
>There isn't really a good comparison. Age of Sigmar (Warhammer in general) is more multifaceted than the kids cartoon black-and-whiteness of Warcraft.
Why are there no nice female hero models? I vaguely remember the Wood Elves had some? My gf wants to play silver tower but there's only one woman I can see who is mistweaver.
Yeah, unfortunately, they cycled-out one of the best-looking female models (in my opinion), which was the Handmaiden of the Everqueen. It was prone to issues, since it was Finecast, like the ponytail would snap off very easily, but it looked great.
I like AoS, but...
user that wanted to go half / half on the Age of Sigmar starter box; you there?
Im another user, and im lookin for someone who wants the chaos half as well
Im in the Eu, so if you are in the US its better to wait for that other guy.
Different user, but where in the EU?
I'm looking for the Bloodbound.
Italy. Shipping shouldn't be too harsh inside the EU.
>The AoS rule book with points will have official 6 scenarios, points for everything, including Tomb Kings etc. It will cost 20 euros and is huge. It's coming out end of June or July.
>Alarielle is not on a giant beetle, she's flying above it. She's huge, Nagash's size.
>A new set of collecting boxes are coming for AoS: Around 20 euros for a "ready to play" set. For example: 5 Liberators vs 5 Blood Warriors, etc. I forgot if they have paint in it too or not, but they will have scenarios and rules, everything to be played right away and initiate new players.
Source is some dude on faeit, so make of that what you will.
Ireland. Hmm I must look into this more.
>5 Liberators vs 5 Blood Warriors
>It will cost 20 euros and is huge.
That's a pretty damn good price for a big game book.
Guarantee you will still have faggots screaming about how expensive it is and will someone scan it.
People... whatever you do please don't give them what they want when the book comes out.