Why FoW is great? and why aren't you playing?
Force of Will
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I am playing it. The power creep is becoming insane but its still better than magic. The new set though is insane.
The possiblities of abusing the new fairy cards gets me hard. I almost want to build a second fairy deck a bit more midrangey to work better with Titiana and Oberon. I honestly dont like Oberon with the current aggro fairy deck, he doesn't do much for it. Yeah quickcast is nice, but it doesn't mean much as Viviane already effectively gives it to everything. Its much better in a mind games build running counters so you can leave your mana open and just cast everything on your opponents turn. Im curious to see how they handle Titiana using convoke. If they allow you to tap things that have just been played as the tapping is not for one of their abilities, a la mtg rules, she will definitely see a ton of play. Outside of that she'll only really see play in more miderangey Oberon builds.
I do. But I'm poor as fuck, so I can't do any of the new stuff. I'm still back in Shadow Tribal. Still pretty strong, though. Top four at my FLGS every tourney.
>why FoW is great?
idk you tell me
>and why aren't you playing?
the art looks stupid as hell which is enough to keep me away
>Why is FoW great?
I don't know. You tell me.
>Why aren't you playing?
Because the art is cringe as hell and I don't want to be a weeaboo.
>meaning a goddamn thing in FoW
Shit son, you can build any deck not running cheshire for under 50. Fairies costs maybe 30 and stands up to anything not red. Gill control is 50 if you can make the deck work without Apollo, add 15 if you want to throw 3-4 in to make your big ass beater flying. Most of that cost is the Black Moons Memoria, you dont need Rulers to splash a second color, though it does slow you down a turn or two. Kaguya 3.0 Control decks will run you about 60, with half of that being Moonbreezes, Apollos, and Kaguya herself. And all three are ACC legal so youll have them for another 15 months before they rotate out. Theres no "I'm too poor to play" with FoW, everything is dirt cheap aside from a few staples.
how bad is the second hand market? are cards 10 bucks each ?
Only cards can think of that even approach $10 range are Ruler's Memoria (nearly goddamn mandatory if you have more than 4 regalia in your deck and want to really be competitive), and some Rulers. Cheshire cat is an exception but she rotates soon anyway. Your only real money sinks will be some select regalia, stones, and possibly ruler. Everything else generally runs between pennies up to 2-3 dollars for the competitively popular super rares.
Nah fuck this game
>and why aren't you playing?
Every time I try to play... I end up masturbating furiously for 2 hours.
Damn sexy game art.
>and why aren't you playing?
I don't like card games in general and filtered all the MtG threads already. You are next.
Because MTG is better
It's great because it's almost like playing the old days of magic but with better art and recognizable characters. Most of the people in my shop that start playing do so because they know who Lancelot or who Alice is and want to build decks around them whereas new magic players see unfamiliar faces and get turned off by it sometimes.
I'd be at peace with this card if there ends up being a little more counter play then wind refuge, hopefully one of the unrevealed cards. Also fuck anyone who thinks this card is the answer to R/R, this card fucks up the new BoA rulers fiercely, much more so then it does to R/R. The only viable rulers will remain those that have some combination of good ruler side abilities, a good flip effect, enough momentum that moonbeam won't matter (Shion), and/or enough control that they can buy time, run a deck splashed with black to moonbeam you, and wait out refuge if needed (Kaguya). I expect 80% R/R in tournaments and some Shion/kaguya/blazer in tournaments unless they've got some real meta-swinging trump cards in the unrevealed cards.
Isn't Ancient Magic only one per deck or some such?
>spoilers for new set
>more fairies
>on top of the fairies that were spoiled on Tuesday
There's been no mention of this other then that "it will be significant in the future." I think they would have been straight forward with this if this were the case when BoA drops.
Seems to be rather important since it's labeled differently, and I really can't see them allowing more than 1 of those per deck since it's such an absolute.
>posts the one with pants
It gives them some creative control over it if it cripples the meta for the next 15 months. They could very well create more ancient magic in a future release and create some high cost "protection against ancient magic" regalia or something to keep it in check.
At least Knights of the Round is getting a bit more support soon as well.
Please let there be based Raita art. My dick will be diamonds.
>not playing based fairies in the year of our Lord 2012+4
As someone who was already running fairies and was just hoping for some minor support so I wouldn't have to end up running Kaguya 3.0 SB so I can splash green for Sprint, this shit has been amazing. Today opens up a very viable secondary Kaguya Fairies archetype going WUG
>playing against Arla
>opens up with 3 bows
Fuck life.
Fairies are dope though, fairies deck was pretty stagnant with running 20 some weenies, Vivianne, maybe Gwiber, and a hair of support. Now it at least has some options and good mid range builds.
It's nice that they get support, but I wish it wasn't two spoilers in a row. I want to see some other things.
I feel you. I can't remember if all we are getting stone-wise is the rulers, but god I wish they'd throw us some better mana fixing that isnt dual stone abuse.
I believe the only rulers we get are the memorias.
And Arla is the best one.
Yeah, and I'm not too crazy about most of them. Machina 1.0 teamed up with the new machines is going to be crazy though.
I meant are we getting more special stones than just the rulers. I'd love some more moon support, or something to help WUG more. I desperately want to build Crocoshark Rezzard for shenanigans, and Kaguya 3.0 Bunnies
Isn't there a possibility that's a boy?
I'm conflicted on dual stones.
On one hand, I really want there to be good fixing other than running Kaguya 3.0, Sylvia, or a fuckton of regalia for Ruler's Memoria.
On the other hand, should these alpha tier duel lands get reprinted we're just back were we were with amazingly free mana bases.
>play beast tribal
>opponent playing The Arsonist deck
>late game, we're in turn 3 of 5 before it's a tie
>he drops Susanowo
>he has +10 banished cards so his keeper of past is a 1100/1100
>My guys are dead except for one elvish priest
>draw into Beast Queen's Counterattack
>use rapid growth two times, on the elf (900/1200)
>use Counterattack on the elf, making him a 1300/1600 and having him fight the Susanowo
>then attack his keeper of past
>survive the next turn due to Refrain's bouncing ability.
Why is this card so good?
I want less stuff like Ruler's memoria and dual stones and more stuff like what we're seeing in BoA, except maybe a little stronger so that there is a little incentive for color loyalty. Right now most the best decks just run 4x ruler's and splash everything they can get away with.
Yeah it's pretty wicked, free buff and snipe attack without tapping on your turn and thus under your terms of engagement can wreck shit.
Why is the alternate art in FoW so amazing?
>Not Lancelot.jpg
He's like an armor-clad human version of Pepe. Some of the holiday art is fun though, and I like glimpse of kaguya alt.
He is rather glorious.
For you, user.
any idea when we'll find out more about vingolf 2, after BoA comes out?
I want to fuck Piruruk.
You're late.
How to tell your FoW opponent's personality by their Lancelot:
>Anime Lancelot
Edgelord. Has a smirk on his face as he 4000-0s you. You almost catch him faintly whisper under his breath: "nothing personnel, kid". Is a rulesfag and will scrutinize any play you make that causes him to lose momentum. Will either call a judge over or will pull up the comprehensive pdf file to try and find a rule in his favor. Copied a tournament-winning Blazer deck card for card.
>Female Lancelot
New to the game. Makes some offhand comment about how Lancelot being a woman is stupid. His deck is complete shit. He also does not know how Lancelot's 700 damage nuke works and insists on arguing about it. Will complain about how one of your cards is "cheap" and that the game is broken because of stupid design. Hates the game for "pandering to weebs" and plans on quitting tomorrow.
>Worlds Lancelot
Supreme gentleman. Looks you in the eye with confidence and lets you know that, win or lose, he hopes you both have fun. Has some unique variation to his deck that inspires you to start working on a new deck after the match. If he loses, it's due to some bad draws, but he doesn't complain about it. If he wins, he commends you for the hard fought battle. Shakes your hand firmly before and after the match.
Getting that one was one of the better guys that I've had. Bought two of those Melgis and Faria dual decks when a local shop was about to just eBay them for next to nothing. Sad the dual will stones are leaving, but I think they're coming back in some facet for Vingolf 2.
>still playing Lancelot
>FoW Saber will never be competitively viable.
A shame.
>Why aren't you playing?
The art is always 1) moe trash 2) rejected Dark Souls concepts or 3) softcore anime porn
The game's life totals use big numbers for no reason, you can drop the last two digits off and the game is exactly the same
Will works the exact same way as Mana does in MtG, right down to the archetypes each represent
And do you seriously think this artwork is good in any way? Holy shit lrn 2 anatomy
What's a good way to build Shion and Kaguya decks?
With Bors being added , he's going to be even more useful than he already is. Knights of the Round Table decks are getting a bit more support, so that's nice to see.
Yes, and?
I'm still experimenting around with Kaguya. Going to try a little matchstick girl setup with her soon since I hear it's great.
Shion I find is best flipping as fast as humanly possible. Run 4 Hydromonica and Laevaetinn to make her swing on the flip. Use Hydromonica to ensure Celestial Wing Seraph is on top deck and pull out CWS + Lucifer on the flip. Insane pressure and you can just go in swinging with Shion since she loves sacking Laevaetinn to flip back to ruler side, just to set up the combo again. Splash black for Space time anomaly...horribly broken card.
Then this could be an interesting addition to the decks as well. But, it could also open things to Demonflame and various other terrible bits to counter it.
so how dead is this game in the u.s.?
Its really booming at my local shop. Maybe we have around 16 people that come regularly.
Is the new set really over powered? Are there any new mechanics besides shift? I'm new to fow and enjoy it since it has less bs than magic.
Welp. That actually convinced me. I'm out. I'm going to sell my Force of Will deck and just hop onto the Dice Masters train. Fuck this stupid shit.
Nope. Lancelot requires him to attack first on any round. It's clearly designed to BE lancelot's friend, but terrible oversight ruins it.
>Is the new set really over powered?
What do you mean?
When he enters the field as well for the buff too.
idk about overpowered but it has some meta changing cards. Its adding some board wipe mechanics while also adding a way to deal with j-rulers. Should make an interesting meta but I dont think they made cards that are strictly better.
The salt over Black Moonbeam is just beginning.
I'm still willing to bet it's one per deck.
Well then.
Ches is flat! FLAT!
Has anyone ever ordered anything from 'Coolstuffinc' before?
>Why FoW is great?
It isn't.
>why aren't you playing?
Because I have an IQ above 50.
You're a bit late.
What tier are alice fairies? Just pulled 2nd FA Fairy's Memoria and a FA Fairy Queen.
I can say from experience that I immensely dislike playing against Fairy decks.
Higher than anyone gives her credit. I run her in my meta and only struggle with Red Aggro matchups, which is probably the worst matchup for fairies. Beats regular Alice's World handily, and still beats Pumpkin Witch AW, though typically 2-1. Still have somehow never gotten matched up with our resident R//R Sacred Beasts guy, but from what I've seen of how he plays I could probably take him.
>tfw playing AW with Alice Fairies
>vomit out a hand with 2 Light Sprites early
>proceed to just gain life and chip away at anything they have to block
>let them combo AW for 4 consecutive turns
>don't even get down to starting life total, didn't bother blocking
This was before I realize how retarded I was for not running Sprint and more than 2 Viviannes. Relied heavily on just vomiting out fairies and flipping Alice early to just have a massive beat stick. Champ of that match was mainboarding Holy Grail as protection for Alice
One last shitpost, I promise.
Would you say it's worth ~45 bucks? That's the price after I factor in all the cards from it I currently own. How long could I play it for? Would it be enough to win a free locals?
I'd definitely say its worth it, especially with the support we're getting in BFA. The only thing that might rotate on you is your mana base, depending on what you run. Personally I run 4 Fairy's Memoria, 4 Moonbreeze's Memoria, and 2 Light Stones, just to keep it ACC. You'll have everything for it for the next ~15 months in New Frontiers. And it'll likely win you some games at your locals, depends on how red heavy the meta is for how much you'll win. In ACC though and NF rotation it'll be close to T0, I only see Knights being a problem for it with the amount of support they got. If you want a decklist of what I'm running here it is:
2 Nimue
3 Lunar Ibis
3 Protection of the Seraph
3 Adombrali(honestly just a place holder until BFA)
3 Moonbreeze Fairy
3 Excalibur, Spirit God's Sword
4 Water Sprite
4 Light Sprite
4 Viviane
4 Black Moon Fairy
4 Wind Sprite
4 Flame Sprite
4 Fairy's Memoria
4 Moonbreeze's Memoria
2 Light Stones
3 Wall of Wind
3 Sprint of the Beast Lady
1 Friend from Another World, Kaguya
3 Rewriting Laws
2 Beat of the Phoenix Wings(I like it as a board wipe for anything else focused on vomiting shit out)
3 Gwiber(placeholder)
My sideboard is a little bit of a mess until BFA comes out, but the big things I'm looking at are the new 100/600 light fairy and the quickcast green one drop. Plus the 2 drop dig or buff. Kaguya's in there for mana fixing if flipping Alice is too slow so I can Sprint some poor bastard to death.
has the game become anything resembling balanced yet
quit because when I played everyone was running (if you'll excuse mtg color usage) GBR control bullshit and I couldn't even pretend to compete with my monored unless I lucked into drawing multiple copies of that nonbasic hoser burn spell
Its a little more balanced depending on your meta. In mine we have NecroLance(formerly AW), R//R Sacred Beasts, Gill Control, Fairies, Dark Alice Control, Arla Angels, Machina Ramp, Puss in Boots Combo, and a few others, with those as the power-players.
People are shifting more toward ACC, which shits on red pretty hard as they lose Cthuga and Ame. If you're still worried, in September dual stones rotate, though we may see them reprinted in Vingolf 2.
>dual stones rotate
Hallelujah. Honestly, that was part of my gripe - green could too easily search those out, which meant they could run whatever other colors they wanted.
>we may see them reprinted
Well fuck.
We still don't know what all is going to be in Vingolf 2, but I do wonder what all they'll be adding in since a lot of decks will be losing access to that business.
>why FoW is great?
Because of the art?
>and why aren't you playing?
Don't care for card games. Art is nice though.
Fairy queen has had a hard life, her ruler side and terms of J activate are pretty shit. She'll get a little help from Oberon and some of the new spoiled cards, but she'll need it with the new board wipe.
Fairies deck itself has been great, sadly to date R/R is generally considered best ruler for it.
So when is the new set out?
BFA releases July 1. New Vingolf releases July 29.
A form of dual stones is confirmed, its just a matter of how you read the translation if they confirmed identical duals or something more like shocklands
Man, I wish I could have multiple carts on TCGplayer. See, I was gonna netdeck this guy, but seeing your deck it's obvious his is missing a few cards. What do you think of this?
I already sold out of this game at GP Charlotte. While we were driving up there I saw this card, when we got to the convention center I sold off my cats and other money cards. i will hold onto my stupid cthulu deck, but there is no point in playing this game anymore.
So this just destroys the J-ruler in the ruler zone? Does it die-die or does it become an astral ruler?
Man, if you just can't get magic stones, I may quit too
It says 'J-ruler', meaning it has to be in the field to use it and kill it. If it's still not flipped, the card does nothing
Well, that's not too bad. There's other cards that destroy "j/resonators", that's j-ruler or resonator, right?
His manabase is a problem as 6/10 are Grimm Cluster, so they won't be legal at any AGPs and a lot of ARGs, and rotate out of NF in September. I used to actually run similar to his manabase, but 2 each of Shade and Gusting with 2 Moonbreezes. It worked well because it gave the the mana for jamming Sprint as a wincon and allowed me to basically have 6 FMs, but any higher than 2 shade and I'd routinely get fucked by manabase.
He has literally no purpose for rewriting laws other than card draw, so thats 4 dead cards mainboard I see, Adding in Laying the Foundation is just retarded. Another 4 dead cards. If he was worried about card draw, just run 4 of Forsee. Grand Cross is kind of a waste as 90% of the time you'd want to use it, one of yours is going to be the biggest thing on the board. Its at most a sideboard Lance/Ame/Necro hate card. I used to run Protection of the Fairies, but then realized how much of a dead draw it can be and how little I would use Awakening on Nimues and Elaines. Protection of the Seraph is honestly better for protecting a Viviane. Arthur is nice, but isn't a mainboard card. Fairy mainboard needs to be 100% aggro with little in the way of protection. I only run Nimue to tell FKS to fuck off, otherwise shes meh at best and could be replaced by Elaines for more damage. His entire sideboard is a mess aside from R//R. Why he is not running Moonbreeze Fairy with moon support is beyond me, and why theres no sign of Black Moon Fairy is just retarded. "Oh you killed my Viviane? Cool, I'll just chump block your shit and get her back."
With his manabase he should have been running Sprint and Wall of Wind as 3 of's, jammed Moonbreeze Fairy and Black Moon Fairy for more Viviane fodder at the very least, gotten rid of all of his non resonator spells save Excalibur, and possibly jammed in some Gwibers as nice "fuck you" fodder.
Look up the Charlotte ARG Top 8 list from a few weeks ago. It's where I got the inspiration to run Lunar Ibis to abuse the fuck out of fuckloads of life gain with Light Sprite, board wiping with Flame Sprite, or just swinging with fuckhuge fairies. I didn't like Ibis when I first saw it, but I now realize just how much of a champ it is in any deck that can play it. Swung for full life total in a game yesterday abusing Ibis and Wolf in the Moonlight in my Kaguya deck. Built boardstate while telling his shit to fuck right off with Wolf and aggro hate in Cherudim and Crescent Moon Magician, and of course a couple Walls because just saying "no" to something being played is so satisfying. Nothing better than no-ing a Cthuga incarnate.